DeerLab is a comprehensive free scientific software package for Python focused on modeling, penalized least-squares regression, and uncertainty quantification. It also provides specialized models and tools for the analysis of dipolar EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy techniques such as DEER (double electron-electron resonance), and others.
DeerLab’s Key Applications¶
Modeling of dipolar EPR signals
Uncertainty quantification of dipolar EPR signals
Multi-pathway modeling support
Comapactness criterion to improve background selection
Global fitting of multiple datasets simultaneously
… and much more!
Getting Started with DeerLab¶
We have a User Guide that explains how to install and use DeerLab. In addition, we have a set of examples that demonstrate how to use DeerLab for various applications, from basic to advanced.
In addition, there is both a cheatsheet that can be downloaded and printed for quick reference, and a online workshop that covers the basics of DeerLab.