.. py:class:: ELDORtune(api, d0=700, ps_length=16, srt=6000000.0) Tuning incoherent ELDOR channel for optimal power using nutation experiments :Parameters: **api** : XeprAPILink The spectrometer API object **d0** : int, optional The approximate position of d0, this should be lower than ideal, by default 700 **ps_length** : int, optional The length of the pi/2 pulse, by default 16 .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: api .. py:attribute:: d0 .. py:attribute:: ps_length .. py:attribute:: hardware_wait :value: '5' .. py:attribute:: srt .. py:method:: _setup_exp(tau1=400, tau2=400) .. py:method:: _get_exp() .. py:method:: find_min(dataset) .. py:method:: tune(target)