Source code for autodeer.hardware.Bruker_tools

from autodeer.sequences import Sequence
from autodeer.pulses import RectPulse, Delay, Detection
from autodeer.utils import gcd, val_in_ns, val_in_us, transpose_list_of_dicts
import numpy as np
import re
import time
import importlib
from autodeer import __version__
import os
import logging

[docs] MODULE_DIR = importlib.util.find_spec('autodeer').submodule_search_locations[0]
[docs] hw_log = logging.getLogger('interface.Xepr')
header += "; " + \ f"Auto-generated PulseSpel {{}} file by autoDEER {__version__}\n" header += "; " + "-" * 79 + "\n" # =============================================================================
[docs] class PSPhaseCycle: def __init__(self, sequence, MPFU=None, OnlyDet=False) -> None:
[docs] BPhaseCycles = []
if MPFU is not None: pulse_dicts = self._MPFU(sequence, MPFU) else: pulse_dicts = self._main(sequence)
[docs] detect_dicts =self._detect(sequence)
if not OnlyDet: BPhaseCycles += pulse_dicts BPhaseCycles += detect_dicts self.BPhaseCycles = BPhaseCycles self.__str__() pass
[docs] def _MPFU(self, sequence, MPFU): BPhaseCycles = [] for i,pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): if type(pulse) == Delay: continue elif type(pulse) == Detection: continue dict = {} dict["Pulse"] = i dict["Cycle"] = [] if pulse.pcyc["Channels"] == "ELDOR": dict["Cycle"].append("ELDOR") else: for j in pulse.pcyc["Channels"]: dict["Cycle"].append(MPFU[j]) BPhaseCycles.append(dict) return BPhaseCycles
[docs] def _main(self, sequence): num_pulses = len(sequence.pcyc_vars) num_cycles = sequence.pcyc_dets.shape[0] BPhaseCycles = [] # Normal pulses for i in range(0, num_pulses): dict = {} dict["Pulse"] = sequence.pcyc_vars[i] dict["Cycle"] = [] if sequence.pulses[i].pcyc["Channels"] == "ELDOR": dict["Cycle"].append("ELDOR") else: for j in range(0, num_cycles): phase = sequence.pcyc_cycles[j, i] norm_phase = (phase / np.pi) % 2 if norm_phase == 0: B_phase = "+x" elif norm_phase == 1: B_phase = "-x" elif norm_phase == 0.5: B_phase = "+y" elif norm_phase == 1.5: B_phase = "-y" dict["Cycle"].append(B_phase) BPhaseCycles.append(dict) return BPhaseCycles
[docs] def _detect(self, sequence): num_cycles = sequence.pcyc_dets.shape[0] BPhaseCycles = [] asg_dict = {"Cycle": [], "Pulse": 'a'} bsg_dict = {"Cycle": [], "Pulse": 'b'} for j in range(0, num_cycles): phase = sequence.pcyc_dets[j] if phase == 1: a_phase = "+a" b_phase = "+b" elif phase == -1: a_phase = "-a" b_phase = "-b" elif phase == 1j: a_phase = "+a" b_phase = "-b" elif phase == -1j: a_phase = "-a" b_phase = "+b" asg_dict["Cycle"].append(a_phase) bsg_dict["Cycle"].append(b_phase) BPhaseCycles.append(asg_dict) BPhaseCycles.append(bsg_dict) return BPhaseCycles
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: full_str = "begin lists \"auto\" \n" pcyc_hash = {} for i, cycle_dict in enumerate(self.BPhaseCycles): cycle = cycle_dict["Cycle"] if type(cycle_dict["Pulse"]) != str: pcyc_hash[cycle_dict["Pulse"]] = f"ph{i+1}" line_str = f"ph{i+1} " elif cycle_dict["Pulse"] == 'a': line_str = f"asg1 " elif cycle_dict["Pulse"] == 'b': line_str = f"bsg1 " for phase in cycle: line_str += f"{phase} " line_str += "\n" full_str += line_str full_str += "end lists \n" self.pcyc_hash = pcyc_hash return full_str
# =============================================================================
[docs] class PSparvar: def __init__(self, sequence: Sequence, id) -> None:
[docs] progTable = sequence.progTable
[docs] progTable_n = len(progTable["EventID"])
[docs] parvar = {}
[docs] self.PulseSpel = True
parvar["variables"] = [] parvar["types"] = []
[docs] = []
