# selregparam.py - Regularization parameter selection
# -----------------------------------------------------
# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see LICENSE.md).
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import math as m
import deerlab as dl
def selregparam(y, A, solver, method='aic', algorithm='auto', noiselvl=None,
searchrange=[1e-8,1e2],regop=None, weights=None, full_output=False):
Selection of optimal regularization parameter based on a selection criterion.
This function is used to compute the optimal regularization parameter in a linear
least squares problem. The regularization parameter can be determined using different
methods, which are specified in the ``method`` parameter. The function accepts multiple
datasets and corresponding model matrices, which can be globally evaluated. The optimization
of the regularization parameter can be performed using the ``brent`` algorithm, which is
the default, or the slower ``grid`` search algorithm. The function returns the optimal
regularization parameter, and if ``full_output`` is ``True``, it also returns the
regularization parameter candidates, as well as the values of the selection functional,
the residual, and penalty norms all evaluated at the different regularization parameter candidates.
y : array_like or list of array_like
Dataset, multiple datasets can be globally evaluated by passing a list of datasets.
A : 2D-array_like or list of 2D-array_like
Model (design) matrix, if a list of datasets is specified, a corresponding list of
matrices must be passed as well.
solver : callable
Linear least-squares solver. Must be a callable function with signature ``solver(AtA,Aty)``.
method : string
Method for the selection of the optimal regularization parameter.
* ``'lr'`` - L-curve minimum-radius method (LR)
* ``'lc'`` - L-curve maximum-curvature method (LC)
* ``'cv'`` - Cross validation (CV)
* ``'gcv'`` - Generalized Cross Validation (GCV)
* ``'rgcv'`` - Robust Generalized Cross Validation (rGCV)
* ``'srgcv'`` - Strong Robust Generalized Cross Validation (srGCV)
* ``'aic'`` - Akaike information criterion (AIC)
* ``'bic'`` - Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
* ``'aicc'`` - Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC)
* ``'rm'`` - Residual method (RM)
* ``'ee'`` - Extrapolated Error (EE)
* ``'ncp'`` - Normalized Cumulative Periodogram (NCP)
* ``'gml'`` - Generalized Maximum Likelihood (GML)
* ``'mcl'`` - Mallows' C_L (MCL)
If ``'lr'`` or ``'lc'`` is specified, the search algorithm is automatically set to ``'grid'``.
weights : array_like, optional
Array of weighting coefficients for the individual datasets in global fitting.
If not specified all datasets are weighted inversely proportional to their noise levels.
algorithm : string, optional
Search algorithm:
* ``'auto'`` - Automatically, selects algrothium based on the searchrange. If the searchrange has two elements its set to ``'brent'`` otherwise to ``'grid'``.
* ``'grid'`` - Grid-search, slow.
* ``'brent'`` - Brent-algorithm, fast.
The default is ``'auto'``.
searchrange : list, optional
Either the search range for the optimization of the regularization parameter with the ``'brent'`` algorithm.
Or if more than two values are specified, then it is interpreted as candidates for the ``'grid'`` algorithm.
If not specified the default search range defaults to ``[1e-8,1e2]`` and the ``'brent'`` algorithm.
regop : 2D array_like, optional
Regularization operator matrix, the default is the second-order differential operator.
full_output : boolean, optional
If enabled the function will return additional output arguments in a tuple, the default is False.
nonnegativity : boolean, optional
Enforces the non-negativity constraint on computed distance distributions, by default enabled.
noiselvl : float scalar, optional
Estimate of the noise standard deviation, if not specified it is estimated automatically.
Used for the MCL selection method.
alphaopt : scalar
Optimal regularization parameter.
alphas : ndarray
Regularization parameter values candidates evaluated during the search.
Returned if full_output is True.
functional : ndarray
Values of the selection functional specified by (method) evaluated during the search.
Returned if full_output is True.
residuals : ndarray
Values of the residual norms evaluated during the search.
