
correctphase(V, full_output=False, offset=False)[source]

Phase correction of complex-valued data.

Rotates the phase of complex-valued data V to minimize the imaginary component. Among the two phases that minimize the imaginary part, the one that gives a real part with a positive average is used. For two-dimensional datasets V2D, e.g. from measurements with multiple scans, each slice V2D[:,i] is phase-rotated independently. If the offset parameter is True, the function will correct for a potential non-zero mean imaginary offset.

Varray_like, or list of array_like

Complex-valued 1D or 2D signal.

full_outputboolean, optional

If True, return additional output arguments. (default: False)


Enables numerical phase correction while accounting for a non-zero mean imaginary offset. By default disabled.


Real part of the phase-corrected data.

Vindarray (only if full_output==True)

Imaginary part of the phase-corrected data.

phasefloat scalar or ndarray (only if full_output==True)

Fitted phase, or list of phases for 2D data, used for correction, in radians.