Getting Started

autoEPR allows the user to script together multiple EPR sequences and measurements along with active-data processing to develop completely automatic push-button style experiments.

A simple automated EPR experiment would consist of these main elements:

  1. Defining the Sequence

  2. Pulse Tuning

  3. Starting the experimental sequence

  4. Stopping the experimental sequence

  5. Data processing and analysis

A more advanced experiment might contain more than one sequence and/or conduct active data analysis whilst the sequence is still running.

Setting up your script

autoEPR is a python package. Before use, it must be imported along with the correct interface.

import autodeer
from autodeer.hardware import BrukerAWG as interface

This imports the whole autoEPR which can be accessed with autoEPR.[class/function]. Meanwhile we have loaded the BrukerAWG interface which can simply be accesed with interface. This is done to keep scripts as general between interfaces.

1. Defining the sequence

The first step is creating a pulse sequence to be run. autoEPR has a built-in python-based pulse-sequencer. This can be used to easily develop a general spectrometer-independent pulse sequence. There is no need to interface with Domain Specific Languages (DSL) such as PulseSpel.

Whilst you can always write your own, many common sequences come as default in autoEPR. For a full list of standard sequences sees the sequences. Here we will look at a simple Hahn-Echo experiment.

sequence = autodeer.HahnEchoSequence(
    B = 12220, LO=34.01, reptime=3e3, averages=1e3, shots=100

# details about the sequence can be seen by pritning it

2. Tuning for the sequence

Before the sequence can be run additional tuning information must be added. This comes in the form of adding a scale value to each pulse in the sequence. There are a few ways of tuning a pulse in EPR. autoEPR supports a selection of these , however, not all spectrometer support all approaches and not all methods work for every scenario.

  1. Echo-amplitude (Amplitude sweep)

  2. Echo-amplitude (Pulse duration sweep) [Coming soon]

  3. Nutation (Amplitude sweep)

  4. Nutation (Pulse duration sweep) [Coming soon]

  5. Pulse profiles. [Coming soon]

In this basic example, we will tune using the first method. On Bruker spectrometers amplitude sweeps are not available natively however, autoEPR solves this by conducting multiple measurements at different amplitudes.

pulse = interface.tune_pulse(sequence.pulses[0], B, LO, reptime, mode="amp_nut")

This returns a modified pulse that now contains the correct scale value.

If only simple rectangular pulses of equal power are required for a setup experiment this can be done using the tune_rect function. These pulses are then cached in interface.pulses so they can be easily accessed at a later time. A set of pi and pi/2 pulses in the cache are required for tune_pulse, otherwise, they will be generated.

pi2_pulse, pi_pulse = interface.tune_rect(tp, B, LO, reptime)

The cache (interface.pulses) is a dictionary. Rectangular pulses added to the dictionary will have keys in the form of “p[90/180]_[tp]_[freq]” e.g “p90_12_34.1”. Remember that if the sample is changed or the resonator adjusted the cache needs to be cleared: interface.clear_cache().

3. Starting the sequence

Now that spectrometer is tuned and the sequence has the appropriate scaling information we can now launch the actual sequence. Only one piece of information is needed, a file name. .. code-block:: python

interface.launch(sequence, savename=”My First Sequence”)

Acquiring data from the spectrometer is trivally simple.

dataset = interface.acquire_dataset()

This returns a dataset object that contains not only the data, axes and but also extra paramaters from the sequence.

4. Stopping the sequence

Deciding when to stop a measurement is much more involved than when to start. Normally, this is done by either time or a set number of scans. Both of these are normally decided before the measurement has started and before the quality of the sample is truly known. autoEPR allows for more accurate criteria to be set such as Signal to Noise(SNR) or for dynamic criteria to be used. An example of such dynamical criteria would be in autoDEER where the distance distribution after data processing is used.

Setting termination criteria is trivially simple with autoEPR. Here is an example where we are using SNR criteria of 30.

criteria = autodeer.SNRCriteria(threshold=30)

This will test the measurement every 10 minutes to see if the threshold has been reached and then it will terminate the experiment. If a more regular or less regular interval is required, this can be specified by passing the argument test_interval= with the time period given in minutes.

If you want to terminate the experiment immediately, this is also possible. .. code-block:: python


5. Data analysis

Now we have data we need to analyse it. For standard experiments this is simple as autoEPR contains built in analysis modules however, you are free to process the data as required.

dataset = interface.acquire_dataset()
analysis = CarrPurcellAnalysis(dataset)

Next Steps

More complicated multi-step experiments can be created by combining mutliple pulse sequence into one script.

For more infomation check here: