Source code for autodeer.sequences

from autodeer.classes import Parameter
from autodeer.pulses import Pulse, Detection, Delay, RectPulse
import autodeer.pulses as ad_pulses
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
from itertools import product
import copy
from autodeer.utils import build_table, autoEPRDecoder
import json
from autodeer import __version__
import uuid
import base64
import autodeer.pulses as ad_pulses
import numbers

[docs] class Sequence: """ Represents an experimental pulse sequence. """ def __init__( self, *, name, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, **kwargs) -> None: """Represents an experimental pulse sequence. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this pulse sequence B : float The magnetic field for this sequence in Gauss. LO : float The central frequency of this sequence. I.e. The frequnecy at which a zero offset pulse is at. reptime : float The shot repetition time in us. averages : int The number of scans to be accumulated. shots : itn The number of shots per point. """
[docs] self.pulses = []
[docs] self.num_pulses = len(self.pulses)
[docs] self.axes_uuid = []
[docs] self.reduce_uuid = []
if isinstance(B, Parameter): self.B = B.copy() else: self.B = Parameter( "B", B, "Gauss", "The static B0 field for the experiment")
[docs] self.LO = Parameter( "LO", LO, "GHz", "The local oscillator frequency.")
if isinstance(reptime, Parameter): self.reptime = reptime.copy() else: self.reptime = Parameter( "reptime", reptime, "us", "The shot repetition time")
[docs] self.averages = Parameter( "averages", averages, "None", "The number of averages to perform.")
[docs] self.shots = Parameter( "shots", shots, "None", "The number of shots per scan.")
if "det_window" in kwargs: self.det_window = Parameter( "det_window", kwargs["det_window"], "None", "The length of the default detection gate" ) else: self.det_window = Parameter( "det_window", 128, "None", "The length of the default detection gate" )
[docs] = name
[docs] self.progTable = {"EventID": [], "Variable": [], "axis": [], "axID": [], "uuid": [], "reduce": []}
[docs] def plot(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def plot_pulse_exc(self, FieldSweep=None, ResonatorProfile=None): if FieldSweep is not None: data = data /= np.max(np.abs(data)) ax = FieldSweep.fs_x plt.plot(ax, data, label="Field Sweep", color='r') if ResonatorProfile is not None: data = ResonatorProfile.prof_data / ResonatorProfile.prof_data.max() plt.plot(ResonatorProfile.prof_frqs-self.LO.value, data, label="Resonator Profile", color='k') def check_array_new(list,array, return_pos=False): test = True for i, ele in enumerate(list): if np.allclose( ele,array,rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-03, equal_nan=True): test = False if return_pos: return i return test axs = [] fts = [] labels = [] for i, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses): if type(pulse) == Delay: continue elif type(pulse) == Detection: continue ax, ft = pulse._calc_fft(1e4) if check_array_new(fts, ft): axs.append(ax) fts.append(ft) labels.append([i]) else: j = check_array_new(fts, ft, return_pos=True) labels[j].append(i) hatches = ['/', '\\', '|', '-', 'o', '.'] for i in range(0,len(axs)): ft = np.abs(fts[i]) ft /= np.max(ft) plt.fill(axs[i],ft, label=f"Pulse id={str(labels[i])[1:-1]}", hatch=hatches.pop(), alpha=0.3) plt.xlabel("Frequency (GHz)") plt.legend() # Set correct axis, find mim and max freq for i, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses): if hasattr(pulse, "freq"): p_min = pulse.freq.value p_max = pulse.freq.value elif hasattr(pulse, "init_freq") & hasattr(pulse, "final_freq"): p_min = pulse.init_freq.value p_max = pulse.final_freq.value elif hasattr(pulse, "init_freq") & hasattr(pulse, "BW"): p_min = pulse.init_freq.value p_max = p_min + pulse.BW.value elif hasattr(pulse, "final_freq") & hasattr(pulse, "BW"): p_max = pulse.init_freq.value p_min = p_max - pulse.BW.value # Check p_min < p_max if p_min > p_max: p_temp = p_min p_min = p_max p_max = p_temp if i == 0: min_frq = p_min max_frq = p_max else: if min_frq > p_min: min_frq = p_min if max_frq < p_max: max_frq = p_max min_frq = np.floor(min_frq*100)/100 - 0.2 max_frq = np.ceil(max_frq*100)/100 + 0.2 plt.xlim(min_frq, max_frq) pass
[docs] def addPulse(self, pulse): """Adds a pulse to the next position in the sequence. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse The object describing the pulse. """ if type(pulse) == Pulse or issubclass(type(pulse), Pulse): self.pulses.append(pulse) elif type(pulse) == list: for el in pulse: self.pulses.append(el) self.num_pulses = len(self.pulses) self._buildPhaseCycle() self._estimate_time()
[docs] def _estimate_time(self): """ Calculates the estimated experiment time in seconds. """ self._buildPhaseCycle() acqs = self.averages.value * self.shots.value * self.pcyc_dets.shape[0] if hasattr(self,'evo_params'): acqs *=[ for param in self.evo_params]) time = acqs * self.reptime.value * 1e-6 self.time = Parameter(name="time", value=f"{(time // 3600):.0f}:{(time % 3600) // 60:.0f}:{(time % 60):.0f}", unit="HH:MM:SS", description="Estimated sequence run time") return time
[docs] def _buildPhaseCycle(self): # Identify pulses which are phase cycled pcyc_pulses = [] pulse_cycles = [] det_cycles = [] for ix, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses): if pulse.pcyc is not None: pcyc_pulses.append(ix) # pulse_cycles.append(np.array(pulse.pcyc[0])) # det_cycles.append(np.array(pulse.pcyc[1])) pulse_cycles.append(pulse.pcyc["Phases"]) det_cycles.append(pulse.pcyc["DetSigns"]) self.pcyc_cycles = np.array(list(product(*pulse_cycles))) self.pcyc_dets = np.array(list(product(*det_cycles))).prod(axis=1) self.pcyc_vars = pcyc_pulses # # Build expanded phase cycle # func = lambda x: np.arange(0, len(x)) # map(func, pulse_cycles) # n_pulses = len(pulse_cycles) # m = list(map(func, pulse_cycles)) # grids = np.meshgrid(*m, indexing='ij') # expanded_cycles = [] # expanded_dets = [] # for i in range(0, n_pulses): # expanded_cycles.append( # pulse_cycles[i][grids[i].flatten(order='F')]) # expanded_dets.append(det_cycles[i][grids[i].flatten(order='F')]) # self.pcyc_vars = pcyc_pulses # self.pcyc_cycles = np.stack(expanded_cycles) # self.pcyc_dets =, axis=0) # self.pcyc_n = self.pcyc_cycles.shape[1] return self.pcyc_vars, self.pcyc_cycles, self.pcyc_dets
