import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import deerlab as dl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid
import logging
import importlib
from autodeer import FieldSweepAnalysis, ResonatorProfileAnalysis
import scipy.fft as fft
from deerlab import correctphase
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import re
import numbers
import scipy.signal as sig
from scipy.optimize import minimize,brute
from autodeer.colors import primary_colors, ReIm_colors
from autodeer.utils import round_step
import scipy.signal as signal
log = logging.getLogger('autoDEER.DEER')
MODULE_DIR = importlib.util.find_spec('autodeer').submodule_search_locations
# =============================================================================
def calc_identifiability(profile):
x = profile['x']
y = profile['y']
fit_func = lambda x, a, b, c: a * (x-b)**2 + c
fit_result = curve_fit(fit_func, x, y, bounds=(0, np.inf), xtol=0.001)
return fit_result[0][0]
# =============================================================================
def find_longest_pulse(sequence):
Finds the longest pulse duration in a given sequence.
sequence (Sequence): The sequence to analyze.
float: The duration of the longest pulse in microseconds.
longest_pulse = 0
for pulse in sequence.pulses:
tp =
if tp > longest_pulse:
longest_pulse = tp
return longest_pulse/1e3
def MNR_estimate(Vexp,t, mask=None):
Estimates the Modulation to Noise Ratio (MNR) of a DEER signal without fitting.
This is done by applying a low pass filter to remove noise and then finding the peaks in the signal.
Vexp : np.ndarray
The experimental DEER signal, real part only.
t : np.ndarray
The time axis of the DEER signal, in microseconds.
mask : np.ndarray, optional
The mask to apply to the data, by default None
The estimated MNR of the dataset.
if mask is not None:
Vexp = Vexp[mask]
t = t[mask]
# Vexp /= Vexp.max()
SNR = 1/dl.noiselevel(Vexp)
# Smoothing spline with a low-pass filter
b,a = signal.butter(3,0.1) # 3rd order Butterworth low-pass filter with cutoff at 0.1 MHz
Vexp_smooth = signal.filtfilt(b,a,Vexp)
min_point = np.min(Vexp_smooth)
N_points = len(Vexp_smooth)
peaks = signal.find_peaks(
Vexp_smooth, height=min_point,distance=N_points//4)
est_lam = np.sum(peaks[1]['peak_heights']-min_point)
MNR = est_lam*SNR
return MNR
def val_in_us(Param):
if len(Param.axis) == 0:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return Param.value / 1e3
elif len(Param.axis) == 1:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return (Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']) / 1e3
# =============================================================================
def DEERanalysis(dataset, compactness=True, model=None, ROI=False, exp_type='5pDEER', verbosity=0,
remove_crossing=True, **kwargs):
Vexp:np.ndarray =
if np.iscomplexobj(Vexp):
Vexp,Vexp_im,_ = dl.correctphase(Vexp,full_output=True)
elif remove_crossing:
Warning("Crossing removal only works with complex data. Skipping")
remove_crossing = False
Vexp /= Vexp.max()
# Extract params from dataset
if hasattr(dataset,"sequence"):
sequence = dataset.sequence
if == "4pDEER":
exp_type = "4pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
tau2 = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
elif == "5pDEER":
exp_type = "5pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
tau2 = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
tau3 = val_in_us(sequence.tau3)
elif == "3pDEER":
exp_type = "3pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
elif == "nDEER-CP":
exp_type = "4pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
tau2 = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
