# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a set of scripts that pretend to be an xepr spectromter, this allows for the further development of
this code without having to be sat in front of an actual spectrometer:
Manufactuer: Hugo Karas (me)
Model: DUMMY
Features: The most relibable Bruker EPR spectromter in the world (possibly?)
import re
import numpy as np
import deerlab as dl
import time
import os
import random as rand
from .XeprAPI_link import XeprAPILink,dataset
import logging
hw_log = logging.getLogger('hardware.dummy')
class dummy_api(XeprAPILink):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._tmp_dir = None
self.meta = hardware_meta # This will become more neuanced eventually. Currentlty this is sufficent.
def find_Xepr(self):
self.Xepr = dummy_xepr()
def is_exp_running(self):
# Since all experiments are instantaneous this has to be always false
return False
def acquire_scan(self):
return self.acquire_dataset()
def acquire_scan_at(self, scan_num: int):
return self.acquire_dataset()
def acquire_scan_2d(self):
return self.acquire_dataset()
def compile_PulseSpel_def(self):
def compile_PulseSpel_prg(self):
def set_PulseSpel_var(self, variable: str, value: int):
# This should be expanded into a dictionary that can then effect the simulation. In an ideal world
def run_exp(self):
hw_log.info('Experiment started')
def stop_exp(self):
hw_log.info('Experiment stopped')
def abort_exp(self):
hw_log.info('Experiment aborted')
class dummy_cur_exp:
def __init__(self):
# if experiment == "DEER_quick":
# print("Experiment set to: DEER_quick")
# self.NbScansToDo = dummy_param(0,10000,int,112)
# self.SweepsPExp = dummy_param(0,10000,int,112) # This is the same as scans in a 1D experiment
# self.ShotsPLoop = dummy_param(0,10000,int,4) # This is the same as shots per point
# self.XSpecRes = dummy_param(0,10000,int,256) # This is the length of the X direction
# self.NbScansDone = dummy_param(0,self.NbScansToDo,int,0) # Intially zero scans have been done
# self.FTAcqModeSlct = dummy_param(None,None,str,'Run from PulseSPEL')# Setting teh acquistion mode
# self.PlsSPELPrgPaF = dummy_param(None,None,str,'rand_path') # Pulse Spel Experiment Path
# self.PlsSPELGlbPaF = dummy_param(None,None,str,'rand_path') # Pulse Spel Definitions Path
# self.PlsSPELLISTSlct = dummy_param(None,None,str,'Phase Cycle') # Selecting the phase cycling
# self.PlsSPELEXPSlct = dummy_param(None,None,str,'Experiment') # Selecting the Experiment
# self.ReplaceMode = dummy_param(None,None,bool,False) # Setting the replace mode state
# elif experiment == "DEER_std":#TODO
# print("Experiment set to: DEER_std")
# self.NbScansToDo = dummy_param(0,10000,int,2000)
# self.SweepsPExp = dummy_param(0,10000,int,112)
# elif experiment == "2D_DEC":#TODO
# print("Experiment set to 2D Dec")
self.ShotRepTime = dummy_param(0,100000,int,6000)
self.NbScansToDo = dummy_param(0,10000,int,112)
self.SweepsPExp = dummy_param(0,10000,int,112) # This is the same as scans in a 1D experiment
self.ShotsPLoop = dummy_param(0,10000,int,4) # This is the same as shots per point
self.XSpecRes = dummy_param(0,10000,int,256) # This is the length of the X direction
self.NbScansDone = dummy_param(0,self.NbScansToDo,int,0) # Intially zero scans have been done
self.FTAcqModeSlct = dummy_param(None,None,str,'Run from PulseSPEL')# Setting teh acquistion mode
self.PlsSPELPrgPaF = dummy_param(None,None,str,'rand_path') # Pulse Spel Experiment Path
self.PlsSPELGlbPaF = dummy_param(None,None,str,'rand_path') # Pulse Spel Definitions Path
self.PlsSPELLISTSlct = dummy_param(None,None,str,'Phase Cycle') # Selecting the phase cycling