parvar["vec"] = [] parvar["step"] = [] for i in range(0, progTable_n): # Loop over all progressions if progTable["axID"][i] == id: # Ignore all progressions that aren't for this axis pulse_num = progTable["EventID"][i] var = progTable["Variable"][i] vec = progTable["axis"][i] parvar["variables"].append(var) if var == 'B': continue if var == 't': #add this to the assoicated delay parvar["types"].append("d") elif var == 'reptime': parvar["types"].append('srt')'srt') elif not isinstance(sequence.pulses[pulse_num], Detection): parvar["types"].append("p") parvar["vec"].append(vec) if len(np.unique(np.diff(vec))) != 1: self.PulseSpel = False parvar["step"].append(0) else: parvar["step"].append(np.unique(np.diff(vec))[0]) if "B" in parvar["variables"]: self.Bsweep = True else: self.Bsweep = False if "reptime" in parvar["variables"]: self.repsweep = True else: self.repsweep = False if len(parvar['step']) == 0: self.ax_step = None self.init = None self.dim = None self.parvar = parvar else: self.ax_step = parvar["step"][0] self.init = parvar["vec"][0][0] self.dim = parvar["vec"][0].shape[0] self.parvar = parvar pass
[docs] def checkPulseSpel(self) -> bool: """Checks if parvar can be run in PulseSpel.\\ Criteria: 1) Only pulse/delay lengths changing 2) Constant integer step changes Returns ------- bool _description_ """
[docs] possible_delays = [ "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d10", "d11", "d12", "d13", "d14", "d15", "d16", "d17", "d18", "d19", "d20", "d21", "d22", "d23", "d24", "d25", "d26", "d27", "d28", "d29", "d30"]
[docs] possible_vars = ['a','b','c','e']
[docs] possible_pulses = [ "p0", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6", "p7", "p8", "p9", "p10"]
[docs] def convert_progtable(progtable): """ This function reformats the progtable to be compatible with the Bruker_tools. This is done by converting the axis of each moving pulse to be relative to the previous moving pulse. """ n_entries = len(progtable['EventID']) uaxes = np.unique(progtable['axID']) n_uaxes = len(uaxes) for ax in uaxes: base_axis = None total_axis = None for i in range(n_entries): if progtable['axID'][i] != ax: continue if progtable['Variable'][i] != 't': continue if base_axis is None: base_axis = progtable['axis'][i] total_axis = base_axis else: new_axis = progtable['axis'][i] - total_axis total_axis = progtable['axis'][i] progtable['axis'][i] = new_axis return progtable
[docs] def calc_rel_positions(sequence): """ Calcuates the starting relative positions of all pulses in a sequence. """ n_pulses = len(sequence.pulses) positions = np.zeros(n_pulses) for i,pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): positions[i] = pulse.t.value rel_positions = np.diff(positions,prepend=0) return rel_positions
# =============================================================================
[docs] class PulseSpel: def __init__(self, sequence, d0, MPFU=None, AWG=False) -> None: self._check_sequence(sequence) self.convert_progtable(sequence.progTable)
[docs] self.possible_delays = possible_delays.copy()
[docs] self.possible_pulses = possible_pulses.copy()
[docs] self.possible_vars = possible_vars.copy()
[docs] self.sequence = sequence
[docs] self.var_hash = {}
[docs] self.def_file_str = ""
[docs] self.exp_file_str = ""
[docs] self.dims = []
[docs] self.MPFU = MPFU
[docs] self.AWG = AWG
[docs] self.pcyc_str = ""
# Build hash of initial pulses # For every event and delay is created immediately prior to the event
[docs] rel_positions = calc_rel_positions(sequence)
for id, pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): str = self._new_delay(f"{id}d") self._addDef(f"{str} = {int(rel_positions[id])}") if type(pulse) == Detection: self.var_hash[id] = "pg" self._addDef(f"pg = {int(}") else: str = self._new_pulse(id) self._addDef(f"{str} = {int(}") self._addDef(f"h = {sequence.shots.value}") self._addDef(f"n = {sequence.averages.value}") self._addDef(f"srt = {sequence.reptime.value:.0f} * srtu") self._addDef(f"d0 = {d0:.0f} ") # Build table of parvars
[docs] unique_parvars = np.unique(sequence.progTable["axID"])
[docs] self.parvars = []
for i in unique_parvars: parvar = PSparvar(sequence, i) self.parvars.append(parvar) # TODO: Add checker that the only the first two parvars are bruker # compatible. # Incremented variables need both a placeholder variable and a stepper.