tp = find_longest_pulse(sequence)
t = val_in_us(sequence.t)
elif 't' in dataset.coords: # If the dataset is a xarray and has sequence data
t = dataset['t'].data
if 'seq_name' in dataset.attrs:
if dataset.attrs['seq_name'] == "4pDEER":
exp_type = "4pDEER"
tau1 = dataset.attrs['tau1'] / 1e3
tau2 = dataset.attrs['tau2'] / 1e3
elif dataset.attrs['seq_name'] == "5pDEER":
exp_type = "5pDEER"
tau1 = dataset.attrs['tau1'] / 1e3
tau2 = dataset.attrs['tau2'] / 1e3
tau3 = dataset.attrs['tau3'] / 1e3
elif dataset.attrs['seq_name'] == "3pDEER":
exp_type = "3pDEER"
tau1 = dataset.attrs['tau1'] / 1e3
if 'tau1' in dataset.attrs:
tau1 = dataset.attrs['tau1'] / 1e3
elif 'tau1' in kwargs:
tau1 = kwargs.pop('tau1')
raise ValueError("tau1 not found in dataset or kwargs")
if 'tau2' in dataset.attrs:
tau2 = dataset.attrs['tau2'] / 1e3
elif 'tau2' in kwargs:
tau2 = kwargs.pop('tau2')
raise ValueError("tau2 not found in dataset or kwargs")
if 'tau3' in dataset.attrs:
tau3 = dataset.attrs['tau3'] / 1e3
exp_type = "5pDEER"
elif 'tau3' in kwargs:
tau3 = kwargs.pop('tau3')
exp_type = "5pDEER"
exp_type = "4pDEER"
# Extract params from kwargs
if "tau1" in kwargs:
tau1 = kwargs.pop("tau1")
if "tau2" in kwargs:
tau2 = kwargs.pop("tau2")
if "tau3" in kwargs:
tau3 = kwargs.pop("tau3")
exp_type = kwargs.pop("exp_type")
# t = dataset.axes[0]
t = dataset['X']
if t.max() > 500:
t /= 1e3
# Find mask if needed
if remove_crossing:
mask = None
if 'pcyc_name' in dataset.attrs:
pcyc = dataset.attrs['pcyc_name']
elif 'nPcyc' in dataset.attrs: # guess pcyc
if dataset.attrs['nPcyc'] == 16:
pcyc = 'Full'
elif dataset.attrs['nPcyc'] == 2:
pcyc = 'DC'
pcyc = 'unknown'
if pcyc == 'DC' and exp_type == "5pDEER": # Remove crossing echoes
t_position = [tau1 + tau2 - tau3]
idx_position = [np.argmin(np.abs(cross - t)) for cross in t_position]
mask = np.ones_like(Vexp, bool)
for loc in idx_position:
mask &= remove_echo(Vexp, Vexp_im, loc, criteria=4, extent=3)
if "mask" in kwargs:
mask = kwargs["mask"]
noiselvl = dl.noiselevel(Vexp[mask])
elif remove_crossing and mask is not None:
noiselvl = dl.noiselevel(Vexp[mask])
noiselvl = dl.noiselevel(Vexp)
# Determine the pathways
est_MNR = MNR_estimate(Vexp,t,mask=mask)
if "pathways" in kwargs:
pathways = kwargs.pop("pathways")
if exp_type == '4pDEER':
if est_MNR < 40:
pathways = [1]
pathways = [1,2,3]
elif exp_type == '5pDEER':
if est_MNR < 40:
pathways = [1,5]
pathways = [1,2,3,4,5]
elif exp_type == '3pDEER':
pathways = [1,2]
pathways = None
if model is not None: # Compactness is only needed with model-free fitting
compactness = False
if verbosity > 1:
print(f"Experiment type: {exp_type}, pathways: {pathways}")
print(f"Experimental Parameters set to: tau1 {tau1:.2f} us \t tau2 {tau2:.2f} us")
if hasattr(dataset,"sequence"):
pulselength = tp
elif hasattr(dataset,'attrs') and "pulse0_tp" in dataset.attrs:
# seach over all pulses to find the longest pulse using regex
pulselength = np.max([dataset.attrs[i] for i in dataset.attrs if re.match(r"pulse\d*_tp", i)])
pulselength /= 1e3 # Convert to us
pulselength /= 2 # Account for the too long range permitted by deerlab
if "pulselength" in kwargs:
pulselength = kwargs.pop("pulselength")/1e3
pulselength = 16/1e3
if exp_type == "4pDEER":
experimentInfo = dl.ex_4pdeer(tau1=tau1,tau2=tau2,pathways=pathways,pulselength=pulselength)
elif exp_type == "5pDEER":
experimentInfo = dl.ex_fwd5pdeer(tau1=tau1,tau2=tau2,tau3=tau3,pathways=pathways,pulselength=pulselength)
elif exp_type == "3pDEER":
experimentInfo = dl.ex_3pdeer(tau=tau1,pathways=pathways,pulselength=pulselength)
r_max = np.ceil(np.cbrt(t.max()*6**3/2))
r = np.linspace(1.5,r_max,100)
# identify experiment
if 'parametrization' in kwargs:
