Jupyter Interface

Advanced users will likely want to have more control over their experiments, beyond what the GUI can provide. For this reason, autoDEER has a Jupyter interface that allows users to run experiments from within a Jupyter notebook. In this mode, the user can intercede and take control when necessary or provide modifications to the alogoithm.

In this example, we show how to run a five-pulse DEER experiment using rectangular pulses.


First, we must import all the necessary packages and the interface. In this example we are using a custom ETH-AWG interface.

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import autodeer as ad
from autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg import ETH_awg_interface
from autodeer.sequences import *
import autodeer.hardware.criteria as criteria
import time

Here we define a few starting parameters as well as initialise the interface. It is at this step that a connection between autoDEER and your spectrometer API is made.

In [2]:
gyro_N = 0.0028087 # This is just an initial guess of the gyromagnetic ratio, a more precise value will be calculated from the field sweep.
LO = 34.2172 # The is the central frequency of your resonator
reptime = 2e3 # This should be 3-5e3 when using 50K
interface = ETH_awg_interface()

Field Sweep

An Echo Detected Field Sweep (EDFS) is detected. This allows a more precise gyromagnetic ratio to be calculated. Before we can do this, we must first tune a pair of rectangular pulses.

In [3]:
p90, p180 = interface.tune_rectpulse(tp=12, LO=LO, B=LO/gyro_N, reptime = reptime)
In [4]:
fsweep = FieldSweepSequence(
    B=LO/gyro_N, LO=LO,reptime=2e3,averages=1,shots=120,
    Bwidth = 500,
    pi2_pulse=p90, pi_pulse=p180,
autoDEER Sequence Definition
Sequence Parameters:
Name       Value        Unit       Description
B          12183        Gauss      The static B0 field for the experiment
LO         34.217       GHz        The local oscillator frequency.
reptime    2000         us         The shot repetition time
averages   1            None       The number of averages to perform.
shots      120          None       The number of shots per scan.
det_window 128          None       The length of the default detection gate
time       0:4:0        HH:MM:SS   Estimated sequence run time
Bwidth     500          Gauss      Field sweep width

Events (Pulses, Delays, etc...):
iD   t (ns)   tp (ns)  scale    type           Phase Cycle
0        0       12     0.14    RectPulse      [+(+x) -(-x)]
1      500       24     0.14    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
2     1000      128    N/A      Detection

Pulse      Prog. Axis Parameter  Step       Dim        Unit
Seq        0          B          1          501        Gauss
Built by autoDEER Version: 0.4_dev
In [5]:
while interface.isrunning():
dataset = interface.acquire_dataset()
fsweep_analysis = ad.FieldSweepAnalysis(dataset)
gyro_exp = fsweep_analysis.calc_gyro(LO)

Resonator Profile

A resonator profile allows us to find the central frequency and optimise the frequency so that most of the spins are inside our ‘dip’.

In [6]:
RPseq = ResonatorProfileSequence(
    B=LO/gyro_exp, LO=LO,reptime=2e3,averages=1,shots=200,
    pi2_pulse=p90, pi_pulse=p180,
autoDEER Sequence Definition
Sequence Parameters:
Name       Value        Unit       Description
B          12182        Gauss      The static B0 field for the experiment
LO         34.217       GHz        The local oscillator frequency.
reptime    2000         us         The shot repetition time
averages   1            None       The number of averages to perform.
shots      200          None       The number of shots per scan.
det_window 128          None       The length of the default detection gate
time       0:13:38      HH:MM:SS   Estimated sequence run time

Events (Pulses, Delays, etc...):
iD   t (ns)   tp (ns)  scale    type           Phase Cycle
0        0        4        1    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
1     2000       12     0.14    RectPulse      [+(+x) -(-x)]
2     2500       24     0.14    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
3     3000      512    N/A      Detection

Pulse      Prog. Axis Parameter  Step       Dim        Unit
0          0          tp         2          33         ns
Seq        1          B          7.1201     31         Gauss
Seq        1          LO         0.02       31         GHz
Built by autoDEER Version: 0.4_dev
In [7]:
interface.launch(RPseq, savename="autoDEER-resonator_profile", IFgain=2)
while interface.isrunning():
dataset = interface.acquire_dataset()
respro = ad.ResonatorProfileAnalysis(
    nuts = dataset.data.T,
    freqs = RPseq.LO.prog[0][1],


Now we have the necessary setup experiments it is time to start thinking about DEER. A DEER experiment is normally formed from three types of pulses. An excitation π/2 pulse, a refousing π pulse and finally a pump π pulse. There will be a frequency seperation between the excitation pulse and the pump pulse.

