Source code for deerlab.classes

# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.

import numpy as np
from deerlab.utils import Jacobian, nearest_psd
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

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[docs] class UQResult: # ========================================================================= r""" Represents the uncertainty quantification of fit results. This class provides methods for performing uncertainty analysis on fit results. The uncertainty analysis can be performed using moment-based, bootstrapped, or likelihood profile methods. The type of uncertainty analysis is specified when initializing the object. Attributes ---------- type : string Type of uncertainty analysis performed. Possible values are: * ``'moment'`` - Moment-based uncertainty analysis * ``'bootstrap'`` - Bootstrapped uncertainty analysis * ``'profile'`` - Likelihood profile uncertainty analysis * ``'void'`` - Empty uncertainty analysis mean : ndarray Mean values of the uncertainty distribution of the parameters. median : ndarray Median values of the uncertainty distribution of the parameters. std : ndarray Standard deviations of the uncertainty distribution of the parameters. covmat : ndarray Covariance matrix nparam : int scalar Number of parameters in the analysis. samples : ndarray Bootstrap samples of the parameters. Only available for ``type='bootstrap'``. profile : ndarray Likelihood profile of the parameters. Only available for ``type='profile'``. threshold : scalar Treshold value used for the profile method. Only available for ``type='profile'``. """
[docs] def __init__(self,uqtype,data=None,covmat=None,lb=None,ub=None,threshold=None,profiles=None,noiselvl=None): r""" Initializes the UQResult object. Parameters ---------- uqtype : str Type of uncertainty analysis to perform. Possible values are: ``'moment'``, ``'bootstrap'``, ``'profile'``, ``'void'``. data : ndarray Data to be used for the uncertainty analysis. The format of this parameter depends on the value of ``uqtype``: * If ``uqtype='moment'``, data should be an array of parameter estimates. * If ``uqtype='bootstrap'``, data should be a 2-dimensional array of bootstrap samples, where each row corresponds to a sample and each column corresponds to a parameter. * If ``uqtype='profile'``, data should be an array of parameter estimates. * If ``uqtype='void'``, data should not be provided. covmat : ndarray Covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. Only applicable if ``uqtype='moment'``. lb : ndarray Lower bounds of the parameter estimates. Only applicable if ``uqtype='moment'``. ub : ndarray Upper bounds of the parameter estimates. Only applicable if ``uqtype='moment'``. threshold : float Threshold value used for the likelihood profile method. Only applicable if ``uqtype='profile'``. profiles : list List of likelihood profiles for each parameter. Each element of the list should be a tuple of arrays ``(x, y)``, where ``x`` represents the values of the parameter and ``y`` represents the corresponding likelihoods. Only applicable if ``uqtype='profile'``. noiselvl : float Noise level used for the likelihood profile method. Only applicable if ``uqtype='profile'``. """ #Parse inputs schemes if uqtype=='moment': # Scheme 1: UQResult('moment',parfit,covmat,lb,ub) self.type = uqtype parfit = data nParam = len(parfit) elif uqtype == 'profile': # Scheme 2: UQResult('profile',profiles) if not isinstance(profiles,list): profiles = [profiles] self.type = uqtype self.__parfit = data self.__noiselvl = noiselvl self.profile = profiles self.threshold = threshold nParam = len(np.atleast_1d(data)) elif uqtype == 'bootstrap': # Scheme 2: UQResult('bootstrap',samples) self.type = uqtype samples = data self.samples = samples nParam = np.shape(samples)[1] elif uqtype=='void': # Scheme 2: UQResult('void') self.type = uqtype self.mean, self.median, self.std, self.covmat, self.nparam = ([] for _ in range(5)) return else: raise NameError('uqtype not found. Must be: ''moment'', ''bootstrap'' or ''void''.') if lb is None: lb = np.full(nParam, -np.inf) if ub is None: ub = np.full(nParam, np.inf) # Set private variables self.__lb = lb self.__ub = ub self.nparam = nParam # Create confidence intervals structure if uqtype=='moment': self.mean = parfit self.median = parfit self.std = np.sqrt(np.diag(covmat)) self.covmat = covmat # Profile-based CI specific fields elif uqtype == 'profile': xs = [self.pardist(n)[0] for n in range(nParam)] pardists = [self.pardist(n)[1] for n in range(nParam)] means = [np.trapz(pardist*x,x) for x,pardist in zip(xs,pardists)] std = [np.sqrt(np.trapz(pardist*(x-mean)**2,x)) for x,pardist,mean in zip(xs,pardists,means)] self.mean = means self.median = self.percentile(50) self.std = std self.covmat = np.diag(np.array(std)**2) # Bootstrap-based CI specific fields elif uqtype == 'bootstrap': means = np.mean(samples,0) covmat = np.squeeze(samples).T@np.squeeze(samples)/np.shape(samples)[0] - means*means.T self.mean = means self.median = self.percentile(50) self.median = np.array([nth_samples[0] if np.all(nth_samples==nth_samples[0]) else self.median[n] for n,nth_samples in enumerate(samples.T)]) self.std = np.squeeze(np.std(samples,0)) self.covmat = covmat