Returned if full_output is True.
penalties : ndarray
Values of the penalty norms evaluated during the search.
Returned if full_output is True.
# If multiple datasets are passed, concatenate the datasets and kernels
y, A, weights,_,__, noiselvl = dl.utils.parse_multidatasets(y, A, weights, noiselvl)
if algorithm == 'auto' and len(searchrange) == 2:
algorithm = 'brent'
elif algorithm == 'auto' and len(searchrange) > 2:
algorithm = 'grid'
elif algorithm == 'auto' and len(searchrange) < 2:
raise ValueError("`searchrange` must have at least two elements if `algorithm` is set to `'auto'")
# The L-curve criteria require a grid-evaluation
if method == 'lr' or method == 'lc':
algorithm = 'grid'
if regop is None:
L = dl.regoperator(np.arange(np.shape(A)[1]),2)
L = regop
# Create function handle
evalalpha = lambda alpha: _evalalpha(alpha, y, A, L, solver, method, noiselvl, weights)
# Evaluate functional over search range, using specified search method
if algorithm == 'brent':
# Search boundaries
if len(searchrange) != 2:
raise ValueError("Search range must have two elements for the 'brent' algorithm.")
lga_min = m.log10(searchrange[0])
lga_max = m.log10(searchrange[1])
# Create containers for non-local variables
functional,residuals,penalties,alphas_evaled = (np.array(0) for _ in range(4))
def register_ouputs(optout):
nonlocal functional,residuals,penalties,alphas_evaled
# Append the evaluated outpus at a iteration
functional = np.append(functional,optout[0])
residuals = np.append(residuals,optout[1])
penalties = np.append(penalties,optout[2])
alphas_evaled = np.append(alphas_evaled,optout[3])
# Return the last element, current evaluation
return functional[-1]
# Optimize alpha via Brent's method (implemented in scipy.optimize.fminbound)
lga_opt = opt.fminbound(lambda lga: register_ouputs(evalalpha(10**lga)), lga_min, lga_max, xtol=0.01)
alphaOpt = 10**lga_opt
elif algorithm=='grid':
# Get range of potential alpha values candidates
if len(searchrange) == 2:
alphaCandidates = 10**np.linspace(np.log10(searchrange[0]),np.log10(searchrange[1]),60)
alphaCandidates = np.atleast_1d(searchrange)
# Evaluate the full grid of alpha-candidates
functional,residuals,penalties,alphas_evaled = tuple(zip(*[evalalpha(alpha) for alpha in alphaCandidates]))
# If an L-curve method is requested evaluate it now with the full grid:
# L-curve minimum-radius method (LR)
if method == 'lr':
Eta = np.log(np.asarray(penalties)+1e-20)
Rho = np.log(np.asarray(residuals)+1e-20)
dd = lambda x: (x-np.min(x))/(np.max(x)-np.min(x))
functional = dd(Rho)**2 + dd(Eta)**2
# L-curve maximum-curvature method (LC)
elif method == 'lc':
d1Residual = np.gradient(np.log(np.asarray(residuals)+1e-20))
d2Residual = np.gradient(d1Residual)
d1Penalty = np.gradient(np.log(np.asarray(penalties)+1e-20))
d2Penalty = np.gradient(d1Penalty)
functional = (d1Residual*d2Penalty - d2Residual*d1Penalty)/(d1Residual**2 + d1Penalty**2)**(3/2)
functional = -functional # Maximize instead of minimize
# Find minimum of the selection functional
alphaOpt = alphaCandidates[np.argmin(functional)]
functional = np.array(functional)
residuals = np.array(residuals)
penalties = np.array(penalties)
alphas_evaled = np.array(alphas_evaled)
raise KeyError("Search method not found. Must be either 'brent' or 'grid'.")
