Source code for

from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QFileDialog,QTableWidgetItem, QMessageBox
from PyQt6 import uic
import PyQt6.QtCore as QtCore
import PyQt6.QtGui as QtGui
from pathlib import Path
import sys, traceback
import autodeer as ad
import numbers
import numpy as np
import datetime

# =============================================================================
#   General functions and classes
# =============================================================================

[docs] def create_save_name(SampleName:str, experiment:str, timestamp=True, ProjectName=None, Comment=None): timestamp ='%Y%m%d_%H%M_') fullname = f"{timestamp}" if ProjectName is not None or ProjectName != "": fullname += f"_({ProjectName})" fullname += f"_{SampleName}_{experiment}" if Comment is not None or Comment != "": fullname += f"_{Comment}" return fullname
[docs] def getCIstring(Uncert, precision=2): try: return f"({[0]:.{precision}f},{[1]:.{precision}f})" except ValueError: return "frozen"
[docs] def load_epr_file(Object, store_location): filename, _= QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( Object,"Select a File", Object.current_folder,"Data (*.DTA *.mat *.h5)") if filename: path = Path(filename) filename_edit = str(path) dataset = ad.eprload(filename_edit) Object.current_data[store_location] = dataset
[docs] def get_sequence_rows(Sequence, names:list): rows = [] for param in names: attr = getattr(Sequence, param) if isinstance(attr, ad.Parameter): unit = attr.unit else: unit = None if isinstance(attr, ad.Parameter): rows.append({"Parameter":param, "Value":f"{attr.value:.2f}", "Unit":unit}) else: rows.append({"Parameter":param, "Value":f"{attr:.2f}", "Unit":None})
[docs] def fill_table(table, headers, rows, rowcount=None): if rowcount is None: table.setRowCount(len(rows)) else: table.setRowCount(rowcount) # Fill table from dictionary rows for i, row in enumerate(rows): for j, key in enumerate(headers): if key in row.keys(): entry = row[key] if isinstance(entry, numbers.Number): item = QTableWidgetItem(f"{entry:.3f}") elif isinstance(entry, np.ndarray): item = QTableWidgetItem(np.array2string(entry, precision=3, separator=',',suppress_small=True,threshold=4)) else: item = QTableWidgetItem(str(row[key])) table.setItem(i, j, item) else: item = QTableWidgetItem('') table.setItem(i, j, item)
[docs] def read_table(table): rows = table.rowCount() columns = table.columnCount() headers = [str(table.horizontalHeaderItem(i).text()) for i in range(columns)] data = {} for row in range(rows): row_data = {} for col in range(columns): try: row_data[headers[col]] = table.item(row,col).data() except TypeError: row_data[headers[col]] = table.item(row,col).text() except AttributeError: if col ==0: break row_data[headers[col]] = None else: data[row_data[headers[0]]] = row_data return data
[docs] def list_str_to_type(list, type=int): new_list = [] for item in list: new_list.append(type(item)) return new_list
[docs] def str_to_list_type(string, type=int): list = string.split(',') new_list = [] for item in list: new_list.append(type(item)) return new_list
[docs] def pyqt_table_from_dict(table, dict): headers = list(dict[list(dict.keys())[0]].keys()) rows = [] for key in dict.keys(): rows.append(dict[key]) fill_table(table, headers, rows)
[docs] def param_in_us(param): if not isinstance(param, ad.Parameter): raise TypeError(f"Expected Parameter, got {type(param)}") if param.unit == 'us': return param.value elif param.unit == 'ns': return param.value/1000
[docs] def param_in_MHz(param): if not isinstance(param, ad.Parameter): raise TypeError(f"Expected Parameter, got {type(param)}") if param.unit == 'MHz': return param.value elif param.unit == 'GHz': return param.value*1000 elif param.unit == 'kHz': return param.value/1000 elif param.unit == 'Hz': return param.value/1000000
[docs] def test_SNR(Application, data): """Raises an error box if the SNR of the signal is less than 1. Parameters ---------- data : _type_ _description_ """ if data.epr.SNR < 1: QMessageBox.about(Application,'ERORR!', 'Signal to Noise ratio is less than 1. Please check the data and try again.') return False else: return True
# ============================================================================= # # Multi-threading functions and classes # # =============================================================================
[docs] class WorkerSignals(QtCore.QObject): ''' Defines the signals available from a running worker thread. Supported signals are: finished No data error tuple (exctype, value, traceback.format_exc() ) result object data returned from processing, anything progress int indicating % progress '''
[docs] finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
[docs] error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(tuple)
[docs] result = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
[docs] class Worker(QtCore.QRunnable): ''' Worker thread Inherits from QRunnable to handler worker thread setup, signals and wrap-up. :param callback: The function callback to run on this worker thread. Supplied args and kwargs will be passed through to the runner. :type callback: function :param args: Arguments to pass to the callback function :param kwargs: Keywords to pass to the callback function ''' def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): super(Worker, self).__init__() # Store constructor arguments (re-used for processing)
[docs] self.fn = fn
[docs] self.args = args
[docs] self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] self.signals = WorkerSignals()
# # Add the callback to our kwargs # self.kwargs['progress_callback'] = self.signals.progress @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
[docs] def run(self): ''' Initialise the runner function with passed args, kwargs. ''' # Retrieve args/kwargs here; and fire processing using them try: result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] self.signals.error.emit((exctype, value, traceback.format_exc())) else: self.signals.result.emit(result) # Return the result of the processing finally: self.signals.finished.emit() # Done