# Gets called when an attribute is accessed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getattribute__(self, attr): try: # Calling the super class to avoid recursion if (attr!='type' and not '__' in attr) and super(UQResult, self).__getattribute__('type') == 'void': # Check if the uncertainty quantification has been done, if not report that there is nothing in the object raise ValueError(f"The requested attribute/method ('{attr}') is not available. Uncertainty quantification has not been calculated during the fit.") except AttributeError: # Catch cases where 'type' attribute has still not been defined (e.g. when using copy.deepcopy) pass # Otherwise return requested attribute return super(UQResult, self).__getattribute__(attr) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Combination of multiple uncertainties #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def join(self,*args): """ Combine multiple uncertainty quantification instances. This method concatenates the parameter vectors of the object calling the method with the parameter vectors of any number of other uncertainty quantification objects. Parameters ---------- uq : any number of :ref:`UQResult` Uncertainty quantification objects with ``N1,N2,...,Nn`` parameters to be joined to the object calling the method with ``M`` parameters. Returns ------- uq_joined : :ref:`UQResult` Joined uncertainty quantification object with a total of ``M + N1 + N2 + ... + Nn`` parameters. The parameter vectors are concatenated on the order they are passed. Raises ------ TypeError If any of the input objects is not a :ref:`UQResult` instance or if the types of the input objects do not match. TypeError If an attempt is made to join an instance of :ref:`UQResult` with type ``'void'``. """ newargs = [] if self.type=='moment': # Original metadata newargs.append(self.mean) newargs.append(self.covmat) newargs.append(self.__lb) newargs.append(self.__ub) elif self.type=='bootstrap': newargs.append(self.samples) for uq in args: if not isinstance(uq, UQResult): raise TypeError('Only UQResult objects can be joined.') if uq.type!=self.type: raise TypeError(f'A UQResult of type ({uq.type}) and another of type ({self.type}) cannot be joined.') if uq.type=='void': raise TypeError('Void UQResults cannot be joined.') # Concatenate metadata of external UQResult objects if self.type=='moment': newargs[0] = np.concatenate([newargs[0], uq.mean]) newargs[1] = block_diag(newargs[1], uq.covmat) newargs[2] = np.concatenate([newargs[2], uq.__lb]) newargs[3] = np.concatenate([newargs[3], uq.__ub]) elif self.type=='bootstrap': newargs[0] = np.concatenate([newargs[0],uq.samples],axis=1) # Return new UQResult object with combined information return UQResult(self.type,*newargs)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameter distributions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def pardist(self,n=0): """ Generate the uncertainty distribution of the n-th parameter This method generates the probability density function of the uncertainty of the n-th parameter of the model. The distribution is evaluated at a range of values where the parameter is most likely to be. The range is determined based on the type of uncertainty quantification method used. Parameters ---------- n : int scalar Index of the parameter Returns ------- ax : ndarray Parameter values at which the distribution is evaluated pdf : ndarray Probability density function of the parameter uncertainty. """ if n > self.nparam or n < 0: raise ValueError('The input must be a valid integer number.') isdelta = False if self.type == 'moment': # Generate Gaussian distribution based on covariance matrix sig = np.sqrt(self.covmat[n,n]) xmean = self.mean[n] x = np.linspace(xmean-4*sig,xmean+4*sig,500) pdf = 1/sig/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*np.exp(-((x-xmean)/sig)**2/2) if self.type == 'bootstrap': # Get bw using silverman's rule (1D only) samplen = self.samples[:, n].real # Take limited precision into account to avoid round-off errors samplen = np.round(samplen,200) if np.all(samplen == samplen[0]): # Dirac's delta distribution x = np.array([0.9*samplen[0],samplen[0],1.1*samplen[0]]) pdf = np.array([0,1,0]).astype(float) isdelta = True else: sigma = np.std(samplen, ddof=1) bw = sigma*(len(samplen)*3/4.0)**(-1/5) # Make histogram maxbin = np.maximum(np.max(samplen),np.mean(samplen)+3*sigma) minbin = np.minimum(np.min(samplen),np.mean(samplen)-3*sigma) bins = np.linspace(minbin,maxbin, 2**10 + 1) count, edges = np.histogram(samplen, bins=bins) # Generate kernel delta = np.maximum(np.finfo(float).eps,(edges.max() - edges.min()) / (len(edges) - 1)) kernel_x = np.arange(-4*bw, 4*bw + delta, delta) kernel = norm(0, bw).pdf(kernel_x) # Convolve pdf = fftconvolve(count, kernel, mode='same') # Set x coordinate of pdf to midpoint of bin x = edges[:-1] + delta if self.type=='profile': if not isinstance(self.profile,list) and n==0: profile = self.profile else: profile = self.profile[n] σ = self.