parametrization = kwargs.pop('parametrization')
parametrization = 'reftimes'
if 'Vmodel' in kwargs:
Vmodel = kwargs['Vmodel']
Vmodel = dl.dipolarmodel(t, r, experiment=experimentInfo, Pmodel=model,parametrization=parametrization)
Vmodel.pathways = pathways
if compactness:
compactness_penalty = dl.dipolarpenalty(model, r, 'compactness', 'icc')
compactness_penalty.weight.set(lb=5e-3, ub=2e-1)
# compactness_penalty.weight.freeze(0.04)
compactness_penalty = None
# Cleanup extra args
extra_args = ['tau1','tau2','tau3','exp_type','model','compactness','ROI','verbosity','pulselength','Vmodel','parametrization']
for arg in extra_args:
if arg in kwargs:
# Core
if verbosity > 1:
print('Starting Fitting')
fit =, Vexp, penalties=compactness_penalty,
if verbosity > 1:
print('Fit complete')
mod_labels = re.findall(r"(lam\d*)'", str(fit.keys()))
if mod_labels == []:
mod_labels= ['mod']
lam = 0
for mod in mod_labels:
lam += getattr(fit, mod)
MNR = lam/fit.noiselvl
fit.MNR = MNR
fit.lam = lam
fit.Vmodel = Vmodel
fit.dataset = dataset
fit.r = r
fit.Vexp = Vexp
fit.t = t
fit.mask = mask
if not hasattr(fit, "P"):
fit.P = fit.evaluate(model,r)
fit.PUncert = fit.propagate(model,r, lb=np.zeros_like(r))
if ROI:
# tau_max = lambda r: (r**3) *(3/4**3)
tau_max = lambda r: (r/3)**3 * 2
fit.ROI = IdentifyROI(fit.P, r, criterion=0.90, method="gauss")
if fit.ROI[0] < 1:
fit.ROI[0] = 1
rec_tau_max = tau_max(fit.ROI[1])
fit.rec_tau_max = rec_tau_max
dt_rec = lambda r: (r**3 *0.85)/(4*52.04)
fit.rec_dt = np.max([dt_rec(fit.ROI[0]), 10e-3])
return fit, rec_tau_max
return fit
# =============================================================================
# Plotting
# =============================================================================
def background_func(t, fit):
Vmodel = fit.Vmodel
pathways = Vmodel.pathways
conc = fit.conc
prod = 1
scale = 1
if len(pathways) > 1:
for i in pathways:
if isinstance(i, list):
# linked pathway
lam = getattr(fit, f"lam{i[0]}{i[1]}")
scale += -1 * lam
for j in i:
reftime = getattr(fit, f"reftime{pathways.index(j)+1}")
prod *= dl.bg_hom3d(t-reftime, conc, lam)
reftime = getattr(fit, f"reftime{i}")
lam = getattr(fit, f"lam{i}")
prod *= dl.bg_hom3d(t-reftime, conc, lam)
scale += -1 * lam
reftime = getattr(fit, f"reftime")
lam = getattr(fit, f"mod")
prod *= dl.bg_hom3d(t-reftime, conc, lam)
scale += -1 * lam
if hasattr(fit,'P_scale'):
scale *= fit.P_scale
elif hasattr(fit,'scale'):
scale *= fit.scale
return scale * prod
def calc_correction_factor(fit_result,aim_MNR=25,aim_time=2):
Calculate the correction factor for the number of averages required to achieve a given MNR in a given time.
fit_result : Deerlab.FitResult
The fit result from the DEER analysis.
aim_MNR : float, optional
The desired MNR, by default 25
aim_time : float, optional
The desired time in hours, by default 2
The correction factor for the number of averages.
dataset = fit_result.dataset
runtime_s = dataset.nAvgs * dataset.nPcyc * dataset.shots * dataset.reptime * dataset.t.shape[0] * 1e-6
aim_time *= 3600
factor = fit_result.MNR /aim_MNR * np.sqrt(aim_time/runtime_s)
return factor
def DEERanalysis_plot(fit, background:bool, ROI=None, axs=None, fig=None, text=True):
"""DEERanalysis_plot Generates a figure showing both the time domain and
distance domain data along with extra important infomation such as the
Modulation to Noise Ratio (MNR), Region of Interest (ROI) and the
recommended dipolar evolution time for future experiments based upon the
fit : Deerlab.FitResult
background : bool
Should the background fit be plotted.
ROI : tuple, optional
The minimum and maximum of the Region of Interest (ROI),
by default None
A Matplotlib Figure object of the figure.
