Source code for autodeer.Relaxation

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import as cm
import numpy as np
from deerlab import noiselevel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from autodeer.sequences import Sequence
import deerlab as dl
from scipy.linalg import svd
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[docs] class CarrPurcellAnalysis(): def __init__(self, dataset, sequence: Sequence = None) -> None: """Analysis and calculation of Carr Purcell decay. Parameters ---------- dataset : _description_ """ # self.axis = dataset.axes[0] # = if 'tau1' in dataset.coords: self.axis = dataset['tau1'] elif 'tau' in dataset.coords: self.axis = dataset['tau'] elif 't' in dataset.coords: self.axis = dataset['t'] elif 'step' in dataset.coords: self.axis = dataset['step'] else: self.axis = dataset['X']
[docs] dataset = dataset.epr.correctphasefull
[docs] =
self.dataset = dataset # if sequence is None and hasattr(dataset,'sequence'): # self.seq = dataset.sequence # else: # self.seq = sequence pass
[docs] def fit(self, type: str = "mono"): """Fit the experimental CP decay Parameters ---------- type : str, optional Either a mono or double exponential decay model, by default "mono" """ data = data /= np.max(data) if type == "mono": self.func = lambda x, a, b, e: a*np.exp(-b*x**e) p0 = [1, 1, 2] bounds = ([0, 0, 0],[2, 1000, 10]) elif type == "double": self.func = lambda x, a, b, e, c, d, f: a*np.exp(-b*x**e) + c*np.exp(-d*x**f) p0 = [1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2] bounds = ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],[2, 1000, 10, 2, 1000, 10]) else: raise ValueError("Type must be one of: mono") self.fit_type = type self.fit_result = curve_fit(self.func, self.axis, data, p0=p0, bounds=bounds) return self.fit_result
[docs] def plot(self, norm: bool = True, axs=None, fig=None) -> Figure: """Plot the carr purcell decay with fit, if avaliable. Parameters ---------- norm : bool, optional Normalise the fit to a maximum of 1, by default True Returns ------- Figure The figure. """ if norm is True: data = data /= np.max(data) if axs is None and fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots() if hasattr(self, "fit_result"): axs.plot(self.axis, data, '.', label='data', color='0.6', ms=6) axs.plot(self.axis, self.func( self.axis, *self.fit_result[0]), label='fit', color='C1', lw=2) axs.legend() else: axs.plot(self.axis, data, label='data') axs.set_xlabel('Time / us') axs.set_ylabel('Normalised Amplitude') return fig
[docs] def check_decay(self,level=0.05): """ Checks that the data has decayed by over 5% in the entire length and less than 5% in the first 30% of the data. Parameters ---------- level : float, optional The level to check the decay, by default 0.05 Returns ------- int 0 if both conditions are met, 1 if the decay is less than 5% in the first 30% of the data, and -1 if the decay is less than 5% in the entire length. """ n_points = len(self.axis) if hasattr(self,"fit_result"): decay = self.func(self.axis, *self.fit_result[0]).data if (decay.min() < level) and (decay[:int(n_points*0.3)].min() > level): return 0 elif decay[:int(n_points*0.3)].min() < level: return 1 elif decay.min() > level: return -1 else: raise ValueError("No fit result found")
[docs] def find_optimal( self, SNR_target, target_time: float, target_step, averages=None) -> float: """Calculate the optimal inter pulse delay for a given total measurment time. Parameters ---------- SNR_target: float, The Signal to Noise ratio target. target_time : float The target time in hours target_shrt : float The shot repettition time of target in seconds target_step: float The target step size in ns. averages : int, optional The total number of shots taken, by default None. If None, the number of shots will be calculated from the dataset. Returns ------- float The calculated optimal time in us """ # time_per_point = shrt * averages dataset = self.dataset if averages is None: averages = dataset.nAvgs * dataset.shots * dataset.nPcyc target_shrt = dataset.reptime * 1e-6 data = np.abs( data /= np.max(data) if hasattr(self,"fit_result"): calc_data = self.func(,*self.fit_result[0]) else: calc_data = data # averages = self.seq.shots.value * self.seq.averages.value self.noise = noiselevel(data) data_snr = calc_data / self.noise data_snr_avgs = data_snr / np.sqrt(averages) # Target time target_time = target_time * 3600 target_step_us = target_step * 1e-3 g = (target_time * target_step / target_shrt) * 1/( f = (SNR_target/data_snr_avgs)**2 self.optimal =[np.argmin(np.abs(g-f))] return self.optimal
