from autodeer.classes import Interface, Parameter
from autodeer.dataset import create_dataset_from_sequence
from autodeer.pulses import Pulse, RectPulse, ChirpPulse, HSPulse, Delay, Detection
from autodeer.sequences import *
from autodeer.FieldSweep import create_Nmodel
import yaml
import numpy as np
import deerlab as dl
import time
import logging
rng = np.random.default_rng(12345)
hw_log = logging.getLogger('interface.Dummy')
def val_in_us(Param):
if len(Param.axis) == 0:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return Param.value / 1e3
elif len(Param.axis) == 1:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.tau1.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return (Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']) / 1e3
def val_in_ns(Param):
if len(Param.axis) == 0:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value * 1e3
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return Param.value
elif len(Param.axis) == 1:
if Param.unit == "us":
return (Param.tau1.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']) * 1e3
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return (Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis'])
def add_noise(data, noise_level):
# Add noise to the data with a given noise level for data that could be either real or complex
if np.isrealobj(data):
noise = np.squeeze(rng.normal(0, noise_level, size=(*data.shape,1)).view(np.float64))
noise = np.squeeze(rng.normal(0, noise_level, size=(*data.shape,2)).view(np.complex128))
data = data + noise
return data
def add_phaseshift(data, phase):
data = data.astype(np.complex128) * np.exp(-1j*phase*np.pi)
return data
class dummyInterface(Interface):
def __init__(self,config_file) -> None:
with open(config_file, mode='r') as file:
config = yaml.safe_load(file)
self.config = config
Dummy = config['Spectrometer']['Dummy']
Bridge = config['Spectrometer']['Bridge']
resonator_list = list(config['Resonators'].keys())
self.speedup = Dummy['speedup']
self.SNR = Dummy['SNR']
if 'ESEEM_depth' in Dummy.keys():
self.ESEEM = Dummy['ESEEM_depth']
self.ESEEM = 0
# Create virtual mode
key1 = resonator_list[0]
fc = self.config['Resonators'][key1]['Center Freq']
Q = self.config['Resonators'][key1]['Q']
def lorenz_fcn(x, centre, sigma):
y = (0.5*sigma)/((x-centre)**2 + (0.5*sigma)**2)
return y
mode = lambda x: lorenz_fcn(x, fc, fc/Q)
x = np.linspace(Bridge['Min Freq'],Bridge['Max Freq'])
scale = 75/mode(x).max()
self.mode = lambda x: lorenz_fcn(x, fc, fc/Q) * scale
def launch(self, sequence, savename: str, **kwargs):"Launching {} sequence")
self.state = True
self.cur_exp = sequence
self.start_time = time.time()
return super().launch(sequence, savename)
def acquire_dataset(self,**kwargs):
hw_log.debug("Acquiring dataset")
if isinstance(self.cur_exp, DEERSequence):
if self.cur_exp.t.is_static():
axes, data = _simulate_CP(self.cur_exp)
axes, data =_simulate_deer(self.cur_exp)
elif isinstance(self.cur_exp, FieldSweepSequence):
axes, data = _simulate_field_sweep(self.cur_exp)
elif isinstance(self.cur_exp,ResonatorProfileSequence):
axes, data = _similate_respro(self.cur_exp,self.mode)
elif isinstance(self.cur_exp, ReptimeScan):
axes, data = _simulate_reptimescan(self.cur_exp)
elif isinstance(self.cur_exp,T2RelaxationSequence):
axes, data = _simulate_T2(self.cur_exp,self.ESEEM)
elif isinstance(self.cur_exp,RefocusedEcho2DSequence):
axes, data = _simulate_2D_relax(self.cur_exp)
raise NotImplementedError("Sequence not implemented")
time_estimate = self.cur_exp._estimate_time()
if self.speedup != np.inf:
time_estimate /= self.speedup
progress = (time.time() - self.start_time) / time_estimate
if progress > 1:
progress = 1
data = add_noise(data, 1/(self.SNR*progress))
progress = 1
scan_num = self.cur_exp.averages.value
dset = create_dataset_from_sequence(data,self.cur_exp)
dset.attrs['nAvgs'] = int(scan_num*progress)
return super().acquire_dataset(dset)
def tune_rectpulse(self,*,tp, LO, B, reptime,**kwargs):
rabi_freq = self.mode(LO)
def Hz2length(x):
return 1 / ((x/1000)*2)
rabi_time = Hz2length(rabi_freq)
if rabi_time > tp:
p90 = tp
p180 = tp*2
p90 = rabi_time/tp
p180 = p90*2
self.pulses[f"p90_{tp}"] = RectPulse(tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, scale=p90)
self.pulses[f"p180_{tp}"] = RectPulse(tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, scale=p180)
return self.pulses[f"p90_{tp}"], self.pulses[f"p180_{tp}"]