mask = fit.mask
t = fit.t
r = fit.r
Vexp = fit.Vexp
Vfit = fit.model
Vmodel = fit.Vmodel
pathways = Vmodel.pathways
# Calculate background
def background_func(t, fit):
conc = fit.conc
prod = 1
scale = 1
for i in pathways:
if type(i) is list:
# linked pathway
lam = getattr(fit, f"lam{i[0]}{i[1]}")
scale += -1 * lam
for j in i:
reftime = getattr(fit, f"reftime{pathways.index(j)+1}")
prod *= dl.bg_hom3d(t-reftime, conc, lam)
reftime = getattr(fit, f"reftime{i}")
lam = getattr(fit, f"lam{i}")
prod *= dl.bg_hom3d(t-reftime, conc, lam)
scale += -1 * lam
return fit.P_scale * scale * prod
if axs is None and fig is None:
fig, axs = plt.subplot_mosaic([
['Primary_time', 'Primary_time', 'Primary_dist', 'Primary_dist']
], figsize=(12.5, 6.28))
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, hspace=0.4)
# Time
if mask is not None:
t[mask], Vexp[mask], '.', color='0.7', label='Data', ms=6)
t[~mask], Vexp[~mask], '.', color='0.8', label='Data', ms=6)
axs['Primary_time'].plot(t, Vexp, '.', color='0.7', label='Data', ms=6)
axs['Primary_time'].plot(t, Vfit, linewidth=3, color=primary_colors[0], label='Fit')
# axs['Primary_time'].fill_between(t, Vci[:, 0], Vci[:, 1], color='C1',
# alpha=0.3)
if background:
t, background_func(t, fit), linewidth=3, color=primary_colors[1],
ls=':', label='Unmod. Cont.', alpha=0.5)
axs['Primary_time'].set_xlabel(r"Time / $\mu s$")
# Distance Plots
Pfit = fit.P
Pci =
axs['Primary_dist'].plot(r, Pfit, '-', color=primary_colors[0], lw=3, label='Fit')
r, Pci[:, 0], Pci[:, 1], color=primary_colors[0], alpha=0.3, label='95% CI')
if ROI is not None:
[0, Pci[:, 1].max()], ROI[0], ROI[1], alpha=0.2, color=primary_colors[1],
label="ROI", hatch="/")
axs['Primary_dist'].set_xlabel(r"Distance / $ nm$")
axs['Primary_dist'].set_ylabel(r"$P(r) / nm^{-1}$")
if not text:
return fig
# Analysis
0.05, 0.05, f"MNR: {fit.MNR:.2f}",
transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize="16", color="black")
if fit.MNR < 10:
0.15, 0.05, "LOW MNR: More averages requried",
transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize="16", color="red")
if ROI is not None:
ROI_error = (r.max() - ROI[1])
rec_tau_max = (ROI[1]/3)**3 * 2
0.55, 0.05, f"ROI: {ROI[0]:.2f}nm to {ROI[1]:.2f}nm",
transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize="16", color="black")
0.05, 0.01, rf"Recommended $\tau_{{max}}$ = {rec_tau_max:.2f}us",
transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize="16", color="black")
if ROI_error < 0.5:
0.55, 0.01,
rf"ROI is too close to $r_{{max}}$. Increase $\tau_{{max}}$",
transform=fig.transFigure, size="x-large", color="red")
return fig
def DEERanalysis_plot_pub(results, ROI=None, fig=None, axs=None):
Generates a vertical plot of the DEER analysis results, ready for publication.
results : Deerlab.FitResult
The results of the DEER analysis.
ROI : tuple, optional
The minimum and maximum of the Region of Interest (ROI),
by default None
fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional
The figure to plot the results on. If None, a new figure is created.
axs : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
The axes to plot the results on. If None, a new axes is created.
mask = results.mask
t = results.t
r = results.r
Vexp = results.Vexp
Vfit = results.model
Vmodel = results.Vmodel
pathways = Vmodel.pathways
if fig is None:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(5,5),subplot_kw={},gridspec_kw={'hspace':0})
axs = fig.subplots(2,1,subplot_kw={},gridspec_kw={'hspace':0})
axs[0].plot(results.t,results.Vexp, '.',alpha=0.5,color='#D95B6F',mec='none')
axs[0].plot(results.t,results.model, '-',alpha=1,color='#D95B6F', lw=2)
axs[0].plot(results.t,background_func(results.t, results), '--',alpha=1,color='#42A399', lw=2)
axs[0].set_xlabel('Time / $\mu s$')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Signal A.U.')
r = results.r
axs[1].plot(r,results.P, '-',alpha=1.0,color='#D95B6F', label='P(r)')
Pci =
r, Pci[:, 0], Pci[:, 1], color='#D95B6F', alpha=0.3, label='P(r) 95% CI')
if ROI is not None:
[0, Pci[:, 1].max()], ROI[0], ROI[1], alpha=0.2, color='#42A399',
label="ROI", hatch="/")
axs[1].set_xlabel('Distance / $nm$')
axs[1].set_ylabel(r"$P(r) / nm^{-1}$")
return fig
# =============================================================================
def IdentifyROI(
P: np.ndarray, r: np.ndarray, criterion: float = 0.99,
method: str = "gauss"):
"""IdentifyROI Identifies the region of interest. Two methods are sypported
1. Gaussian fitting ("gauss"):
2. Intergration ("int"):
P : np.ndarray
The distance distribution.
r : np.ndarray
The distance axis
criterion : float, optional
The fraction of the distance distribution that must be in the ROI, by
default 0.99
method: str, optional
The method used to calculate region of interest.
