# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see LICENSE.md).
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.
import numpy as np
from deerlab.solvers import snlls
from deerlab.fitresult import FitResult
from deerlab.utils import formatted_table, parse_multidatasets
from deerlab.bootstrap_analysis import bootstrap_analysis
from deerlab.classes import UQResult
from sys import stdout
from deerlab.model import Model
from copy import copy
def _outerOptimization(fitfcn,penalty_objects,sigma):
(Private function)
A method to optimize the fit of a model with penalties.
This method returns a function that can be used to evaluate the fit of a model with penalties. It takes in the following arguments:
fitfcn : callable
The function to be optimized, which takes in a set of parameters and returns a scalar value representing the fit of the model.
penalty_objects : list of Penalty objects
A list of penalty objects that define the penalty functions to be applied to the fit function. The list can have up to three penalty objects.
sigma : numpy.ndarray
The vector of observation uncertainties to be used in the penalty functions.
fitfcn_ : callable
A function that can be used to evaluate the fit of a model with penalties. This function takes in a set of parameters and returns a scalar value representing the fit of the model.
# If there are no penalties
if len(penalty_objects)==0:
fitfcn_ = lambda y: fitfcn(y,[None])
# Otherwise, prepare to solve multiobjective problem
elif len(penalty_objects)==3:
thirdfcn = lambda y,*param: penalty_objects[2].optimize(lambda weight: fitfcn(y,[*param,weight]),y,sigma)[1]
secondfcn = lambda y,*param: penalty_objects[1].optimize(lambda weight: fitfcn(y,[*param,weight,thirdfcn(y,*param,weight)]),y,sigma)[1]
fitfcn_ = lambda y: penalty_objects[0].optimize(lambda weight: fitfcn(y,[weight,secondfcn(y,weight),thirdfcn(y,weight,secondfcn(weight))]),y,sigma)[0]
elif len(penalty_objects)==2:
secondfcn = lambda y,*param: penalty_objects[1].optimize(lambda weight: fitfcn(y,[*param,weight]),y,sigma)[1]
fitfcn_ = lambda y: penalty_objects[0].optimize(lambda weight: fitfcn(y,[weight,secondfcn(y,weight)]),y,sigma)[0]
elif len(penalty_objects)==1:
fitfcn_ = lambda y: penalty_objects[0].optimize(lambda weight: fitfcn(y,[weight]),y,sigma)[0]
raise RuntimeError('The fit() function can only handle up to three penalties.')
return fitfcn_
def _print_fitresults(fitresult,model):
(Private function)
Construct summary table of fit results to print
This helper method takes the output of a model fit and constructs a
summary table of the goodness-of-fit statistics, along with the
hyperparameters of the model (if any). The method is intended to be used
to print the results of the model fit.
fitresult : ``FitResult`` object
Result of a model fit.
model : ``Model`` object
Model object instance used for the fit.
table_string : str
A string containing the summary table of the fit results.
def colortxt(str, color, spaces, is_tty=stdout.isatty()):
(Private function)
Helper method that applies ANSI codes to add colors to the text
in a terminal.
str : str
The string to be colored.
color : str
The color to be applied to the text. It can be 'red', 'yellow', or 'white'.
spaces : int
The number of spaces to add to the beginning and end of the string.
is_tty : bool
A boolean value indicating whether the output is a terminal or not.
If it is not a terminal, the method simply returns the string without
applying any coloring.
colored_str : str
Colored string.
