Source code for autodeer.classes

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from import savemat
import os
from autodeer import __version__
import copy
import time
import datetime
import numbers
import uuid
import json
import base64
from autodeer.utils import autoEPRDecoder
from pathlib import Path
import logging

# =============================================================================

[docs] class Interface: """Represents the interface connection from autoEPR to the spectrometer. """ def __init__(self,log=None) -> None:
[docs] self.pulses = {}
[docs] self.savefolder = str(Path.home())
[docs] self.savename = ""
if log is None: self.log = logging.getLogger('interface') else: self.log = log
[docs] self.resonator = None
[docs] def connect(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def acquire_dataset(self, data): """ Acquires the dataset. """ # data.sequence = self.cur_exp data.attrs['time'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return data
[docs] def launch(self, sequence, savename: str): """Launches the experiment and initialises autosaving. Parameters ---------- sequence : Sequence The sequence to be launched savename : str The savename for this measurement. A timestamp will be added to the value. """ timestamp ='%Y%m%d_%H%M_') self.savename=timestamp + savename + '.h5' pass
[docs] def isrunning(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: """ Terminates the experiment immediately. """ pass
[docs] def terminate_at(self, criterion, test_interval=2, keep_running=True, verbosity=0,autosave=True): """Terminates the experiment upon a specific condition being satisified. Parameters ---------- criterion : _type_ The criteria to be tested. test_interval : int, optional How often should the criteria be tested in minutes, by default 10. keep_running : bool, optional If True, an error will not be raised if the experiment finishes before the criteria is met, by default True. verbosity : int, optional The verbosity level, by default 0. autosave : bool, optional If True, the data will be autosaved, by default True. """ test_interval_seconds = test_interval * 60 condition = False last_scan = 0 while not condition: if not self.isrunning(): if keep_running: self.terminate() return None else: msg = "Experiments has finished before criteria met." raise RuntimeError(msg) start_time = time.time() data = self.acquire_dataset() if autosave: self.log.debug(f"Autosaving to {os.path.join(self.savefolder,self.savename)}") data.to_netcdf(os.path.join(self.savefolder,self.savename),engine='h5netcdf',invalid_netcdf=True) try: # nAvgs = data.num_scans.value nAvgs = data.attrs['nAvgs'] except AttributeError or KeyError: self.log.warning("WARNING: Dataset missing number of averages(nAvgs)!") nAvgs = 1 finally: if nAvgs < 1: time.sleep(30) # Replace with single scan time continue elif nAvgs <= last_scan: time.sleep(30) continue last_scan = nAvgs if verbosity > 0: print("Testing") if isinstance(criterion,list): conditions = [crit.test(data, verbosity) for crit in criterion] condition = any(conditions) else: condition = criterion.test(data, verbosity) if not condition: end_time = time.time() if (end_time - start_time) < test_interval_seconds: if verbosity > 0: print("Sleeping") time.sleep(test_interval_seconds - (end_time - start_time)) if isinstance(criterion,list): for i,crit in enumerate(criterion): if conditions[i]: if callable(crit.end_signal): crit.end_signal() else: if callable(criterion.end_signal): criterion.end_signal() self.terminate() pass
