# This file contains the class for running 2D Decoherence experiments
# all code assoicated with processing these experiments are included in
# this file.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from deerlab import deerload
import os
class TwoDExperimentAnalysis:
This is a class for loading and processing 2D Decoherence experiments
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.snr_target = 20 #normal units not db
self.time_target = 2 #hrs
self.trace_length = 512 #this is wrong, and is likely to be a function of the optimal time.
def load(self,file):
"""Using deerlab the file is loaded. If the file is a bruker .DSC file then extra paremeters are loaded.
If it is a .csv or .txt file then any required metadata will need to be inputted by the user
file : str
This is the full file path for the datafile
file_name,file_ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if file_ext == '.DSC':
self.time,self.data,self.params = deerload(file,full_output=True)
self.data = self.data.T
self.scans = int(self.params.get('DSL').get('recorder').get('NbScansDone'))
self.shots = int(self.params.get('DSL')['ftEpr']['ShotsPLoop'])
self.shrt = float(self.params.get('DSL')['ftEpr']['ShotRepTime'].split()[0]) # in us
self.time,self.data= deerload(file,full_output=False)
self.params = None
def import_data(self,time,data,scans:int,shots:int,shrt:int):
"""The loads all the import infomation directly from python variables and arrays
time : _type_
data : _type_
scans : int
Number of scans done
shots : int
Number of shots per point
shrt : int
The shot repetition time in us
self.time = time
self.data = data
self.scan = scans
self.shots = shots
self.shrt = shrt
def import_dataset(self,dataset):
self.time = dataset.time
self.data = dataset.data
self.scan = dataset.scans
self.shots = dataset.shot_p_point
self.shrt = dataset.shrt
def create_bahrenberg_plots(self):
Returns a matplotlib figure object for the standard bahrenberg figure.
time = self.time
signal_real = np.real(self.data)
cmap = cm.get_cmap(name='viridis', lut=None)
cmap2 = cm.get_cmap(name='Greys', lut=None)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6),dpi=150)
axs = fig.subplots(1,2)
signal_real = signal_real - signal_real.min()
signal_real = signal_real/ signal_real.max()
scale = [min(time[0]),max(time[0]),min(time[1]),max(time[1])]
tau2_max_locs = signal_real.argmax(axis=1)
tau1_max_locs = signal_real.argmax(axis=0)
axs[0].set_xlabel(r'$\tau_1 / (us)$')
axs[0].set_ylabel(r'$\tau_2 / (us)$')
# Second Tau2 Normalised Plot
signal_real_tau2_norm = signal_real / signal_real.max(axis=1)[:,None]
im = axs[1].pcolormesh(time[0],time[1],signal_real_tau2_norm,shading='auto',alpha=1,cmap=cmap,linewidth=0,rasterized=True)
axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$\tau_1 / (us)$')
axs[1].set_ylabel(r'$\tau_2 / (us)$')
cb_ax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7])
return fig
def _stability_check(self):
"""Private method that caclulates if a value in the 2D decoherence experiment is above the snr_threshold.
The complete method is a wee bit more nuanced, so check the documentation for more detail"""
signal = self.data_snrpshot
if hasattr(self, 'snr_threhold'):
threshold = self.snr_threshold
self.snr_threhold = self.calculate_snr_threshold()
threshold = self.snr_threshold
signal_bool = np.full(signal.shape,False,dtype=bool )
for i in range(0,signal.shape[0]):
for j in range(0,signal.shape[1]):
if signal[i,j] > threshold:
signal_bool[i,j] = True
if i > 0 and j > 0:
signal_near = signal[i-1:i+2,j-1:j+2]
signal_near = signal_near > threshold
local_thresh = 6
elif i == 0 and j > 0:
signal_near = signal[i:i+2,j-1:j+2]
signal_near = signal_near > threshold
local_thresh = 3
elif i > 0 and j == 0:
signal_near = signal[i-1:i+2,j:j+2]
signal_near = signal_near > threshold
local_thresh = 3
elif i == 0 and j == 0:
signal_near = signal[i:i+2,j:j+2]
signal_near = signal_near > threshold
local_thresh = 1
if signal_near.sum() < local_thresh:
signal_bool[i,j] = False
return signal_bool
def calculate_optimal(self):
This function calculates and finds the optimal timing pairs for both 4 pulse and 5 pulse DEER.
if hasattr(self, 'data_snrpshot'):
norm_signal = self.data_snrpshot
except RuntimeError:
print("Could not auto SNR normlaize the data, please do so manual with the snr_normalize method")
v_snr_bool = self._stability_check()
time = self.time
# Calculate optimal for 4-pulse
tau2_index = np.any(v_snr_bool,axis=0).shape[0] - np.flip(np.any(v_snr_bool,axis=0)).argmax() -1
tau1_index = norm_signal[:,tau2_index].argmax()
self.index_4p = (tau1_index,tau2_index)
self.time_4p = (time[0][tau1_index],time[1][tau2_index])
# Calculate optimal for 5-pulse
tau1_mesh,tau_2_mesh = np.meshgrid(time[0],time[1])
tau1ptau2_grid = tau1_mesh + tau_2_mesh
max_pos = np.argwhere(tau1ptau2_grid == tau1ptau2_grid.max())
if max_pos.shape[0] ==1:
self.index_5p = (tuple(max_pos[0]))
self.index_5p = mpT[:,norm_signal[mpT[0],mpT[1]].argmax()]
self.time_5p = (time[0][self.index_5p[0]],time[1][self.index_5p[1]])
return True
def calculate_snr_threshold(self):
"""Quick script to calculate the SNR threshold from imported values"""
num_of_acq = self.time_target*3600 /(self.shrt * 1e-6)
self.snr_threshold = self.snr_target / np.sqrt(num_of_acq / (self.trace_length))
return self.snr_threshold
def set_snr_threshold(self,value):
"""Sets the SNR_threshold"""
self.snr_threshold = value
def set_snr_target(self,value):
self.snr_target = value
def set_time_target(self,value):
self.time_target = value
def estimated_snr(self,exp):
num_of_acq = self.time_target*3600 /(self.shrt * 1e-6)
if exp == '4-pulse':
return self.data_snrpshot[self.index_4p] * np.sqrt(num_of_acq / (self.trace_length))
elif exp == '5-pulse':
return self.data_snrpshot[self.index_5p] * np.sqrt(num_of_acq / (self.trace_length))
def snr_normalize(self,shots='auto'):
Calculates the normalized signal. If the total number of shots cannot be calculated through the Bruker metadata
file then an inputted value is required. If a value is given then this is given preference over any Bruker values.
This script assumes a 16 step phase cycle was applied for the 2D decoherence experiment.
shots(Int)='auto'': Number of shots per point, if None then total_shots = 1. If shots = None, then it doesn't update
the main variable
if shots == None:
total_shots = 1
elif shots == 'auto':
total_shots = self.scans * self.shots * 16
total_shots = shots
if shots != None:
self.data_snrpshot = np.real(self.data) / (np.sqrt(total_shots) * self.noise)
return np.real(self.data) / self.noise
def calculate_noise_level(self):
"""This finds the noise level from std of top right hand corner of the 2D experiment. i.e very long delays. If the
std deviation is not stable enough then a warning will be thrown"""
#TODO: Add warning and noise level checking
signal = np.real(self.data)
width,height = signal.shape
start_frac = self.noise_frac # This needs to be generated and checked for each data set to make sure it is valid
self.noise = np.std(signal[int(np.floor(width*start_frac)):,int(np.floor(height*start_frac)):])
def create_twoD_plot(self,norm=None,contour=None,optimal=False,**kwargs):
This is the general method for generating 2D plots of these 2D Decoherence plots. There are many optional input parmeters which will dictate how they plot.
