pyepr ===== .. py:module:: pyepr Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 /autoapi/pyepr/_version/index /autoapi/pyepr/classes/index /autoapi/pyepr/colors/index /autoapi/pyepr/config/index /autoapi/pyepr/criteria/index /autoapi/pyepr/dataset/index /autoapi/pyepr/fieldsweep_analysis/index /autoapi/pyepr/hardware/index /autoapi/pyepr/pulses/index /autoapi/pyepr/relaxation_analysis/index /autoapi/pyepr/resonator_profile_analysis/index /autoapi/pyepr/sequences/index /autoapi/pyepr/tools/index /autoapi/pyepr/utils/index Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.__copyright__ pyepr.log pyepr.primary_colors pyepr.ReIm_colors pyepr.primary_colors pyepr.cmap pyepr.primary_colors Classes ------- .. toctree:: :hidden: /autoapi/pyepr/Parameter /autoapi/pyepr/Interface /autoapi/pyepr/Parameter /autoapi/pyepr/Pulse /autoapi/pyepr/Detection /autoapi/pyepr/Delay /autoapi/pyepr/RectPulse /autoapi/pyepr/Sequence /autoapi/pyepr/HahnEchoSequence /autoapi/pyepr/T2RelaxationSequence /autoapi/pyepr/FieldSweepSequence /autoapi/pyepr/ReptimeScan /autoapi/pyepr/CarrPurcellSequence /autoapi/pyepr/ResonatorProfileSequence /autoapi/pyepr/TWTProfileSequence /autoapi/pyepr/Parameter /autoapi/pyepr/Pulse /autoapi/pyepr/Detection /autoapi/pyepr/Delay /autoapi/pyepr/RectPulse /autoapi/pyepr/GaussianPulse /autoapi/pyepr/FrequencySweptPulse /autoapi/pyepr/HSPulse /autoapi/pyepr/ChirpPulse /autoapi/pyepr/SincPulse /autoapi/pyepr/Criteria /autoapi/pyepr/TimeCriteria /autoapi/pyepr/SNRCriteria /autoapi/pyepr/Parameter /autoapi/pyepr/FieldSweepAnalysis /autoapi/pyepr/SpinSystem /autoapi/pyepr/Sequence /autoapi/pyepr/CarrPurcellAnalysis /autoapi/pyepr/HahnEchoRelaxationAnalysis /autoapi/pyepr/ReptimeAnalysis /autoapi/pyepr/ResonatorProfileAnalysis .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.Parameter pyepr.Interface pyepr.Parameter pyepr.Pulse pyepr.Detection pyepr.Delay pyepr.RectPulse pyepr.Sequence pyepr.HahnEchoSequence pyepr.T2RelaxationSequence pyepr.FieldSweepSequence pyepr.ReptimeScan pyepr.CarrPurcellSequence pyepr.ResonatorProfileSequence pyepr.TWTProfileSequence pyepr.Parameter pyepr.Pulse pyepr.Detection pyepr.Delay pyepr.RectPulse pyepr.GaussianPulse pyepr.FrequencySweptPulse pyepr.HSPulse pyepr.ChirpPulse pyepr.SincPulse pyepr.Criteria pyepr.TimeCriteria pyepr.SNRCriteria pyepr.Parameter pyepr.FieldSweepAnalysis pyepr.SpinSystem pyepr.Sequence pyepr.CarrPurcellAnalysis pyepr.HahnEchoRelaxationAnalysis pyepr.ReptimeAnalysis pyepr.ResonatorProfileAnalysis Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: pyepr.build_table pyepr.sop pyepr.transpose_dict_of_list pyepr.transpose_list_of_dicts pyepr.save_file pyepr.autoEPRDecoder pyepr.gcd pyepr.val_in_us pyepr.val_in_ns pyepr.add_phaseshift pyepr._gen_ESEEM pyepr.round_step pyepr.val_in_ns pyepr.val_in_us pyepr.add_phaseshift pyepr._gen_ESEEM pyepr.create_Nmodel pyepr.build_table pyepr.autoEPRDecoder pyepr.build_table pyepr.sop pyepr.autoEPRDecoder pyepr.build_default_pulses pyepr.get_waveform_precision pyepr.set_waveform_precision pyepr.sop pyepr.create_Nmodel pyepr.erot pyepr.eyekron pyepr.kroneye pyepr.ham pyepr.ham_ez pyepr.ham_nz pyepr.resfields pyepr.build_spectrum pyepr.detect_ESEEM pyepr.plot_1Drelax pyepr.ceil pyepr.floor pyepr.calc_overlap pyepr.BSpline_extra pyepr.optimise_spectra_position Package Contents ---------------- .. py:data:: __copyright__ :value: '2021-2024, Hugo Karas, Gunnar Jeschke, Stefan Stoll' .. py:function:: build_table(source, params, params_widths) .. py:function:: sop(spins, comps) Spin Operator Matricies. This function is ported from EasySpin ( References: +++++++++++ [1] Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger EasySpin, a comprehensive software package for spectral simulation and analysis in EPR J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006) [2] Stefan Stoll, R. David Britt General and efficient simulation of pulse EPR spectra Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6614-6625 (2009) :Parameters: **spins** : list A list of each spin and its spin qunatum number **comps** : str The type of spin operator matrix to create. Options are: x,y,z,+,-,e .