Source code for autodeer.hardware.Bruker_AWG

from autodeer.classes import Interface
from autodeer.hardware.XeprAPI_link import XeprAPILink
from autodeer.hardware.Bruker_tools import PulseSpel, run_general

import tempfile
import time
import numpy as np

# =============================================================================

[docs] class BrukerAWG(Interface): """ Represents the interface for connecting to AWG based Bruker ELEXSYS-II Spectrometers. """ def __init__(self, config_file:str) -> None: """An interface for connecting to AWG based Bruker ELEXSYS-II Spectrometers. Getting Started ------------------ Before a connection can be made an appropriate configuration file first needs to be written. 1. Open Xepr 2. Processing -> XeprAPI -> Enable XeprAPI 3. `BrukerAWG.connect()` Parameters ---------- config_file : str The path to a YAML configuration file. Attributes ---------- bg_thread: None or threading.Thread If a background thread is needed, it is stored here. """
[docs] self.api = XeprAPILink(config_file)
[docs] self.spec_config = self.api.config["Spectrometer"]
[docs] self.bridge_config = self.api.spec_config["Bridge"]
[docs] self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("autoDEER")
[docs] self.d0 = self.bridge_config["d0"]
[docs] self.bg_thread = None
[docs] self.bg_data = None
[docs] self.cur_exp = None
[docs] self.tuning = False
[docs] self.pool = QThreadPool()
[docs] self.savename = ''
[docs] self.savefolder = str(Path.home())
[docs] self.setup_flag=False
[docs] def connect(self, d0=None) -> None: self.api.connect() time.sleep(1) self.setup(d0) return super().connect()
[docs] def setup(self,d0=None): self.api.hidden['BrPlsMode'].value = True self.api.hidden['OpMode'].value = 'Operate' self.api.hidden['RefArm'].value = 'On' self.api.cur_exp['VideoBW'].value = 20 if d0 is None: self.calc_d0() else: self.d0 = d0 self.api.hidden['Detection'].value = 'Signal' self.setup_flag = True pass
[docs] def acquire_dataset(self): if self.bg_data is None: if not self.isrunning(): if (self.savename is not None) and (self.savename != ''): self.api.xepr_save(os.path.join(self.savefolder,self.savename)) data = self.api.acquire_dataset(self.cur_exp) else: data = self.api.acquire_scan(self.cur_exp) else: data = create_dataset_from_sequence(self.bg_data, self.cur_exp) return super().acquire_dataset(data)
[docs] def _launch_complex_thread(self,sequence,axID=1,tune=True): uProgTable = build_unique_progtable(sequence) reduced_seq = sequence.copy() reduced_seq.progTable = transpose_list_of_dicts([transpose_dict_of_list(sequence.progTable)[0]]) uProgTable_py = uProgTable[axID] axis = uProgTable_py['axis'] reduced_seq.averages.value = 1 py_ax_dim = uProgTable_py['axis']['dim'] self.bg_data = np.zeros((uProgTable[0]['axis']['dim'],py_ax_dim),dtype=np.complex128) print("Initial PulseSpel Launch") self.launch(reduced_seq,savename='test',tune=tune, update_pulsespel=True, start=False,reset_bg_data=False,reset_cur_exp=False) self.terminate() variables = uProgTable_py['variables'] # print("Creating Thread") # # thread = threading.Thread(target=step_parameters,args=[self,reduced_seq,py_ax_dim,variables]) # # self.bg_thread = self.pool.submit(step_parameters, self,reduced_seq,py_ax_dim,variables) # self.bg_thread = Worker(step_parameters, self,reduced_seq,py_ax_dim,variables) # self.pool.start(self.bg_thread) # print("Started Thread") step_parameters(self,reduced_seq,py_ax_dim,variables) # thread.start() pass