[docs] step_hash = {}
[docs] place_hash = {}
for i, parvar in enumerate(self.parvars): for j, event in enumerate( if event == 'srt': #srt loop str = self._new_var('srt') self._addDef(f"{str} = {parvar.parvar['step'][j]} * srtu") str = self._new_var('srt_step') step_hash[event] = str self._addDef(f"{str} = {parvar.parvar['step'][j]} * srtu") place_hash[event] = 'srt' elif parvar.parvar['types'][j] == 'p': #pulse loop str = self._new_delay(f"{event}_step") step_hash[f"{event}p"] = str self._addDef(f"{str} = {parvar.parvar['step'][j]}") str = self._new_pulse(f"{event}_place") place_hash[f"{event}p"] = str elif parvar.parvar['types'][j] == 'd': #delay loop str = self._new_delay(f"{event}_step") step_hash[f"{event}d"] = str self._addDef(f"{str} = {parvar.parvar['step'][j]}") str = self._new_delay(f"{event}_place") place_hash[f"{event}d"] = str dim_step = self._new_delay(f"dim{i}_step") self._addDef(f"{dim_step} = {parvar.ax_step}") self._addDef(f"d{20+i} = {parvar.init}") self.dims.append(parvar.dim) # Build experiment file if self.AWG: self.pcyc_hash = {} id = -1 for pulse_num,pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): if (type(pulse) is Delay): continue elif (type(pulse) is Detection): continue id += 1 awg_id = self._addAWGPulse(sequence,pulse_num, id) self.pcyc_hash[pulse_num] = awg_id pcyc = PSPhaseCycle(self.sequence, MPFU=None, OnlyDet=True) self.pcyc_str = pcyc.__str__() + self.pcyc_str else: self._addPhaseCycle() for i in place_hash.keys(): self._addExp(f"{place_hash[i]} = {self.var_hash[i]}") if self.parvars[0].Bsweep: self._addExp(f"bsweep x=1 to sx") elif self.parvars[0].repsweep: self._addExp(f"for x=1 to sx") else: self._addExp(f"sweep x=1 to sx") self._addExp(f"shot i=1 to h") self._addExp(f"d9") # Just a stupid uncessary variable # # Read pulse sequence with phase cycle for id, pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): # if id in place_hash: # pulse_str = place_hash[id] # else: # pulse_str = self.var_hash[id] # Add delays if f"{id}d" in place_hash: delay_str = place_hash[f"{id}d"] else: delay_str = self.var_hash[f"{id}d"] self._addExp(f"{delay_str}") # Add pulses if f"{id}p" in place_hash: pulse_str = place_hash[f"{id}p"] else: pulse_str = self.var_hash[id] if id in self.pcyc_hash: self._addExp(f"{pulse_str} [{self.pcyc_hash[id]}]") elif type(pulse) == Detection: self._addExp(f"d0\nacq [sg1]") else: self._addExp(f"{pulse_str}") self._addExp(f"next i") # End of shots loop for i in place_hash.keys(): self._addExp(f"{place_hash[i]} = {place_hash[i]} + {step_hash[i]}") if not self.parvars[0].Bsweep: self._addExp(f"dx = dx + {dim_step}") self._addExp(f"next x") # End of scan loop self._addScanLoop() self._cmpl_Exp() self._cmpl_def() pass
[docs] def _new_delay(self, key): str = self.possible_delays.pop(0) self.var_hash[key] = str return str
[docs] def _new_var(self, key): str = self.possible_vars.pop(0) self.var_hash[key] = str return str
[docs] def _new_pulse(self, key): str = self.possible_pulses.pop(0) self.var_hash[key] = str return str
[docs] def save(self, filepath): fdef_path = f"{filepath}.def" fexp_path = f"{filepath}.exp" with open(fdef_path, "w") as fdef: fdef.write(header.format("definition")) fdef.write(self.def_file_str) with open(fexp_path, "w") as fexp: fexp.write(header.format("experiment")) fexp.write(self._ExpDefs()) fexp.write("\n"*3) fexp.write(self.pcyc_str) fexp.write("\n"*3) fexp.write(self.exp_file_str) pass
[docs] def _addDef(self, str): self.def_file_str += str self.def_file_str += "\n"
[docs] def _addExp(self, str): self.exp_file_str += str self.exp_file_str += "\n"
[docs] def _ExpDefs(self): str = "begin defs \n" if len(self.dims) == 1: str += f"dim s[{self.dims[0]}] \n" elif len(self.dims) == 2: str += f"dim s[{self.dims[0]},{self.dims[1]}] \n" str += "end defs \n" return str
[docs] def _addScanLoop(self): self.exp_file_str = "for k=1 to n\n" + self.exp_file_str self.exp_file_str += "next k \n" pass
[docs] def _addPhaseCycle(self): self.pcyc = PSPhaseCycle(self.sequence, self.MPFU) self.pcyc_hash = self.pcyc.pcyc_hash self.pcyc_str = self.pcyc.__str__()