[docs] def evolution(self, params, reduce=[]): self.evo_params = params self.axes_uuid = [param.uuid for param in params] self.reduce_uuid = [param.uuid for param in reduce] # Build the ProgTable progTable = {"EventID": [], "Variable": [], "axis": [], "axID": [], "uuid": [], "reduce": []} for n, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses): table = pulse.build_table() for i in range(len(table["uuid"])): if table["uuid"][i] in self.axes_uuid: progTable["axID"].append(self.axes_uuid.index(table["uuid"][i])) progTable["uuid"].append(table["uuid"][i]) progTable["EventID"].append(n) progTable["Variable"].append(table["Variable"][i]) progTable["axis"].append(table["axis"][i]) if table["uuid"][i] in self.reduce_uuid: progTable["reduce"].append(True) else: progTable["reduce"].append(False) for var_name in vars(self): var = getattr(self, var_name) if type(var) is Parameter: if not var.is_static() and not var.virtual: for i in range(len(var.axis)): if var.axis[i]["uuid"] in self.axes_uuid: progTable["axID"].append(self.axes_uuid.index(var.axis[i]["uuid"])) progTable["EventID"].append(None) progTable["Variable"].append(var_name) progTable["axis" ].append(var.axis[i]["axis"]) progTable["uuid"].append(var.axis[i]["uuid"]) if var.axis[i]["uuid"] in self.reduce_uuid: progTable["reduce"].append(True) else: progTable["reduce"].append(False) self.progTable = progTable self._estimate_time() return self.progTable
[docs] def seqtable_steps(self): if len(self.evo_params) > 0: return self.pcyc_dets.shape[0] * (len(self.pcyc_vars)+1) *[ for param in self.evo_params])
[docs] def shift_detfreq_to_zero(self): det_pulse = None for pulse in self.pulses: if isinstance(pulse,Detection): det_pulse = pulse det_freq = det_pulse.freq.value self.LO.value -= det_freq for pulse in self.pulses: if hasattr(pulse,'freq'): pulse.freq.value -= det_freq if hasattr(pulse,'init_freq'): pulse.init_freq.value -= det_freq if hasattr(pulse,'final_freq'): pulse.final_freq.value -= det_freq return self
[docs] def isPulseFocused(self): """ Is the sequence expressed to contain only pulses and no delays? """ test = [] for pulse in self.pulses: test.append(pulse.isPulseFocused()) if np.array(test).all() == True: return True else: return False
[docs] def isDelayFocused(self): """ Is the sequence expressed to contain both pulses and delays? """ test = [] for pulse in self.pulses: test.append(pulse.isDelayFocused()) if np.array(test).all() == True: return True else: return False
[docs] def convert(self, *, reduce=True): """Converts the current sequence to either pulse focused or delay focused depending on the current state Parameters ---------- reduce : bool, optional Reduce to the smallest number of objects, by default True """ if self.isPulseFocused(): self._convert_to_delay() elif self.isDelayFocused(): self._convert_to_pulses()
[docs] def _convert_to_delay(self): num_pulses = len(self.pulses) # create list of pulse timeing pulse_times = [] new_sequence = [] new_pulse = copy.deepcopy(self.pulses[0]) new_pulse.t = None new_sequence.append(new_pulse) pulse_times.append(self.pulses[0].t.value) pulse_hash = {0: 0} for i in range(1, num_pulses): t_cur = self.pulses[i].t.value t_prev = self.pulses[i-1].t.value static_delay = t_cur-t_prev tmp_delay = Delay(tp=static_delay) new_sequence.append(tmp_delay) new_pulse = copy.deepcopy(self.pulses[i]) new_pulse.t = None new_sequence.append(new_pulse) pulse_hash[i] = new_sequence.index(new_pulse) pulse_times.append(t_cur) new_prog_table = {"EventID": [], "Variable": [], "axis": [], "axID": []} def add_prog_table(dic, Element, Variable, axes, ax_id): dic["EventID"].append(Element) dic["Variable"].append(Variable) dic["axis"].append(axes) dic["axID"].append(ax_id) return dic prog_axes = np.unique(self.progTable["axID"]) for ax_id in prog_axes: indexs = np.where(np.array(self.progTable["axID"]) == ax_id)[0] for i in indexs: pulse_num = self.progTable["EventID"][i] pulse_times[pulse_num] = self.progTable["axis"][i] for i in range(1, num_pulses): diff = np.atleast_1d(pulse_times[i] - pulse_times[i-1]) if diff.shape[0] > 1: new_prog_table = add_prog_table( new_prog_table, int(i*2 - 1), "tp", diff, ax_id) # Change the pcyc_vars new_pcyc_var = [] for var in self.pcyc_vars: new_pcyc_var.append(pulse_hash[var]) self.pcyc_vars = new_pcyc_var self.pulses = new_sequence self.progTable = new_prog_table return self.pulses
[docs] def _convert_to_pulses(self): num_ele = len(self.pulses) new_sequence = [] new_pulse = copy.deepcopy(self.pulses[0]) new_pulse.t = Parameter("t", 0, "ns", "Start time of pulse") new_sequence.append(new_pulse) for i in range(1, num_ele): pulse = self.pulses[i] if type(pulse) is not Delay: pos = 0 for j in range(0, i): pos += self.pulses[j].tp.value new_pulse = copy.deepcopy(pulse) new_pulse.t = Parameter("t", pos, "ns", "Start time of pulse") new_sequence.append(new_pulse) self.pulses = new_sequence return self.pulses
[docs] def _checkRect(self) -> bool: """Checks if all the pulses in the sequence are rectangular. """ test = True for pulse in self.pulses: if type(pulse) is not RectPulse: test = False return test
