
selregparam(y, A, solver, method='aic', algorithm='brent', noiselvl=None, searchrange=[1e-08, 100.0], regop=None, weights=None, full_output=False, candidates=None)[source]#

Selection of optimal regularization parameter based on a selection criterion.

This function is used to compute the optimal regularization parameter in a linear least squares problem. The regularization parameter can be determined using different methods, which are specified in the method parameter. The function accepts multiple datasets and corresponding model matrices, which can be globally evaluated. The optimization of the regularization parameter can be performed using the brent algorithm, which is the default, or the slower grid search algorithm. The function returns the optimal regularization parameter, and if full_output is True, it also returns the regularization parameter candidates, as well as the values of the selection functional, the residual, and penalty norms all evaluated at the different regularization parameter candidates.

yarray_like or list of array_like

Dataset, multiple datasets can be globally evaluated by passing a list of datasets.

A2D-array_like or list of 2D-array_like

Model (design) matrix, if a list of datasets is specified, a corresponding list of matrices must be passed as well.


Linear least-squares solver. Must be a callable function with signature solver(AtA,Aty).


Method for the selection of the optimal regularization parameter.

  • 'lr' - L-curve minimum-radius method (LR)

  • 'lc' - L-curve maximum-curvature method (LC)

  • 'cv' - Cross validation (CV)

  • 'gcv' - Generalized Cross Validation (GCV)

  • 'rgcv' - Robust Generalized Cross Validation (rGCV)

  • 'srgcv' - Strong Robust Generalized Cross Validation (srGCV)

  • 'aic' - Akaike information criterion (AIC)

  • 'bic' - Bayesian information criterion (BIC)

  • 'aicc' - Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC)

  • 'rm' - Residual method (RM)

  • 'ee' - Extrapolated Error (EE)

  • 'ncp' - Normalized Cumulative Periodogram (NCP)

  • 'gml' - Generalized Maximum Likelihood (GML)

  • 'mcl' - Mallows’ C_L (MCL)

weightsarray_like, optional

Array of weighting coefficients for the individual datasets in global fitting. If not specified all datasets are weighted inversely proportional to their noise levels.

algorithmstring, optional

Search algorithm:

  • 'grid' - Grid-search, slow.

  • 'brent' - Brent-algorithm, fast.

The default is 'brent'.

searchrangetwo-element list, optional

Search range for the optimization of the regularization parameter with the 'brent' algorithm. If not specified the default search range defaults to [1e-8,1e2].

candidateslist, optional

List or array of candidate regularization parameter values to be evaluated with the 'grid' algorithm. If not specified, these are automatically computed from a grid within searchrange.

regop2D array_like, optional

Regularization operator matrix, the default is the second-order differential operator.

full_outputboolean, optional

If enabled the function will return additional output arguments in a tuple, the default is False.

nonnegativityboolean, optional

Enforces the non-negativity constraint on computed distance distributions, by default enabled.

noiselvlfloat scalar, optional

Estimate of the noise standard deviation, if not specified it is estimated automatically. Used for the MCL selection method.


Optimal regularization parameter.


Regularization parameter values candidates evaluated during the search. Returned if full_output is True.


Values of the selection functional specified by (method) evaluated during the search. Returned if full_output is True.


Values of the residual norms evaluated during the search. Returned if full_output is True.


Values of the penalty norms evaluated during the search. Returned if full_output is True.