[docs] def _addAWGPulse(self, sequence, pulse_num, id): awg_id = id pulse=sequence.pulses[pulse_num] if type(pulse) is RectPulse: shape = 0 init_freq = pulse.freq.value final_freq = init_freq if hasattr(pulse,"scale"): amplitude = pulse.scale.value else: amplitude = 0 def add_AWG_line(elements, comment=None, indent=2, repeat=1): string = "" string += " "*indent for i in range(0,repeat): if isinstance(elements,list) or isinstance(elements,np.ndarray): for ele in elements: string += f"{ele:<4} " else: string += f"{elements:<4} " if comment is not None: string += "; " + comment string += "\n" return string string = "" # phase = np.round(np.degrees(pulse.pcyc["Phases"])) phase = np.round(np.degrees(sequence.pcyc_cycles[:,sequence.pcyc_vars.index(pulse_num)])) num_cycles = len(phase) string += f"begin awg{awg_id}\n" string += add_AWG_line( init_freq, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Initial Frequency [MHz]") string += add_AWG_line( final_freq, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Final Frequency [MHz]") string += add_AWG_line( phase, repeat=1, comment="Phase") string += add_AWG_line( amplitude, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Amplitude") string += add_AWG_line( shape, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Shape") string += f"end awg{awg_id}\n" self.pcyc_str += string return f"awg{id}"
[docs] def _check_sequence(self, sequence): for i, pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): if (type(pulse) is not Delay): continue elif (type(pulse) is not Detection): continue elif pulse.scale is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing scale in pulse {i}")
[docs] def _cmpl_Exp(self): self.exp_file_str = f"begin exp \"{'auto'}\" [INTG QUAD]\n" +\ self.exp_file_str self.exp_file_str += "end exp\n"
[docs] def _cmpl_def(self): self.def_file_str = f"begin defs \n\n" +\ self.def_file_str self.def_file_str += "end defs\n"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: output_str = "DEF File \n" + "#"*79 + "\n" output_str += self.def_file_str output_str += "#"*79 + "\n" output_str += "EXP File \n" + "#"*79 + "\n" output_str += self._ExpDefs() + "\n \n" + self.pcyc_str + "\n \n" + self.exp_file_str return output_str
# ============================================================================= # Functions # =============================================================================
[docs] def run_general( api, ps_file: tuple, exp: tuple, settings: dict, variables: dict, run: bool = True) -> None: """A function to run a general Pulse Spel experiment through autoDeer. Parameters ---------- api : _type_ The current Bruker Xepr class ps_file : tuple A tuple containing the file path to both the ".exp" and ".def" files. exp : tuple A tuple giving the name of the experiment and phase cycle. settings : dict A dictionary containing possible acquisition settings. Options include ['ReplaceMode','PhaseCycle','Acquisition_mode'] variables : dict A dictionary containg pulse spel variables to choose from can, these can also be dimension of experiment. run : bool, optional Should the experiment run or just compile, by default True Raises ------ ValueError If an input is of the wrong type. """ if os.path.isfile(ps_file[0]): if os.path.isabs(ps_file[0]): base_path = "" else: base_path = MODULE_DIR if len(ps_file) == 1: # Assuming that both the EXP file and the DEF file have the same # name bar-extention exp_file = base_path + ps_file[0] + ".exp" def_file = base_path + ps_file[0] + ".def" elif len(ps_file) == 2: # EXP and DEF file have seperate name exp_file = base_path + ps_file[0] + ".exp" def_file = base_path + ps_file[1] + ".def" else: raise ValueError( "ps_file must be of form ['EXP file'] or ['EXP file','DEF file']") with open(exp_file, "r") as exp_file: exp_text = with open(def_file, "r") as def_file: def_text = else: exp_text = ps_file[0] def_text = ps_file[1] # # Identifying a dimension change in settings # r = re.compile("dim([0-9]*)") # match_list: list = list(filter( # lambda list: list is not None, [r.match(i) for i in variables.keys()])) # if