pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis ========================= .. py:module:: pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis Classes ------- .. toctree:: :hidden: /autoapi/pyepr/fieldsweep_analysis/FieldSweepAnalysis /autoapi/pyepr/fieldsweep_analysis/SpinSystem .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.FieldSweepAnalysis pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.SpinSystem Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.create_Nmodel pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.erot pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.eyekron pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.kroneye pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.ham pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.ham_ez pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.ham_nz pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.resfields pyepr.fieldsweep_analysis.build_spectrum Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: create_Nmodel(mwFreq) Create the field sweep model for a Nitroxide spin system. :Parameters: **mwFreq** : float The microwave frequency in MHz .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: erot(*args) Passive rotation matrix. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: eyekron(M) Calculates the Kronecker product of the identity matrix with a matrix M. Parameters: M (np.ndarray): The matrix to be multiplied with the identity matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: The Kronecker product of the identity matrix with M. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: kroneye(M) Computes the Kronecker product of a matrix with the identity matrix of the same size. Args: M (numpy.ndarray): The matrix to compute the Kronecker product with. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The Kronecker product of M with the identity matrix of the same size. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: ham(SpinSystem, elspins=None, nucspins=None) .. py:function:: ham_ez(SpinSystem, B=None, espins=None) .. py:function:: ham_nz(SpinSystem, B=None, nspins=None) .. py:function:: resfields(system, Orientations, mwFreq, computeIntensities=True, RejectionRatio=1e-08, Range=(0, 100000000.0), Threshold=0, computeFreq2Field=True) .. py:function:: build_spectrum(system, mwFreq, Range, knots=19, npoints=1000, Guass_broadening=0.25) Build a field sweep spectrum :Parameters: **system** : SpinSystem The spin system it must include: I & S spins, g, A, gn **mwFreq** : float The microwave frequency in MHz **Range** : float The field range in mT **knots** : int, optional The number of knots of orientation averaging, by default 19 **npoints** : int, optional The number of points in the spectrum, by default 1000 :Returns: xAxis: np.ndarray The xAxis in mT y: np.ndarray The spectrum intensities normalised to 1 .. !! processed by numpydoc !!