Source code for autodeer.pulses

from autodeer.classes import Parameter
from autodeer.utils import build_table, sop, autoEPRDecoder
from memoization import cached
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid
import numbers
import uuid
import json
import base64
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.fft as fft
from autodeer import __version__
import copy

[docs] class Pulse: """ Represents a general experimental pulse. """ def __init__(self, *, tp, t=None, scale=None, flipangle=None, pcyc=[0], name=None, **kwargs) -> None: """The class for a general pulse. Parameters ---------- tp : float The pulse length in ns. scale : float The arbitary experimental pulse amplitude, 0-1. t : float, optional The pulse start time in ns. """ if t is not None: if isinstance(t,numbers.Number): self.t = Parameter("t", t, "ns", "Start time of pulse") elif isinstance(t,Parameter): self.t = t else: self.t = None if isinstance(tp,numbers.Number): = Parameter("tp", tp, "ns", "Length of the pulse") elif isinstance(tp,Parameter): = tp if isinstance(scale,numbers.Number): self.scale = Parameter("scale", scale, None, "Amplitude of pulse") elif isinstance(scale,Parameter): self.scale = scale elif scale is None: self.scale = Parameter("scale", None, None, "Amplitude of pulse")
[docs] = name
[docs] self.Progression = False
if flipangle is not None: self.flipangle = Parameter( "flipangle", flipangle, None, "The target flip angle of the spins") if pcyc is None: self.pcyc = None elif type(pcyc) is dict: self._addPhaseCycle(pcyc["phases"], detections=pcyc["dets"]) else: self._addPhaseCycle(pcyc, detections=None) pass @property
[docs] def bandwidth(self): BW = Parameter("Bandwidth", 0, "GHz", "Bandwidth of pulse") if hasattr(self, "freq"): BW.value =0 elif hasattr(self, "init_freq") & hasattr(self, "final_freq"): BW.value = np.abs(self.final_freq.value - self.init_freq.value) else: raise ValueError() return BW
[docs] def _addPhaseCycle(self, phases, detections=None): """ Adds a phase cycle to the pulse sequence. Args: phases (list): List of phases to add to the phase cycle. detections (list, optional): List of detection signs. Defaults to None. If None then all cycles are summed. Returns: None """ if detections is None: detections = np.ones(len(phases)) self.pcyc = {"Phases": list(phases), "DetSigns": list(detections)} pass
[docs] def _buildFMAM(self, func, ax=None): """ Builds the amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) of a given function. Args: func: A function that takes in an array of values and returns two arrays, representing the AM and FM of the function. Returns: Two arrays representing the AM and FM of the function. """ = np.linspace(,, 1001) dt =[1][0] self.AM, self.FM = func( FM_arg = 2*np.pi*cumulative_trapezoid(self.FM, initial=0) * dt self.complex = self.AM * (np.cos(FM_arg) +1j* np.sin(FM_arg)) self.FM self.AM return self.AM, self.FM
[docs] def build_shape(self,ax=None): if ax is None: ax = dt = ax[1]-ax[0] pulse_points = int(np.around( total_points = ax.shape[0] remaining_points = total_points-pulse_points pulse_axis = np.zeros(pulse_points) AM, FM = self.func(pulse_axis) AM = np.pad(AM,(int(np.floor(remaining_points/2)),int(np.ceil(remaining_points/2))),'constant',constant_values=0) FM = np.pad(FM,(int(np.floor(remaining_points/2)),int(np.ceil(remaining_points/2))),'constant',constant_values=0) FM_arg = 2*np.pi*cumulative_trapezoid(FM, initial=0) * dt shape = AM * (np.cos(FM_arg) +1j* np.sin(FM_arg)) return shape
