Source code for autodeer.ResPro

import numpy as np
import scipy.fft as fft
from scipy.interpolate import pchip_interpolate, splrep, BSpline
from scipy.signal import hilbert
import scipy.signal as signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import deerlab as dl
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator,AutoLocator

[docs] class ResonatorProfileAnalysis: def __init__( self, dataset,f_lims=(32,36)) -> None: """Analysis and calculation of resonator profiles. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.xarray The dataset containing the nutations. It must have both a 'LO' axis and a 'pulse0_tp' axis. f_lims : tuple, optional The frequency limits of the resonator profile, by default (33,35) """
[docs] self.dataset = dataset.epr.correctphase
if "LO" in self.dataset.coords: self.freqs = self.dataset.LO self.LO = np.mean(self.dataset.LO) elif "freq" in self.dataset.coords: self.freqs = self.dataset.freq self.LO = self.dataset.LO
[docs] self.n_files = self.freqs.shape[0]
[docs] self.t = self.dataset.pulse0_tp
[docs] self.f_lims = f_lims
self._process_fit() pass
[docs] def process_nutations( self, noisedensity: float = None, threshold:int = 2, nfft: int = 1000): """ Uses a power series to extract the resonator profile. Parameters ---------- noisedensity : tuple, optional If not given the first trace is assumed to be so far off resonance that it is just noise. nfft: int, optional The length of the fft to be used, zero padded if requred, default is 1000. threshold: int, optional The multiples above the noise a single must be to not be excluded, default is 2. Returns ------- prof_data: np.ndarray The resonator profile, give in nutation frequency (GHz) prof_frqs: np.ndarray The frequency axis in GHz """ if noisedensity is None: f, Pxx_den = signal.welch(self.nutations[0, :], self.fs, nfft=nfft) noisedensity = np.mean(Pxx_den) threshold_val = threshold * noisedensity res_prof = np.zeros(self.n_files) for i in range(0, self.n_files): nuts = self.nutations[i, :] f, Pxx_den_sig = signal.welch(nuts, self.fs, nfft=nfft) nuoff = np.argwhere(Pxx_den_sig > threshold_val) if nuoff.shape[0] > 0: id = np.argmax(Pxx_den_sig[nuoff]) res_prof[i] = np.abs(f[nuoff][id][0]) else: res_prof[i] = 0 nx_id = np.argwhere(res_prof > 0) self.prof_data = res_prof[nx_id] self.prof_frqs = np.real(self.freqs[nx_id]) return self.prof_data, self.prof_frqs
[docs] def _process_fit(self,R_limit=0.5): self.n_LO = self.freqs.shape[0] self.profile = np.zeros(self.n_LO) self.profile_ci = np.zeros(self.n_LO) fun = lambda x, f, tau,a,k: a*np.cos(2*np.pi*f*x)*np.exp(-x/tau)+ k bounds = ([5e-3,10,0,-1],[0.3,2000,2,1]) p0 = [50e-3,150,1,0] R2 = lambda y, yhat: 1 - np.sum((y - yhat)**2) / np.sum((y - np.mean(y))**2) for i in range(self.n_LO): nutation = self.dataset[:,i] nutation = nutation/np.max(nutation) x = self.t try: results = curve_fit(fun, x, nutation, bounds=bounds,xtol=1e-4,ftol=1e-4,p0=p0) if R2(nutation,fun(x,*results[0])) > R_limit: self.profile[i] = results[0][0] self.profile_ci[i] = np.sqrt(np.diag(results[1]))[0]*1.96 else: self.profile[i] = np.nan self.profile_ci[i] = np.nan except RuntimeError: self.profile[i] = np.nan self.profile_ci[i] = np.nan # Remove nan self.freqs = self.freqs[~np.isnan(self.profile)] self.profile = self.profile[~np.isnan(self.profile)] self.profile_ci = self.profile_ci[~np.isnan(self.profile_ci)]