[docs] def __str__(self): header = "#" * 79 + "\n" + "autoDEER Sequence Definition" + \ "\n" + "#" * 79 + "\n" # Sequence Parameters seq_param_string = "Sequence Parameters: \n" seq_param_string += "{:<10} {:<12} {:<10} {:<30} \n".format( 'Name', 'Value', 'Unit', 'Description') for param_key in vars(self): param = getattr(self, param_key) if type(param) is Parameter: if param.unit is None: unit = "" else: unit = param.unit if type(param.value) is str: seq_param_string += "{:<10} {:<12} {:<10} {:<30} \n".format(, param.value, unit, param.description) else: seq_param_string += "{:<10} {:<12.5g} {:<10} {:<30} \n".format(, param.value, unit, param.description) # Pulses pulses_string = "\nEvents (Pulses, Delays, etc...): \n" if self.isPulseFocused(): # pulses_string += "{:<4} {:<12} {:<8} {:<12} \n".format( # 'iD', 't (ns)', 'tp (ns)', 'Type') # for i, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses): # pulses_string += "{:<4} {:<12.3E} {:<8} {:<10} \n".format( # i, pulse.t.value,, type(pulse).__name__) params = ['iD', 't', 'tp', 'scale', 'type', 'Phase Cycle'] params_widths = ["4", "8", "8", "8", "14", "40"] elif self.isDelayFocused(): # pulses_string += "{:<4} {:<8} {:<12} \n".format( # 'iD', 'tp (ns)', 'Type') # for i, pulse in enumerate(self.pulses): # pulses_string += "{:<4} {:<8} {:<10} \n".format( # i,, type(pulse).__name__) params = ['iD', 'tp', 'scale', 'type'] params_widths = ["4", "8", "8", "14"] pulses_string += build_table(self.pulses, params, params_widths) def print_event_id(i): if prog_table["EventID"][i] is None: return "Seq" else: return str(prog_table["EventID"][i]) def get_unit(i): pulse_num = prog_table["EventID"][i] if pulse_num is None: param = getattr(self, prog_table["Variable"][i]) else: param = getattr( self.pulses[pulse_num], prog_table["Variable"][i]) if param.unit is None: return "None" else: return param.unit def test_unique_step(array): diffs = np.diff(array)-np.diff(array)[0] return np.isclose(diffs,np.zeros(diffs.shape)).all() # Progressive elements prog_string = "\nProgression: \n" if len(self.progTable["axID"]) >= 1: prog_string += "{:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} \n".format( 'Pulse', 'Prog. Axis', 'Parameter', 'Step', 'Dim', 'Unit') for i in range(0, len(self.progTable["axID"])): prog_table = self.progTable axis = prog_table["axis"][i] if test_unique_step(axis): step = np.unique(np.diff(axis))[0] fstring = "{:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10.5g} {:<10} {:<10} \n" else: step = "Var" fstring = "{:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10} \n" prog_string += fstring.format( print_event_id(i), prog_table["axID"][i], prog_table["Variable"][i], step, prog_table["axis"][i].shape[0], get_unit(i)) footer = "#" * 79 + "\n" +\ f"Built by autoDEER Version: {__version__}" + "\n" + "#" * 79 return header + seq_param_string + pulses_string + prog_string + footer
[docs] def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def _to_dict(self): to_return = {"version": __version__, "type": "Sequence", "subclass": str(type(self))} for key, var in vars(self).items(): if isinstance(var, Parameter): to_return[key] = var._to_dict() if key == "pulses": new_list = [] for pulse in var: new_list.append(pulse._to_dict()) to_return[key] = new_list else: to_return[key] = var return to_return
[docs] def _to_json(self): class autoEPREncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if (len(obj) > 0 ) and isinstance(obj[0], str): return list(obj) data = np.ascontiguousarray( data_b64 = base64.b64encode(data) return dict(__ndarray__=str(data_b64), dtype=str(obj.dtype), shape=obj.shape) if isinstance(obj, complex): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, numbers.Number): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): return_dict = {"__uuid__": str(obj)} return return_dict if isinstance(obj, Parameter): return obj._to_dict() if isinstance(obj, Pulse): return obj._to_dict() if isinstance(obj, Sequence): return obj._to_dict() else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) return json.dumps(self._to_dict(), cls=autoEPREncoder, indent=4)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the sequence to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- None Raises ------ TypeError If the object cannot be serialized to JSON. Example ------- >>> obj = Sequence() >>>"my_sequence.json") """ with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self._to_json())
[docs] def _from_dict(cls, dct): name = dct["name"] B = Parameter._from_dict(dct["B"]) LO = Parameter._from_dict(dct["LO"]) reptime = Parameter._from_dict(dct["reptime"]) averages = Parameter._from_dict(dct["averages"]) shots = Parameter._from_dict(dct["shots"]) new_sequence = cls( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots ) for key, var in dct.items(): if isinstance(var, dict) and ("type" in var): setattr(new_sequence, key, Parameter._from_dict(var)) elif key == "pulses": for pulse in var: if hasattr(ad_pulses,pulse['type']): new_sequence.pulses.append( getattr(ad_pulses,pulse['type'])._from_dict(pulse)) else: new_sequence.pulses.append( Pulse._from_dict(pulse)) else: setattr(new_sequence, key, var) return new_sequence
[docs] def _from_json(cls, JSONstring): dct = json.loads(JSONstring, object_hook=autoEPRDecoder) return cls._from_dict(dct)
[docs] def load(cls, filename): """Load an object from a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the JSON file. Returns ------- obj : Sequence The Sequence loaded from the JSON file. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file does not exist. Example ------- >>> obj = Sequence.load("my_sequence.json") """ with open(filename, "r") as f: file_buffer = return cls._from_json(file_buffer)