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: transpose_dict_of_list(d) Turns a dictionary of lists into a list of dictionaries. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: transpose_list_of_dicts(d) Turns a list of dictionaries into a dictionary of lists. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: save_file(path, str) .. py:function:: autoEPRDecoder(dct) .. py:function:: gcd(values) Generates the greatest common dividor on a list of floats :Parameters: **values** : list _description_ .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: val_in_us(Param, axis=True) Returns the value or axis of a parameter in microseconds :Parameters: **Param** : autodeer.Parameter The parameter to be converted :Returns: float or numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: val_in_ns(Param) Returns the value or axis of a parameter in nanoseconds :Parameters: **Param** : autodeer.Parameter The parameter to be converted :Returns: float or numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: add_phaseshift(data, phase) Adds a phase shift to the data :Parameters: **data** : numpy.ndarray The data to be phase shifted **phase** : float The phase shift in degrees :Returns: numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: _gen_ESEEM(t, freq, depth) Add an ESEEM modulation to a time domain signal :Parameters: **t** : numpy.ndarray The time domain signal **freq** : float The modulation frequency **depth** : float The modulation depth :Returns: numpy.ndarray The .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: round_step(value, step) .. py:function:: val_in_ns(Param) Returns the value or axis of a parameter in nanoseconds :Parameters: **Param** : autodeer.Parameter The parameter to be converted :Returns: float or numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: val_in_us(Param, axis=True) Returns the value or axis of a parameter in microseconds :Parameters: **Param** : autodeer.Parameter The parameter to be converted :Returns: float or numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: add_phaseshift(data, phase) Adds a phase shift to the data :Parameters: **data** : numpy.ndarray The data to be phase shifted **phase** : float The phase shift in degrees :Returns: numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: _gen_ESEEM(t, freq, depth) Add an ESEEM modulation to a time domain signal :Parameters: **t** : numpy.ndarray The time domain signal **freq** : float The modulation frequency **depth** : float The modulation depth :Returns: numpy.ndarray The .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: create_Nmodel(mwFreq) Create the field sweep model for a Nitroxide spin system. :Parameters: **mwFreq** : float The microwave frequency in MHz .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: build_table(source, params, params_widths) .. py:function:: autoEPRDecoder(dct) .. py:function:: build_table(source, params, params_widths) .. py:function:: sop(spins, comps) Spin Operator Matricies. This function is ported from EasySpin ( References: +++++++++++ [1] Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger EasySpin, a comprehensive software package for spectral simulation and analysis in EPR J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006) [2] Stefan Stoll, R. David Britt General and efficient simulation of pulse EPR spectra Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6614-6625 (2009) :Parameters: **spins** : list A list of each spin and its spin qunatum number **comps** : str The type of spin operator matrix to create. Options are: x,y,z,+,-,e .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: autoEPRDecoder(dct) .. py:function:: build_default_pulses(AWG=True, SPFU=False, tp=12) .. py:data:: log .. py:function:: get_waveform_precision() .. py:function:: set_waveform_precision(precision) .. py:function:: sop(spins, comps) Spin Operator Matricies. This function is ported from EasySpin ( References: +++++++++++ [1] Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger EasySpin, a comprehensive software package for spectral simulation and analysis in EPR J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006) [2] Stefan Stoll, R. David Britt General and efficient simulation of pulse EPR spectra Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6614-6625 (2009) :Parameters: **spins** : list A list of each spin and its spin qunatum number **comps** : str The type of spin operator matrix to create. Options are: x,y,z,+,-,e .