.. py:class:: RefocusedEcho2DAnalysis(dataset, sequence = None) Analysis and calculation of Refocused Echo 2D data. :Parameters: **dataset** The dataset to be analyzed. **sequence** : Sequence, optional The sequence object describing the experiment. (not currently used) .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: axis :value: '[]' .. py:attribute:: dataset .. py:attribute:: data .. py:method:: _smooth(elements=3) Used SVD to smooth the 2D data. :Parameters: **elements** : int, optional The number of elements to use in the smoothing, by default 3 :Returns: np.ndarray The smoothed data. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: plot2D(contour=True, smooth=False, norm='Normal', axs=None, fig=None) Create a 2D plot of the 2D relaxation data. :Parameters: **contour** : bool, optional Plot the contour of the data, by default True **norm** : str, optional Normalise the data, by default 'Normal'. Options are 'Normal' and 'tau2'. With 'tau2' normalisation, the data is normalised to the maximum of each row. **axs** : Axes, optional The axes to plot to, by default None **fig** : Figure, optional The figure to plot to, by default None .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: plot1D(axs=None, fig=None) Create a 1D plot of the 2D relaxation data. :Parameters: **axs** : Axes, optional The axes to plot to, by default None **fig** : Figure, optional The figure to plot to, by default None .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: find_optimal(type, SNR_target, target_time, target_step, averages=None) Calculate the optimal inter pulse delay for a given total measurment time, using either 4pulse or 5pulse data. :Parameters: **type** : str The type of data to use, either '4pDEER' or '5pDEER' **SNR_target** : float The Signal to Noise ratio target. **target_time** : float The target time in hours **target_step: float** The target step size in ns. **averages** : int, optional The total number of shots taken, by default None. If None, the number of shots will be calculated from the dataset. :Returns: tau1: float The calculated optimal tau1 in us tau2: float The calculated optimal tau2 in us .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: optimal_tau1(tau2=None)