:py:mod:`autodeer.utils` ======================== .. py:module:: autodeer.utils Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: autodeer.utils.build_table autodeer.utils.sop autodeer.utils.transpose_dict_of_list autodeer.utils.transpose_list_of_dicts autodeer.utils.save_file autodeer.utils.autoEPRDecoder autodeer.utils.gcd autodeer.utils.val_in_us autodeer.utils.val_in_ns autodeer.utils.round_step .. py:function:: build_table(source, params, params_widths) .. py:function:: sop(spins, comps) Spin Operator Matricies. This function is ported from EasySpin (https://easyspin.org/easyspin/documentation/sop.html) References: +++++++++++ [1] Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger EasySpin, a comprehensive software package for spectral simulation and analysis in EPR J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006) [2] Stefan Stoll, R. David Britt General and efficient simulation of pulse EPR spectra Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6614-6625 (2009) :Parameters: **spins** : list A list of each spin and its spin qunatum number **comps** : str The type of spin operator matrix to create. Options are: x,y,z,+,-,e .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: transpose_dict_of_list(d) Turns a dictionary of lists into a list of dictionaries. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: transpose_list_of_dicts(d) Turns a list of dictionaries into a dictionary of lists. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: save_file(path, str) .. py:function:: autoEPRDecoder(dct) .. py:function:: gcd(values) Generates the greatest common dividor on a list of floats :Parameters: **values** : list _description_ .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: val_in_us(Param, axis=True) Returns the value or axis of a parameter in microseconds :Parameters: **Param** : autodeer.Parameter The parameter to be converted :Returns: float or numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: val_in_ns(Param) Returns the value or axis of a parameter in nanoseconds :Parameters: **Param** : autodeer.Parameter The parameter to be converted :Returns: float or numpy.ndarray .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. py:function:: round_step(value, step)