[docs] def build_table(self): """ Builds a table of variables, axes, and UUIDs for all non-static Parameters in the object. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the following keys: "Variable", "axis", and "uuid". The values for each key are lists of the corresponding values for each non-static Parameter. """ progTable = {"Variable": [], "axis": [], "uuid": []} for arg in vars(self): attr = getattr(self,arg) if type(attr) is Parameter and not attr.is_static(): for i, axes in enumerate(attr.axis): progTable["Variable"].append(arg) progTable["axis"].append(axes["axis"]) progTable["uuid"].append(axes["uuid"]) return progTable
[docs] def is_static(self): """ Check if all parameters in the pulse object are static. Returns: bool: True if all parameters are static, False otherwise. """ for arg in vars(self): attr = getattr(self,arg) if type(attr) is Parameter and not attr.is_static(): return False return True
[docs] def isDelayFocused(self): """ Does the pulse contain a specified time, `t`? If so then it is not delay focused. """ if self.t is None: return True else: return False
[docs] def isPulseFocused(self): """ Does the pulse contain a specified time, `t`? If so then it is delay focused. """ if self.t is not None: return True else: return False
[docs] def plot(self, pad=1000): """Plots the time domain representation of this pulse. Parameters ---------- pad : int, optional The number of zeros to pad the data with, by default 1000 """ dt =[1] -[0] if self.isPulseFocused(): tax = self.t.value + else: tax = fwd_ex = np.linspace(tax[0] - dt * pad, tax[0], pad) rev_ex = np.linspace( tax[-1] + dt, tax[-1] + dt * pad, pad, endpoint=True) tax = np.concatenate((fwd_ex, tax, rev_ex)) data = np.pad(self.complex, pad) plt.plot(tax, np.real(data), label="Re") plt.plot(tax, np.imag(data), label="Im") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Time (ns)") plt.ylabel("Amplitude (A.U.)") pass
[docs] def _calc_fft(self, pad=10000): self._buildFMAM(self.func) data = np.pad(self.complex, int(pad)) pulse_fft = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(data)) n = data.shape[0] dt =[1][0] axis_fft = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(n, dt)) return axis_fft, pulse_fft
[docs] def amp_factor(self): """ The B1 amplitude factor (nutation frequency) for the pulse in GHz""" amp_factor_value= self.flipangle.value / (2 * np.pi * np.trapz(self.AM, return Parameter("amp_factor", amp_factor_value, "GHz", "Amplitude factor for the pulse")
# @cached(thread_safe=False)
[docs] def exciteprofile(self, freqs=None, resonator = None): """Excitation profile Generates the exciatation profiles for this pulse. This function is ported from EasySpin ( [1-2], and based upon the method from Gunnar Jeschke, Stefan Pribitzer and Andrin Doll[3]. References: +++++++++++ [1] Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger EasySpin, a comprehensive software package for spectral simulation and analysis in EPR J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006) [2] Stefan Stoll, R. David Britt General and efficient simulation of pulse EPR spectra Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6614-6625 (2009) [3] Jeschke, G., Pribitzer, S. & DollA. Coherence Transfer by Passage Pulses in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 13570-13582 (2015) Parameters ---------- freqs: np.ndarray, optional The frequency axis. Caution: A larger number of points will linearly increase computation time. resonator: ad.ResonatorProfile, optional Returns ------- Mx: np.ndarray The magentisation in the X direction. My: np.ndarray The magentisation in the Y direction. Mz: np.ndarray The magentisation in the Z direction. """ eye = np.identity(2) # offsets = np.arange(-2*BW,2*BW,0.002) self._buildFMAM(self.func) if freqs is None: fxs, fs = self._calc_fft() fs = np.abs(fs) points = np.argwhere(fs>(fs.max()*0.5))[:,0] BW = fxs[points[-1]] - fxs[points[0]] c_freq = np.mean([fxs[points[-1]], fxs[points[0]]]) offsets = np.linspace(-2*BW, 2*BW, 100) + c_freq else: offsets = freqs offsets t = nOffsets = offsets.shape[0] ISignal = np.real(self.complex) * self.amp_factor.value QSignal = np.imag(self.complex) * self.amp_factor.value if resonator is not None: FM = self.FM amp_factor = np.interp(FM, resonator.freqs-resonator.LO_c, resonator.profile) amp_factor = np.min([amp_factor,np.ones_like(amp_factor)*self.amp_factor.value],axis=0) ISignal = np.real(self.complex) * amp_factor QSignal = np.imag(self.complex) * amp_factor npoints = ISignal.shape[0] Sx = sop([1/2],"x") Sy = sop([1/2],"y") Sz = sop([1/2],"z") Density0 = -Sz Mag = np.zeros((3,nOffsets), dtype=np.complex128) for iOffset in range(0,nOffsets): UPulse = eye Ham0 = offsets[iOffset]*Sz for it in range(0,npoints): Ham = ISignal[it] * Sx + QSignal[it] * Sy + Ham0 M = -2j * np.pi * (t[1]-t[0]) * Ham q = np.sqrt(M[0,0] ** 2 - np.abs(M[0,1]) ** 2) if np.abs(q) < 1e-10: dU = eye + M else: dU = np.cosh(q)*eye + (np.sinh(q)/q)*M UPulse = dU @ UPulse Density = UPulse @ Density0 @ UPulse.conjugate().T Mag[0, iOffset] = -2 * (Sx @ Density.T).sum().real Mag[1, iOffset] = -2 * (Sy @ Density.T).sum().real Mag[2, iOffset] = -2 * (Sz * Density.T).sum().real return Mag[0,:], Mag[1,:], Mag[2,:]
[docs] def plot_fft(self): ax, ft = self._calc_fft(1e4) plt.plot(ax, np.real(ft), label="Re") plt.plot(ax, np.imag(ft), label="Im") plt.plot(ax, np.abs(ft), label="Im") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Frequency (GHz)") plt.ylabel("Amplitude (A.U.)") pass
[docs] def _pcyc_str(self): if self.pcyc is not None: pcyc_table = "[" dets = self.pcyc["DetSigns"] phases = self.pcyc["Phases"] for i in range(0, len(phases)): if dets[i] == 1: pcyc_table += "+" elif dets[i] == -1: pcyc_table += "-" elif dets[i] == 1j: pcyc_table += "+i" elif dets[i] == -1j: pcyc_table += "-i" if phases[i] == 0: pcyc_table += "(+x)" elif phases[i] == np.pi: pcyc_table += "(-x)" elif phases[i] == np.pi/2: pcyc_table += "(+y)" elif phases[i] == -np.pi/2: pcyc_table += "(-y)" elif phases[i] == 3*np.pi/2: pcyc_table += "(-y)" pcyc_table += " " pcyc_table = pcyc_table[:-1] pcyc_table += "]" else: pcyc_table = "" return pcyc_table
[docs] def __str__(self): # Build header line header = "#" * 79 + "\n" + "autoDEER Pulse Definition" + \ "\n" + "#" * 79 + "\n" # Build Overviews if self.isPulseFocused(): overview_params = "Time Pos (ns) \tLength (ns) \tScale (0-1)" +\ "\t Static \n" if type(self) is Detection: overview_params += f"{self.t.value}" + "\t\t" + \ f"{}" + "\t\t" + "\t\t" +\ f"{self.is_static()}" + "\n" + "#" * 79 + "\n" else: overview_params += f"{self.t.value}" + "\t\t" + \ f"{}" + "\t\t" + f"{self.scale.value}" + \ "\t\t" + f"{self.is_static()}" + "\n" + "#" * 79 + "\n" elif self.isDelayFocused(): overview_params = "Length (ns) \tScale (0-1)" +\ "\t Static \n" if type(self) is Detection: overview_params += f"{}" + "\t\t" + "\t\t" +\ f"{self.is_static()}" + "\n" + "#" * 79 + "\n" else: overview_params += f"{}" + "\t\t" +\ f"{self.scale.value}" + "\t\t" + f"{self.is_static()}" +\ "\n" + "#" * 79 + "\n" # Build Pulse Parameter Table param_table = f"{'Name':^12} \t {'Value':^12} \t {'Unit':^7} \t Description\n" param_table += f"{'----':^12} \t {'-----':^12} \t {'----':^7} \t -----------\n" for attr_name in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, attr_name) if type(attr) is Parameter: if == "flipangle": if attr.value == np.pi: value = f"{'Ï€':>12}" elif attr.value == np.pi/2: value = f"{'Ï€/2':>12}" elif attr.value == 'Hard': value = f"{'Hard':>12}" else: value = f"{attr.value:>5.5g}" elif attr.value is None: value = f"{'N/A':>12}" else: value = f"{attr.value:>5.5g}" if attr.unit is None: attr.unit = "None" if attr.description is None: attr.description = "" param_table += f"{>12} \t {value:>12} \t" +\ f"{attr.unit:>7} \t {attr.description} \n" # Build Pulse Progression Table if self.Progression is True: prog_table = "#" * 79 + "\n" + "Progressive Variables:" + "\n" prog_table += "Variable \t Axis \t Length \n" prog_table += "-------- \t ---- \t ------ \n" prog_table += f"{self.Prog_var} \t\t {self.Prog_axis} \t" +\ f"{self.Prog_n} \n" else: prog_table = "" # Build Pulse Phase Cycle Table if self.pcyc is not None: pcyc_table = "#" * 79 + "\n" + "Phase Cycle:" + "\t" pcyc_table += self._pcyc_str() pcyc_table += "\n" else: pcyc_table = "" # Build Footer footer = "#" * 79 + "\n" +\ f"Built by autoDEER Version: {__version__}" + "\n" + "#" * 79 # Combine All string = header + overview_params + param_table + prog_table +\ pcyc_table + footer return string
[docs] def copy(self, clear=False, **kwargs): """Creates a deep-copy of the pulse. I.e. Every parameter object is re-created at another memory space. Parameter can be chaged at this stage by adding them as keyword- arguments (kwargs). Returns ------- Pulse A deep copy of the pulse """ new_pulse = copy.deepcopy(self) if clear: for arg in vars(new_pulse): attr = getattr(new_pulse,arg) if type(attr) is Parameter and not getattr(new_pulse,arg).is_static(): getattr(new_pulse,arg).remove_dynamic() for arg in kwargs: if (hasattr(new_pulse,arg)) and (getattr(new_pulse,arg) is not None): attr = getattr(new_pulse,arg) if type(attr) is Parameter: if isinstance(kwargs[arg], numbers.Number): attr.value = kwargs[arg] elif isinstance(kwargs[arg], Parameter): attr.value = kwargs[arg].value attr.axis = kwargs[arg].axis elif arg == "pcyc": new_pcyc = kwargs[arg] if attr is None: new_pulse.pcyc = None elif type(new_pcyc) is dict: new_pulse._addPhaseCycle(new_pcyc["phases"], detections=new_pcyc["dets"]) else: new_pulse._addPhaseCycle(new_pcyc, detections=None) else: attr = kwargs[arg] elif arg == "t": if type(kwargs[arg]) is Parameter: kwargs[arg].name = "t" setattr(new_pulse, arg, kwargs[arg]) elif isinstance(kwargs[arg], numbers.Number): setattr(new_pulse, arg, Parameter("t", kwargs[arg], "ns", "Start time of pulse")) else: raise ValueError("new parameters must be either numeric or Parameters") elif arg == "scale": setattr(new_pulse, arg, Parameter("scale", kwargs[arg], None, "Amplitude of pulse")) elif arg == "flipangle": setattr(new_pulse,arg, Parameter("flipangle", kwargs[arg], None, "The target flip angle of the spins")) else: setattr(new_pulse,arg,kwargs[arg]) return new_pulse
[docs] def _to_dict(self): to_return = {"version": __version__, "type": "Pulse", "subclass": str(type(self))} for key, var in vars(self).items(): if isinstance(var, Parameter): to_return[key] = var._to_dict() else: to_return[key] = var return to_return
[docs] def _to_json(self): class autoEPREncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if (len(obj) > 0 ) and isinstance(obj[0], str): return list(obj) data = np.ascontiguousarray( data_b64 = base64.b64encode(data) return dict(__ndarray__=str(data_b64), dtype=str(obj.dtype), shape=obj.shape) if isinstance(obj, complex): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, numbers.Number): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): return_dict = {"__uuid__": str(obj)} return return_dict if isinstance(obj, Parameter): return obj._to_dict() if isinstance(obj, Pulse): return obj._to_dict() else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), cls=autoEPREncoder, indent=4)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the Pulse to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError If the object cannot be serialized to JSON. Example ------- >>> obj = Pulse() >>>"my_pulse.json") """ with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self._to_json())
[docs] def _from_dict(cls, dct): new_pulse = cls(tp=Parameter._from_dict(dct["tp"]), name=dct["name"]) for key, var in dct.items(): if isinstance(var, dict) and ("type" in var): setattr(new_pulse, key, Parameter._from_dict(var)) elif key == "type": continue elif key == "version": continue else: setattr(new_pulse, key, var) return new_pulse
[docs] def _from_json(cls, JSONstring): dct = json.loads(JSONstring, object_hook=autoEPRDecoder) return cls._from_dict(dct)
[docs] def load(cls, filename): """Load a Pulse object from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- obj : Pulse The Pulse loaded from the JSON file. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file does not exist. Example ------- >>> obj = Pulse.load("my_pulse.json") """ with open(filename, "r") as f: file_buffer = return cls._from_json(file_buffer)
# ============================================================================= # Subclasses # =============================================================================
[docs] class Detection(Pulse): """ Represents a detection pulse. """ def __init__(self, *, tp, t=None, freq=0,**kwargs) -> None: """A general detection pulse. Parameters ---------- tp : float The **total** time of the detection event. The detection event will be symetrical about the centre time. t : float, optional The **centre** time of the detection event freq: float, optional The detection frequency, not all spectrometer support this functionality, by default 0 MHz """ Pulse.__init__(self, t=t, tp=tp, **kwargs)
[docs] self.scale = None
[docs] self.freq = Parameter("freq", freq, "GHz", "The detection frequency, if supported")
[docs] self.pcyc = None
# =============================================================================
[docs] class Delay(Pulse): """ DEPRECATION WARNING: THIS WILL BE REMOVED SOON. Represents a inter-pulse delay pulse. """ def __init__(self, *, tp, t=None) -> None: if t is not None: self.t = Parameter("Time", t, "ns", "Start time of pulse") else: self.t = None
[docs] = Parameter("Length", tp, "ns", "Length of the pulse")
[docs] self.pcyc = None
[docs] self.scale = None
# =============================================================================
[docs] class RectPulse(Pulse): """ Represents a rectangular monochromatic pulse. """ def __init__( self, tp=16, freq=0, t=None, flipangle=None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- tp : flaot, optional Pulse Length in ns, by default 16 freq : float,optional Frequency in MHz, by default 0 t : float, optional Time position in ns, by default None flipangle : _type_, optional The flip angle in radians, by default None """ Pulse.__init__( self, tp=tp, t=t, flipangle=flipangle,name='RectPulse', **kwargs)
[docs] self.freq = Parameter("freq", freq, "GHz", "Frequency of the Pulse")
self._buildFMAM(self.func) pass
[docs] def func(self, ax): nx = ax.shape[0] AM = np.ones(nx) FM = np.zeros(nx) + self.freq.value return AM, FM
[docs] class GaussianPulse(Pulse): """ Represents a Gaussian monochromatic pulse. """ def __init__(self, *, tp=32,FWHM=16, freq=0, **kwargs) -> None: """ Represents a Gaussian monochromatic pulse. Parameters ---------- tp : float Pulse length in ns, by default 128 FWHM : float, The full width at half maximum of the pulse freq : float, optional The frequency of the pulse, by default 0 """ Pulse.__init__(self, tp=tp,name='GaussianPulse', **kwargs)
[docs] self.freq = Parameter("Freq", freq, "GHz", "Frequency of the Pulse")
[docs] self.FWHM = Parameter("FWHM", FWHM, "ns", "Full Width at Half Maximum of the Pulse")
self._buildFMAM(self.func) pass
[docs] def func(self, ax): nx = ax.shape[0] sigma = self.FWHM.value / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))) AM = np.exp(-ax**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) FM = np.zeros(nx) + self.freq.value return AM, FM
# =============================================================================
[docs] class FrequencySweptPulse(Pulse): """ A general parent class for Frequency Swept Pulses. """ def __init__(self, *, tp, t=None, scale=None, flipangle=None, pcyc=[0], name=None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(tp=tp, t=t, scale=scale, flipangle=flipangle, pcyc=pcyc, name=name, **kwargs) # Extract frequency infomation, can be either specified with an initial and final frequency or a bandwidth combined with one of the two or the central frequency if "BW" in kwargs: BW = kwargs["BW"] if "init_freq" in kwargs: self.init_freq = Parameter("init_freq", kwargs["init_freq"], "GHz", "Initial frequency of pulse") self.final_freq = Parameter("final_freq", self.init_freq.value + BW, "GHz", "Final frequency of pulse") elif "final_freq" in kwargs: self.final_freq = Parameter("final_freq", kwargs["final_freq"], "GHz", "Final frequency of pulse") self.init_freq = Parameter("init_freq", self.final_freq.value - BW, "GHz", "Initial frequency of pulse") else: raise ValueError("Bandwidth must be combined with either an initial or final frequency") elif ("init_freq" in kwargs) & ("final_freq" in kwargs): self.init_freq = Parameter("init_freq", kwargs["init_freq"], "GHz", "Initial frequency of pulse") self.final_freq = Parameter("final_freq", kwargs["final_freq"], "GHz", "Final frequency of pulse") else: raise ValueError("Frequency information must be provided") @property
[docs] def Qcrit(self): """ The critical Q factor for the pulse.""" Qcrit = (2/np.pi)*np.log(2/(1+np.cos(self.flipangle.value))) Qcrit = np.min([Qcrit,5]) return Parameter("Qcrit", Qcrit, None, "Critical Q factor for the pulse")
[docs] def sweeprate(self): """ The sweep rate of the pulse in GHz/ns""" raise NotImplementedError("This property must be implemented in the subclass")
[docs] def amp_factor(self): """ The B1 amplitude factor (nutation frequency) for the pulse in GHz""" amp_factor_value= np.sqrt(2*np.pi*self.Qcrit.value*self.sweeprate.value)/(2*np.pi) return Parameter("amp_factor", amp_factor_value, "GHz", "Amplitude factor for the pulse")
[docs] class HSPulse(FrequencySweptPulse): """ Represents a hyperboilc secant frequency-swept pulse. """ def __init__(self, *, tp=128, order1=1, order2=6, beta=20, **kwargs) -> None: FrequencySweptPulse.__init__(self, tp=tp, name='HSPulse', **kwargs)
[docs] self.order1 = Parameter( "order1", order1, None, "Order 1 of the HS Pulse")
[docs] self.order2 = Parameter( "order2", order2, None, "Order 2 of the HS Pulse")
[docs] self.beta = Parameter("beta", beta, None, "Beta of the HS Pulse")
self._buildFMAM(self.func) pass
[docs] def func(self, ax): beta = self.beta.value order1 = self.order1.value order2 = self.order2.value tp = ax.max() - ax.min() tcent = tp / 2 ti = ax nx = ax.shape[0] # beta_exp1 = np.log(beta*0.5**(1-order1)) / np.log(beta) # beta_exp2 = np.log(beta*0.5**(1-order2)) / np.log(beta) # cut = round(nx/2) # AM = np.zeros(nx) # AM[0:cut] = 1/np.cosh( # beta**beta_exp1 * (ax[0:cut]/tp)**order1) # AM[cut:-1] = 1/np.cosh( # beta**beta_exp2 * (ax[cut:-1]/tp)**order2) # FM = BW * cumulative_trapezoid(AM**2,ax,initial=0) /\ # np.trapz(AM**2,ax) + self.init_freq.value sech = lambda x: 1/np.cosh(x) cut = round(nx/2) AM = np.zeros_like(ti) AM[:cut] = sech(beta*0.5*(2*ti[:cut]/tp)**order1) AM[cut:] = sech(beta*0.5*(2*ti[cut:]/tp)**order2) BWinf = (self.bandwidth.value) / np.tanh(beta/2) freq = (BWinf/2) * np.tanh((beta/tp*ti)) + np.mean([self.init_freq.value,self.final_freq.value]) # phase = 2*np.pi*(BWinf/2) * (tp/beta) * np.log(np.cosh((beta/tp)*ti)) # total_phase = phase * 2* np.pi * np.mean([self.init_freq.value,self.final_freq.value]) return AM, freq
[docs] def sweeprate(self): """ The sweep rate of the pulse in GHz/ns""" sweeprate_value = self.beta.value * self.bandwidth.value / (2* return Parameter("sweeprate", sweeprate_value, "GHz/ns", "Sweep rate of the pulse")
# =============================================================================
[docs] class ChirpPulse(FrequencySweptPulse): """ Represents a linear frequency-swept pulse. """ def __init__(self, *, tp=128, **kwargs) -> None: FrequencySweptPulse.__init__(self, tp=tp,name='ChirpPulse', **kwargs) self._buildFMAM(self.func) pass
[docs] def func(self, ax): nx = ax.shape[0] AM = np.ones(nx) FM = np.linspace( self.init_freq.value, self.final_freq.value, nx) return AM, FM
[docs] def sweeprate(self): """ The sweep rate of the pulse in GHz/ns""" sweeprate_value = self.bandwidth.value / return Parameter("sweeprate", sweeprate_value, "GHz/ns", "Sweep rate of the pulse")
# =============================================================================
[docs] class SincPulse(Pulse): def __init__(self, *, tp=128, freq=0, order=6, window=None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Represents a sinc shaped monochromatic pulse. Parameters ---------- tp : int Pulse length in ns, by default 128 freq : int, optional The frequency of the pulse, by default 0 order : int, optional The order of this sinc function, by default 6 window : _type_, optional The window function, by default None """ Pulse.__init__(self, tp=tp,name='SincPulse', **kwargs)
[docs] self.freq = Parameter("Freq", freq, "GHz", "Frequency of the Pulse")
[docs] self.order = Parameter("Order", order, None, "The sinc pulse order")
[docs] self.window = Parameter( "Window", window, None, "The type of window function")
self._buildFMAM(self.func) pass
[docs] def func(self, ax): nx = ax.shape[0] FM = np.zeros(nx) + self.freq.value AM = np.sinc(self.order.value * ax) return AM, FM
# class GaussianPulse(Pulse): # """ # Represents a Gaussian monochromatic pulse. # """ # def __init__(self, *, tp=128, freq=0, **kwargs) -> None: # """ Represents a Gaussian monochromatic pulse. # Parameters # ---------- # tp : int # Pulse length in ns, by default 128 # freq : int, optional # The frequency of the pulse, by default 0 # """ # Pulse.__init__(self, tp=tp,name='GaussianPulse', **kwargs) # self.freq = Parameter("Freq", freq, "GHz", "Frequency of the Pulse") # self._buildFMAM(self.func) # pass # def func(self, ax): # nx = ax.shape[0] # FM = np.zeros(nx) + self.freq.value # AM = np.exp(-ax**2/(((**2)/(-1*np.log(0.001)))) # return AM, FM # =============================================================================
[docs] def build_default_pulses(AWG=True,SPFU=False,tp=12): if SPFU: tp_pi = tp*2 else: tp_pi = tp exc_pulse = RectPulse( tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, scale=0 ) ref_pulse = RectPulse( tp=tp_pi, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, scale=0 ) if AWG: pump_pulse = HSPulse( tp=120, init_freq=-0.25, final_freq=-0.03, flipangle=np.pi, scale=0, order1=6, order2=1, beta=10 ) det_event = Detection(tp=512, freq=0) else: pump_pulse = RectPulse( tp=tp_pi, freq=-0.07, flipangle=np.pi, scale=0) # det_event = Detection( * 2, freq=0) det_event = Detection(tp=128, freq=0) pulses = {'exc_pulse':exc_pulse, 'ref_pulse':ref_pulse, 'pump_pulse':pump_pulse, 'det_event':det_event} return pulses