[docs] def fit(self,f_diff_threshold=2,cores=1,multi_mode=False,fc_guess=None): """Fit the resonator profile with a sum of lorentzians. Parameters ---------- f_diff_threshold : float, optional The difference between two peaks at which they will be merged into one, by default 0.03 """ frq_limits = {'lb': self.f_lims[0]-1, 'ub': self.f_lims[1]+1} if fc_guess is None: fc_guess = np.mean([self.f_lims[0],self.f_lims[1]]) def fit_gauss1(): gauss_model = dl.dd_gauss gauss_model.mean.set(par0=fc_guess, **frq_limits) gauss_model.std.set(par0=0.2, lb=0.01, ub=1) result_gauss1 =, self.profile, self.freqs,reg=False) return result_gauss1 def fit_gauss2(): gauss_model = dl.dd_gauss2 gauss_model.mean1.set(par0=34.05, **frq_limits) gauss_model.std1.set(par0=0.2, lb=0.01, ub=10) gauss_model.mean2.set(par0=34.05, **frq_limits) gauss_model.std2.set(par0=0.3, lb=0.01, ub=10) result_gauss2 =, self.profile, self.freqs,reg=False) return result_gauss2 def fit_gauss3(): gauss_model = dl.dd_gauss3 gauss_model.mean1.set(par0=34.05, **frq_limits) gauss_model.std1.set(par0=0.2, lb=0.01, ub=10) gauss_model.mean2.set(par0=34.05, **frq_limits) gauss_model.std2.set(par0=0.3, lb=0.01, ub=10) gauss_model.mean3.set(par0=34.05, **frq_limits) gauss_model.std3.set(par0=0.3, lb=0.01, ub=10) result_gauss3 =, self.profile, self.freqs,reg=False) return result_gauss3 def lorenz_fcn(x, fc, q): y = (0.5*fc)/(q*(x-fc)**2 + q*(0.5*(fc/q))**2) return y def fit_lorenz1(uni_means,uni_stds,fit_kwargs): lorenz = dl.Model(lorenz_fcn, constants='x') lorenz.fc.par0 = uni_means[0] lorenz.fc.set(**frq_limits) lorenz.q.set(lb=30, ub=np.inf) lorenz.q.par0 = uni_means[0]/uni_stds[0] lorenz.fc.set(par0=uni_means[0],lb=uni_means[0]-0.1,ub=uni_means[0]+0.1) result_lorenz1 =, self.profile, self.freqs,reg=False, **fit_kwargs) return result_lorenz1, lorenz_fcn, lorenz def fit_lorenz2(uni_means,uni_stds,uni_amps,fit_kwargs): def lorenz2_fcn(x, fc1, q1, fc2, q2, amp1, amp2): return lorenz_fcn(x, fc1, q1)*amp1 + lorenz_fcn(x, fc2, q2)*amp2 lorenz2 = dl.Model(lorenz2_fcn,constants='x') lorenz2.fc1.par0 = uni_means[0] lorenz2.fc1.set(**frq_limits) lorenz2.q1.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf) lorenz2.q1.par0 = uni_means[0]/uni_stds[0] lorenz2.fc2.par0 = uni_means[1] lorenz2.fc2.set(**frq_limits) lorenz2.q2.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf) lorenz2.q2.par0 = uni_means[1]/uni_stds[1] lorenz2.amp1.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf, par0=uni_amps[0]) lorenz2.amp2.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf, par0=uni_amps[1]) result_lorenz2 =, self.profile, self.freqs,reg=False, **fit_kwargs) return result_lorenz2, lorenz2_fcn, lorenz2 def fit_lorenz3(uni_means,uni_stds,uni_amps,fit_kwargs): def lorenz3_fcn(x, fc1, q1, fc2, q2, fc3, q3, amp1, amp2, amp3): return lorenz_fcn(x, fc1, q1)*amp1 + lorenz_fcn(x, fc2, q2)*amp2 + lorenz_fcn(x, fc3, q3)*amp3 lorenz3 = dl.Model(lorenz3_fcn,constants='x') lorenz3.fc1.par0 = uni_means[0] lorenz3.fc1.set(**frq_limits) lorenz3.q1.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf) lorenz3.q1.par0 = uni_means[0]/uni_stds[0] lorenz3.fc2.par0 = uni_means[1] lorenz3.fc2.set(**frq_limits) lorenz3.q2.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf) lorenz3.q2.par0 = uni_means[1]/uni_stds[1] lorenz3.fc3.par0 = uni_means[2] lorenz3.fc3.set(**frq_limits) lorenz3.q3.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf) lorenz3.q3.par0 = uni_means[2]/uni_stds[2] lorenz3.amp1.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf, par0= uni_amps[0]) lorenz3.amp2.