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Simulating orientation selection effects in dipolar signals¶
An example on how to simulate dipolar signals with orientation selection effects.
Specifically, we simulate a dipolar signal with orientation selection effects arising from three different distributions of the orientation weights for a 4-pulse DEER dipolar signal simulated from a worm-like chain (WLC) distance distribution.
The orientation weights distributions are modelled as a 4-point spline with zero-derivative.
# Import the required libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import deerlab as dl
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
# Simulation parameters
reftime = 0 # Refocusing time, μs
conc = 50 # Spin concentration, μM
moddepth = 0.4 # Modulation depth
contour = 4.0 # Contour length, nm
persistence = 5.0 # Persistence length, nm
rmin,rmax = 1.5,6 # Range of the distance axis, nm
Δr = 0.050 # Distance resolution, nm
tmin,tmax = -0.5,5 # Range of the time trace, μs
Δt = 0.016 # Time resolution, μs
# Experimental time vector
t = np.arange(tmin,tmax,Δt)
# Distance vector
r = np.arange(rmin,rmax,Δr)
# Orientation selection distribution (must be a function defined in the range θ=[0,pi/2])
def Pθ_fcn(θ,Pθspline):
splineθ = [0, 0.4, 1, np.pi/2]
# Model P(θ) as a 4-point spline with zero-derivative at the edges
Pθ = make_interp_spline(splineθ, Pθspline, bc_type='clamped')
return 1-Pθ(θ)
# Spline parameters for the orientation selection distribution
spline_parameters = [
[0, 0, 0, 0], # Uniform, no orientation selection
[0.19, -0.12, 0.35, -0.163], # Least weighted θ=1
[0.19, -0.12, -0.25, 0.33] # Least weighted θ=0 and θ=pi/2
# Prepare the figure and axes
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
# Define custom colors for the plot
black = '#000000'
green = '#3cb4c6'
red = '#f84862'
colors = [black,red,green]
# Loop over the three cases
for spline_param,color in zip(spline_parameters,colors):
# Define the orientation selection distribution function
Porisel = lambda θ: Pθ_fcn(θ, spline_param)
# Construct the dipolar signal model
Vmodel = dl.dipolarmodel(t,r,Pmodel=dl.dd_wormchain,orisel=Porisel)
# Simulate the signal with orientation selection
Vsim = Vmodel(contour=contour, persistence=persistence, reftime=reftime, mod=moddepth, conc=conc, scale=1)
# Plot the simulated orientation selection distribution
θ = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,300)
# Plot the simulated signal
# Format the figure
ax1.set_xlabel('Interspin vector orientation $θ$ (rad)')
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (μs)')
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.323 seconds)