if color=='red': color = '\033[91m'
if color=='yellow': color = '\033[93m'
if color=='white': color = ''
if is_tty:
return str
return f"{color}" +" "*spaces + f"{str}"+" "*spaces + "\033[00m"
# Start printout string
string = ''
# Get number of models in the fit
modelfits = fitresult.model
if not isinstance(modelfits,list):
modelfits = [modelfits]
Ndatasets = len(modelfits)
# Construct table of goodness-of-fit statistics
table = []
table.append([f'Dataset','Noise level','Reduced 𝛘2','Residual autocorr.','RMSD']) # Header
alignment = ['^','^','^','^','^'] # Tab alignment
stats = np.atleast_1d(fitresult.stats)
noiselevels = np.atleast_1d(fitresult.noiselvl)
for n in range(Ndatasets):
noiselvl = noiselevels[n]
chi2red = stats[n]['chi2red']
rmsd = stats[n]['rmsd']
autocorr = stats[n]['autocorr']
# Use colored text to warn of very poor fits
autocorrcolor = lambda str: colortxt(str,'white',7)
if autocorr>0.5 and autocorr<1:
# Relatively acceptable autocorrelations (yellow)
autocorrcolor = lambda str: colortxt(str,'yellow',7)
elif autocorr>1:
# Worrisome autocorrelations (red)
autocorrcolor = lambda str: colortxt(str,'red',7)
chicolor = lambda str: colortxt(str,'white',3)
# Standard deviation of reduced 𝛘2 statistic's uncertainty (Gaussian limit)
chi2red_sigma = np.sqrt(2/len(modelfits[n]))*3
if abs(1-chi2red)>3*chi2red_sigma and abs(1-chi2red)<6*chi2red_sigma:
# Poor case (yellow), 𝛘2 exceeds thrice the expected uncertainty
chicolor = lambda str: colortxt(str,'yellow',3)
elif abs(1-chi2red)>6*chi2red_sigma:
# Horrible case (red), 𝛘2 exceeds six times the expected uncertainty
chicolor = lambda str: colortxt(str,'red',3)
# Convert numbers to well-formatted strings
noiselvl,chi2red,autocorr,rmsd = [f'{var:.3f}' if var<1e3 or var>1e-3 else f'{var:.2e}' for var in [noiselvl,chi2red,autocorr,rmsd]]
# Add auto-formatted table string
string += 'Goodness-of-fit: \n'
string += formatted_table(table,alignment) + '\n'
# Construct table of model hyperparameters
hasregularization = fitresult.regparam!=0
haspenalties = fitresult.penweights
if hasregularization or haspenalties:
string += 'Model hyperparameters: \n'
tags,values,alignment = [],[],[]
# If regularization was used, add regularization parameter
if hasregularization:
tags.append('Regularization parameter')
regparam = fitresult.regparam
if regparam is None: regparam = 0
# If additional penalties were used, add their weights
if haspenalties:
for n,penweight in enumerate(fitresult.penweights):
tags.append(f'Penalty weight #{n+1}')
# Format the values
values = [f'{var:.3f}' if var<1e3 and var>1e-3 else f'{var:.2e}' for var in values]
table = [tags,values]
# Add to the table
string += formatted_table(table,alignment) + '\n'
# Construct table of model parameters fits
table = []
table.append([f'Parameter','Value','95%-Confidence interval','Unit','Description']) # Header
alignment = ['<','<','<','^','<'] # Alignment
for param in model._parameter_list('vector'):
if len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,param).idx))==1:
if np.any(getattr(model,param).frozen):
# If parameter is frozen, print just the value
value = getattr(model,param).value
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): value = value[0]
except: pass
value = f'{value:.3f}' if abs(value)<1e3 and abs(value)>1e-3 else f'{value:.2e}'
ci = '(frozen)'
# If parameter is scalar, report values and CIs
value = getattr(fitresult,param)
if getattr(fitresult,param+'Uncert').type == 'void':
ci = ''
ci_lower,ci_upper = getattr(fitresult,param+'Uncert').ci(95)
value,ci_lower,ci_upper = [f'{var:.3f}' if abs(var)<1e3 and abs(var)>1e-3 else f'{var:.2e}' for var in [value,ci_lower,ci_upper]]
ci = f'({ci_lower},{ci_upper})'
# If parameter is vectorial, print just dots
value = '...'
ci = '(...,...)'
unit = str(getattr(model,param).unit)
description = str(getattr(model,param).description)
# Add auto-formatted table string
string += 'Model parameters: \n'
string += formatted_table(table,alignment)
string += '\n'
return string
def _insert_snlls_optionals_docstrings():
(Private decorator)
A decorator that takes a function ``func` as input and replaces the
string ``'snlls_keyargs_docstrings'`` in the function's docstring with
the optional keyword arguments documentation for the ``snlls.py``
function. This is done by splitting the ``snlls.py`` docstring into
paragraphs, filtering out paragraphs that are already included in the
outer function's docstring, and concatenating the remaining paragraphs.
