pyepr.sequences.Sequence ======================== .. py:class:: pyepr.sequences.Sequence(*, name, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, **kwargs) Represents an experimental pulse sequence. Represents an experimental pulse sequence. :Parameters: **name** : str The name of this pulse sequence **B** : float The magnetic field for this sequence in Gauss. **LO** : float The central frequency of this sequence. I.e. The frequnecy at which a zero offset pulse is at. **reptime** : float The shot repetition time in us. **averages** : int The number of scans to be accumulated. **shots** : itn The number of shots per point. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: pulses :value: [] .. py:attribute:: num_pulses .. py:attribute:: axes_uuid :value: [] .. py:attribute:: reduce_uuid :value: [] .. py:attribute:: LO .. py:attribute:: averages .. py:attribute:: shots .. py:attribute:: name .. py:attribute:: progTable .. py:method:: plot() .. py:method:: plot_pulse_exc(FieldSweep=None, ResonatorProfile=None) .. py:method:: addPulse(pulse) Adds a pulse to the next position in the sequence. :Parameters: **pulse** : Pulse The object describing the pulse. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: _estimate_time() Calculates the estimated experiment time in seconds. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: _buildPhaseCycle() .. py:method:: evolution(params, reduce=[]) Sets what parameters are being evolved in the sequence, and which are being automatically. `self.evo_params = params` :Parameters: **params** : list A list of Parameter objects which are being evolved. Each every entry in the list will be a new axis in the sequence. Only one parameter per axis should be specified. **reduce** : list A list of Parameter objects which are being reduced. These are the parameters which are being averaged over. These parameters should also be in the params list. :Returns: **progTable** : dict A dictionary containing the progression of the sequence. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: _buildProgTable() .. py:property:: seqtable_steps .. py:method:: adjust_step(waveform_precision) Adjust the step size of all axes and pulses to be an integer multiple of the waveform precision This is to ensure that the waveform is generated correctly by the specific AWG :Parameters: **waveform_precision** : float The precision of the waveform in ns .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: shift_detfreq_to_zero() .. py:method:: _checkRect() Checks if all the pulses in the sequence are rectangular. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: __str__() .. py:method:: copy() .. py:method:: _to_dict() .. py:method:: _to_json() .. py:method:: save(filename) Save the sequence to a JSON file. :Parameters: **filename** : str Path to the JSON file. :Returns: None .. :Raises: TypeError If the object cannot be serialized to JSON. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: _from_dict(dct) :classmethod: .. py:method:: _from_json(JSONstring) :classmethod: .. py:method:: load(filename) :classmethod: Load an object from a JSON file. :Parameters: **filename** : str Path to the JSON file. :Returns: **obj** : Sequence The Sequence loaded from the JSON file. :Raises: FileNotFoundError If the file does not exist. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!