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: primary_colors :value: ['#D95B6F', '#42A399', '#E1AE38'] .. py:data:: ReIm_colors :value: ['#D61B00', '#00BBD6'] .. py:function:: create_Nmodel(mwFreq) Create the field sweep model for a Nitroxide spin system. :Parameters: **mwFreq** : float The microwave frequency in MHz .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: erot(*args) Passive rotation matrix. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: eyekron(M) Calculates the Kronecker product of the identity matrix with a matrix M. Parameters: M (np.ndarray): The matrix to be multiplied with the identity matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: The Kronecker product of the identity matrix with M. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: kroneye(M) Computes the Kronecker product of a matrix with the identity matrix of the same size. Args: M (numpy.ndarray): The matrix to compute the Kronecker product with. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The Kronecker product of M with the identity matrix of the same size. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: ham(SpinSystem, elspins=None, nucspins=None) .. py:function:: ham_ez(SpinSystem, B=None, espins=None) .. py:function:: ham_nz(SpinSystem, B=None, nspins=None) .. py:function:: resfields(system, Orientations, mwFreq, computeIntensities=True, RejectionRatio=1e-08, Range=(0, 100000000.0), Threshold=0, computeFreq2Field=True) .. py:function:: build_spectrum(system, mwFreq, Range, knots=19, npoints=1000, Guass_broadening=0.25) Build a field sweep spectrum :Parameters: **system** : SpinSystem The spin system it must include: I & S spins, g, A, gn **mwFreq** : float The microwave frequency in MHz **Range** : float The field range in mT **knots** : int, optional The number of knots of orientation averaging, by default 19 **npoints** : int, optional The number of points in the spectrum, by default 1000 :Returns: xAxis: np.ndarray The xAxis in mT y: np.ndarray The spectrum intensities normalised to 1 .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: primary_colors :value: ['#D95B6F', '#42A399', '#E1AE38'] .. py:function:: detect_ESEEM(dataset, type='deuteron', threshold=1.5) Detect if the dataset is an ESEEM experiment. :Parameters: **dataset** : xr.DataArray The dataset to be analyzed. **type** : str, optional The type of ESEEM experiment, either deuteron or proton, by default 'deuteron' **threshold** : float, optional The SNR threshold for detection, by default 1.5 :Returns: bool True if ESEEM is detected, False if not. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:data:: cmap :value: ['#D95B6F', '#42A399'] .. py:function:: plot_1Drelax(*args, fig=None, axs=None, cmap=cmap) Create a superimposed plot of relaxation data and fits. :Parameters: **args** : ad.Analysis The 1D relaxation data to be plotted. **fig** : Figure, optional The figure to plot to, by default None **axs** : Axes, optional The axes to plot to, by default None **cmap** : list, optional The color map to use, by default ad.cmap .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: ceil(number, decimals=0) .. py:function:: floor(number, decimals=0) .. py:function:: calc_overlap(x, func1, func2) Calcuates the overlap between two functions. :Parameters: **x** : np.ndarray The x axis of the functions **func1** : function The first function **func2** : function The second function :Returns: float The overlap between the two functions. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: BSpline_extra(tck_s) .. py:function:: optimise_spectra_position(resonator_profile, fieldsweep, verbosity=0) .. py:data:: primary_colors :value: ['#D95B6F', '#42A399', '#E1AE38']