The resulting string is then inserted into ``func``'s docstring and
the modified function is returned. This allows for the optional keyword
arguments documentation to be easily updated in the docstring of any
function that uses the ``snlls.py`` function.
# Get the documentation for the optional keyword arguments in snlls.py also used by fit()
text = snlls.__doc__
text = text.split('\n\n')
# Exclude arguments already set by the outer function
exclude = ['lb','ub','lbl','ubl','subsets','lin_frozen','nonlin_frozen','regparam','reg','regparamrange', 'extrapenalty']
paragraphs = [s for s in text if not any(e in s for e in exclude)]
# Concatenate the arguments
snlls_keyargs_docs = ''
for paragraph in paragraphs:
# Only keep optional keyword arguments
if 'optional' in paragraph:
snlls_keyargs_docs += paragraph + '\n'
def decorator(func):
func.__doc__ = func.__doc__.replace('snlls_keyargs_docstrings',snlls_keyargs_docs)
return func
return decorator
def fit(model_, y, *constants, par0=None, penalties=None, bootstrap=0, noiselvl=None, mask=None, weights=None,
regparam='aic',reg='auto',regparamrange=None, bootcores=1,**kwargs):
Fit the model(s) to the dataset(s)
Fit the input model to the data ``y`` via one of the three following approaches:
- Non-linear least-squares
- Regularized linear-least-squares
- Separable non-linear least-squares
The most appropiate solver is chosen automatically based on the model structure.
model : :ref:`Model`
Model object.
y : array_like
Data to be fitted.
par0 : array_like, optional
Value at which to initialize the parameter at the start of a fit routine.
Must be specified if not defined in the model. Otherwise, it overrides the definition in the model.
penalties: callable or list thereof, optional
Custom penalty function(s) to impose upon the solution. A single penalty must be specified as a callable function.
Multiple penalties can be specified as a list of callable functons. Each function must take two inputs, a vector of non-linear parameters
and a vector of linear parameters, and return a vector to be added to the residual vector (``pen = fcn(pnonlin,plin)``).
The square of the penalty is computed internally.
bootstrap : scalar, optional,
Bootstrap samples for uncertainty quantification. If ``bootstrap>0``, the uncertainty quantification will be
performed via the boostrapping method with based on the number of samples specified as the argument.
bootcores : scalar, optional
Number of CPU cores/processes for parallelization of the bootstrap uncertainty quantification. If ``cores=1`` no parallel
computing is used. If ``cores=-1`` all available CPUs are used. The default is one core (no parallelization).
reg : boolean or string, optional
Determines the use of regularization on the solution of the linear problem.
* ``'auto'`` - Automatic decision based con the condition number of the non-linear model ``Amodel``.
* ``True`` - Forces regularization regardless of the condition number
* ``False`` - Disables regularization regardless of the condition number
The default is ``'auto'``.
regparam : string or float scalar, optional
Method for the automatic selection of the optimal regularization parameter:
* ``'lr'`` - L-curve minimum-radius method (LR)
* ``'lc'`` - L-curve maximum-curvature method (LC)
* ``'cv'`` - Cross validation (CV)
* ``'gcv'`` - Generalized Cross Validation (GCV)
* ``'rgcv'`` - Robust Generalized Cross Validation (rGCV)
* ``'srgcv'`` - Strong Robust Generalized Cross Validation (srGCV)
* ``'aic'`` - Akaike information criterion (AIC)
* ``'bic'`` - Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
* ``'aicc'`` - Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC)
* ``'rm'`` - Residual method (RM)
* ``'ee'`` - Extrapolated Error (EE)
* ``'ncp'`` - Normalized Cumulative Periodogram (NCP)
* ``'gml'`` - Generalized Maximum Likelihood (GML)
* ``'mcl'`` - Mallows' C_L (MCL)
The regularization parameter can be manually specified by passing a scalar value
instead of a string. The default ``'aic'``.
regparamrange : array_like, optional
Search range for the optimization of the regularization parameter. Must be specified as a list ``[regparam_lb, regparam_ub]``
with the lower/upper boundaries of the regularization parameter. The default range is ``[1e-8, 1e3]``.
regop : 2D array_like, optional
Regularization operator matrix, the default is the second-order differential operator.
alphareopt : float scalar, optional
Relative parameter change threshold for reoptimizing the regularization parameter
when using a selection method, the default is ``1e-3``.
nnlsSolver : string, optional
Solver used to solve a non-negative least-squares problem (if applicable):
* ``'qp'`` - Optimization of the NNLS problem using the ``quadprog`` package. Only Python <= 3.10.