len(match_list) >= 1: # for i in range(0, len(match_list)): # key = match_list[i][0] # dim = int(r.findall(key)[0]) # new_length = int(variables[key]) # change_dimensions(exp_file, dim, new_length) verbMsgParam = api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEPR.PlsSPELVerbMsg') plsSPELCmdParam = api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEPR.PlsSPELCmd') api.XeprCmds.aqPgSelectBuf(1) api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEpr.PlsSPELGlbTxt').value = def_text api.XeprCmds.aqPgShowDef() plsSPELCmdParam.value=3 while not "The variable values are set up" in verbMsgParam.value: time.sleep(0.1) api.XeprCmds.aqPgSelectBuf(2) api.cur_exp.getParam('*ftEpr.PlsSPELPrgTxt').value = exp_text plsSPELCmdParam.value=7 while not "Second pass ended" in verbMsgParam.value: time.sleep(0.1) if "ReplaceMode" in settings: api.set_ReplaceMode(settings["ReplaceMode"]) else: api.set_ReplaceMode(False) if "PhaseCycle" in settings: api.set_PhaseCycle(settings["PhaseCycle"]) else: api.set_PhaseCycle(True) if "Acquisition_mode" in settings: api.set_Acquisition_mode(settings["Acquisition_mode"]) else: api.set_Acquisition_mode(1) for var in variables: api.set_PulseSpel_var(var.lower(), variables[var]) api.set_PulseSpel_experiment(exp[0]) api.set_PulseSpel_phase_cycling(exp[1]) # Run Experiment if run is True: api.run_exp() time.sleep(1) pass
# =============================================================================
[docs] def change_dimensions(path, dim: int, new_length): """A function to rewrite a pulseSpel experiment file with a new dimension Parameters ---------- path : str The full file path. dim : int The experiment number that needs to be changed new_length : int The new length can be a list of two if 2D. Raises ------ ValueError If there more than 2 dimesnions are supplied. Xepr can not handle 3+D experiments. """ # dim_str = "dim" + str(int(dim)) # Open file with open(path, 'r') as file: data = file.readlines() # Build Regular expression to search for # This identifies the correct line and extracts the comment. re_search = fr"dim{int(dim)}\s*s\[[0-9]+,*[0-9]*\]" if type(new_length) == int: new_string = f"dim{int(dim)} s[{int(new_length)}]" elif type(new_length) == list: if len(new_length) == 1: new_string = f"dim{int(dim)} s[{int(new_length[0])}]" elif len(new_length) == 2: new_string = \ f"dim{int(dim)} s[{int(new_length[0])},{int(new_length[1])}]" else: raise ValueError("New length can't have more than 2 dimensions") else: raise ValueError("new_length must be either an int or a list") data = [re.sub(re_search, new_string, line) for line in data] with open(path, 'w') as file: file.writelines(data)
[docs] def _addAWGPulse(sequence, pulse_num, id, pcyc_str,amp_var=None): awg_id = id pulse=sequence.pulses[pulse_num] if type(pulse) is RectPulse: shape = 0 init_freq = pulse.freq.value final_freq = init_freq if amp_var is not None: amplitude = amp_var else: if hasattr(pulse,"scale"): amplitude = pulse.scale.value else: amplitude = 0 def add_AWG_line(elements, comment=None, indent=2, repeat=1): string = "" string += " "*indent for i in range(0,repeat): if isinstance(elements,list) or isinstance(elements,np.ndarray): for ele in elements: string += f"{ele:<4} " else: string += f"{elements:<4} " if comment is not None: string += "; " + comment string += "\n" return string string = "" # phase = np.round(np.degrees(pulse.pcyc["Phases"])) phase = np.round(np.degrees(sequence.pcyc_cycles[:,sequence.pcyc_vars.index(pulse_num)])) num_cycles = len(phase) string += f"begin awg{awg_id}\n" string += add_AWG_line( init_freq, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Initial Frequency [MHz]") string += add_AWG_line( final_freq, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Final Frequency [MHz]") string += add_AWG_line( phase, repeat=1, comment="Phase") string += add_AWG_line( amplitude, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Amplitude") string += add_AWG_line( shape, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Shape") string += f"end awg{awg_id}\n" pcyc_str += string return pcyc_str, f"awg{id}"