# =============================================================================
[docs] class Parameter: """ Represents a sequence or pulse parameter. """ def __init__(self, name, value, unit="", description="", virtual=False, **kwargs) -> None: """A general parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str The parameter name value : float or int The parameter value, eithe initial or static unit : str, optional The unit of parameter, by default None. Leave as None if unitless. description : str, optional A brief description of the parameter, by default None axis : np.ndarray, optional The difference from the intial value for each position in a dynamic axis. Can be n-dimensional, by default None. ax_id : list, optional virtual: bool, optional A virtual paramter is only used to vary other parameters, it is not varied itself and will not be directly passed to a spectrometer. This parameter is **never** inherited. By default, False Attributes ---------- progressive : bool Is the parameter used in any progression or is it constant prog : dict A dict containing progressive programs for this parameter. This list has two elements. 1) The axis_id"s and 2) the "axis" of values. Parameter Arthimatic -------------------- Examples -------- Creating a static parameter ``` Par1 = Parameter( name="Par1", value=10, unit="us", description="The first parameter") ``` Creating a dynamic parameter ``` Par1 = Parameter( name="Par1", value=10, unit="us", description="The first parameter", axis=np.arange(0,10,1), axis_id=0) ``` Adding a parameter and a number: ``` Par1 = Parameter( name="Par1", value=10, unit="us", description="The first parameter") Par2 = Par1 + 2 """
[docs] = name
if isinstance(value, Parameter): self.value = value.value else: self.value = value
[docs] self.unit = unit
[docs] self.description = description
[docs] self.virtual = virtual
[docs] self.axis = []
[docs] self.ax_id = []
if "link" in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs["link"], Parameter): raise ValueError("The linked parameter must be a Parmater object") self.uuid = kwargs["link"].uuid else: self.uuid = uuid.uuid1() if "step" in kwargs: step = kwargs["step"] dim = kwargs["dim"] if "axis_id" in kwargs: axis_id = kwargs["axis_id"] else: axis_id = 0 if "start" in kwargs: start = kwargs["start"] else: start = 0 if step == 0: axis = np.zeros(dim) else: axis = np.arange(start=start, stop= dim*step+start,step=step) self.add_axis(axis=axis,axis_id=axis_id) pass
[docs] def add_axis(self, axis_id, axis): # if self.axis == []: # self.axis.append(np.array(axis)) # self.ax_id.append(axis_id) self.axis.append({"axis":axis, "uuid":self.uuid})
[docs] def get_axis(self): init_value = self.value axes = [] for axis in self.axis: axes.append(axis['axis'] + init_value) if len(axes) == 1: return axes[0] else: return axes
[docs] def dim(self): if self.axis is []: return () dims = [] for ax in self.axis: dims.append(ax['axis'].shape[0]) return tuple(dims)
[docs] def remove_dynamic(self): self.axis = [] self.ax_id =[]
[docs] def is_static(self) -> bool: if self.axis == []: return True # elif self.ax_id == []: # return True else: return False
[docs] def __eq__(self, __o: object) -> bool: if type(__o) is not Parameter: raise ValueError( "Equivalence only works between Parameter classes") return self.value == __o.value
[docs] def __add__(self, __o:object): if type(__o) is Parameter: if self.unit != __o.unit: raise RuntimeError("Both parameters must have the same unit") new_value = self.value + __o.value new_name = f"{} + {}" new_description = new_name new_parameter = Parameter( name=new_name, value=new_value, unit=self.unit, description=new_description) if not self.is_static(): if not __o.is_static(): # Dynamic parmaters can only be summed and multiplied if the axis has the same uuid. I.e. they were linked when created or are deriratives of each other. new_ax_id = [] new_axis = [] # a_ax_ids:list = self.ax_id a_ax_ids:list = [self.axis[i]["uuid"] for i in range(len(self.axis))] # b_ax_ids:list = __o.ax_id b_ax_ids:list = [__o.axis[i]["uuid"] for i in range(len(__o.axis))] ab_ax_ids = list(set(a_ax_ids + b_ax_ids)) for id in ab_ax_ids: if id not in b_ax_ids: # I.e. only in A a_index = a_ax_ids.index(id) new_axis.append(self.axis[a_index]) new_ax_id.append(id) elif id not in a_ax_ids: # I.e. only in B b_index = b_ax_ids.index(id) new_axis.append(__o.axis[b_index]) new_ax_id.append(id) else: # in both a_index = a_ax_ids.index(id) b_index = b_ax_ids.index(id) b_ax_ids.remove(id) new_axis.append({"axis": self.axis[a_index]["axis"] + __o.axis[b_index]["axis"], "uuid": id}) new_ax_id.append(id) else: new_axis = self.axis new_ax_id = self.ax_id else: if not __o.is_static(): new_axis = __o.axis new_ax_id = __o.ax_id else: new_axis = [] new_ax_id = [] new_parameter.axis = new_axis new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id return new_parameter elif isinstance(__o, numbers.Number): new_value = self.value + __o new_name = f"{} + {__o}" new_parameter = Parameter( name=new_name, value=new_value, unit=self.unit) if not self.is_static(): new_axis = self.axis new_ax_id = self.ax_id new_parameter.axis = new_axis new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id return new_parameter elif isinstance(__o, np.ndarray): if self.axis.shape != __o.shape: raise RuntimeError( "Both parameters axis and the array must have the same shape")
[docs] def __sub__(self, __o:object): if type(__o) is Parameter: if self.unit != __o.unit: raise RuntimeError("Both parameters must have the same unit") new_value = self.value - __o.value new_name = f"{} - {}" new_parameter = Parameter( name=new_name, value=new_value, unit=self.unit) if not self.is_static(): if not __o.is_static(): # Dynamic parmaters can only be summed and multiplied if the axis has the same uuid. I.e. they were linked when created or are deriratives of each other. new_ax_id = [] new_axis = [] # a_ax_ids:list = self.ax_id a_ax_ids:list = [self.axis[i]["uuid"] for i in range(len(self.axis))] # b_ax_ids:list = __o.ax_id b_ax_ids:list = [__o.axis[i]["uuid"] for i in range(len(self.__o))] ab_ax_ids = list(set(a_ax_ids + b_ax_ids)) for id in ab_ax_ids: if id not in b_ax_ids: # I.e. only in A a_index = a_ax_ids.index(id) new_axis.append({"axis": self.axis[a_index], "uuid": self.uuid}) new_ax_id.append(id) elif id not in a_ax_ids: # I.e. only in B b_index = b_ax_ids.index(id) new_axis.append({"axis": __o.axis[b_index], "uuid": __o.uuid}) new_ax_id.append(id) else: # in both a_index = a_ax_ids.index(id) b_index = b_ax_ids.index(id) b_ax_ids.remove(id) new_axis.append({"axis": self.axis[a_index] - __o.axis[b_index], "uuid": id}) new_ax_id.append(id) else: new_axis = self.axis new_ax_id = self.ax_id else: if not __o.is_static(): new_axis = __o.axis new_ax_id = __o.ax_id else: new_axis = [] new_ax_id = [] new_parameter.axis = new_axis new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id return new_parameter elif isinstance(__o, numbers.Number): new_value = self.value - __o new_name = f"{} - {__o}" new_parameter = Parameter( name=new_name, value=new_value, unit=self.unit) if self.axis is not None: new_axis = self.axis new_ax_id = self.ax_id new_parameter.axis = new_axis new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id return new_parameter elif isinstance(__o, np.ndarray): if self.axis.shape != __o.shape: raise RuntimeError( "Both parameters axis and the array must have the same shape")
[docs] def __mul__(self, __o:object): if type(__o) is Parameter: if self.unit != __o.unit: raise RuntimeError("Both parameters must have the same unit") # if not __o.is_static(): # raise RuntimeError("Multiplictaion of two dynamic parameters is not supported") new_value = self.value * __o.value new_name = f"{} * {}" new_parameter = Parameter( name=new_name, value=new_value, unit=self.unit) # if self.axis is not None: # new_axis = [np.array([item * __o.value for item in axis]) for axis in self.axis ] # new_ax_id = self.ax_id # new_parameter.axis = new_axis # new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id # return new_parameter if not self.is_static(): if not __o.is_static(): # Dynamic parmaters can only be summed and multiplied if the axis has the same uuid. I.e. they were linked when created or are deriratives of each other. new_ax_id = [] new_axis = [] # a_ax_ids:list = self.ax_id a_ax_ids:list = [self.axis[i]["uuid"] for i in range(len(self.axis))] # b_ax_ids:list = __o.ax_id b_ax_ids:list = [__o.axis[i]["uuid"] for i in range(len(self.