Source code for autodeer.criteria

from autodeer.DEER_analysis import DEERanalysis
import time
import numpy as np
from deerlab.utils import der_snr
from deerlab import noiselevel
import logging
import datetime
[docs] log = logging.getLogger('autoDEER.criteria')
[docs] class Criteria: """ A class for defining criteria for terminating experiments. This should only be subclassed and not used directly. """ def __init__( self, name: str, test, description: str = '', end_signal=None) -> None:
[docs] = name
[docs] self.description = description
[docs] self.test = test
[docs] self.end_signal = end_signal
[docs] def __add__(self, __o:object): if not isinstance(__o,Criteria): raise RuntimeError("Only objects of the `Criteria` class can be summed together") new_name = +' + ' + new_desc = self.description + ' + ' + __o.description def new_func(data, verbosity=0): test1 = self.test(data,verbosity) test2 = __o.test(data,verbosity) test = test1 or test2 test_msg = f"Test {new_name}: {test}" log.debug(test_msg) return test if callable(self.end_signal) and callable(__o.end_signal): def end_signal(): self.end_signal() __o.end_signal() elif callable(self.end_signal): end_signal = self.end_signal elif callable(__o.end_signal): end_signal = __o.end_signal else: end_signal = None new_crit = Criteria(new_name,new_func,new_desc,end_signal=end_signal) return new_crit
[docs] class TimeCriteria(Criteria): def __init__( self, name: str, end_time: float, description: str = '', night_hours :tuple = None,**kwargs) -> None: """Criteria testing for a specific finishing time. The finishing time is given as absolute time in the locale of the computer, it is *not* how the long the measurment continues for. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the criteria end_time : float Finishing time in seconds since epoch description : str, optional A description of the criteria, by default None night_hours : tuple, optional A tuple of two integers specifying the start and end of night hours. The criteria will always return False during these hours, by default None """ log.debug(f"Creating TimeCriteria with end_time: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") def test_func(Data, verbosity=0): now = time.time() if night_hours is not None: start, end = night_hours now_struct = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now) if now_struct.hour >= start and now_struct.hour < end: return False return now > end_time super().__init__(name, test_func, description,**kwargs)
[docs] class SNRCriteria(Criteria): def __init__( self, SNR_target: int, description: str = '',verbosity=0,**kwargs) -> None: """Criteria testing for signal to noise ratio. This checks the SNR of the normalised absolute data using the deerlab SNR noise estimation which is based on the work by Stoher et. al. [1] Parameters ---------- name : str _description_ SNR_target : int The mimimum SNR value. description : str, optional _description_, by default None References ----------- [1] F. Stoehr, R. White, M. Smith, I. Kamp, R. Thompson, D. Durand, W. Freudling, D. Fraquelli, J. Haase, R. Hook, T. Kimball, M. Kummel, K. Levay, M. Lombardi, A. Micol, T. Rogers DERSNR: A Simple & General Spectroscopic Signal-to-Noise Measurement Algorithm Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 30, 2008, p5.4 """ def test_func(data, verbosity=verbosity): # Normalise data # norm_data = / # std = der_snr(np.abs(norm_data)) # snr = 1/std snr=data.epr.correctphase.epr.SNR test = snr > SNR_target test_msg = f"Test {}: {test}\t - SNR:{snr}" log.debug(test_msg) if verbosity>1: print(test_msg) return test super().__init__("SNR Criteria", test_func, description,**kwargs)
[docs] class DEERCriteria(Criteria): def __init__(self, mode="Speed", model=None, verbosity=0, update_func=None,**kwargs) -> None: """Criteria for running DEER experiments. Mode ------ +------------+--------+------+------+-------+ | Parameter | Speed | Low | Med | High | +============+========+======+======+=======+ | MNR | 20 | 10 | 50 | 100 | +------------+--------+------+------+-------+ Parameters ---------- tau1 : _type_ _description_ tau2 : _type_ _description_ tau3 : _type_, optional _description_, by default None mode : str, optional _description_, by default "Speed" Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """
[docs] name = "DEERCriteria"
[docs] description = "Criteria for terminating DEER experiments."
if mode.lower() == "speed": MNR_threshold = 20 regparamrange = (1,1e3) elif mode.lower() == "low": MNR_threshold = 10 regparamrange = None elif mode.lower() == "med": MNR_threshold = 50 regparamrange = None elif mode.lower() == "high": MNR_threshold = 100 regparamrange = None else: MNR_threshold = 50 regparamrange = None def test_func(data, verbosity=verbosity): # fit, _, _ = DEERanalysis( # data.axes[0]/1000 - tau1,, # tau1, tau2, tau3, num_points=100, # compactness=True, precision="Speed", plot=False) fit = DEERanalysis( data, compactness=False, model=model, regparamrange=regparamrange,verbosity=verbosity,lin_maxiter=50,max_nfev=100 ) test = True if fit.MNR < MNR_threshold: test = False if update_func is not None: update_func(fit) test_msg = f"Test {}: {test}\t - MNR:{fit.MNR}" log.debug(test_msg) if verbosity > 0: print(test_msg) return test super().__init__(name, test_func, description,**kwargs)