if method.lower() == "int":
# Normlaize the distribution
dist = P / np.trapz(P, r)
# cumulative_dist = cumulative_trapezoid(dist,r,initial=0)
# min_dist = r[np.argmin(np.abs(1 - cumulative_dist - criterion))]
# max_dist = r[np.argmin(np.abs(cumulative_dist - criterion))]
c_trapz_dist = np.zeros((dist.shape[0], dist.shape[0]))
for i in range(0, dist.shape[0]):
c_trapz_dist[i, i:] = cumulative_trapezoid(
dist[i:], r[i:], initial=0)
c_trapz_dist[(c_trapz_dist < criterion)] = 3
ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(c_trapz_dist), c_trapz_dist.shape)
min_dist = r[ind[0]]
max_dist = r[ind[1]]
# Enlarge ROI
width = max_dist - min_dist
max_dist = max_dist + width * 0.25
min_dist = min_dist - width * 0.25
elif method.lower() == "gauss":
# Single gaussian approach
Pmodel = dl.dd_gauss
Pmodel.mean.ub=r.max() *2
Pmodel.mean.par0 = r[P.argmax()]
Pmodel.std.par0 = (r.max() - r.min())*0.5
fit2 =, P, r)
min_dist = fit2.mean - 2.5 * fit2.std
max_dist = fit2.mean + 2.5 * fit2.std
return [min_dist, max_dist]
# =============================================================================
def remove_echo(
Vre: np.ndarray, Vim: np.ndarray, loc: int,
criteria: float = 4, extent: int = 3) -> np.ndarray:
"""This function removes crossing echoes.
Vre : np.ndarray
The real part of the phase corrected signal.
Vim : np.ndarray
The imaginary part of the phase corrected signal.
loc : int
The approximate location of the crossing echo, +- 30 data points
criteria : float, optional
The detection criteria, in multiples of the std deviation, by default 4
extent : int, optional
How many data points either side to remove, by default 3.
The mask of points to be ignored.
search_mask = np.ones(Vre.shape[0], bool)
search_mask[loc-30:loc+31] = False
mask = np.abs(Vim-np.mean(Vim)) > criteria * \
mask = mask & np.logical_not(search_mask)
iskip = -1
for i in range(len(mask)):
if i < iskip:
if mask[i]:
mask[i-extent:i] = True
if i < len(mask) - extent:
mask[i:i+extent] = True
iskip = i + extent
mask = np.logical_not(mask)
return mask
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Optimising pulse postions
# =============================================================================
def shift_pulse_freq(pulse, shift):
Shifts the frequency of a pulse by a given amount.
pulse: The pulse whose frequency should be shifted.
shift: The amount by which to shift the frequency.
The pulse with the shifted frequency.
if hasattr(pulse, 'freq'):
pulse.freq.value += shift
elif hasattr(pulse, 'init_freq') and hasattr(pulse, 'final_freq'):
pulse.init_freq.value += shift
pulse.final_freq.value += shift
return pulse
def normalise_01(A):
Normalizes the input vector A to be between 0 and 1.
A (numpy.ndarray): Input vector to be normalized.
numpy.ndarray: Normalized vector between 0 and 1.
A = A - np.min(A)
A = A / np.max(A)
return A
def resample_and_shift_vector(A,f,shift):
Resample the vector A along axis f and shift it by shift and return on original axis f.
A (numpy.ndarray): The input vector to be resampled and shifted.
f (numpy.ndarray): The axis along which to resample the vector.
shift (float): The amount by which to shift the resampled vector.
numpy.ndarray: The resampled and shifted vector.