[docs] class ReptimeAnalysis(): def __init__(self, dataset, sequence: Sequence = None) -> None: """Analysis and calculation of Reptime based saturation recovery. Parameters ---------- dataset : The dataset to be analyzed. sequence : Sequence, optional The sequence object describing the experiment. (not currently used) """ # self.axis = dataset.axes[0]
[docs] self.axis = dataset['reptime']
# if self.axis.max() > 1e4: # self.axis /= 1e3 # ns -> us # = if np.iscomplexobj( = dataset.epr.correctphase else: = dataset /= np.max(
[docs] self.seq = sequence
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): def func(t,A,T1): return A*(1-np.exp(-t/T1)) self.func = func # mymodel = dl.Model(func,constants='t') # mymodel.T1.set(lb=0,ub=np.inf,par0=1.8e3) # mymodel.T1.unit = 'us' # mymodel.T1.description = 'T1 time' # results =,,self.axis,reg=False,**kwargs) # self.fit_result = results self.fit_result = curve_fit(func, self.axis,, p0=[1,1.8e3]) return self.fit_result
[docs] def plot(self, axs=None, fig=None): if axs is None and fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots() if hasattr(self,'fit_result'): # renormalise data to fit amplitude data =[0][0] else: data = axs.plot(self.axis, data, '.', label='data', color='0.6', ms=6) if hasattr(self,'fit_result'): axs.plot(self.axis, self.func(self.axis,*self.fit_result[0]), label='Fit', color='C1', lw=2) axs.vlines(self.fit_result[0][1],0,1,linestyles='dashed',label='T1 = {:.3g} ms'.format(self.fit_result[0][1]/1e3),colors='C0') if hasattr(self,'optimal'): axs.vlines(self.optimal,0,1,linestyles='dashed',label='Optimal = {:.3g} ms'.format(self.optimal/1e3),colors='C2') axs.set_xlabel('Reptime $(\mu s)$') axs.set_ylabel('Normalised signal') axs.legend() return fig
[docs] def calc_optimal_reptime(self, recovery=0.9): # Calculates the x% recovery time self.optimal = self.fit_result[0][1]*np.log(1/(1-recovery)) return self.optimal
[docs] def detect_ESEEM(dataset,type='deuteron', threshold=1.5): """Detect if the dataset is an ESEEM experiment. Parameters ---------- dataset : xr.DataArray The dataset to be analyzed. type : str, optional The type of ESEEM experiment, either deuteron or proton, by default 'deuteron' threshold : float, optional The SNR threshold for detection, by default 1.5 Returns ------- bool True if ESEEM is detected, False if not. """ D_freq = 4.10663 * dataset.B *1e-4 *np.pi /2 P_freq = 26.75221 * dataset.B *1e-4 *np.pi /2 def find_pnl(freq): fft_data = np.abs(dataset.epr.fft) index = np.abs(fft_data.X - freq).argmin().data peak = 2 /fft_data.size * fft_data[index] noiselevel = 2/fft_data.size * fft_data[index-8:index+8].mean() return peak/noiselevel if type == 'deuteron': peak = find_pnl(D_freq) elif type == 'proton': peak = find_pnl(P_freq) else: raise ValueError('type must be deuteron or proton') if peak > threshold: return True else: return False
[docs] cmap = ['#D95B6F','#42A399']
[docs] def plot_1Drelax(*args,fig=None, axs=None,cmap=cmap): """ Create a superimposed plot of relaxation data and fits. Parameters ---------- args : ad.Analysis The 1D relaxation data to be plotted. fig : Figure, optional The figure to plot to, by default None axs : Axes, optional The axes to plot to, by default None cmap : list, optional The color map to use, by default ad.cmap """ if fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(5,5)) else: axs = fig.subplots(1,1) for i,arg in enumerate(args): if arg.dataset.seq_name == 'T2RelaxationSequence': xscale = 2 label='Hahn Echo' elif arg.dataset.seq_name == 'CarrPurcellSequence': xscale = 4 label='CP-2' elif (arg.dataset.seq_name == 'DEERSequence') or (arg.dataset.seq_name == '5pDEER'): xscale = 4 label='CP-2' else: xscale = 4 label='CP-2' axs.plot(arg.axis*xscale,, '.', label=label,alpha=0.5,color=cmap[i],mec='none') axs.plot(arg.axis*xscale, arg.func(arg.axis,*arg.fit_result[0]), '-',alpha=1,color=cmap[i], lw=2) axs.legend() axs.set_xlabel('Total Sequence Length / $\mu s$') axs.set_ylabel('Signal / $ A.U. $') return fig
[docs] class RefocusedEcho2DAnalysis(): def __init__(self, dataset, sequence: Sequence = None) -> None: """Analysis and calculation of Refocused Echo 2D data. Parameters ---------- dataset : The dataset to be analyzed. sequence : Sequence, optional The sequence object describing the experiment. (not currently used) """
[docs] self.axis = []
if 'tau1' in dataset.coords and 'tau2' in dataset.coords: self.axis.append(dataset['tau1']) self.axis.append(dataset['tau2']) elif 'Xt' in dataset.coords: self.axis.append(dataset['Xt']) self.axis.append(dataset['Yt'])
[docs] dataset = dataset.epr.correctphasefull
[docs] =
self.dataset = dataset