[docs] def launch(self, sequence: Sequence, savename: str, start=True, tune=True, MPFU_overwrite=None,update_pulsespel=True, reset_bg_data = True, reset_cur_exp=True,**kwargs): sequence.shift_detfreq_to_zero() if self.isrunning(): self.terminate(now=True) time.sleep(4) if reset_bg_data: self.bg_data = None if reset_cur_exp: timestamp ='%Y%m%d_%H%M_') self.savename = timestamp+savename self.cur_exp = sequence # First check if the sequence is pulsespel compatible if not test_if_MPFU_compatability(sequence): print("Launching complex sequence") self._launch_complex_thread(sequence,1,tune) return None if update_pulsespel: def_text, exp_text = write_pulsespel_file(sequence,AWG=True) verbMsgParam = self.api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEPR.PlsSPELVerbMsg') plsSPELCmdParam = self.api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEPR.PlsSPELCmd') self.api.XeprCmds.aqPgSelectBuf(1) self.api.XeprCmds.aqPgSelectBuf(2) self.api.XeprCmds.aqPgSelectBuf(3) self.api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEpr.PlsSPELGlbTxt').value = def_text self.api.XeprCmds.aqPgShowDef() plsSPELCmdParam.value=3 time.sleep(5) # while not "The variable values are set up" in verbMsgParam.value: # time.sleep(0.1) self.api.XeprCmds.aqPgSelectBuf(2) self.api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEpr.PlsSPELPrgTxt').value = exp_text plsSPELCmdParam.value=7 time.sleep(5) # while not "Second pass ended" in verbMsgParam.value: # time.sleep(0.1) self.api.set_field(sequence.B.value) self.api.set_freq(sequence.LO.value) if 'B' in sequence.progTable['Variable']: idx = sequence.progTable['Variable'].index('B') B_axis = sequence.progTable['axis'][idx] self.api.set_sweep_width(B_axis.max()-B_axis.min()) self.api.set_ReplaceMode(False) self.api.set_Acquisition_mode(1) self.api.set_PhaseCycle(True) pg = sequence.pulses[-1].tp.value pg = round_step(pg/2,self.bridge_config['Pulse dt']) d0 = self.d0-pg if d0 <0: d0=0 d0 = round_step(d0,self.bridge_config['Pulse dt']) self.api.set_PulseSpel_var('d0', d0) self.api.set_PulseSpel_var('pg', pg*2) self.api.set_PulseSpel_experiment('auto') self.api.set_PulseSpel_phase_cycling('auto') if start: self.api.run_exp() pass
[docs] def tune_rectpulse(self,*,tp, LO, B, reptime, shots=400): """Generates a rectangular pi and pi/2 pulse of the given length at the given field position. This value is stored in the pulse cache. Parameters ---------- tp : float Pulse length in ns LO : float Central frequency of this pulse in GHz B : float Magnetic B0 field position in Gauss reptime: float Shot repetion time in us. shots: int The number of shots Returns ------- p90: RectPulse A tuned rectangular pi/2 pulse of length tp p180: RectPulse A tuned rectangular pi pulse of length tp """ amp_tune =HahnEchoSequence( B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=1, shots=shots ) scale = Parameter("scale",0,dim=45,step=0.02) amp_tune.pulses[0].tp.value = tp amp_tune.pulses[0].scale = scale amp_tune.pulses[1].tp.value = tp * 2 amp_tune.pulses[1].scale = scale amp_tune.evolution([scale]) self.launch(amp_tune, "autoDEER_amptune", IFgain=1) while self.isrunning(): time.sleep(10) dataset = self.acquire_dataset() dataset = dataset.epr.correctphase data = np.abs( scale = np.around(dataset.pulse0_scale[data.argmax()].data,2) if scale > 0.9: raise RuntimeError("Not enough power avaliable.") if scale == 0: warnings.warn("Pulse tuned with a scale of zero!") p90 = amp_tune.pulses[0].copy( scale=scale, LO=amp_tune.LO) p180 = amp_tune.pulses[1].copy( scale=scale, LO=amp_tune.LO) return p90, p180