In [8]:
exc_pulse = RectPulse(
        tp=12, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, scale=0
ref_pulse = RectPulse(
        tp=12, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, scale=0
pump_pulse = RectPulse(
        tp=12, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, scale=0
det_event = Detection(tp=512, freq=0)
In [9]:
fpump,fobs = ad.calc_optimal_deer_frqs(
exc_pulse.freq.value += fobs
ref_pulse.freq.value += fobs
det_event.freq.value += fobs
pump_pulse.freq.value += fpump
In [10]:
p90, p180 = interface.tune_rectpulse(
    tp =12, LO=LO+exc_pulse.freq.value, B=LO/gyro_exp, reptime = reptime)
p90.freq.value = exc_pulse.freq.value
p180.freq.value = p90.freq.value
CPseq = CarrPurcellSequence(
    B=LO/gyro_exp, LO=LO,reptime=2e3,averages=1,shots=200,
    n=2,tau=32e3, pi2_pulse=p90, pi_pulse=p180, det_event=det_event)
interface.launch(CPseq, savename="autoDEER-CarrPurcell", IFgain=2)
autoDEER Sequence Definition
Sequence Parameters:
Name       Value        Unit       Description
B          12182        Gauss      The static B0 field for the experiment
LO         34.217       GHz        The local oscillator frequency.
reptime    2000         us         The shot repetition time
averages   1            None       The number of averages to perform.
shots      200          None       The number of shots per scan.
det_window 128          None       The length of the default detection gate
tau        32000        ns         Total sequence length
n          2            None       The number of pi pulses
time       0:10:16      HH:MM:SS   Estimated sequence run time

Events (Pulses, Delays, etc...):
iD   t (ns)   tp (ns)  scale    type           Phase Cycle
0        0       12     0.16    RectPulse      [+(+x) -(-x)]
1     8000       24     0.16    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
2    24000       24     0.16    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
3    32000      512    N/A      Detection

Pulse      Prog. Axis Parameter  Step       Dim        Unit
1          0          t          10         770        ns
2          0          t          30         770        ns
3          0          t          40         770        ns
Built by autoDEER Version: 0.4_dev
In [11]:
while interface.isrunning():
dataset = interface.acquire_dataset()
dataset.axes[0] = dataset.axes[0]/1e3
CP_data = ad.CarrPurcellAnalysis(dataset)
tau = CP_data.find_optimal(
    averages=800,SNR_target=20/0.3, target_time=4,
    target_shrt=reptime*1e-6, target_step=0.015)
In [12]:
exc_pulse = p90
ref_pulse = interface.tune_pulse(
    ref_pulse, mode="amp_nut", B=LO/gyro_exp, LO=LO, reptime=reptime )
pump_pulse = interface.tune_pulse(
    pump_pulse, mode="amp_nut", B=LO/gyro_exp, LO=LO, reptime=reptime )
In [13]:
deer = DEERSequence(
    B=LO/gyro_exp, LO=LO,reptime=2e3,averages=30,shots=80,
    tau1=tau, tau2=tau, tau3=0.2, dt=15,
    exc_pulse=exc_pulse, ref_pulse=ref_pulse,
    pump_pulse=pump_pulse, det_event=det_event)
autoDEER Sequence Definition
Sequence Parameters:
Name       Value        Unit       Description
B          12182        Gauss      The static B0 field for the experiment
LO         34.217       GHz        The local oscillator frequency.
reptime    2000         us         The shot repetition time
averages   30           None       The number of averages to perform.
shots      80           None       The number of shots per scan.
det_window 128          None       The length of the default detection gate
time       6:49:36      HH:MM:SS   Estimated sequence run time

Events (Pulses, Delays, etc...):
iD   t (ns)   tp (ns)  scale    type           Phase Cycle
0        0       12     0.16    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
1     2400       12      0.3    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
2     2600       12     0.36    RectPulse      [+(+x) -(+y) +(-x) -(-y)]
3     2800       12      0.3    RectPulse      [+(+x) +(+y) +(-x) +(-y)]
4     7800       12     0.36    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
5    10400      512    N/A      Detection

Pulse      Prog. Axis Parameter  Step       Dim        Unit
3          0          t          15         320        ns
Built by autoDEER Version: 0.4_dev
In [14]:
In [15]:
while interface.isrunning():

dataset = interface.acquire_dataset()
fit,ROI,new_tau = ad.DEERanalysis(
    dataset.axes[0]/1000 - tau, dataset.
    data, tau, tau, tau3=0.2,
    num_points=100, compactness=True, plot=False, precision="speed")
In [16]:
tau = np.around(new_tau/2,1)
deer = DEERSequence(
    B=LO/gyro_exp, LO=LO,reptime=2e3,averages=1000,shots=50,
    tau1=tau*1e3, tau2=tau*1e3, tau3=0.2*1e3, dt=15,
    exc_pulse=exc_pulse, ref_pulse=ref_pulse,
    pump_pulse=pump_pulse, det_event=det_event)
autoDEER Sequence Definition
Sequence Parameters:
Name       Value        Unit       Description
B          12181        Gauss      The static B0 field for the experiment
LO         34.217       GHz        The local oscillator frequency.
reptime    2000         us         The shot repetition time
averages   1000         None       The number of averages to perform.
shots      50           None       The number of shots per scan.
det_window 128          None       The length of the default detection gate
time       332:0:0      HH:MM:SS   Estimated sequence run time

Events (Pulses, Delays, etc...):
iD   t (ns)   tp (ns)  scale    type           Phase Cycle
0        0       12     0.14    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
1     5600       12      0.3    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
2     5800       12     0.32    RectPulse      [+(+x) -(+y) +(-x) -(-y)]
3     6000       12      0.3    RectPulse      [+(+x) +(+y) +(-x) +(-y)]
4    17400       12     0.32    RectPulse      [+(+x)]
5    23200      512    N/A      Detection

Pulse      Prog. Axis Parameter  Step       Dim        Unit
3          0          t          15         747        ns
Built by autoDEER Version: 0.4_dev