# ============================================================================= # Subclasses # =============================================================================
[docs] class DEERSequence(Sequence): """ Represents a DEER/PELDOR sequence. """ def __init__( self, *, tau1, tau2, tau3 = None, tau4=None, dt, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, ESEEM_avg=None, **kwargs) -> None: """Build a DEER sequence using rectangular pulses Parameters ---------- tau1 : int or float The first interpulse delay in us tau2 : int or float The second interpulse delay in us dt : int or float The time step for DEER measurment in ns B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime : _type_ The shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point tau3 : int or float, optional The delay between the first static pump pulse in 5-pulse DEER and the 1st refocusing pulse in us, by default None. If the value is None then a 4-pulse sequence is created, otherwise a 5-pulse. ESEEM_avg: str Selecting the ESEEM averaging required. ESEEM averaging works by introducing small stepping in the first tau delay and averaging across them all. Options: * `proton` - 8 small steps of 8ns * `deuteron` - 8 small steps of 16ns * None - default Optional Parameters ------------------- exc_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. ref_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pump_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the pumping pi pulse/s. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. det_event : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the detection even. If not specified a standard detection event will be created instead, with an offset frequency of 0MHz. """
[docs] name = "DEERSequence"
[docs] self.tau1us = tau1
[docs] self.tau1 = Parameter(name="tau1", value=tau1 * 1e3, unit="ns", description="The first interpulse delays")
[docs] self.tau2 = Parameter(name="tau2", value=tau2 * 1e3, unit="ns", description="The second interpulse delays")
if tau3 is not None: self.tau3 = Parameter(name="tau3", value=tau3 * 1e3, unit="ns", description="The delay between static pump and the fisrt refocusing pulse.") if tau4 is not None: self.tau4 = tau4 * 1e3
[docs] self.dt = dt
[docs] self.deadtime = 200
[docs] self.ESEEM = False
self.add_ESEEM_avg(None) super().__init__( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs) if "exc_pulse" in kwargs: self.exc_pulse = kwargs["exc_pulse"] if "ref_pulse" in kwargs: self.ref_pulse = kwargs["ref_pulse"] if "pump_pulse" in kwargs: self.pump_pulse = kwargs["pump_pulse"] if "det_event" in kwargs: self.det_event = kwargs["det_event"]
[docs] def add_ESEEM_avg(self, type=None): if type is None: self.tau1 = Parameter(name="tau1", value=self.tau1us * 1e3, unit="ns", description="The first interpulse delays",virtual=True) self.ESEEM=False elif (type.lower() == 'proton') or (type.lower() == 'p') or (type.lower() == 'h'): self.tau1 = Parameter( name="tau1", value=self.tau1us * 1e3, unit="ns", step=8, dim=8, description="The first interpulse delays with proton ESEEM averaging",virtual=True) self.ESEEM=True elif (type.lower() == 'deuteron') or (type.lower() == 'd'): self.tau1 = Parameter( name="tau1", value=self.tau1us * 1e3, unit="ns", step=16, dim=8, description="The first interpulse delays with deuteron ESEEM averaging",virtual=True) self.ESEEM=True
[docs] def three_pulse(self, tp=16): """ Build a four pulse DEER sequence. Parameters ---------- tp : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. """ = "3pDEER" dim = np.floor((self.tau1 - 2*self.deadtime)/self.dt) t = Parameter(name="t", value=self.deadtime, step=self.dt, dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis") if hasattr(self,"exc_pulse"): # Exc pulse self.addPulse(self.exc_pulse.copy(t=0)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2 )) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=t)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=t, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 2 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=self.tau1, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=2*self.tau1)) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=2*self.tau1, tp=512)) self.evolution([t]) pass
[docs] def four_pulse(self, tp=16, relaxation=False): """ Build a four pulse DEER sequence. Parameters ---------- tp : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. """ = "4pDEER" if relaxation: self.tau1 = Parameter( name="tau1", value=self.tau1.value, unit="ns", description="The first interpulse delays", virtual=True) self.tau2 = Parameter( name="tau2", value=self.tau2.value, unit="ns", dim=100, step=50, description="The second interpulse delays", virtual=True) self.t = Parameter(name="t", value=0, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) else: dim = np.floor((self.tau2.value)/self.dt) self.t = Parameter(name="t", value = self.tau1.value - self.deadtime, step=self.dt, dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) if hasattr(self,"exc_pulse"): # Exc pulse self.addPulse(self.exc_pulse.copy(t=0)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2 )) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=self.tau1, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1 + self.t)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=2*self.tau1 + self.t, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 2 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=2*(self.tau1+self.tau2))) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=2*(self.tau1+self.tau2), tp=512)) if relaxation: self.evolution([self.tau2]) elif self.ESEEM: self.evolution([self.t,self.tau1],[self.tau1]) else: self.evolution([self.t])
[docs] def five_pulse(self, tp=16, relaxation=False, re_step=50, re_dim=100): """ Build a five pulse DEER sequence. Parameters ---------- tp : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. """ # t = Parameter(name="t", value=-self.deadtime, step=self.dt, # dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis") = "5pDEER" if relaxation: self.tau1 = Parameter( name="tau1", value=self.tau1.value, unit="ns", dim=re_dim, step=re_step, description="The first interpulse delays", virtual=True) self.tau2 = Parameter( name="tau2", value=self.tau2.value, unit="ns", dim=re_dim, step=re_step, link=self.tau1, description="The second interpulse delays", virtual=True) self.t = Parameter( name="t", value=self.tau3.value, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) else: if self.deadtime > self.tau3.value: raise ValueError("Deadtime must be greater than tau3, otherwise pulses crash") dim = np.floor((self.tau2.value + self.tau1.value - self.tau3.value)/self.dt) self.t = Parameter( name="t", value= self.tau3.value - self.deadtime, step=self.dt, dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) if hasattr(self,"exc_pulse"): # Exc pulse self.addPulse(self.exc_pulse.copy(t=0)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2 )) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1 - self.tau3)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=self.tau1 - self.tau3, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=self.tau1, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 2 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1 + self.t)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=self.tau1 + self.t, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 2 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=2*(self.tau1+self.tau2))) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=2*(self.tau1+self.tau2), tp=512)) if relaxation: self.evolution([self.tau1]) else: self.evolution([self.t])
