.. py:class:: dummy_hidden .. py:attribute:: SignalPhase .. py:attribute:: BrXPhase .. py:attribute:: BrYPhase .. py:attribute:: MinBrXPhase .. py:attribute:: MinBrYPhase .. py:attribute:: BrXAmp .. py:attribute:: BrYAmp .. py:attribute:: MinBrXAmp .. py:attribute:: MinBrYAmp .. py:method:: __getitem__(name) This method returns a given parameter class for the name provided :param name: The name of parameter needed :type name: string :return: Instance of dummy_param class corresponding to the searched name :rtype: dummy_param class .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:method:: getParam(name) Extracts a paremeter from the current exeperiment :param name: The name of the parameter to be extracted :type name: string :return: An instance of the parameter class for the given paramter name :rtype: parameter Class .. !! processed by numpydoc !!