A = np.interp(f,f+shift,A)
return A
def build__lowpass_butter_filter(cutoff):
"""Build a lowpass butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of cutoff
cutoff (float): cutoff frequency in GHz
sos = sig.butter(1,cutoff,btype='lowpass',analog=True)
def filter_func(f):
w = 2*np.pi*f
w,h = sig.freqs(*sos,w)
return abs(h)
return filter_func
def functional(f_axis,fieldsweep,A,B,filter=None,A_shift=0,B_shift=0):
"""Functional for optimising the pulse positions
f_axis : np.ndarray
The frequency axis of the field sweep in GHz
fieldsweep : ad.FieldSweepAnalysis
The FieldSweep analysis object
A : np.ndarray
The pump pulse profile
B : np.ndarray
The effective excitation pulse profile
filter : np.ndarray, optional
The filter profile if applicable, by default None
A_shift : int, optional
The shift in pump pulse in GHz, by default 0
B_shift : int, optional
The shift in effective exciatation pulse in GHz, by default 0
D_profile = resample_and_shift_vector(A,f_axis,A_shift)*fieldsweep*resample_and_shift_vector(B,f_axis,B_shift)
A_profile = fieldsweep*(resample_and_shift_vector(A,f_axis,A_shift))-D_profile # Pump
B_profile = fieldsweep*(resample_and_shift_vector(B,f_axis,B_shift))-D_profile # Exc
fsweep_norm = np.trapz(fieldsweep,f_axis)
Aspins = np.trapz(A_profile,f_axis)/fsweep_norm
if filter is None:
Bspins = np.trapz(B_profile,f_axis)/fsweep_norm
Noise = 1
Bspins = np.trapz(B_profile*resample_and_shift_vector(filter,f_axis,B_shift),f_axis)/fsweep_norm
Noise = np.trapz(filter,f_axis)
return -1*(Aspins * Bspins)/np.sqrt(Noise)
def optimise_pulses(Fieldsweep, pump_pulse, exc_pulse, ref_pulse=None, filter=None, verbosity=0, method='brute',
nDEER=False, num_ref_pulses=2, full_output=False, resonator=None, **kwargs):
"""Optimise the pulse positions to maximise the pump-exc overlap.
Fieldsweep : ad.FieldSweepAnalysis
The FieldSweep analysis object
pump_pulse : ad.Pulse
The pump pulse object
exc_pulse : ad.Pulse
The excitation pulse object
ref_pulse : ad.Pulse, optional
The refocusing pulse object\, by default None
filter : str or number or list, optional
The filter profile if applicable, by default None. If it is a number a filter is generated with this cutoff frequency.
If the string 'Matched' is used a matched filter is used. If a list is used the optimisation is performed for each filter and the best is returned.
verbosity : int, optional
The verbosity, by default 0
method : str, optional
What search optimisation is used, by default 'grid'
nDEER : bool, optional
Is the sequence an nDEER sequrence, by default False. If True then the refocusing pulse is not optimised.
num_ref_pulses : int, optional
The total number of refocusing pulses, by default 2
full_output : bool, optional
Return the full output, by default False
resonator : ad.ResonatorProfile, optional
The resonator profile, by default None
The optimised pump pulse
The optimised excitation pulse
The optimised refocusing pulse
str or number
The best filter, only if a list of filters is provided
The functional value after optimisation, only if full_output is True
The grid of the optimisation, only if full_output is True
The output of the optimisation, only if full_output is True
# gyro = Fieldsweep.gyro
# if hasattr(Fieldsweep,'results'):
# fieldsweep_fun = lambda x: Fieldsweep.results.evaluate(Fieldsweep.model,(x+Fieldsweep.LO) /gyro*1e-1)
fieldsweep_fun = Fieldsweep.func_freq
f = np.linspace(-0.3,0.3,100)
fieldsweep_profile = fieldsweep_fun(f)
# fieldsweep_profile = np.flip(fieldsweep_fun(f))
pump_Mz = normalise_01(-1*pump_pulse.exciteprofile(freqs=f)[2].real)
exc_Mz = normalise_01(-1*exc_pulse.exciteprofile(freqs=f)[2].real)
if ref_pulse is not None:
for i in range(num_ref_pulses):
exc_Mz *= normalise_01(-1*ref_pulse.exciteprofile(freqs=f)[2].real)
def optimise(filter):
if filter == 'Matched':
# Matched filter
filter_profile = exc_Mz
elif isinstance(filter, numbers.Number):
filter_profile = build__lowpass_butter_filter(filter)(f)
elif filter is None:
filter_profile = None
fun = lambda x: functional(f, fieldsweep_profile, pump_Mz, exc_Mz,filter_profile,A_shift=x[0],B_shift=x[1])
if method == 'grid':
X,Y = np.meshgrid(f,f)
Z = [fun([x,y]) for x,y in zip(X.flatten(),Y.flatten())]
Z = np.array(Z).reshape(X.shape)
f_idA,f_idB = np.unravel_index(Z.argmin(), Z.shape)
fA = f[f_idA]
fB = f[f_idB]
fval = Z.min()
grid = (X,Y)
Jout = Z
elif method == 'brute':
[fA,fB] ,fval,grid,Jout = brute(fun,(slice(f.min(),f.max(),0.01),slice(f.min(),f.max(),0.01)),full_output=True)
if verbosity > 1:
print(f"Filter: {filter:<8} Functional:{Z.min():.3f} \t Pump shift: {fA*1e3:.1f}MHz \t Exc/Ref shift: {fB*1e3:.1f}MHz")
return fval, fA, fB,grid,Jout
if isinstance(filter, list):