[docs] def seven_pulse(self, tp=16, relaxation=False): """ Build a seven pulse DEER sequence. Parameters ---------- tp : float Length of default RectPulse in ns, by default 16ns. """ = "7pDEER" if relaxation: self.tau1 = Parameter( name="tau1", value=self.tau1.value, unit="ns", dim=100, step=50, description="The first interpulse delays", virtual=True) self.tau2 = Parameter( name="tau2", value=self.tau2.value, unit="ns", dim=100, step=50, link=self.tau1, description="The second interpulse delays", virtual=True) self.t = Parameter( name="t", value=0, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) else: dim = np.floor((self.tau2.value + self.tau1.value - 2*self.deadtime)/self.dt) self.t = Parameter( name="t", value = + self.deadtime, step=self.dt, dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) # axis = np.arange(0, self.tau2 + self.tau1 - 2*self.deadtime, self.dt) # dim = np.floor((self.tau2 + self.tau1 - 2*self.deadtime)/self.dt) # t = Parameter(name="t", value=0, step=self.dt, # dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis") if hasattr(self,"exc_pulse"): # Exc pulse self.addPulse(self.exc_pulse.copy(t=0)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2 )) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=self.tau1, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=self.tau1 + self.t)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=self.tau1 + self.t, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 2 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t= 2*self.tau1 + self.tau2)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t= 2*self.tau1 + self.tau2, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 2 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2 + self.tau4)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2 + self.tau4, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) r3_pos = 2*self.tau1 + 2*self.tau2 + self.tau3 if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 3 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=r3_pos - self.t)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse(t=r3_pos -self.t, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 3 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=r3_pos)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=r3_pos, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi)) d_pos = 2*(self.tau1+self.tau2+self.tau3) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=d_pos)) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=d_pos, tp=512)) if relaxation: self.evolution([self.tau1]) else: self.evolution([self.t]) # self.addPulsesProg( # pulses=[2], # variables=["t"], # axis_id=0, # axis=axis+self.pulses[2].t.value) # self.addPulsesProg( # pulses=[5], # variables=["t"], # axis_id=0, # axis=axis+self.pulses[2].t.value) pass
[docs] def nDEER_CP(self, n:int, tp=16, relaxation=False, pcyc='Normal'): """Generate an nDEER sequence. The sum of tau1 and tau2 is used as total trace length. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of refocusing pulses tp : int, optional _description_, by default 16 relaxation : bool, optional _description_, by default False pcyc: str, optional Normal: Phases cycles pump and observer pulses, no DC cycle NormalDC: Phases cycles pump and observer pulses, DC cycle Obs: Phases cycles observer pulses, no DC cycle ObsDC: Phases cycles and observer pulses, DC cycle """ = "nDEER-CP" self.n = Parameter( name="n", value=n, unit=None, description="The number of refoucsing pulses", virtual=True) self.step = Parameter( name="step", value=2*(self.tau1.value+self.tau2.value)/(2*n), unit="ns", description="The gap of the first refoucsing pulse", virtual=True) if relaxation: self.step = Parameter( name="step", value=300, dim=100, step=200, unit="ns", description="The gap of the first refoucsing pulse", virtual=True) self.t = Parameter( name="t", value=0, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) else: dim = np.floor((n*self.step.value)/self.dt) self.t = Parameter( name="t", value= - self.deadtime, step=self.dt, dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The time axis", virtual=True) if hasattr(self,"exc_pulse"): # Exc pulse self.addPulse(self.exc_pulse.copy(t=0)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2 )) if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=self.step)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=self.step, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) if hasattr(self,"pump_pulse"): # Pump 1 pulse self.addPulse(self.pump_pulse.copy(t=n*self.step + self.t)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=n*self.step + self.t, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) for i in np.arange(1,n): if hasattr(self,"ref_pulse"): # Ref i pulse self.addPulse(self.ref_pulse.copy(t=(2*i+1)*self.step)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=(2*i+1)*self.step, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=2*n*(self.step))) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=2*n*(self.step), tp=512)) if relaxation: self.evolution([self.step]) else: self.evolution([self.t]) if pcyc == 'NormalDC' or pcyc=='ObsDC': self.pulses[0]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi], [1, -1]) if pcyc == 'NormalDC' or pcyc == 'Normal': self.pulses[2]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, 1, 1, 1]) if pcyc is not None: if n-1 == 1: self.pulses[1]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi], [1,1]) elif n > 2: self.pulses[1]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, -1, 1, -1]) self.pulses[n]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi], [1,1]) for i in range(3,n): self.pulses[i]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, -1, 1, -1]) pass
[docs] def select_pcyc(self, option: str): """Choose which DEER phase you would like. .. |xp| replace:: x\ :sub:`p` .. table:: :width: 150 :widths: 10 10 10 5 30 30 5 +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | Phase cycle | Short Code | Sequence | Steps | Pulse Phase Cycle | Remaining Echoes | Ref. | +===========================+=============+================+========+===========================+=============================+============+ | (x)x|xp|x | DC | ALL | 2 | [+(+x)-(-x)] | PE12rp, SE(PE12)p3, PE12rpr3| | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | (x)[|xp|]x | 8step_3p | 3 pulse | 8 | [+(+x)-(-x)] | | | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | x[x][|xp|]x | 16step_4p | 4 pulse | 16 | [+(+x)-(+y)+(-x)-(-y)] | | [1] | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+ +-----------------------------+------------+ | x|xp|[x][|xp|]x | 16step_5p | 5 pulse | 16 | [+(+x)+(+y)+(-x)+(-y)] | PEp02r3,b PE1p0r2r3b | [1] | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ | x[x]|xp|(x)(|xp|)(|xp|)x | 32step_7p | 7 pulse | 32 | | | [1] | +---------------------------+-------------+----------------+--------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+------------+ Parameters ---------- option : str The short code of the phase cycle. See table above. """ if option == "DC": self.pulses[0]._addPhaseCycle([0,np.pi],[1,-1]) elif option == "8step_3p": self.pulses[0]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) self.pulses[1]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, 1, 1, 1]) elif option == "16step_4p": self.pulses[0]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) self.pulses[1]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, -1, 1, -1]) self.pulses[2]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, 1, 1, 1]) self.pulses[3]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) elif option == "16step_5p": self.pulses[0]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) self.pulses[1]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) self.pulses[2]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, -1, 1, -1]) self.pulses[3]._addPhaseCycle( [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, 1, 1, 1]) self.pulses[4]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) elif option =="32step_7p": self.pulses[0]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) # Exc self.pulses[1]._addPhaseCycle( # Ref 1 [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], [1, -1, 1, -1]) self.pulses[2]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) # Pump 1 self.pulses[3]._addPhaseCycle([0, np.pi], [1, 1]) # Ref 2 self.pulses[4]._addPhaseCycle([0, np.pi], [1, 1]) # Pump 2 self.pulses[5]._addPhaseCycle([0, np.pi], [1, 1]) # Pump 3 self.pulses[6]._addPhaseCycle([0],[1]) # Ref 3 self.pcyc_name = option self._buildPhaseCycle()
[docs] def simulate(self): t = np.arange(0, self.tau1+self.tau2, self.dt) r = np.arange(1.5, 8) pass
# =============================================================================
[docs] class HahnEchoSequence(Sequence): """ Represents a Hahn-Echo sequence. """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, **kwargs) -> None: """Build a Hahn-Echo sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses. By default no progression is added to this sequence. Parameters ---------- B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime : _type_ The shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point Optional Parameters ------------------- pi2_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pi_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. det_event : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the detection even. If not specified a standard detection event will be created instead, with an offset frequency of 0MHz. """
[docs] name = "HahnEchoSequence"
if "pi_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi_pulse = kwargs["pi_pulse"] if "pi2_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi2_pulse = kwargs["pi2_pulse"] if "det_event" in kwargs: self.det_event = kwargs["det_event"] super().__init__( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs) if "tau" in kwargs: tau = kwargs["tau"] else: tau = 500 if "tp" in kwargs: tp = kwargs["tp"] else: tp = 12 if hasattr(self, "pi2_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi2_pulse.copy( t=0, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( # Exc pulse t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets":[1, -1]} )) if hasattr(self, "pi_pulse"): pi_pulse = self.addPulse(self.pi_pulse.copy( t=tau, pcyc={"phases":[0], "dets": [1]})) else: pi_pulse = self.addPulse(RectPulse( # Pump 1 pulse t=tau, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=2*tau)) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=2*tau, tp=self.det_window.value))
# =============================================================================
[docs] class T2RelaxationSequence(HahnEchoSequence): """ Represents a T2 relaxation sequence. A Hahn Echo where the interpulse delay increases """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, step=40, dim=200, **kwargs) -> None:
[docs] self.tau = Parameter(name="tau", value=500,step=step,dim=dim, unit="ns", description="The interpulse delay",virtual=True)
super().__init__(B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots,tau=self.tau, **kwargs)
[docs] = "T2RelaxationSequence"
# =============================================================================
[docs] class FieldSweepSequence(HahnEchoSequence): """ Represents a Field Sweep (EDFS) sequence. """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, Bwidth, reptime, averages, shots, **kwargs) -> None: """Build a Field Sweep (EDFS) sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses. Parameters ---------- B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass Bwidth: int or float The width of the field sweep, in Gauss LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime : _type_ The shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point Optional Parameters ------------------- pi2_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pi_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. """ super().__init__( B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs)
[docs] = "FieldSweepSequence"
[docs] self.B = Parameter( "B", value=B, start = -Bwidth/2, step=1, dim=Bwidth, unit="Gauss", description="Field sweep width" )
# =============================================================================
[docs] class ReptimeScan(HahnEchoSequence): """ Represents a reptime scan of a Hahn Echo Sequence. """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, reptime, reptime_max, averages, shots, **kwargs) -> None: """A Hahn echo sequence is perfomed with the shot repetition time increasing.1 Parameters ---------- B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime: float The default reptime, this is used for tuning pulses etc... reptime_max : np.ndarray The maximum shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point Optional Parameters ------------------- pi2_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pi_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. """
[docs] min_reptime = 20
[docs] dim = 100
[docs] step = (reptime_max-min_reptime)/dim
step = np.around(step,decimals=-1) step = np.around(step,decimals=-1)
[docs] reptime = Parameter( "reptime", reptime, start = min_reptime-reptime, step=step, dim=100, unit="us", description = "The shot repetition time")
super().__init__( B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs)
[docs] = "ReptimeScan"
# =============================================================================
[docs] class CarrPurcellSequence(Sequence): """ Represents a Carr-Purcell sequence. """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, tau, n, dim=100,**kwargs) -> None: """Build a Carr-Purcell dynamical decoupling sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses. Parameters ---------- B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime : _type_ The shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point tau : int The maximum total sequence length in us n : int The number refocusing pulses dim : int The number of points in the X axis Optional Parameters ------------------- pi2_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pi_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. """
[docs] name = "CarrPurcellSequence"
super().__init__( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs)
[docs] self.tau = Parameter(name="tau", value=tau*1e3, unit="ns", description="Total sequence length", virtual=True)
[docs] self.n = Parameter(name="n", value=n, description="The number of pi pulses", unit="None", virtual=True)
[docs] self.dim = Parameter(name="dim", value=dim, unit="None", description="The number of points in the X axis", virtual=True)
if "pi_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi_pulse = kwargs["pi_pulse"] if "pi2_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi2_pulse = kwargs["pi2_pulse"] if "det_event" in kwargs: self.det_event = kwargs["det_event"] self._build_sequence()
[docs] def _build_sequence(self): n = self.n.value deadtime = 300 # dt = 20 # dim = np.floor((self.tau.value/(2*self.n.value) -deadtime)/dt) dim = self.dim.value tau_interval = self.tau.value/(2*n) dt = (tau_interval-deadtime)/dim self.step = Parameter("step",deadtime,unit="ns",step=dt, dim=dim) # # multipliers = [1] # # multipliers += [1+2*i for i in range(1,n)] # # multipliers += [2*n] # axis = np.arange(deadtime,tau/(2*n),10) if hasattr(self, "pi2_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi2_pulse.copy( t=0, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi/2 t=0, tp=16, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]} )) for i in range(n): if i==(n-1): phases = [0] dets = [1] elif i == (n-2): phases = [0, np.pi] dets = [1, 1] else: phases = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2] dets = [1,-1,1,-1] if hasattr(self, "pi_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi_pulse.copy( t=self.step*(2*i + 1), pcyc={"phases":phases, "dets": dets})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi t=self.step*(2*i + 1), tp=32, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, pcyc={"phases":phases, "dets": dets} )) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=self.step*(2*n))) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=self.step*(2*n), tp=512)) self.evolution([self.step])
# =============================================================================
[docs] class RefocusedEcho2DSequence(Sequence): """ Represents a 2D Refocused-echo Sequence. """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, tau, dim=100, **kwargs) -> None: """Build a 2D Refocused-echo sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses. Parameters ---------- B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime : _type_ The shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point tau : int The maximum total sequence length in us dim: int The number of points in both the X and Y axis Optional Parameters ------------------- pi2_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pi_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. """
[docs] name = "RefocusedEcho2D"
