Source code for

import os
import deerlab as dl
import numpy as np
import logging
from autodeer.dataset import create_dataset_from_bruker
from autodeer.hardware.ETH_awg_load import uwb_load, uwb_eval_match
from import loadmat
import xarray as xr

[docs] log = logging.getLogger('autoDEER.Tools')
[docs] def eprload( path: str, experiment: str = None, type: str = None, **kwargs): """ A general versions of eprload Parameters ---------- path : str The file path of the data that should be loaded. experiment : str, optional _description_, by default None type : str, optional _description_, by default None Returns ------- xarray.Dataarray _description_ Raises ------ ValueError _description_ RuntimeError _description_ """ if type is None: # Use the file ending to guess file type _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(path) if (file_extension == ".DSC") | (file_extension == ".DTA"): log.debug('File detected as Bruker') type = 'BRUKER' elif (file_extension == ".h5") | (file_extension == ".hdf5"): log.debug('File detected as HDF5') type = 'HDF5' elif (file_extension == ".csv") | (file_extension == ".txt"): log.debug('File detected as csv or txt file') type = 'TXT' elif file_extension == '.mat': log.debug('File detecetd as Matlab') type = 'MAT' else: log.error("Can't detect file type") raise ValueError( "Can't detect file type. Please choose the correct file or" " set type manually \n Valid file types: '.DSC','.DTA','.h5'," "'.hdf5','.csv','.txt','.mat'") if type == 'BRUKER': return create_dataset_from_bruker(path) elif type == 'TXT': if 'full_output' in kwargs: full_output = kwargs['full_output'] del kwargs['full_output'] if full_output: print("WARNING: Can't get metadata from text file") data = np.loadtxt(path, *kwargs) return data elif type == 'MAT': Matfile = loadmat(path, simplify_cells=True, squeeze_me=True) # Params = Matfile[Matfile["expname"]] if "options" in kwargs: opts=kwargs["options"] else: opts={} # if 'ref_echo_2D_idx' not in opts: # opts['ref_echo_2D_idx'] = 'end' # uwb_output = uwb_load(Matfile,opts) uwb_output = uwb_eval_match(Matfile,**kwargs) # axes = uwb_output.dta_x # data = uwb_output.dta_ev return uwb_output elif type == 'HDF5': return xr.load_dataarray(path,engine='h5netcdf',invalid_netcdf=True)
[docs] def progress_bar(progress, post=""): num_hash = round(progress // 0.05) num_space = 20-num_hash print( "Progress: "+"|"+"#"*num_hash + " " * num_space + "|" + post, end='\r')
[docs] def progress_bar_frac(num, den): progress_bar(num/den, f"{num:d} out of {den:d}")