import re
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import bsr_array
import uuid
import base64
def build_table(source, params, params_widths):
string = ""
params_used = []
title_str = ""
line_str = ""
title_fmt = []
for i, param in enumerate(params):
if hasattr(source[0], param):
attr = getattr(source[0], param)
line_str += f" {{:<{params_widths[i]}}}"
tmp = re.findall(r'(\d+)', params_widths[i])[0]
title_str += f" {{:<{tmp}}}"
if attr.unit is None:
title_fmt.append( + ' (' + attr.unit + ")")
elif param in ['iD', 'type' ,'Phase Cycle']:
line_str += f" {{:<{params_widths[i]}}}"
tmp = re.findall(r'(\d+)', params_widths[i])[0]
title_str += f" {{:<{tmp}}}"
title_str += "\n"
line_str += "\n"
string += title_str.format(*title_fmt)
for i, pulse in enumerate(source):
elements = []
for param in params_used:
if param == "type":
elif param == "iD":
elif param == 'Phase Cycle':
elif hasattr(pulse, param):
if getattr(pulse, param) is None:
elif getattr(pulse, param).value is None:
elements.append(f"{getattr(pulse, param).value:>5.5g}")
string += line_str.format(*elements)
return string
def sop(spins, comps):
"""Spin Operator Matricies.
This function is ported from EasySpin (
[1] Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger
EasySpin, a comprehensive software package for spectral simulation and analysis in EPR
J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006)
[2] Stefan Stoll, R. David Britt
General and efficient simulation of pulse EPR spectra
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6614-6625 (2009)
spins : list
A list of each spin and its spin qunatum number
comps : str
The type of spin operator matrix to create. Options are: x,y,z,+,-,e
num_spins = len(spins)
for spin_num in range(num_spins):
I = spins[spin_num]
sop_type = comps[spin_num]
n = int(I * 2 + 1)
if sop_type == 'x':
m = np.arange(1,n)
r = np.hstack((m-1,m))
c = np.hstack((m,m-1))
dia = 0.5 * np.sqrt(m*m[::-1])
val = np.hstack((dia,dia))
elif sop_type == 'y':
m = np.arange(1,n)
r = np.hstack((m-1,m))
c = np.hstack((m,m-1))
dia = -0.5*1j * np.sqrt(m*m[::-1])
val = np.hstack((dia,-dia))
elif sop_type == 'z':
m = np.arange(1, n+ 1)
r = m - 1
c = m - 1
val = -m + I + 1
elif sop_type == '+':
m = np.arange(1,n)
r = m -1
c = m
val = np.sqrt(m * m[::-1])
elif sop_type == '-':
m = np.arange(1,n)
r = m + 1
c = m
val = np.sqrt(m * m[::-1])
elif sop_type == 'e':
m = np.arange(1,n+1)
r = m-1
c = m-1
val = np.ones(n)
raise ValueError(f"Incorect specification of comps: ",
f"{sop_type} is not a valid input")
M_ = bsr_array((val, (r,c)), shape=(n,n)).toarray()
OP = np.kron(OP, M_)
return OP
def transpose_dict_of_list(d):
"""Turns a dictionary of lists into a list of dictionaries.
return [dict(zip(d, col)) for col in zip(*d.values())]
def transpose_list_of_dicts(d):
"""Turns a list of dictionaries into a dictionary of lists.
if len(d) == 0:
return {}
return {key: [i[key] for i in d] for key in d[0]}
def save_file(path, str):
with open(path, "w") as file:
def autoEPRDecoder(dct):
if isinstance(dct, dict) and '__uuid__' in dct:
return uuid.UUID(dct["__uuid__"])
if isinstance(dct, dict) and '__ndarray__' in dct:
data = base64.b64decode(dct['__ndarray__'][2:-1])
return np.frombuffer(data, dct['dtype']).reshape(dct['shape'])
return dct
def gcd(values:list):
"""Generates the greatest common dividor on a list of floats
values : list
values = values.copy()
if len(values) == 1:
return values[0]
if len(values) == 2:
a = values[0]
b = values[1]
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
if len(values) > 2:
a = values[0]
b = values[1]
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
values[0] = a
return gcd(values)
def val_in_us(Param, axis=True):
"""Returns the value or axis of a parameter in microseconds
Param : autodeer.Parameter
The parameter to be converted
float or numpy.ndarray
if (len(Param.axis) == 0) or not axis:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return Param.value / 1e3
elif len(Param.axis) == 1 and axis:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return (Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']) / 1e3
raise ValueError("Parameter must have 0 or 1 axes")
def val_in_ns(Param):
"""Returns the value or axis of a parameter in nanoseconds
Param : autodeer.Parameter
The parameter to be converted
float or numpy.ndarray
if len(Param.axis) == 0:
if Param.unit == "us":
return Param.value * 1e3
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return Param.value
elif len(Param.axis) == 1:
if Param.unit == "us":
return (Param.tau1.value + Param.axis[0]['axis']) * 1e3
elif Param.unit == "ns":
return (Param.value + Param.axis[0]['axis'])
raise ValueError("Parameter must have 0 or 1 axes")
def round_step(value, step):
return step * np.floor(np.round(value/step))