- sophegrid(octants, maxphi, size, closed_phi=False)[source]¶
Construct spherical grid over spherical angles based on input parameters. The grid implemented in this function is often called the SOPHE grid [1]. Adapted from Easyspin [2]
source code.- Parameters:
- octantsinteger
Number of “octants” of the sphere; for each increment in theta, octants additional points are added along phi; special cases: octants=0 and octants=-1.
- maxphifloat
Largest value of angle phi (radians).
- sizeinteger
Number of orientations between theta=0 and theta=pi/2.
- closed_phibool
Set to true if grid point at maxPhi should be included, false otherwise. Default is false.
- Returns:
- phindarray
Array of the phi angles of the grid points in radians.
- thetandarray
Array of the theta angles of the grid points in radians.
- weightsndarray
Array of the weights corresponding to each grid point.
[1]D. Wang, G. R. Hanson J.Magn.Reson. A, 117, 1-8 (1995)
[2]Stefan Stoll, Arthur Schweiger J. Magn. Reson. 178(1), 42-55 (2006)