__noiselvl obj2likelihood = lambda f: 1/np.sqrt(σ*2*np.pi)*np.exp(-1/2*(f-np.min(f))/σ**2) profileinterp = interp1d(profile['x'], profile['y'], kind='slinear', fill_value=1e6,bounds_error=False) x = np.linspace(np.min(profile['x']), np.max(profile['x']), 2**10 + 1) pdf = obj2likelihood(profileinterp(x)) # Generate kernel sigma = np.sum(x*pdf/np.sum(pdf)) bw = sigma*(1e12*3/4.0)**(-1/5) delta = np.maximum(np.finfo(float).eps,(x.max() - x.min()) / (len(x) - 1)) kernel_x = np.arange(-5*bw, 5*bw + delta, delta) kernel = norm(0, bw).pdf(kernel_x) # Convolve pdf = fftconvolve(pdf, kernel, mode='same') # Clip the distributions outside the boundaries pdf[x < self.__lb[n]] = 0 pdf[x > self.__ub[n]] = 0 # Enforce non-negativity (takes care of negative round-off errors) pdf = np.maximum(pdf,0) # Ensure normalization of the probability density function (if not a Dirac delta function) if not isdelta: if np.trapz(pdf, x)!=0: pdf = pdf/np.trapz(pdf, x) return x, pdf
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameter percentiles #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def percentile(self,p): """ Compute the p-th percentiles of the parameters uncertainty distributions Parameters ---------- p : float scalar Percentile (a value between 0-100) Returns ------- prctiles : ndarray Percentile values of all parameters Raises ------ ValueError If `p` is not a number between 0 and 100. """ if p>100 or p<0: raise ValueError('The input must be a number between 0 and 100') x = np.zeros(self.nparam) for n in range(self.nparam): # Get parameter PDF values,pdf = self.pardist(n) # Compute corresponding CDF cdf = np.cumsum(pdf) cdf /= max(cdf) # Eliminate duplicates cdf, index = np.unique(cdf,return_index=True) # Interpolate requested percentile x[n] = np.interp(p/100,cdf,values[index]) return x
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def ci(self,coverage): """ Compute the confidence intervals for the parameters. This method computes confidence intervals for the parameters of the fitted distribution, based on the method used to compute the parameter estimates (moment estimation, bootstrapping, or likelihood profile). Parameters ---------- coverage : float scalar Coverage (confidence level) of the confidence intervals (a value between 0-100) Returns ------- ci : ndarray A 2D array containing the lower and upper confidence intervals for the parameters. The first column of the array holds the lower confidence intervals, and the second column holds the upper confidence intervals. * ``ci[:,0]`` - Lower confidence intervals * ``ci[:,1]`` - Upper confidence intervals The array has shape ``(nparam, 2)``, where ``nparam`` is the number of fitted parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If the ``coverage`` argument is outside the range 0-100. Examples -------- Compute 95% confidence intervals for the fitted parameters: :: ci = Notes ----- The method used to compute the confidence intervals depends on the method used to compute the parameter estimates. If the parameter estimates were computed using moment estimation, the confidence intervals are computed based on the estimated standard errors of the parameters. If the parameter estimates were computed using bootstrapping, the confidence intervals are computed based on the empirical distribution of the bootstrapped samples. If the parameter estimates were computed using likelihood profile, the confidence intervals are computed by finding the parameter values at the edges of the likelihood profile that correspond to the specified coverage. """ if coverage>100 or coverage<0: raise ValueError('The input must be a number between 0 and 100') value = self.mean if hasattr(self,'mean') else self.__parfit iscomplex = np.iscomplexobj(value) alpha = 1 - coverage/100 p = 1 - alpha/2 # percentile confint = np.zeros((self.nparam,2)) if iscomplex: confint = confint.astype(complex) if self.type=='moment': # Compute moment-based confidence intervals # Clip at specified box boundaries standardError = norm.ppf(p)*np.sqrt(np.diag(self.covmat)) confint[:,0] = np.maximum(self.__lb, self.mean.real - standardError) confint[:,1] = np.minimum(self.__ub, self.mean.real + standardError) if iscomplex: confint[:,0] = confint[:,0] + 1j*np.maximum(self.