:py:mod:`autodeer.gui.main` =========================== .. py:module:: autodeer.gui.main Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: autodeer.gui.main.WorkerSignals autodeer.gui.main.Worker autodeer.gui.main.autoDEERUI Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: autodeer.gui.main.fieldsweep_fit autodeer.gui.main.respro_process autodeer.gui.main.relax_process autodeer.gui.main.T2_process Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: autodeer.gui.main.package_directory autodeer.gui.main.SampleConcComboBox_opts autodeer.gui.main.app .. py:data:: package_directory .. py:data:: SampleConcComboBox_opts .. py:class:: WorkerSignals Bases: :py:obj:`autodeer.gui.tools.QtCore.QObject` Defines the signals available from a running worker thread. Supported signals are: finished No data error tuple (exctype, value, traceback.format_exc() ) result object data returned from processing, anything progress int indicating % progress .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: finished .. py:attribute:: error .. py:attribute:: result .. py:attribute:: progress .. py:class:: Worker(fn, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`autodeer.gui.tools.QtCore.QRunnable` Worker thread Inherits from QRunnable to handler worker thread setup, signals and wrap-up. :param callback: The function callback to run on this worker thread. Supplied args and kwargs will be passed through to the runner. :type callback: function :param args: Arguments to pass to the callback function :param kwargs: Keywords to pass to the callback function .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: fn .. py:attribute:: args .. py:attribute:: kwargs .. py:attribute:: signals .. py:method:: run() Initialise the runner function with passed args, kwargs. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: fieldsweep_fit(fsweep_analysis, fit) .. py:function:: respro_process(dataset, f_lims, fieldsweep=None, cores=1) .. py:function:: relax_process(dataset) .. py:function:: T2_process(dataset) .. py:class:: autoDEERUI Bases: :py:obj:`autodeer.gui.tools.QMainWindow` .. py:attribute:: logo_pixmap .. py:attribute:: q_DEER .. py:attribute:: longDEER .. py:attribute:: threadpool .. py:attribute:: current_results .. py:attribute:: current_data .. py:attribute:: pulses .. py:attribute:: spectromterInterface :value: 'None' .. py:attribute:: waitCondition :value: 'None' .. py:attribute:: queue .. py:attribute:: docs_url .. py:attribute:: github_url .. py:attribute:: issues_url .. py:attribute:: discussion_url .. py:attribute:: current_folder :value: 'None' .. py:attribute:: config :value: 'None' .. py:attribute:: connected :value: 'False' .. py:attribute:: DL_params .. py:attribute:: worker :value: 'None' .. py:attribute:: starttime .. py:attribute:: Bruker :value: 'False' .. py:attribute:: userinput .. py:attribute:: LO :value: '0' .. py:attribute:: gyro :value: '0.002803632236095' .. py:attribute:: cores :value: '1' .. py:attribute:: Min_tp :value: '12' .. py:attribute:: deer_settings .. py:attribute:: priorties .. py:attribute:: correction_factor :value: '1' .. py:method:: set_spectrometer_connected_light(state) .. py:method:: load_folder(*args, folder_path=None) .. py:method:: load_epr_file(store_location) .. py:method:: load_spectrometer_config(filename=None) .. py:method:: select_resonator() .. py:method:: change_LO() .. py:method:: connect_spectrometer() .. py:method:: raise_warning(message) .. py:method:: save_data(dataset, experiment) .. py:method:: fsweep_toolbar() .. py:method:: respro_toolbar() .. py:method:: relax_toolbar() .. py:method:: update_fieldsweep(dataset=None) .. py:method:: create_fieldsweep_figure() .. py:method:: refresh_fieldsweep_after_fit(fitresult) .. py:method:: update_respro(dataset=None) .. py:method:: create_respro_figure() .. py:method:: refresh_respro(*args) .. py:method:: optimise_pulses_button() .. py:method:: optimise_pulses(pulses=None) .. py:method:: update_optimise_pulses_figure() .. py:method:: update_relax(dataset=None) .. py:method:: create_relax_figure() .. py:method:: refresh_relax_figure() .. py:method:: refresh_relax(fitresult) .. py:method:: initialise_deer_settings() .. py:method:: update_deer_settings() .. py:method:: update_relax2D(dataset=None) .. py:method:: update_T2(dataset=None) .. py:method:: check_T2(fitresult) .. py:method:: check_CP(fitresult) .. py:method:: refresh_T2(fitresult) .. py:method:: advanced_mode_inputs() .. py:method:: update_quickdeer(dataset=None) .. py:method:: update_longdeer(dataset=None) .. py:method:: update_reptime(dataset=None) .. py:method:: timeout() Creates a pop up box as the experiment has timed out .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: clear_all() .. py:method:: RunAutoDEER(advanced=False) .. py:method:: RunFullyAutoDEER() .. py:method:: RunAdvancedAutoDEER() .. py:method:: create_report() .. py:data:: app