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf, par0=uni_amps[1]) lorenz3.amp3.set(lb=0, ub=np.inf, par0=uni_amps[2]) result_lorenz3 =, self.profile, self.freqs,reg=False, **fit_kwargs) return result_lorenz3, lorenz3_fcn, lorenz3 if multi_mode: gs = [fit_gauss1(),fit_gauss2(),fit_gauss3()] n_modes = np.argmin([g.stats['chi2red'] for g in gs]) + 1 print(f"chi: {[g.stats['chi2red'] for g in gs]}") print(f"aic: {[g.stats['aicc'] for g in gs]}") n_modes=1 best_fit = gs[n_modes-1] best_fit = gs[n_modes-1] # Find mean values which have an amplitude above 0.1 and are at least 0.1 apart # This is to avoid double counting if n_modes > 1: amps = np.array([getattr(best_fit,'amp'+str(i+1)) for i in range(n_modes)]) means = np.array([getattr(best_fit,'mean'+str(i+1)) for i in range(n_modes)]) stds = np.array([getattr(best_fit,'std'+str(i+1)) for i in range(n_modes)]) else: amps = np.array([1]) means = np.array([best_fit.mean]) stds = np.array([best_fit.std]) def find_unique(means,amps,stds, threshold=0.05): f1,f2 = np.meshgrid(means,means) gap = f1-f2 gap[np.tril_indices(gap.shape[0],-1)] =np.nan connected = gap<threshold calc_conn = lambda con: np.argsort(np.sum(con,axis=1))[::-1] sum_con = lambda con: np.sum(con) idx = calc_conn(connected) connections = sum_con(connected) new_means = [] new_amps = [] new_stds = [] while connections > 0: i=idx[0] new_means.append(np.mean(means[connected[i,:]])) new_amps.append(np.sum(amps[connected[i,:]])) new_stds.append(np.mean(stds[connected[i,:]])) connected[connected[i,:],:] = False connected[:,connected[i,:]] = False idx = calc_conn(connected) connections = sum_con(connected) return np.array(new_means),np.array(new_amps),np.array(new_stds) # uni_means, uni_means_idx, uni_means_inverse = np.unique(np.around(means,decimals=f_diff_threshold),return_index=True,return_inverse=True) # uni_amps = np.array([np.sum(amps[uni_means_inverse == i]) for i in np.unique(uni_means_inverse)]) # uni_stds = np.array([np.mean(stds[uni_means_inverse == i]) for i in np.unique(uni_means_inverse)]) uni_means,uni_amps,uni_stds = find_unique(means,amps,stds,0.1) amp_threshold = 0.01 uni_means = uni_means[uni_amps > amp_threshold] uni_stds = uni_stds[uni_amps > amp_threshold] uni_amps = uni_amps[uni_amps > amp_threshold] # Remove modes which are outside the frequency range +- 0.5GHz uni_means = uni_means[(uni_means > self.f_lims[0]-0.5) & (uni_means < self.f_lims[1]+0.5)] uni_stds = uni_stds[(uni_means > self.f_lims[0]-0.5) & (uni_means < self.f_lims[1]+0.5)] uni_amps = uni_amps[(uni_means > self.f_lims[0]-0.5) & (uni_means < self.f_lims[1]+0.5)] n_modes = uni_means.shape[0] print("Number of modes detected: ", n_modes) else: gs = fit_gauss1() uni_means = [gs.mean] uni_stds = [gs.std] n_modes = 1 self.model_x = np.linspace(self.f_lims[0], self.f_lims[1], 200) fit_kwargs = {'bootstrap': 30, 'bootcores':cores} # fit_kwargs={} if n_modes == 1: lorenz_fit,fun,mod = fit_lorenz1(uni_means,uni_stds,fit_kwargs) self.model_func = lambda x: lorenz_fit.scale * lorenz_fcn(x, lorenz_fit.fc, lorenz_fit.q) self.fc = lorenz_fit.fc self.q = lorenz_fit.q elif n_modes == 2: lorenz_fit,fun,mod = fit_lorenz2(uni_means,uni_stds,uni_amps,fit_kwargs) self.model_func = lambda x: lorenz_fit.scale * fun(x, lorenz_fit.fc1, lorenz_fit.q1, lorenz_fit.fc2, lorenz_fit.q2, lorenz_fit.amp1, lorenz_fit.amp2) self.fc = np.array([lorenz_fit.fc1,lorenz_fit.fc2]) self.q = np.array([lorenz_fit.q1,lorenz_fit.q2]) elif n_modes == 3: lorenz_fit,fun,mod = fit_lorenz3(uni_means,uni_stds,uni_amps,fit_kwargs) self.model_func = lambda x: lorenz_fit.scale * fun(x, lorenz_fit.fc1, lorenz_fit.q1, lorenz_fit.fc2, lorenz_fit.q2, lorenz_fit.fc3, lorenz_fit.q3, lorenz_fit.amp1, lorenz_fit.amp2, lorenz_fit.amp3) self.fc = np.array([lorenz_fit.fc1,lorenz_fit.fc2,lorenz_fit.fc3]) self.q = np.array([lorenz_fit.q1,lorenz_fit.q2,lorenz_fit.q3]) else: raise RuntimeError('Between 1 and 3 mode must be deteceted') self.model = self.model_func(self.model_x) self.lorenz_model = mod self.n_modes = n_modes self.pha = np.imag(hilbert(-np.log(self.model))) self.results = lorenz_fit return lorenz_fit