Some of these possible outputs may require more infomation then is automatically filled from Deerload. If this is a case it will return an exception.
norm(string or None): The normalization of the fit. Options: None,'Tau2','SNR','SNRpShot'
contour(string or None): How the contours are plotted. Options: 'Auto', 'SNRpShot','None'
optimal(bool): Should the optimal 4pulse and 5pulse pairs be plotted.
cmap: To set a particular colormap
axis: To return a subplot
title: A plot title
if not(hasattr(self,'snr_threshold')):
if contour == 'SNRpShot':
contour_scale = np.logspace(np.log10(self.snr_threshold),np.log10(self.snr_threshold*64),7,base=10)
contour_norm = None
elif contour == 'Auto':
contour_scale = 15
contour_norm = colors.PowerNorm(gamma=0.5)
if norm == 'Tau2':
signal = np.real(self.data) / np.real(self.data).max(axis=1)[:,None]
cbar_label = None
contour_scale = 15
contour_norm = None
grid_norm = None
elif norm == 'SNR':
signal = self.snr_normalize(shots=None)
grid_norm = colors.PowerNorm(gamma=0.5)
cbar_label = 'SNR'
elif norm =='SNRpShot':
if not(hasattr(self,'data_snrpshot')):
signal = self.data_snrpshot
cbar_label = r'SNR /$n^{-1/2}$'
grid_norm = colors.PowerNorm(gamma=0.5)
else: #No Normalization
signal = np.real(self.data)
grid_norm = None
cbar_label = None
if optimal:
if not(hasattr(self,'index_4p')):
# Start to generate the figure
if 'cmap' in kwargs:
cmap = kwargs['cmap']
cmap = cm.get_cmap(name='Reds', lut=None)
cmap2 = cm.get_cmap(name='gist_gray', lut=None) #Cmap for the contours
scale = [min(self.time[0]),max(self.time[0]),min(self.time[1]),max(self.time[1])]
if 'figure' in kwargs:
fig = kwargs['figure']
axs = fig.subplots(1,1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6),dpi=150)
axs = fig.subplots(1,1)
if contour != None:
axs.contour(signal,extent=scale,levels=contour_scale,cmap=cmap2,alpha=0.9,zorder = 5,norm=contour_norm)
im = axs.pcolormesh(self.time[0],self.time[1],signal,shading='auto',alpha=0.9,cmap=cmap,zorder = 0, norm=grid_norm)
axs.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_1 / (us)$')
axs.set_ylabel(r'$\tau_2 / (us)$')
if optimal:
axs.scatter(self.time_5p[0],self.time_5p[1],c='lime',s=15,label = '5-pulse',zorder=10)
axs.text(-0.02,-0.1,fr'$\tau_1 = ${round(self.time_4p[0],1)}$\mu s$ & $\tau_2 = ${round(self.time_4p[1],1)}$\mu s$',c='b',transform=axs.transAxes)
axs.text(0.58,-0.1,fr'$\tau_1 = ${round(self.time_5p[0],1)}$\mu s$ & $\tau_2 = ${round(self.time_5p[1],1)}$\mu s$',c='lime',transform=axs.transAxes)
if 'title' in kwargs:
cbar = fig.colorbar(im, label =cbar_label )
return fig
def create_slice_plot(self,axis,target,norm=None,**kwargs):
This function returns a plot of a slice of the 2D decoherence experiment
axis(0 or 1): The direction of the the slice (0 = constant tau2; 1 = constant tau1)
target(float): in us the target time for the slice, due to varying spacing this will find the closest time.
