.. py:class:: DEERSequence(*, tau1, tau2, tau3=None, tau4=None, dt, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, ESEEM_avg=None, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`Sequence` Represents a DEER/PELDOR sequence. Build a DEER sequence using rectangular pulses :Parameters: **tau1** : int or float The first interpulse delay in us **tau2** : int or float The second interpulse delay in us **dt** : int or float The time step for DEER measurment in ns **B** : int or float The B0 field, in Guass **LO** : int or float The LO frequency in GHz **reptime** : _type_ The shot repetition time in us **averages** : int The number of scans. **shots** : int The number of shots per point **tau3** : int or float, optional The delay between the first static pump pulse in 5-pulse DEER and the 1st refocusing pulse in us, by default None. If the value is None then a 4-pulse sequence is created, otherwise a 5-pulse. **ESEEM_avg: str** Selecting the ESEEM averaging required. ESEEM averaging works by introducing small stepping in the first tau delay and averaging across them all. Options: * `proton` - 8 small steps of 8ns * `deuteron` - 8 small steps of 16ns * None - default .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: name :value: "'DEERSequence'" .. py:attribute:: tau1us .. py:attribute:: tau1 .. py:attribute:: tau2 .. py:attribute:: dt .. py:attribute:: deadtime :value: '200' .. py:attribute:: ESEEM :value: 'False' .. py:method:: add_ESEEM_avg(type=None) .. py:method:: three_pulse(tp=16) Build a four pulse DEER sequence. :Parameters: **tp** : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: four_pulse(tp=16, relaxation=False) Build a four pulse DEER sequence. :Parameters: **tp** : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: five_pulse(tp=16, relaxation=False, re_step=50, re_dim=100) Build a five pulse DEER sequence. :Parameters: **tp** : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: seven_pulse(tp=16, relaxation=False) Build a seven pulse DEER sequence. :Parameters: **tp** : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: nDEER_CP(n, tp=16, relaxation=False, pcyc='Normal') Generate an nDEER sequence. The sum of tau1 and tau2 is used as total trace length. :Parameters: **n** : int The number of refocusing pulses **tp** : int, optional _description_, by default 16 **relaxation** : bool, optional _description_, by default False **pcyc: str, optional** Normal: Phases cycles pump and observer pulses, no DC cycle NormalDC: Phases cycles pump and observer pulses, DC cycle Obs: Phases cycles observer pulses, no DC cycle ObsDC: Phases cycles and observer pulses, DC cycle .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: select_pcyc(option) Choose which DEER phase you would like. .. |xp| replace:: x\ :sub:`p` .. table:: :width: 150 :widths: 10 10 10 5 30 30 5 +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | Phase cycle | Short Code | Sequence | Steps | Pulse Phase Cycle | Remaining Echoes | Ref. | +===========================+=============+================+========+===========================+=============================+============+ | (x)x|xp|x | DC | ALL | 2 | [+(+x)-(-x)] | PE12rp, SE(PE12)p3, PE12rpr3| | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | (x)[|xp|]x | 8step_3p | 3 pulse | 8 | [+(+x)-(-x)] | | | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | x[x][|xp|]x | 16step_4p | 4 pulse | 16 | [+(+x)-(+y)+(-x)-(-y)] | | [1] | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+ +-----------------------------+------------+ | x|xp|[x][|xp|]x | 16step_5p | 5 pulse | 16 | [+(+x)+(+y)+(-x)+(-y)] | PEp02r3,b PE1p0r2r3b | [1] | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | x[x]|xp|(x)(|xp|)(|xp|)x | 32step_7p | 7 pulse | 32 | | | [1] | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ :Parameters: **option** : str The short code of the phase cycle. See table above. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: simulate()