results = [optimise(f) for f in filter]
best = np.argmin([r[0] for r in results])
funct, fA, fB = results[best]
if verbosity > 0:
print(f"Best filter: {filter[best]}")
elif filter is None:
funct, fA, fB,grid,Jout = optimise(None)
if verbosity > 0:
print(f"Filter: None Functional:{funct:.3f} \t Pump shift: {fA*1e3:.1f}MHz \t Exc/Ref shift: {fB*1e3:.1f}MHz")
funct, fA, fB,grid,Jout = optimise(filter)
if verbosity > 0:
print(f"Filter: {filter:<8} Functional:{funct:.3f} \t Pump shift: {fA*1e3:.1f}MHz \t Exc/Ref shift: {fB*1e3:.1f}MHz")
new_pump_pulse = pump_pulse.copy()
new_pump_pulse = shift_pulse_freq(new_pump_pulse,fA)
new_exc_pulse = exc_pulse.copy()
new_exc_pulse = shift_pulse_freq(new_exc_pulse,fB)
new_ref_pulse = ref_pulse.copy()
if not nDEER:
new_ref_pulse = shift_pulse_freq(new_ref_pulse,fB)
if isinstance(filter, list):
if full_output:
return new_pump_pulse, new_exc_pulse, new_ref_pulse, filter[best],funct,grid,Jout
return new_pump_pulse, new_exc_pulse, new_ref_pulse, filter[best]
if full_output:
return new_pump_pulse, new_exc_pulse, new_ref_pulse, funct, grid, Jout
return new_pump_pulse, new_exc_pulse, new_ref_pulse,
def plot_overlap(Fieldsweep, pump_pulse, exc_pulse, ref_pulse, filter=None, respro=None, num_ref_pulses=2, axs=None, fig=None):
"""Plots the pump and excitation profiles as well as the fieldsweep and filter profile.
Fieldsweep : ad.FieldSweepAnalysis
The FieldSweep analysis object
pump_pulse : ad.Pulse
The pump pulse object
exc_pulse : ad.Pulse
The excitation pulse object
ref_pulse : ad.Pulse, optional
The refocusing pulse object, by default None
filter : str or number, optional
The filter profile if applicable, by default None. If it is a number a filter is generated with this cutoff frequency.
If the string 'Matched' is used a matched filter is used.
respro : ad.ResonatorProfileAnalysis, optional
The resonator profile for fitting, by default None. The resonator profile must include the fit.
num_ref_pulses : int, optional
The total number of refocusing pulses, by default 2
axs : matplotlib.axes, optional
The axes to plot on, by default None
fig : matplotlib.figure, optional
The figure to plot on, by default None
gyro = Fieldsweep.gyro
fieldsweep_fun = Fieldsweep.func_freq
f = np.linspace(-0.4,0.4,100)
fieldsweep_profile = fieldsweep_fun(f)
pump_Mz = normalise_01(-1*pump_pulse.exciteprofile(freqs=f)[2].real)
exc_Mz = normalise_01(-1*exc_pulse.exciteprofile(freqs=f)[2].real)
if ref_pulse is not None:
for i in range(num_ref_pulses):
exc_Mz *= normalise_01(-1*ref_pulse.exciteprofile(freqs=f)[2].real)
if filter == 'Matched':
# Matched filter
filter_profile = lambda f_new: np.interp(f_new,f,exc_Mz)
elif isinstance(filter, numbers.Number):
filter_profile = build__lowpass_butter_filter(filter)
if axs is None and fig is None:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,5), layout='constrained')
elif axs is None:
axs = fig.subplots(1,1,subplot_kw={},gridspec_kw={'hspace':0}
# Normalise the fieldsweep profile
fieldsweep_profile /= np.abs(fieldsweep_profile).max()
# Plot the profiles
axs.plot(f*1e3,fieldsweep_profile, label = 'Fieldsweep', c='k')
axs.fill_between(f*1e3,pump_Mz*fieldsweep_profile, label = 'Pump Profile', alpha=0.5,color='#D95B6F')
axs.fill_between(f*1e3,exc_Mz*fieldsweep_profile, label = 'Observer Profile',alpha=0.5,color='#42A399')
if filter is not None:
axs.plot(f*1e3,filter_profile(f),'--', label = 'Filter')
if respro is not None:
model_norm = respro.model / np.max(respro.model)
axs.plot((respro.model_x - Fieldsweep.LO)*1e3, model_norm,'--', label='Resonator Profile')
fmin = f[~np.isclose(fieldsweep_profile,0)].min()
fmax = f[~np.isclose(fieldsweep_profile,0)].max()
axs.set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
return fig
def calc_deer_settings(experiment:str, CPdecay=None, Refocused2D=None, target_time=2,target_MNR=20, waveform_precision=2):
Calculates the optimal DEER settings based on the avaliable relaxation data
experiment : str
Type of DEER experiment, either 'auto', '4pDEER' or '5pDEER'
CPdecay : ad.CarrPurcellAnalysis
Carr-Purcell relaxation data
Refocused2D : ad.RefocusedEcho2DAnalysis, optional
Refocused 2D data required for '4pDEER', by default None
target_time : int, optional
Target time for the DEER experiment in hours, by default 2
target_MNR : float, optional
Target modulation to noise ratio, by default 20
waveform_precision : int, optional
Precision of the waveform in ns, by default 2
DEER settings, with keys:
-'ExpType': '4pDEER' or '5pDEER'
-'tau1': in us
-'tau2': in us
-'tau3': in us, only for 5pDEER
-'AimTime': in hours
This function will calcate the optimal DEER settings based on the avaliable relaxation data, depending on the experiment type.
