.. py:class:: CarrPurcellSequence(*, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, tau, n, dim=100, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`Sequence` Represents a Carr-Purcell sequence. Build a Carr-Purcell dynamical decoupling sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses. :Parameters: **B** : int or float The B0 field, in Guass **LO** : int or float The LO frequency in GHz **reptime** : _type_ The shot repetition time in us **averages** : int The number of scans. **shots** : int The number of shots per point **tau** : int The maximum total sequence length in us **n** : int The number refocusing pulses **dim** : int The number of points in the X axis .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:attribute:: name :value: "'CarrPurcellSequence'" .. py:attribute:: tau .. py:attribute:: n .. py:attribute:: dim .. py:method:: _build_sequence()