pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU ========================== .. py:module:: pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.hw_log Classes ------- .. toctree:: :hidden: /autoapi/pyepr/hardware/Bruker_MPFU/BrukerMPFU .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.BrukerMPFU Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.step_parameters pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU._MPFU_channels pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU._SPFU_channels pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.get_specjet_data pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.tune_power pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.tune_phase pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.MPFUtune pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.ELDORtune pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.SPFUtune pyepr.hardware.Bruker_MPFU.test_if_MPFU_compatability Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: hw_log .. py:function:: step_parameters(interface, reduced_seq, dim, variables) .. py:function:: _MPFU_channels(sequence) Idenitifies how many unique MPFU channels are needed for a sequence and applies the correct Channel infomation to each pulse. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: _SPFU_channels(sequence, ELDOR=True) Idenitifies how many unique MPFU channels are needed for a sequence and applies the correct Channel infomation to each pulse. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: get_specjet_data(interface) .. py:function:: tune_power(interface, channel, tol=0.1, maxiter=30, bounds=[0, 100], hardware_wait=3, echo='abs', save=True) Tunes the attenuator of a given channel to a given target using the standard scipy optimisation scripts. :Parameters: **channel** : str The chosen MPFU channel. Options: ['+', '-', '+', '-'] **tol** : float, optional The tolerance in attenuator parameter, by default 0.1 **maxiter** : int, optional The maximum number of iterations in the optimisation, by default 30 :Returns: float The optimal value of the attenuator parameter .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: tune_phase(interface, channel, target, tol=0.1, maxiter=30, bounds=[0, 100], hardware_wait=3) Tunes the phase of a given channel to a given target using the standard scipy optimisation scripts. :Parameters: **channel** : str The chosen MPFU channel. Options: ['+', '-', '+', '-'] **target** : str The target echo position, this can either be maximising (+) or minimising (-) either the real (R) or imaginary (I) of the echo. Options: ['R+', 'R-', 'I+', 'I-'] **tol** : float, optional The tolerance in phase parameter, by default 0.1 **maxiter** : int, optional The maximum number of iterations in the optimisation, by default 30 :Returns: float The optimal value of the phase parameter .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: MPFUtune(interface, sequence, channels, echo='Hahn', tol = 0.1, bounds=[0, 100], tau_value=550) .. py:function:: ELDORtune(interface, sequence, freq, MPFU=True, tau_value=550, test_tp=16, plot=False, save=True) .. py:function:: SPFUtune(interface, sequence, flip_power, echo='Hahn', tol = 0.1, bounds=[0, 60], tau_value=550) .. py:function:: test_if_MPFU_compatability(seq)