def tune_pulse(self, pulse, mode, LO, B , reptime, shots=400):
hw_log.debug(f"Tuning {} pulse")
pulse.scale = Parameter('scale',0.5,unit=None,description='The amplitude of the pulse 0-1')
hw_log.debug(f"Setting {} pulse to {pulse.scale.value}")
return pulse
def isrunning(self) -> bool:
current_time = time.time()
runtime = (self.cur_exp._estimate_time() / self.speedup)
runtime = np.min([runtime, 5])
if current_time - self.start_time > runtime:
self.state = False
return self.state
def terminate(self) -> None:
self.state = False"Terminating sequence")
return super().terminate()
def _simulate_field_sweep(sequence):
# Assuming a Nitroxide sample
Vmodel = create_Nmodel(sequence.LO.value *1e3)
axis = sequence.B.value + sequence.B.axis[0]['axis']
sim_axis = axis * 0.1
gy = 2.0061
gz = 2.0021
axy = 0.488
az = 3.66
GB = 0.45
data = Vmodel(sim_axis,Boffset,gy,gz,axy,az,GB,scale)
data = add_phaseshift(data, 0.05)
return axis,data
def _simulate_deer(sequence,exp_type=None):
if == "4pDEER":
exp_type = "4pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
tau2 = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
t = val_in_us(sequence.t)
elif == "5pDEER":
exp_type = "5pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
tau2 = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
tau3 = val_in_us(sequence.tau3)
t = val_in_us(sequence.t)
elif == "3pDEER":
exp_type = "3pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
t = val_in_us(sequence.t)
elif == "nDEER-CP":
exp_type = "4pDEER"
tau1 = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
tau2 = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
t = val_in_us(sequence.t)
if exp_type == "4pDEER":
experimentInfo = dl.ex_4pdeer(tau1=tau1,tau2=tau2,pathways=[1,2,3])
reftimes = dict(zip(["reftime1","reftime2","reftime3"],experimentInfo.reftimes(tau1,tau2)))
mod_depths = {"lam1":0.4, "lam2":0.1, "lam3":0.2}
elif exp_type == "5pDEER":
experimentInfo = dl.ex_fwd5pdeer(tau1=tau1,tau2=tau2,tau3=tau3,pathways=[1,2,3,4,5])
reftimes = dict(zip(["reftime1","reftime2","reftime3","reftime4","reftime5"],experimentInfo.reftimes(tau1,tau2,tau3)))
mod_depths = {"lam1":0.4, "lam2":0.00, "lam3":0.0, "lam4":0.00, "lam5":0.1}
elif exp_type == "3pDEER":
experimentInfo = dl.ex_3pdeer(tau=tau1,pathways=[1,2])
reftimes = dict(zip(["reftime1","reftime2"],experimentInfo.reftimes(tau1,)))
mod_depths = {"lam1":0.6, "lam2":0.1}
r = np.linspace(0.5,10,100)
rmean = 4.5
rstd = 1.0
conc = 50
Vmodel = dl.dipolarmodel(t,r,Pmodel=dl.dd_gauss, experiment=experimentInfo)
Vsim = Vmodel(mean=rmean, std=rstd, conc=conc, scale=1, **reftimes, **mod_depths)
# Add phase shift
Vsim = add_phaseshift(Vsim, 0.05)
return t, Vsim
def _simulate_CP(sequence):
if isinstance(sequence, DEERSequence):
xaxis = val_in_ns(sequence.tau2)
elif isinstance(sequence, CarrPurcellSequence):
xaxis = val_in_ns(sequence.step)
func = lambda x, a, b, e: a*np.exp(-b*x**e)
data = func(xaxis,1,2e-6,1.8)
data = add_phaseshift(data, 0.05)
return xaxis, data
def _simulate_T2(sequence,ESEEM_depth):
func = lambda x, a, b, e: a*np.exp(-b*x**e)
xaxis = val_in_ns(sequence.tau)
data = func(xaxis,1,10e-6,1.6)
data = add_phaseshift(data, 0.05)
if ESEEM_depth != 0:
data *= _gen_ESEEM(xaxis, 7.842, ESEEM_depth)
return xaxis, data
def _similate_respro(sequence, mode):
damped_oscilations = lambda x, f, c: np.cos(2*np.pi*f*x) * np.exp(-c*x)
damped_oscilations_vec = np.vectorize(damped_oscilations)
LO_axis = sequence.LO.value + sequence.LO.axis[0]['axis']
LO_len = LO_axis.shape[0]
tp_x = val_in_ns(sequence.pulses[0].tp)
tp_len = tp_x.shape[0]
nut_freqs = mode(LO_axis)
data = damped_oscilations_vec(tp_x.reshape(tp_len,1),nut_freqs.reshape(1,LO_len)*1e-3,0.06)
return [tp_x, LO_axis], data
def _simulate_reptimescan(sequence):
def func(x,T1):
return 1-np.exp(-x/T1)
t = sequence.reptime.value + sequence.reptime.axis[0]['axis']
T1 = 2000 #us
data = func(t,T1)
data = add_phaseshift(data, 0.05)
return t, data
def _simulate_2D_relax(sequence):
sigma = 0.8
func = lambda x, y: np.exp(-((x**2 + y**2 - 1*x*y) / (2*sigma**2)))
xaxis = val_in_us(sequence.tau1)
yaxis = val_in_us(sequence.tau2)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis)
data = func(X, Y)
data = add_phaseshift(data, 0.05)
return [xaxis, yaxis], data
def _gen_ESEEM(t,freq,depth):
# Generate an ESEEM modulation
modulation = np.ones_like(t,dtype=np.float64)
modulation -= depth *(0.5 + 0.5*np.cos(2*np.pi*t*freq)) + depth * (0.5+0.5*np.cos(2*np.pi*t*freq/2))
return modulation