[docs] def get_arange(array): if np.ndim(array) > 1: raise ValueError("The array must be 1D") array = np.around(array,6) unique_diff = np.unique(np.diff(array)) step = unique_diff[0] start = array[0] stop = array[-1] return start,stop+step, step
[docs] def build_unique_progtable(seq): progtable = seq.progTable unique_axs = np.unique(progtable["axID"]) u_progtable = [] d_shifts=[] for axID in unique_axs: axes = [] variables = [] for i,j in enumerate(progtable["axID"]): if axID != j: continue axes.append(progtable["axis"][i]) variables.append((progtable["EventID"][i], progtable["Variable"][i])) if np.any([a[1]=='scale' for a in variables]): axes = [ax * 100 for ax in axes] # Find unique axis steps = [] for axis in axes: start,_, step = get_arange(axis) steps.append(step) if np.any(steps): if np.all(np.mod(steps,1) == 0): common_step = gcd(steps) else: common_step = np.min(steps) # idx = np.argmin(steps) # start = get_arange(axes[idx]) multipliers = np.array(steps)/common_step else: common_step = 0 multipliers = np.ones(len(steps)) start = axes[0][0]/multipliers[0] index = progtable["axID"].index(axID) common_axis={"start":start,"dim":np.shape(axes[0])[0],"step":common_step,"reduce":progtable["reduce"][index]} n_steps = len(steps) vars = [{"variable": variables[i],"multiplier":multipliers[i]} for i in range(n_steps)] n_pulses = len(seq.pulses) t_shift = np.zeros(n_pulses) for var,mul in zip(variables,multipliers): if var[1] != 't': continue t_shift[var[0]] = mul u_progtable.append({"axID":axID,"axis":common_axis,"variables":vars, "delay_shifts": np.diff(t_shift,prepend=0)}) return u_progtable
# def _addAWGPulse(self, sequence, pulse_num, id): # awg_id = id # pulse=sequence.pulses[pulse_num] # if type(pulse) is RectPulse: # shape = 0 # init_freq = pulse.freq.value # final_freq = init_freq # if hasattr(pulse,"scale"): # amplitude = pulse.scale.value # else: # amplitude = 0 # def add_AWG_line(elements, comment=None, indent=2, repeat=1): # string = "" # string += " "*indent # for i in range(0,repeat): # if isinstance(elements,list) or isinstance(elements,np.ndarray): # for ele in elements: # string += f"{ele:<4} " # else: # string += f"{elements:<4} " # if comment is not None: # string += "; " + comment # string += "\n" # return string # string = "" # # phase = np.round(np.degrees(pulse.pcyc["Phases"])) # phase = np.round(np.degrees(sequence.pcyc_cycles[:,sequence.pcyc_vars.index(pulse_num)])) # num_cycles = len(phase) # string += f"begin awg{awg_id}\n" # string += add_AWG_line( # init_freq, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Initial Frequency [MHz]") # string += add_AWG_line( # final_freq, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Final Frequency [MHz]") # string += add_AWG_line( # phase, repeat=1, comment="Phase") # string += add_AWG_line( # amplitude, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Amplitude") # string += add_AWG_line( # shape, repeat=num_cycles, comment="Shape") # string += f"end awg{awg_id}\n" # self.pcyc_str += string # return f"awg{id}"
[docs] def check_variable(var:str, uprog): if isinstance(uprog,list): for up in uprog: if check_variable(var,up): return True return False else: for i in range(len(uprog['variables'])): if uprog['variables'][i]["variable"][1] == var: return True return False
[docs] def determine_TWT_split(sequence, MaxGate): n_pulses = len(sequence.pulses) uprogtable = build_unique_progtable(sequence) TWT_gate_max = MaxGate *1e3 try: idx = transpose_list_of_dicts(uprogtable[0]['variables'])['variable'].index((n_pulses-1, 't')) except ValueError: return False multiplier = uprogtable[0]['variables'][idx]['multiplier'] axis = uprogtable[0]['axis'] max_time = axis['start'] + axis['step'] * axis['dim'] * multiplier if max_time > TWT_gate_max:'Time too long for TWT gate, need to split the experiment') split_point = int(0.75 * TWT_gate_max / max_time * axis['dim']) return split_point else: return False