__o))] ab_ax_ids = list(set(a_ax_ids + b_ax_ids)) for id in ab_ax_ids: if id not in b_ax_ids: # I.e. only in A a_index = a_ax_ids.index(id) new_axis.append({"axis": self.axis[a_index], "uuid": self.uuid}) new_ax_id.append(id) elif id not in a_ax_ids: # I.e. only in B b_index = b_ax_ids.index(id) new_axis.append({"axis": __o.axis[b_index], "uuid": __o.uuid}) new_ax_id.append(id) else: # in both a_index = a_ax_ids.index(id) b_index = b_ax_ids.index(id) b_ax_ids.remove(id) new_axis.append({"axis": self.axis[a_index] * __o.axis[b_index], "uuid": id}) new_ax_id.append(id) else: new_axis = self.axis new_ax_id = self.ax_id else: if not __o.is_static(): new_axis = __o.axis new_ax_id = __o.ax_id else: new_axis = [] new_ax_id = [] new_parameter.axis = new_axis new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id return new_parameter elif isinstance(__o, numbers.Number): new_value = self.value * __o new_name = f"{} + {__o}" new_parameter = Parameter( name=new_name, value=new_value, unit=self.unit) if self.axis is not []: new_axis = copy.deepcopy(self.axis) for i,axis in enumerate(new_axis): new_axis[i]["axis"] = np.array(axis["axis"])* __o # new_axis = [np.array([item * __o for item in axis]) for axis in self.axis ] new_ax_id = self.ax_id new_parameter.axis = new_axis new_parameter.ax_id = new_ax_id return new_parameter elif isinstance(__o, np.ndarray): if self.axis.shape != __o.shape: raise RuntimeError( "Both parameters axis and the array must have the same shape")
[docs] def __rmul__(self, __o:object): return self.__mul__(__o)
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def _to_dict(self): to_return = {"version": __version__, "type": "Parameter"} for key, var in vars(self).items(): if isinstance(var, np.ndarray): data_b64 = base64.b64encode( to_return[key] = dict(__ndarray__=str(data_b64), dtype=str(var.dtype), shape=var.shape) if isinstance(var, complex): to_return[key] = str(var) if isinstance(var, uuid.UUID): return_dict = {"__uuid__": str(var)} to_return[key] = return_dict elif isinstance(var, Parameter): to_return[key] = var._to_dict() else: to_return[key] = var return to_return
[docs] def _to_json(self): class autoEPREncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if (len(obj) > 0 ) and isinstance(obj[0], str): return list(obj) data = np.ascontiguousarray( data_b64 = base64.b64encode(data) return dict(__ndarray__=str(data_b64), dtype=str(obj.dtype), shape=obj.shape) if isinstance(obj, complex): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, numbers.Number): return float(obj) if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): return_dict = {"__uuid__": str(obj)} return return_dict if isinstance(obj, Parameter): return obj._to_dict() else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), cls=autoEPREncoder, indent=4)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the parameter to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError If the object cannot be serialized to JSON. Example ------- >>> obj = Parameter() >>>"my_parameter.json") """ with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self._to_json())
[docs] def _from_dict(dict): new_param = Parameter( name=dict['name'], value=dict['value'], unit=dict['unit'], description=dict['description']) new_param.axis = dict['axis'] new_param.ax_id = dict['ax_id'] new_param.uuid = dict['uuid'] return new_param
[docs] def _from_json(cls, JSONstring): dct = json.loads(JSONstring, object_hook=autoEPRDecoder) return cls._from_dict(dct)
[docs] def load(cls, filename): """Load a Parameter object from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- obj : Parameter The Pulse loaded from the JSON file. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file does not exist. Example ------- >>> obj = Parameter.load("my_parameter.json") """ with open(filename, "r") as f: file_buffer = return cls._from_json(file_buffer)