if full_output:
return alphaOpt,alphas_evaled,functional,residuals,penalties
return alphaOpt
def _evalalpha(alpha,y,A,L,solver,selmethod,noiselvl,weights):
"Evaluation of the selection functional at a given regularization parameter value"
# Prepare LSQ components
AtAreg, Aty = dl.solvers._lsqcomponents(y,A,L,alpha,weights)
wA = weights[:,np.newaxis]*A
# Solve linear LSQ problem
P = solver(AtAreg,Aty)
# Moore-PeNose pseudoinverse
pA = np.linalg.inv(AtAreg)@wA.T
# Influence matrix
H = wA@pA
# Residual term
residuals = weights*(A@P - y)
Residual = np.linalg.norm(residuals)
# Regularization penalty term
Penalty = np.linalg.norm(L@P)
# Selection methods for optimal regularization parameter
functional = 0
N = len(y)
# Cross validation (CV)
if selmethod =='cv':
f_ = sum(abs(residuals/(np.ones(N) - np.diag(H)))**2)
# Generalized Cross Validation (GCV)
elif selmethod =='gcv':
f_ = Residual**2/((1 - np.trace(H)/N)**2)
# Robust Generalized Cross Validation (rGCV)
elif selmethod =='rgcv':
tuning = 0.9
f_ = Residual**2/((1 - np.trace(H)/N)**2)*(tuning + (1 - tuning)*np.trace(H**2)/N)
# Strong Robust Generalized Cross Validation (srGCV)
elif selmethod =='srgcv':
tuning = 0.8
f_ = Residual**2/((1 - np.trace(H)/N)**2)*(tuning + (1 - tuning)*np.trace(pA.T@pA)/N)
# Akaike information criterion (AIC)
elif selmethod =='aic':
crit = 2
f_ = N*np.log(Residual**2/N) + crit*np.trace(H)
# Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
elif selmethod =='bic':
crit = np.log(N)
f_ = N*np.log(Residual**2/N) + crit*np.trace(H)
# Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC)
elif selmethod =='aicc':
crit = 2*N/(N-np.trace(H)-1)
f_ = N*np.log(Residual**2/N) + crit*np.trace(H)
# Residual method (RM)
elif selmethod =='rm':
scale = A.T@(np.eye(np.shape(H)[0],np.shape(H)[1]) - H)
f_ = Residual**2/np.sqrt(np.trace(scale.T@scale))
# Extrapolated Error (EE)
elif selmethod =='ee':
f_ = Residual**2/np.linalg.norm(A.T@(residuals))
# Normalized Cumulative Periodogram (NCP)
elif selmethod == 'ncp':
resPeriodogram = abs(np.fft.fft(residuals))**2
wnoisePeriodogram = np.zeros(len(resPeriodogram))
respowSpectrum = np.zeros(len(resPeriodogram))
for j in range(len(resPeriodogram)-1):
respowSpectrum[j] = np.linalg.norm(resPeriodogram[1:j+1],1)/np.linalg.norm(resPeriodogram[1:-1],1)
wnoisePeriodogram[j] = j/(len(resPeriodogram) - 1)
f_ = np.linalg.norm(respowSpectrum - wnoisePeriodogram)
# Generalized Maximum Likelihood (GML)
elif selmethod == 'gml':
Treshold = 1e-9
eigs,_ = np.linalg.eig(np.eye(np.shape(H)[0],np.shape(H)[1]) - H)
eigs[eigs < Treshold] = 0
nzeigs = np.real(eigs[eigs!=0])
f_ = y.T@(-residuals)/np.prod(nzeigs)**(1/len(nzeigs))
# Mallows' C_L (MCL)
elif selmethod == 'mcl':
f_ = Residual**2 + 2*noiselvl**2*np.trace(H) - 2*N*noiselvl**2
elif selmethod == 'lr' or selmethod == 'lc':
f_ = 0
raise ValueError(f'Selection method \'{selmethod}\' is not known.')
functional = functional + f_
return functional, Residual, Penalty, alpha