For 4pDEER, the optimal tau1 and tau2 are calculated based on the refocused 2D data, and for 5pDEER, the optimal tau2 is calculated based on the CPdecay data or refocused 2D if CP decay data is not availiable.
If the optimal tau2 for 5pDEER is less than 1.5us, the function will calculate the optimal tau1 and tau2 for 4pDEER instead. This is only possible if the refocused 2D data is availiable, otherwise a non optimal tau1 of 0.4us is used.
# Calculate the DEER settings from the avaliable relaxation data
# Move out of the GUI Code asap
deer_settings = {}
if experiment == '4pDEER':
if Refocused2D is None:
raise ValueError("Refocused2D data required for 4pDEER")
# Calcualting a 4pDEER Sequence
deer_settings['ExpType'] = '4pDEER'
# Calculate tau1 and tau2
tau1,tau2 = Refocused2D.find_optimal(type='4pDEER',SNR_target=target_MNR, target_time=target_time, target_step=0.015)
if tau2 < 2.5:
# 2hr dipolar evo too short for meaningful results. Using double the time instead
target_time *= 2
tau1,tau2 = Refocused2D.find_optimal(type='4pDEER',SNR_target=target_MNR, target_time=target_time, target_step=0.015)
if tau2 < 2.5:
# Dipolar evo time still too short. Hardcoding a 2.5us dipolar evo time
tau1,tau2 = Refocused2D.optimal_tau1(tau2=2.5)
deer_settings['tau1'] = round_step(tau1,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['tau2'] = round_step(tau2,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['AimTime'] = target_time
elif (experiment == '5pDEER') or (experiment == 'auto'):
# Calculate a 5pDEER Sequence
if CPdecay is not None:
tau2hrs = CPdecay.find_optimal(SNR_target=target_MNR, target_time=target_time, target_step=0.015)
tau4hrs = CPdecay.find_optimal(SNR_target=target_MNR, target_time=target_time*2, target_step=0.015)
elif Refocused2D is not None:
tau2hrs = Refocused2D.find_optimal(type='5pDEER',SNR_target=20, target_time=target_time, target_step=0.015)
tau4hrs = Refocused2D.find_optimal(type='5pDEER',SNR_target=20, target_time=target_time*2, target_step=0.015)
raise ValueError("CPdecay data required for 5pDEER")
if (tau2hrs < 1.5) and (tau4hrs > 1.5):
# 2hr dipolar evo too short for meaningful results. Using 4hr number instead
deer_settings['tau1'] = round_step(tau4hrs,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['tau2'] = round_step(tau4hrs,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['tau3'] = round_step(0.3,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['ExpType'] = '5pDEER'
deer_settings['AimTime'] = target_time*2
elif (tau2hrs < 1.5) and (tau4hrs < 1.5):
# 2hr & 4hr dipolar evo too short for meaningful results. Hardcoding a 2.5us dipolar evo time, in 4pDEER and 4hrs
# self.raise_warning(f"2hr dipolar evo too short. Hardcoding a 2.5us dipolar evo time")
tau2 = 2.5
if Refocused2D is not None:
tau1 = Refocused2D.optimal_tau1(tau2=tau2)
tau1 = 0.4
deer_settings['tau1'] = round_step(tau1,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['tau2'] = round_step(tau2,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['ExpType'] = '4pDEER'
deer_settings['AimTime'] = target_time * 2
# self.raise_warning(f"2hr dipolar evo {tau2hrs:.2f} us, using 4pDEER")
# Normal case, using 2hr dipolar evo time
deer_settings['tau1'] = round_step(tau2hrs,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['tau2'] = round_step(tau2hrs,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['tau3'] = round_step(0.3,waveform_precision/1e3)
deer_settings['ExpType'] = '5pDEER'
deer_settings['AimTime'] = target_time
return deer_settings