[docs] def tune_pulse(self, pulse, mode, LO, B , reptime, shots=400): """Tunes a single pulse a range of methods. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse The Pulse object in need of tuning. mode : str The method to be used. LO : float The local oscilator frequency in GHz B : float Magnetic B0 field position in Gauss reptime : us Shot repetion time in us. shots: int The number of shots Returns ------- Tunned Pulse: Pulse The returned pulse object that is now tunned. """ # Check pulse is a pulse if type(pulse) == Delay: pass if type(pulse) == Detection: pass # Get absolute central frequency if hasattr(pulse,"freq"): c_frq = pulse.freq.value + LO elif hasattr(pulse, "init_freq") & hasattr(pulse, "BW"): c_frq = pulse.init_freq.value + 0.5*pulse.BW.value + LO elif hasattr(pulse, "final_freq") & hasattr(pulse, "BW"): c_frq = pulse.final_freq.value - 0.5*pulse.BW.value + LO elif hasattr(pulse, "init_freq") & hasattr(pulse, "final_freq"): c_frq = 0.5*(pulse.final_freq.value + pulse.final_freq.value) + LO pi2_pulse, pi_pulse = self.tune_rectpulse(tp=12, B=B, LO=c_frq, reptime=reptime) if mode == "amp_hahn": amp_tune =HahnEchoSequence( B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=1, shots=shots, pi2_pulse = pulse, pi_pulse=pi_pulse ) scale = Parameter('scale',0,unit=None,step=0.02, dim=45, description='The amplitude of the pulse 0-1') amp_tune.pulses[0].scale = scale amp_tune.evolution([scale]) self.launch(amp_tune, "autoDEER_amptune", IFgain=1) while self.isrunning(): time.sleep(10) dataset = self.acquire_dataset() new_amp = np.around(dataset.pulse0_scale[].data,2) pulse.scale = Parameter('scale',new_amp,unit=None,description='The amplitude of the pulse 0-1') return pulse elif mode == "amp_nut": nut_tune = Sequence( name="nut_tune", B=(B/LO*c_frq), LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=1,shots=shots ) nut_tune.addPulse(pulse.copy( t=0, pcyc={"phases":[0],"dets":[1]}, scale=0)) nut_tune.addPulse( pi2_pulse.copy(t=2e3, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi],"dets":[1, -1]}, freq=c_frq-LO)) nut_tune.addPulse( pi_pulse.copy(t=2.5e3, pcyc={"phases":[0],"dets":[1]}, freq=c_frq-LO)) nut_tune.addPulse(Detection(t=3e3, tp=512, freq=c_frq-LO)) scale = Parameter('scale',0,unit=None,step=0.02, dim=45, description='The amplitude of the pulse 0-1') nut_tune.pulses[0].scale = scale nut_tune.evolution([scale]) self.launch(nut_tune, "autoDEER_amptune", IFgain=1) while self.isrunning(): time.sleep(10) dataset = self.acquire_dataset() dataset = dataset.epr.correctphase data = axis = dataset.pulse0_scale # data = correctphase( if data[0] < 0: data *= -1 if np.isclose(pulse.flipangle.value, np.pi): new_amp = np.around(axis[data.argmin()].data,2) elif np.isclose(pulse.flipangle.value, np.pi/2): sign_changes = np.diff(np.sign(np.real(data))) new_amp = np.around(axis[np.nonzero(sign_changes)[0][0]].data,2) else: raise RuntimeError("Target pulse can only have a flip angle of either: ", "pi or pi/2.") pulse.scale = Parameter('scale',new_amp,unit=None,description='The amplitude of the pulse 0-1') return pulse
[docs] def tune_nutation(self, test_pulse): Nutation = open.Sequence( name="Nutation Tuning", B=12248.7, LO=33.970715, reptime=3000, averages=1, shots=100) pi2_pulse = open.RectPulse(t=0, tp=12, freq=0, pcyc = [0, np.pi], flipangle=np.pi/2) pi_pulse = open.RectPulse(t=500, tp=12, freq=0, pcyc= [0], flipangle=np.pi) Nutation.addPulse(test_pulse) Nutation.addPulse(pi2_pulse) Nutation.addPulse(pi_pulse) Nutation.addPulse(open.Detection(t=1e3, tp=48)) Nutation.convert() pass
[docs] def isrunning(self) -> bool: if self.tuning: return True if self.bg_thread is None: return self.api.is_exp_running() else: return self.bg_thread.running()
[docs] def terminate(self,now=False) -> None: self.tuning = False if self.bg_thread is None: if now: return self.api.abort_exp() else: return self.api.stop_exp() else: attempt = self.bg_thread.cancel() if not attempt: raise RuntimeError("Thread failed to be canceled!")
