class ResonatorProfileSequence(*, B, LO, reptime, averages, shots, fwidth=0.3, **kwargs)

Bases: Sequence

Builds nutation based Resonator Profile sequence.

Build a resonator profile nutation sequence using either rectangular pulses or specified pulses.

Bint or float

The B0 field, in Guass

Bwidth: int or float

The width of the field sweep, in Gauss

LOint or float

The LO frequency in GHz


The shot repetition time in us


The number of scans.


The number of shots per point

fwidth: float

The frequency width of the resonator profile in GHz, by default 0.3GHz

tau1: float

The delay between the nutating pulse and the Hahn Echo, by default 2000 ns

tau2: float

The interpulse delay in the Hahn Echo, by default 500 ns

name = "'ResonatorProfileSequence'"