[docs] def plot(self, fieldsweep=None, axs= None, fig=None): """plot. Parameters ---------- fieldsweep : FieldSweepAnalysis, optional Overlays the FieldSweep if provided, by default None axs : matplotlib.Axes, optional Axes to plot on, by default None fig : matplotlib.Figure, optional Figure to plot on, by default None Returns ------- Matplotlib.Figure matplotlib figure object """ if axs is None and fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,1,constrained_layout=True,height_ratios=[0.8,0.2],sharex=True) if isinstance(axs, list) or isinstance(axs, np.ndarray): axs1 = axs[0] axs2 = axs[1] else: axs1 = axs axs2 = None prof_data = self.profile * 1e3 # GHz -MHz axs1.errorbar(self.freqs, prof_data, yerr=self.profile_ci*1e3, fmt='o', label='Data') if hasattr(self, 'model'): axs1.plot(self.model_x, self.model*1e3, label='Model') # CI= self.results.propagate(self.lorenz_model,self.model_x).ci(50) # axs1.fill_between(self.model_x, (CI[:,0])*1e3, (CI[:,1])*1e3, alpha=0.5) if axs2 is not None: axs2.plot(self.model_x, self.pha, label='Phase') axs2.set_xlabel("Frequency / GHz") axs2.set_ylabel("Phase / rad") if axs2 is None: axs1.set_xlabel("Frequency / GHz") axs1.set_ylabel("Nutation Frequency / MHz") def Hz2length(x): return 1 / ((x/1000)*2) def length2Hz(x): return 1 / ((x*1000)*2) secax = axs1.secondary_yaxis('right', functions=(Hz2length, length2Hz)) secax.set_ylabel(r'$\pi/2$ pulse length / ns') # secax.yaxis.set_locator(AutoLocator) if fieldsweep: fsweep_data = np.abs( fsweep_data /= fsweep_data.max() fsweep_data = fsweep_data * prof_data.max() axs1.plot(fieldsweep.fs_x + fieldsweep.LO, fsweep_data) return fig
# ============================================================================= # Spectral Position optimisation
[docs] def ceil(number, decimals=0): order = decimals*-1 return np.ceil(number / 10**order)*10**order
[docs] def floor(number, decimals=0): order = decimals*-1 return np.floor(number / 10**order)*10**order
[docs] def calc_overlap(x, func1, func2): """Calcuates the overlap between two functions. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray The x axis of the functions func1 : function The first function func2 : function The second function Returns ------- float The overlap between the two functions. """ y1 = func1(x) y2 = func2(x) area_1 = np.trapz(y1, x) area_2 = np.trapz(y2, x) y1 /= area_1 y2 /= area_2 area_12 = np.trapz(y1*y2, x) return area_12
[docs] def BSpline_extra(tck_s): min_value = tck_s[0].min() max_value = tck_s[0].max() n_points = tck_s[1].shape[-1] n_points_10 = int(np.ceil(n_points/10)) def pointwise(x): if x < min_value: return np.mean(tck_s[1][0:n_points_10]) elif x > max_value: return np.mean(tck_s[1][-n_points_10:]) else: return BSpline(*tck_s)(x) def ufunclike(xs): return np.array(list(map(pointwise, np.array(xs)))) return ufunclike
[docs] def optimise_spectra_position(resonator_profile, fieldsweep, verbosity=0): # band_width = resonator_profile.fc / resonator_profile.q band_width=0.5 if band_width > 0.4: n_points = 500 else: n_points = 250 upper_field_lim = ceil((resonator_profile.fc + band_width), 1) lower_field_lim = floor((resonator_profile.fc - band_width) , 1) shift_range = (upper_field_lim - lower_field_lim)/2 x = np.linspace(lower_field_lim,upper_field_lim,n_points) # smooth_condition = (dl.der_snr(**2)*[-1] smooth_condition = 0.1 edfs_x = np.flip(fieldsweep.fs_x + fieldsweep.LO) edfs_y = np.flip( tck_s = splrep(edfs_x, edfs_y, s=smooth_condition) xc = signal.correlate(resonator_profile.model_func(x),BSpline_extra(tck_s)(x), mode='same') x_shift = np.linspace(-1*shift_range,shift_range,n_points) new_LO = x_shift[np.abs(xc).argmax()] return new_LO