[docs] def _smooth(self,elements=3): """ Used SVD to smooth the 2D data. Parameters ---------- elements : int, optional The number of elements to use in the smoothing, by default 3 Returns ------- np.ndarray The smoothed data. """ U,E,V = svd( E_mod = E.copy() E_mod[elements:] = 0 mod_data = U @ np.diag(E_mod) @ V self.data_smooth = mod_data return self.data_smooth
[docs] def plot2D(self, contour=True,smooth=False, norm = 'Normal', axs=None, fig=None): """ Create a 2D plot of the 2D relaxation data. Parameters ---------- contour : bool, optional Plot the contour of the data, by default True norm : str, optional Normalise the data, by default 'Normal'. Options are 'Normal' and 'tau2'. With 'tau2' normalisation, the data is normalised to the maximum of each row. axs : Axes, optional The axes to plot to, by default None fig : Figure, optional The figure to plot to, by default None """ if smooth is True: if not hasattr(self,'data_smooth'): self._smooth() data = self.data_smooth else: data = if norm == 'Normal': data = data/np.max(data) elif norm == 'tau2': data = data/np.max(data,axis=1)[:,None] if axs is None and fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots() elif axs is None: axs = fig.subplots(1,1) cmap = plt.get_cmap('Purples',lut=None) cmap_contour = plt.get_cmap('Greys_r',lut=None) axs.pcolormesh(self.axis[0],self.axis[1],data,cmap=cmap) if contour is True: axs.contour(self.axis[0],self.axis[1],data, cmap=cmap_contour) axs.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_1$ / $(\mu s)$') axs.set_ylabel(r'$\tau_2$ / $(\mu s)$') axs.set_xlim(min(self.axis[0]),max(self.axis[0])) axs.set_ylim(min(self.axis[1]),max(self.axis[1])) axs.set_aspect('equal') return fig
[docs] def plot1D(self,axs=None,fig=None): """ Create a 1D plot of the 2D relaxation data. Parameters ---------- axs : Axes, optional The axes to plot to, by default None fig : Figure, optional The figure to plot to, by default None """ # TODO: Expand to include optimal data when the 2D data is not symetrical if axs is None and fig is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots() elif axs is None: axs = fig.subplots(1,1) if not hasattr(self,'data_smooth'): self._smooth() data = self.data_smooth data /= np.max(data) optimal_4p = np.argmax(data,axis=1) axs.plot(self.axis[0],np.diag(data[:,optimal_4p]),label='4 Pulse',color=cmap[0]) axs.plot(self.axis[0]*2,np.diag(data),label='5 pulse',color=cmap[1]) axs.legend() axs.set_xlabel(r'$\tau_{evo}$ / $(\mu s)$') axs.set_ylabel('Signal / A.U.') return fig
[docs] def find_optimal(self,type:str,SNR_target, target_time: float, target_step, averages=None) -> float: """Calculate the optimal inter pulse delay for a given total measurment time, using either 4pulse or 5pulse data. Parameters ---------- type : str The type of data to use, either '4pDEER' or '5pDEER' SNR_target : float The Signal to Noise ratio target. target_time : float The target time in hours target_step: float The target step size in ns. averages : int, optional The total number of shots taken, by default None. If None, the number of shots will be calculated from the dataset. Returns ------- tau1: float The calculated optimal tau1 in us tau2: float The calculated optimal tau2 in us Notes: ------ The shot repetition time is assumed to be the same as for the relxaation data and is taken from the dataset. """ dataset = self.dataset if averages is None: averages = dataset.nAvgs * dataset.shots * dataset.nPcyc target_shrt = dataset.reptime * 1e-6 if not hasattr(self,'data_smooth'): self._smooth() data = self.data_smooth raw_data = np.abs( raw_data /= np.max(raw_data) data /= np.max(data) calc_data = data # averages = self.seq.shots.value * self.seq.averages.value self.noise = noiselevel(raw_data) data_snr = calc_data / self.noise data_snr_avgs = data_snr / np.sqrt(averages) if type == '4pDEER': data_snr_avgs_tau2 = np.max(data_snr_avgs,axis=1) # Target time target_time = target_time * 3600 g = (target_time * target_step / target_shrt) * 1/(self.axis[1].data) f = (SNR_target/data_snr_avgs_tau2)**2 tau2_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(g-f)) self.tau2 = self.axis[1].data[tau2_idx] self.tau1 = self.axis[0].data[np.argmax(data_snr_avgs[:,tau2_idx])] return self.tau1, self.tau2 elif type == '5pDEER': data_snr_avgs_CP = np.diag(data_snr_avgs) target_time = target_time * 3600 g = (target_time * target_step / target_shrt) * 1/(self.axis[1].data) f = (SNR_target/data_snr_avgs_CP)**2 tau2_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(g-f)) self.tau2 = self.axis[1].data[tau2_idx] return self.tau2, self.tau2
[docs] def optimal_tau1(self,tau2=None,): if not hasattr(self,'data_smooth'): self._smooth() data = self.data_smooth tau2_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.axis[1].data - tau2)) self.tau1 = self.axis[0].data[np.argmax(data[:,tau2_idx])] return self.tau1