[docs] def calc_d0(self): """ This creates an initial guess for d0. A better estimate can only be found after the field sweep. """'Calcuating d0') hw_log.debug('Setting Detection = TM') self.api.hidden['Detection'].value = 'TM' B = self.api.get_field() LO = self.api.get_counterfreq() self.api.set_attenuator('+<x>',100) d0=0 self.d0=d0 seq = Sequence(name='single_pulse',B=B,LO=LO,reptime=3e3,averages=1,shots=20) det_tp = Parameter('tp',value=16,dim=4,step=0) seq.addPulse(RectPulse(tp=det_tp,t=0,flipangle=np.pi)) seq.addPulse(Detection(tp=16,t=d0)) seq.evolution([det_tp]) self.launch(seq,savename='test',tune=False) self.terminate(now=True) time.sleep(3) self.api.cur_exp['ftEPR.StartPlsPrg'].value = True self.api.hidden['specJet.NoOfAverages'].value = 20 self.api.hidden['specJet.NOnBoardAvgs'].value = 20 if not self.api.hidden['specJet.AverageStart'].value: self.api.hidden['specJet.AverageStart'].value = True self.api.hidden['specJet.NoOfPoints'].value = 1024 time.sleep(3) optimal = False while not optimal: max_value = np.abs(get_specjet_data(self)).max() y_max = np.abs(self.api.hidden['specjet.DataRange'][0]) vg =self.api.get_video_gain() if max_value > 0.7* y_max: self.api.set_video_gain(vg - 3) time.sleep(0.5) elif max_value < 0.3* y_max: self.api.set_video_gain(vg + 3) time.sleep(0.5) else: optimal=True specjet_data = np.abs(get_specjet_data(self)) calc_d0 = d0 + self.api.hidden['specJet.Abs1Data'][specjet_data.argmax()] d0 = calc_d0 - 256 seq = Sequence(name='single_pulse',B=B,LO=LO,reptime=3e3,averages=1,shots=20) det_tp = Parameter('tp',value=16,dim=4,step=0) seq.addPulse(RectPulse(tp=det_tp,t=0,flipangle=np.pi)) seq.addPulse(Detection(tp=16,t=d0)) seq.evolution([det_tp]) self.launch(seq,savename='test',tune=False) self.terminate() self.api.cur_exp['ftEPR.StartPlsPrg'].value = True if not self.api.hidden['specJet.AverageStart'].value: self.api.hidden['specJet.AverageStart'].value = True self.api.hidden['specJet.NoOfPoints'].value = 512 time.sleep(3) specjet_data = np.abs(get_specjet_data(self)) calc_d0 = d0 + self.api.hidden['specJet.Abs1Data'][specjet_data.argmax()] self.d0 = calc_d0 + 64 # 64ns added to compensate for hahn echo center in field sweep"d0 set to {self.d0}") self.api.hidden['Detection'].value = 'Signal'
[docs] def calc_d0_from_Hahn_Echo(self, B=None, LO=None): B = self.api.get_field() LO = self.api.get_counterfreq() if B is not None: self.api.set_field(B) if LO is not None: self.api.set_freq(LO) d0 = self.d0 # self.api.set_PulseSpel_var('d0',d0) self.api.run_exp() self.api.abort_exp() while self.api.is_exp_running(): time.sleep(1) self.api.cur_exp['ftEPR.StartPlsPrg'].value = True self.api.hidden['specJet.NoOfAverages'].value = 20 self.api.hidden['specJet.NOnBoardAvgs'].value = 20 if not self.api.hidden['specJet.AverageStart'].value: self.api.hidden['specJet.AverageStart'].value = True self.api.hidden['specJet.NoOfPoints'].value = 512 optimal = False while not optimal: max_value = np.abs(get_specjet_data(self)).max() y_max = np.abs(self.api.hidden['specjet.DataRange'][0]) vg =self.api.get_video_gain() if max_value > 0.7* y_max: self.api.set_video_gain(vg - 3) time.sleep(0.5) elif max_value < 0.3* y_max: self.api.set_video_gain(vg + 3) time.sleep(0.5) else: optimal=True specjet_data = np.abs(get_specjet_data(self)) calc_d0 = d0 - 64 + self.api.hidden['specJet.Abs1Data'][specjet_data.argmax()] self.d0 = calc_d0"d0 set to {self.d0}") return self.d0
# =============================================================================
[docs] def get_specjet_data(interface): n_points = interface.api.hidden['specJet.Data'].aqGetParDimSize(0) array = np.zeros(n_points,dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(n_points): array[i] = interface.api.hidden['specJet.Data'][i] + 1j* interface.api.hidden['specJet.Data1'][i] return array
[docs] def test_if_MPFU_compatability(seq): table = seq.progTable if 'LO' in table['Variable']: return False elif np.unique(table['axID']).size > 2: return False else: return True