[docs] def write_pulsespel_file(sequence,d0, AWG=False, MPFU=False,MaxGate=40): """Write the pulsespel file for a given sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence : Sequence The sequence class to be converted. AWG : bool, optional Is this a pulse spel file for an AWG spectrometer, by default False MPFU : list, optional A list of MPFU channels, by default False MaxGate : float, optional The maximum gate time for the TWT gate in microseconds, by default 40 us Returns ------- str The string for the definition file str The string for the experiment file """ split_point = determine_TWT_split(sequence,MaxGate=40) uprogtable = build_unique_progtable(sequence) possible_delays = [ "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d10", "d11", "d12", "d13", "d14", "d15", "d16", "d17", "d18", "d19", "d20", "d21", "d22", "d23", "d24", "d25", "d26", "d27", "d28", "d29", "d30"] possible_pulses= ["p0", "p1","p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6", "p7", "p8", "p9"] loop_iterators = ["i","j"] loop_dims = ["m","f"] letter_vars = ['b','c','e','f','g'] possible_amps = ["aa1","aa2","aa3","aa4","aa5","aa6","aa7","aa8","aa9","aa10", "ab1","ab2","ab3","ab4","ab5","ab6","ab7","ab8","ab9","ab10", "ac1","ac2","ac3","ac4","ac5","ac6","ac7","ac8","ac9","ac10"] n_pulses = len(sequence.pulses) n_axes = len(uprogtable) static_delay_hash = {0:"d9"} static_pulse_hash = {} mv_delay_hash = {} mv_pulse_hash = {} axis_start_hash = {} axis_step_hash = {} axis_val_hash = {} mv_pulse_amp_hash = {} static_pulse_amp_hash = {} axs_ids = [] scanhead = "begin exp \"auto\" [INTG QUAD] \n" foot = "end exp" def_file = "begin defs \n" dims = "begin defs \n dim s[" pcyc_str = "" # Add shot repetition time if not check_variable("reptime", uprogtable): def_file += f"srt = {val_in_us(sequence.reptime, False):.0f} * srtu\n" def_file += f"d0 = {d0:.0f}\n" prev_pulse = None for i,pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): static_delay_hash[i] = possible_delays.pop() if prev_pulse is None: def_file += f"{static_delay_hash[i]} = {pulse.t.value}\n" else: def_file += f"{static_delay_hash[i]} = {pulse.t.value - prev_pulse.t.value}\n" if type(pulse) is Detection: def_file += f"pg = {}\n" else: static_pulse_hash[i] = possible_pulses.pop() def_file += f"{static_pulse_hash[i]} = {}\n" if AWG and (not isinstance(pulse,Detection)): static_pulse_amp_hash[i] = possible_amps.pop() def_file += f"{static_pulse_amp_hash[i]} = {int(pulse.scale.value * 100):d}\n" prev_pulse = pulse for axis in uprogtable: ax_ID = axis["axID"] axs_ids.append(ax_ID) axis_start_hash[ax_ID] = possible_delays.pop() axis_step_hash[ax_ID] = possible_delays.pop() axis_val_hash[ax_ID] = possible_delays.pop() def_file += f"{axis_step_hash[ax_ID]} = {axis['axis']['step']}\n" if not axis['axis']['reduce']: dims += f"{axis['axis']['dim']}," axs_ids.sort(reverse=True) reduced_axes = np.array([uprogtable[i]["axis"]["reduce"] for i in range(n_axes)]) n_reduced = np.sum(reduced_axes) if n_axes - n_reduced == 1: kept_axes_param = ["x"] elif n_axes - n_reduced == 2: kept_axes_param = ["x","y"] # elif n_axes - n_reduced == 0: # raise RuntimeWarning("Transient experiments are not currently supported") # elif n_axes - n_reduced > 2: # raise RuntimeWarning("A maximum of 2 non reduced axes are allowed.") # Setup averaging loop scanhead += "for k=1 to m \ntotscans(m) \n" def_file += f"m = {sequence.averages.value}\n" scanfoot = "scansdone(k) \nnext k \n"+foot foot = "" head = "" delay_build = "" for ax in axs_ids: index = [uprogtable[i]['axID'] for i in range(len(uprogtable))].index(ax) uprog = uprogtable[index] if check_variable("B", uprog): reduce = False # You can not reduce a Bsweep loop_str = "bsweep {param}=1 to {stop} \n" else: reduce = uprogtable[index]['axis']["reduce"] if ax == 0 and not check_variable("reptime", uprog): loop_str = "sweep {param}=1 to {stop} \n" else: loop_str = "for {param}=1 to {stop} \n" if reduce: param = loop_iterators.pop() else: param = kept_axes_param.pop() foot = f"next {param} \n" + foot if param == 'x': stop = 'sx' foot = f"dx=dx+{axis_step_hash[ax]}\n"+ foot elif param == 'y': stop = 'sy' foot = f"dy=dy+{axis_step_hash[ax]}\n"+ foot else: stop = loop_dims.pop() def_file += f"{stop} = {uprog['axis']['dim']}\n" if check_variable("t", uprog): changing_pulses = uprog["delay_shifts"].nonzero()[0] for i in changing_pulses: if i not in mv_delay_hash: mv_delay_hash[i] = possible_delays.pop() # delay_build = f"{mv_delay_hash[i]} = {static_delay_hash[i]}\n" + delay_build scanhead += f"{mv_delay_hash[i]} = {static_delay_hash[i]}\n" for k in range(int(np.abs(uprog["delay_shifts"][i]))): if uprog["delay_shifts"][i] > 0: sign = "+" else: sign = "-" # foot = f"{axis_val_hash[ax]}={axis_val_hash[ax]}{sign}{axis_step_hash[ax]}\n"+ foot foot = f"{mv_delay_hash[i]}={mv_delay_hash[i]}{sign}{axis_step_hash[ax]}\n"+ foot # delay_build += f"{mv_delay_hash[i]} = {mv_delay_hash[i]} + {axis_val_hash[ax]} \n" if check_variable("tp", uprog): for var in uprog["variables"]: if var["variable"][1] != "tp": continue pulse_id = var["variable"][0] mult = var["multiplier"] mv_pulse_hash[pulse_id] = possible_pulses.pop() scanhead += f"{mv_pulse_hash[pulse_id]} = {static_pulse_hash[pulse_id]}\n" if mult > 0: sign = "+" else: sign = "-" for k in range(int(np.abs(mult))): foot = f"{mv_pulse_hash[pulse_id]}={mv_pulse_hash[pulse_id]}{sign}{axis_step_hash[ax]}\n"+ foot if check_variable("reptime", uprog): for var in uprog["variables"]: if var["variable"][1] != "reptime": continue reptime0_var = letter_vars.pop() scanhead += f"srt = {reptime0_var}\n" axis = val_in_us(sequence.reptime, True) def_file += f"{reptime0_var} = {axis[0]:.0f} * srtu\n" srt_step_var = letter_vars.pop() def_file += f"{srt_step_var} = {var['multiplier']*uprog['axis']['step']:.0f} * srtu\n" foot = f"srt=srt + {srt_step_var}\n"+ foot if check_variable("scale", uprog): for var in uprog["variables"]: if var["variable"][1] != "scale": continue pulse_id = var["variable"][0] mult = var["multiplier"] mv_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_id] = possible_amps.pop() scanhead += f"{mv_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_id]} = {static_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_id]}\n" if mult > 0: sign = "+" else: sign = "-" for k in range(int(np.abs(mult))): foot = f"{mv_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_id]}={mv_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_id]}{sign}{axis_step_hash[ax]}\n"+ foot # head += f"{axis_val_hash[ax]} = 0\n" head += loop_str.format(param=param,stop=stop) # Add moving pulses # Add shot loop head += delay_build head += f"shot i=1 to h\n" def_file += f"h = {sequence.shots.value}\n" foot = "next i\n" + foot if AWG: pcyc_hash = {} id = -1 for pulse_num,pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): if (type(pulse) is Detection): continue id += 1 amp_var = mv_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_num] if pulse_num in mv_pulse_amp_hash else static_pulse_amp_hash[pulse_num] pcyc_str, awg_id = _addAWGPulse(sequence,pulse_num, id, pcyc_str,amp_var) pcyc_hash[pulse_num] = awg_id pcyc = PSPhaseCycle(sequence, MPFU=None, OnlyDet=True) pcyc_str = pcyc.__str__() + "\n"*1 + pcyc_str elif MPFU is not None: pcyc = PSPhaseCycle(sequence, MPFU) pcyc_hash = pcyc.pcyc_hash pcyc_str = pcyc.__str__() else: pcyc = PSPhaseCycle(sequence, MPFU) pcyc_hash = pcyc.pcyc_hash pcyc_str = pcyc.__str__() # Add Pulse Sequence pulse_str = "d9\n" for id, pulse in enumerate(sequence.pulses): if id in mv_delay_hash: pulse_str += f"{mv_delay_hash[id]}\n" else: pulse_str += f"{static_delay_hash[id]}\n" if type(pulse) == Detection: pulse_str += f"d0\nacq [sg1]\n" else: if id in mv_pulse_hash: pulse_str += f"{mv_pulse_hash[id]} [{pcyc_hash[id]}]\n" else: pulse_str += f"{static_pulse_hash[id]} [{pcyc_hash[id]}]\n" dims = dims[:-1] dims += "] \nend defs\n" if split_point: exp_file = dims + "\n"*2 + pcyc_str + "\n"*2 + scanhead exp_file += head.replace('sx','w') + pulse_str + foot + "\n" exp_file += head.replace('x=1','x=w') + pulse_str + foot + "\n" exp_file += scanfoot def_file += f"w = {split_point}\n" def_file += "end defs" else: exp_file = dims + "\n"*2 + pcyc_str + "\n"*2 + scanhead+ head + pulse_str + foot + scanfoot def_file += "end defs" return def_file, exp_file