:py:mod:`autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load` ======================================== .. py:module:: autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.uwb_load autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.uwb_eval_match autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.find_max_pulse_length autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.digitally_upconvert autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.calc_percieved_freq autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.match_filter_dc autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load.scipy_filter_dc .. py:function:: uwb_load(matfile, options = dict(), verbosity=0, compress = True, mask=None, sequence=None) uwb_load This function is based upon the uwb_eval matlab function developed by Andrin Doll. This is mostly a Python version of this software, for loading data generated by Doll style spectrometers. :Parameters: **matfile** : np.ndarray _description_ **options** : dict, optional _description_, by default None **compress** : bool, optional Compresses all the scans into a single scan. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: uwb_eval_match(matfile, sequence=None, scans=None, mask=None, filter_pulse=None, filter_type='match', filter_width=None, verbosity=0, corr_phase=False, **kwargs) :Parameters: **matfile** : np.ndarray The data file to be loaded. **sequence** : ad.Sequence, optional The sequence used to generate the data. **scans** : list, optional The scans to be loaded. **mask** : list, optional The mask to be used. **filter_pulse** : ad.Pulse, optional The pulse to be used as a matched filter. If None, the maximum pulse width will be used. This is only used if filter_type is 'match' **filter_type** : str, optional The type of filter to be used. Options are 'match', 'cheby2' and 'butter. Default is 'match' **filter_width** : float, optional The width of the filter to be used. This is only used if filter_type is 'cheby2' or 'butter' **verbosity** : int, optional The verbosity of the function. Default is 0. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: find_max_pulse_length(estr) .. py:function:: digitally_upconvert(t, complex, fc) .. py:function:: calc_percieved_freq(sampling_freq, fc) .. py:function:: match_filter_dc(pulse, t, win, offset_freq) .. py:function:: scipy_filter_dc(dta, t, filter_width, offset_freq, filter_type='cheby2')