self.PlsSPELEXPSlct = dummy_param(None,None,str,'Experiment') # Selecting the Experiment
self.ReplaceMode = dummy_param(None,None,bool,False) # Setting the replace mode state
self.CenterField = dummy_param(0,15000,int)
self.FrequencyMon = dummy_param(33,35,float)
self.SweepWidth = dummy_param(0,10000,int,300)
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""This method returns a given parameter class for the name provided
:param name: The name of parameter needed
:type name: string
:return: Instance of dummy_param class corresponding to the searched name
:rtype: dummy_param class
if '.' in name:
# This removes the category allowing the paramter class to be found
name = name.split('.')[1]
def getParam(self,name:str):
"""Extracts a paremeter from the current exeperiment
:param name: The name of the parameter to be extracted
:type name: string
:return: An instance of the parameter class for the given paramter name
:rtype: parameter Class
return getattr(self,name)
def aqExpRun(self):
#Dummy function, for running the experiment
print('Dummy Experiment running')
class dummy_param:
def __init__(self,min,max,type=int,par=None):
self.aqGetParMaxValue = max
self.aqGetParMinValue = min
self.val = par
if (par == None) & (type == int): # If no value is given a random one is picked
self.val = rand.randint(self.aqGetParMinValue,self.aqGetParMaxValue)
def value(self):
return self.val
def value(self, par):
self.val = par
class dummy_xepr:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.cur_exp = dummy_cur_exp()
self.hidden = dummy_hidden()
def XeprExperiment(self,hidden=None):
if hidden == None:
# return dummy_cur_exp("DEER_quick")
return self.cur_exp
elif hidden == "AcqHidden":
return self.hidden
def XeprDataset(self): # Returns the current dataset
cur_exp = self.cur_exp
hidden = self.hidden
# Generates simulated DEER data
def generateDEER(num_points,max_time):
Modified from an example in DEERlab.
Copyright 2019-2021, Luis Fábregas Ibáñez, Stefan Stoll, and others.
t = np.linspace(0,max_time/1000,num_points) # time axis, µs
r = np.linspace(2,5,200) # distance axis, nm
param = [3, 0.1, 0.2, 3.5, 0.1, 0.65, 3.8, 0.05, 0.15] # parameters for three-Gaussian model
P = dl.dd_gauss3(r,param) # model distance distribution
lam = 0.3 # modulation depth
B = dl.bg_hom3d(t,300,lam) # background decay
K = dl.dipolarkernel(t,r,mod=lam,bg=B) # kernel matrix
Vexp = K@P + dl.whitegaussnoise(t,0.01,seed=0) # DEER signal with added noise
return t, Vexp
def generateCarrPurcell(num_points,max_time):
t = np.linspace(0,4000,256)
V = np.exp(-((t*3e-3)/(4.2))**4)
noise = np.random.normal(0, .05, V.shape) *np.array([1+1j])
Vexp = V + noise
return t, Vexp
def generate2D(numpoints,max_time):
t = np.linspace(0,max_time,numpoints)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(t, t)
def fun_2d(x,y):
return (np.exp(-((x*2.8e-3)/(4.2))**4) + np.exp(-((y*2.8e-3)/(4.2))**4))
Z = fun_2d(X,Y)
noise = np.random.normal(0, .05, Z.shape) *np.array([1+1j])
return [t,t],Z+noise
def generate_hahn_echo_transient(numpoints,phase,phase_offset=0.2):
def gaussian(t,a,b,c,phase):
return a * np.exp(-(t-b)**2/c) * np.exp(-1j*(phase+phase_offset))
t = np.arange(0,numpoints,1)
noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=0.1,size=t.shape) + 1j * np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=0.03,size=t.shape)
V = gaussian(t,1,numpoints/2,numpoints*2,phase) + noise
return t,V
def generate_phase_experiment(numpoints,pg,phase,phase_offset=0.2):
vals = np.zeros(numpoints)
vals = vals + 1j* vals