if norm == 'Tau2':
signal = np.real(self.data) / np.real(self.data).max(axis=1)[:,None]
norm_label = None
elif norm == 'SNR':
signal = self.snr_normalize(shots=None)
norm_label = 'SNR'
elif norm =='SNRpShot':
if not(hasattr(self,'data_snrpshot')):
signal = self.data_snrpshot
norm_label = r'SNR /$n^{-1/2}$'
else: #No Normalization
signal = np.real(self.data)
norm_label = None
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6),dpi=150)
axs = fig.subplots(1,1)
slice_pos = abs(self.time[axis]-target).argmin()
time = self.time[axis][slice_pos]
if axis == 0: # This means that we are varying tau1 and have a constant tau2
slice_data = signal[:,slice_pos]
slice_time = self.time[int(not(bool(axis)))]
axs.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_1 / (us)$')
elif axis == 1: # This means that we are varying tau2 and have a constant tau 1
slice_data = signal[slice_pos,:]
slice_time = self.time[int(not(bool(axis)))]
axs.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_2 / (us)$')
raise ValueError('Axis must be either 0 or 1')
if 'title' in kwargs:
return fig , time
def optimal_slice_plot(self,norm=None,**kwargs):
"""optimal_slice_plot Creates a plot of along the optimal decay time for 4 & 5 pulse DEER.
norm : str, optional
The normalisation of the data. Options include = ['Tau2','SNR','SNRpShot','None'], by default None
if norm == 'Tau2':
signal = np.real(self.data) / np.real(self.data).max(axis=1)[:,None]
norm_label = None
elif norm == 'SNR':
signal = self.snr_normalize(shots=None)
norm_label = 'SNR'
elif norm =='SNRpShot':
if not(hasattr(self,'data_snrpshot')):
signal = self.data_snrpshot
norm_label = r'SNR /$n^{-1/2}$'
elif norm =='Max':
signal = np.real(self.data) / np.real(self.data).max()
norm_label = 'Signal / A.U.'
else: #No Normalization
signal = np.real(self.data)
norm_label = 'Signal / A.U.'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,3.5),dpi=150)
axs = fig.subplots(1,1)
# maximise signal along Tau2 for 4p DEER
optimal_4p = np.argmax(signal,axis=1)
optimal_4p = signal.argmax(axis=1)
axs.set_xlabel("Dipolar Evolution Time / $\mu s $")
evo2dist = lambda t: 6 * (t/2)**(1/3)
dist2evo = lambda r: 2 * (r/6)**3
secax = axs.secondary_xaxis('top', functions=(evo2dist, dist2evo))
secax.set_xlabel('Distance / $nm$',color='darkorange')
return fig
def invert_signal(self):
This function completely inverts the signal. I.e. -x -> x and -y -> y.
This is usefull if the measured sameple is pi out of phase, or the phase was aligned for a Hahn echo not a refocused echo
self.data = self.data * -1
print('Please load data')
def _data_transpose(self):
This is an internal method that flips the data along the diagnal.
self.data = self.data.T
def value_at_pos(self,pos:tuple,norm=None):
Function that finds the value in this 2D experiment at specified coordinates
pos(tuple): (tau1 pos, tau2 pos)
norm=Nome: Can be used to select the normalisation. Options are: None, 'SNRpShot','SNR'
if norm == None:
return self.data(pos[0],pos[1])
elif norm == 'SNRpShot':
return self.data_snrpshot(pos[0],pos[1])
elif norm == 'SNR':
data = self.snr_normalize(shots=None)
return data(pos[0],pos[1])
raise ValueError('Normalization option value error')
def value_at_time(self,pos:tuple,norm=None):
Function that finds the closest value in this 2D experiment for specified delay times
pos(tuple): (tau1 time, tau2 time)
norm=Nome: Can be used to select the normalisation. Options are: None, 'SNRpShot','SNR'
# First we need to find the closest posible values
tau1_pos = np.argmin(abs(self.time[0]-pos[0]))
tau1_time = self.time[0][tau1_pos]
tau2_pos = np.argmin(abs(self.time[1]-pos[1]))
tau2_time = self.time[1][tau2_pos]
print(f'Closest times: \u03C41 ={tau1_time} & \u03C42 ={tau2_time}')
return self.value_at_pos((tau1_pos,tau2_pos),norm=norm)