super().__init__( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs)
[docs] tau_init = 400
[docs] dt = (tau * 1e3) / dim
[docs] self.tau1 = Parameter(name="tau1", value=tau_init, dim=dim, step=dt, unit="ns", description="1st interpulse delay",virtual=True)
[docs] self.tau2 = Parameter(name="tau2", value=tau_init, dim=dim, step=dt, unit="ns", description="2nd interpulse delay",virtual=True)
if "pi_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi_pulse = kwargs["pi_pulse"] if "pi2_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi2_pulse = kwargs["pi2_pulse"] if "det_event" in kwargs: self.det_event = kwargs["det_event"] self._build_sequence()
[docs] def _build_sequence(self): if hasattr(self, "pi2_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi2_pulse.copy( t=0, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi/2 t=0, tp=16, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]} )) if hasattr(self, "pi_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi_pulse.copy( t=self.tau1, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], "dets": [1,-1,1,-1]})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=self.tau1, tp=32, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi/2, np.pi, -np.pi/2], "dets": [1,-1,1,-1]} )) if hasattr(self, "pi_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi_pulse.copy( t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1,1]})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( t=2*self.tau1 + self.tau2, tp=32, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1,1]} )) if hasattr(self, "det_event"): self.addPulse(self.det_event.copy(t=2*(self.tau1 + self.tau2))) else: self.addPulse(Detection(t=2*(self.tau1 + self.tau2), tp=512)) self.evolution([self.tau1, self.tau2])
# =============================================================================
[docs] class ResonatorProfileSequence(Sequence): """ Builds nutation based Resonator Profile sequence. """ def __init__(self, *, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, fwidth=0.3, **kwargs) -> None: """Build a resonator profile nutation sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses. Parameters ---------- B : int or float The B0 field, in Guass Bwidth: int or float The width of the field sweep, in Gauss LO : int or float The LO frequency in GHz reptime : _type_ The shot repetition time in us averages : int The number of scans. shots : int The number of shots per point fwidth: float The frequency width of the resonator profile in GHz, by default 0.3GHz tau1: float The delay between the nutating pulse and the Hahn Echo, by default 2000 ns tau2: float The interpulse delay in the Hahn Echo, by default 500 ns Optional Parameters ------------------- pi2_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the excitation pi/2 pulse. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. pi_pulse : Pulse An autoEPR Pulse object describing the refocusing pi pulses. If not specified a RectPulse will be created instead. """
[docs] name = "ResonatorProfileSequence"
super().__init__( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs)
[docs] self.gyro = LO/B
[docs] self.fwidth = Parameter('fwidth',fwidth,'GHz','Half the frequency sw')
if "pi_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi_pulse = kwargs["pi_pulse"] if "pi2_pulse" in kwargs: self.pi2_pulse = kwargs["pi2_pulse"] self._build_sequence()
[docs] def _build_sequence(self): tau1=2000 tau2=500 tp = Parameter("tp", 0, step=2, dim=40, unit="ns", description="Test Pulse length") fwidth= self.fwidth.value fstep = 0.02 dim = np.floor(fwidth*2/0.02) center_LO = self.LO.value self.LO = Parameter("LO", center_LO, start=-fwidth, step=fstep, dim=dim, unit="GHz", description="LO frequency") self.B = Parameter( "B",((self.LO.value)/self.gyro), start=-fwidth/self.gyro, step=fstep/self.gyro, dim=dim, unit="Guass",link=self.LO,description="B0 Field" ) self.addPulse(RectPulse( # Hard pulse t=0, tp=tp, freq=0, flipangle="Hard" )) if hasattr(self, "pi2_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi2_pulse.copy( t=tau1, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]})) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi/2 t=tau1, tp=16, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2, pcyc={"phases":[0, np.pi], "dets": [1, -1]} )) if hasattr(self, "pi_pulse"): self.addPulse(self.pi_pulse.copy( t=tau1+tau2)) else: self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi/2 t=tau1+tau2, tp=32, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) self.addPulse(Detection(t=tau1+2*tau2, tp=64)) self.pulses[0].scale.value = 1 # nut_axis = np.arange(0,66,2,) # self.addPulsesProg( # [0], # ["tp"], # 0, # nut_axis) # # Add frequency sweep # width= 0.3 # axis = np.arange(self.LO.value-width,self.LO.value+width+0.02,0.02) # self.addPulsesProg( # [None, None], # ["LO", "B"], # 1, # axis, # multipliers=[1,1/self.gyro]) self.evolution([tp, self.LO])
# =============================================================================
[docs] class TWTProfileSequence(Sequence): """ Builds TWT based Resonator Profile sequence. """ def __init__(self,*,B,LO,reptime,averages=1,shots=100,**kwargs) -> None:
[docs] name = "TWTProfileSequence"
super().__init__( name=name, B=B, LO=LO, reptime=reptime, averages=averages, shots=shots, **kwargs) self._build_sequence()
[docs] def _build_sequence(self,): tau1=2000 tau2=500 self.addPulse(RectPulse( # Hard pulse t=0, tp=4, freq=0, flipangle="Hard" )) self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi/2 t=tau1, tp=16, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi/2 )) self.addPulse(RectPulse( # pi t=tau1+tau2, tp=32, freq=0, flipangle=np.pi )) self.addPulse(Detection(t=tau1+2*tau2, tp=512)) self.pulses[0].scale.value = 1 nut_axis = np.arange(0,66,2) self.addPulsesProg( [0], ["tp"], 0, nut_axis) # Add amplitude sweep width= 0.3 axis = np.arange(0,1.01,0.01) self.addPulsesProg( [0], ["scale"], 1, axis)
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