t = range(0,numpoints)
for i in t:
ta,V = generate_hahn_echo_transient(pg,phase,phase_offset)
vals[i,] = np.trapz(V,x=ta)
return t, vals
if cur_exp.PlsSPELEXPSlct.value == 'DEER':
t,V = generateDEER(250,4000)
return dummy_dataset(t,V)
elif cur_exp.PlsSPELEXPSlct.value =='2D Dec. 64':
t,V = generate2D(64,4000)
return dummy_dataset(t,V)
elif cur_exp.PlsSPELEXPSlct.value =='Carr Purcell exp':
t,V = generateCarrPurcell(250,4000)
return dummy_dataset(t,V)
elif cur_exp.PlsSPELEXPSlct.value =='tau 2 scan':
t,V = generateCarrPurcell(250,4000)
return dummy_dataset(t,V)
elif cur_exp.PlsSPELEXPSlct.value == 'Hahn Echo':
def phases(x,range):
m = 6/range *np.pi
c = -3*np.pi
return m*x + c
if cur_exp.PlsSPELLISTSlct.value == 'MainPhase':
phase_setting = hidden['SignalPhase'].value
phase = phases(phase_setting,hidden['SignalPhase'].aqGetParMaxValue)
elif cur_exp.PlsSPELLISTSlct.value in ['BrXPhase','BrYPhase','MinBrXPhase','MinBrYPhase']:
phase_setting = hidden[cur_exp.PlsSPELLISTSlct.value].value
phase = phases(phase_setting,hidden[cur_exp.PlsSPELLISTSlct.value].aqGetParMaxValue)
print("Sorry, This can not be simulated yet, returning Main Phase")
phase_setting = hidden['SignalPhase']
phase = phases(phase_setting,hidden['SignalPhase'].aqGetParMaxValue())
t,V = generate_phase_experiment(10,512,phase)
return dummy_dataset(t,V)
print("Sorry, This can not be simulated yet, returning white noise")
t = np.linspace(0,2500,250)
noise = np.random.normal(0, .1, t.shape) *np.array([1+1j])
return dummy_dataset(t,noise)
class XeprCmds:
def aqPgShowPrg():
# Opens the Pulse Spel Panel, obvs does nothing
def aqPgCompile():
# Compiles Pulse Spel, obvs does nothing
def aqExpSelect(exp):
# Would normally select the experiment, dummy does nothing
def aqPgLoad(filepath):
# Loads the pulse spel program, does nothing
def aqPgDefLoad(filepath):
# Loas the pulse spel definitions file, does nothing
def aqPgDefSaveAs(path):
def aqPgSaveAs(path):
def vpSave(viewpoint:str,title:str,path:str):
class dummy_hidden:
# This is a dummy version of the hidden class containing the extra current experiment features
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.SignalPhase = dummy_param(0,4095,type=int,par=rand.randint(0,4096))
self.BrXPhase = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.BrYPhase = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.MinBrXPhase = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.MinBrYPhase = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.BrXAmp = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.BrYAmp = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.MinBrXAmp = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
self.MinBrYAmp = dummy_param(0,100,type=float,par=rand.random())
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""This method returns a given parameter class for the name provided
:param name: The name of parameter needed
:type name: string
:return: Instance of dummy_param class corresponding to the searched name
:rtype: dummy_param class
if '.' in name:
# This removes the category allowing the paramter class to be found
name = name.split('.')[1]
def getParam(self,name:str):
"""Extracts a paremeter from the current exeperiment
:param name: The name of the parameter to be extracted
:type name: string
:return: An instance of the parameter class for the given paramter name
:rtype: parameter Class
return getattr(self,name)
class dummy_dataset:
def __init__(self,t,V) -> None:
self.O = V
self.size = np.shape(V)
if len(self.size) == 1:
self.X = t
elif len(self.size) == 2:
self.X = t[0]
self.Y = t[1]