__lb, self.mean.imag - standardError) confint[:,1] = confint[:,1] + 1j*np.minimum(self.__ub, self.mean.imag + standardError) elif self.type=='bootstrap': # Compute bootstrap-based confidence intervals # Clip possible artifacts from the percentile estimation confint[:,0] = np.minimum(self.percentile((1-p)*100), np.amax(self.samples)) confint[:,1] = np.maximum(self.percentile(p*100), np.amin(self.samples)) elif self.type=='profile': # Compute likelihood-profile-based confidence intervals for n,profile in enumerate(self.profile): # Construct interpolator for the profile profileinterp = interp1d(profile['x'], profile['y'], kind='slinear', fill_value=1e6,bounds_error=False) #----------------------------------------------------------------- def getCIbound(boundary,optimum): def getprofile_at(value): return profileinterp(value) - self.threshold(coverage/100) # Evaluate the profile function fbound = getprofile_at(boundary) f0 = getprofile_at(optimum) # Check the signs of the shifted profile if np.sign(fbound)==np.sign(f0): # If both edges have the same sign return one of the edges ci_bound = boundary else: searchrange = [boundary,optimum] if boundary<optimum else [optimum,boundary] ci_bound = brentq(getprofile_at, *searchrange,maxiter=int(1e4)) return ci_bound #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the upper and lower bounds of the confidence interval confint[n,0] = getCIbound(profile['x'].min(),self.__parfit[n]) confint[n,1] = getCIbound(profile['x'].max(),self.__parfit[n]) # Remove singleton dimensions confint = np.squeeze(confint) return confint
[docs] def propagate(self,model,lb=None,ub=None,samples=None): """ Uncertainty propagation. The method performs uncertainty propagation on the model by applying the uncertainty analysis of the input parameters to the model. The output is a new uncertainty quantification analysis for the model outputs. The method returns a new ``UQResult`` object containing the uncertainty information of the model outputs. If the input type is ``'moment'``, the returned object will be of type ``'moment'``. Otherwise, if the type is ``'bootstrap'``, the returned object will be of type ``'bootstrap'``. Parameters ---------- model : callable A callable function that takes an array of parameters as input and returns a model output. lbm : ndarray Lower bounds of the values returned by ``model``, by default assumed unconstrained. ubm : ndarray Upper bounds of the values returned by ``model``, by default assumed unconstrained. samples : int, optional Number of samples to use when propagating uncertainty. If not provided, default value is 1000. Returns ------- modeluq : :ref:`UQResult` New uncertainty quantification analysis for the outputs of ``model``. """ parfit = self.mean # Evaluate model with fit parameters modelfit = model(parfit) iscomplex = np.iscomplexobj(modelfit) # Validate input boundaries if lb is None: lb = np.full(np.size(modelfit), -np.inf) if ub is None: ub = np.full(np.size(modelfit), np.inf) lb,ub = (np.atleast_1d(var) for var in [lb,ub]) if np.size(modelfit)!=np.size(lb) or np.size(modelfit)!=np.size(ub): raise IndexError ('The 2nd and 3rd input arguments must have the same number of elements as the model output.') if samples is None: Nsamples = 1000 else: Nsamples = samples if self.type=='moment': if iscomplex: model_ = model model = lambda p: np.concatenate([model_(p).real,model_(p).imag]) # Get jacobian of model to be propagated with respect to parameters J = Jacobian(model,parfit,self.__lb,self.__ub) # Clip at boundaries modelfit = np.maximum(modelfit,lb) modelfit = np.minimum(modelfit,ub) # Error progation modelcovmat = nearest_psd(J@self.covmat@J.T) if iscomplex: N = modelcovmat.shape[0] Nreal = np.arange(0,N/2).astype(int) Nimag = np.arange(N/2,N).astype(int) modelcovmat = modelcovmat[np.ix_(Nreal,Nreal)] + 1j* modelcovmat[np.ix_(Nimag,Nimag)] # Construct new uncertainty object return UQResult('moment',modelfit,modelcovmat,lb,ub) elif self.type=='bootstrap': sampled_parameters = [[] for _ in range(self.nparam)] for n in range(self.nparam): # Get the parameter uncertainty distribution values,pdf = self.pardist(n) # Random sampling form the uncertainty distribution sampled_parameters[n] = [np.random.choice(values, p=pdf/sum(pdf)) for _ in range(Nsamples)] # Convert to matrix sampled_parameters = np.atleast_2d(sampled_parameters) # Bootstrap sampling of the model response sampled_model = [model(sampled_parameters[:,n]) for n in range(Nsamples)] sampled_model = [np.maximum(sample,lb) for sample in sampled_model] sampled_model = [np.minimum(sample,ub) for sample in sampled_model] # Convert to matrix sampled_model = np.atleast_2d(sampled_model) # Construct new uncertainty object return UQResult('bootstrap',data=sampled_model,lb=lb,ub=ub)
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