* ``'cvx'`` - Optimization of the NNLS problem using the ``cvxopt`` package.
* ``'fnnls'`` - Optimization using the fast NNLS algorithm.
The default is ``'cvx'``.
:ref:`FitResult` with the following fields defined:
<parameter_name> : :ref:`Parameter`
Fitted value of the <parameter_name> model parameter.
<parameter_name>Uncert : :ref:`UQResult`
Uncertainty quantification of the <parameter_name> model parameter.
param : ndarray
Fitted parameter vector ordered according to the model parameter indices.
paramUncert : :ref:`UQResult`
Uncertainty quantification of the parameter vector ordered according to the model parameter indices.
paramlist : list
List of the fitted parameter names ordered according to the model parameter indices.
model : ndarray
Fitted model response.
regparam : scalar
Regularization parameter value used for the regularization of the linear parameters.
penweights : scalar or list thereof
Penalty weight value(s) used for the penalties specified through ``penalties``.
stats : dict
Goodness of fit statistical estimators
* ``stats['chi2red']`` - Reduced \chi^2 test
* ``stats['r2']`` - R^2 test
* ``stats['rmsd']`` - Root-mean squared deviation (RMSD)
* ``stats['aic']`` - Akaike information criterion
* ``stats['aicc']`` - Corrected Akaike information criterion
* ``stats['bic']`` - Bayesian information criterion
cost : float
Value of the cost function at the solution.
noiselvl : ndarray
Estimated or user-given noise standard deviations of the individual datasets.
if not isinstance(model_,Model):
raise TypeError('The input model must be a valid deerlab.Model object.')
model = copy(model_)
required = len(model._constantsInfo)
if len(constants)!=required:
raise SyntaxError(f'The input model requires {required} constant(s) to be specified. Specify them via fit(model,y,*constants).')
elif len(constants)>0:
constants = np.atleast_1d(constants)
if model.Nlin==0:
model.addlinear('scale',lb=-np.inf,ub=np.inf,description='Scaling factor')
normalization = False
normfactor_keys = []
for key in model._parameter_list():
param = getattr(model,key)
if np.all(param.linear):
if param.normalization is not None:
normfactor_key = f'{key}_scale'
model.addnonlinear(normfactor_key,lb=-np.inf,ub=np.inf,par0=1,description=f'Normalization factor of {key}')
normalization = True
# Get boundaries and conditions for the linear and nonlinear parameters
ubl,ub = model._split_linear(model._vecsort(model._getvector('ub')))
lbl,lb = model._split_linear(model._vecsort(model._getvector('lb')))
frozenl,frozen = model._split_linear(model._vecsort(model._getvector('frozen')))
valuesl,values = model._split_linear(model._vecsort(model._getvector('value')))
# Check the initial conditions and whether they are defined
if par0 is None:
_,par0 = model._split_linear(model._vecsort(model._getvector('par0')))
if np.any(par0==None):
raise RuntimeError(f"It appears some start values (par0) have not been specified. Either specify them in the model definition or using the keyword.")
linfrozen = np.full(model.Nlin,None)
linfrozen[frozenl] = valuesl[frozenl]
nonlinfrozen = np.full(model.Nnonlin,None)
nonlinfrozen[frozen] = values[frozen]
if len(linfrozen)==0: linfrozen = [1]
if type(y) is not list: y = [y]
ysplit = y.copy()
y, _, weights, mask, ysubsets, noiselvl = parse_multidatasets(y, None, weights, noiselvl, precondition=False, masks=mask)
sigmas = np.concatenate([np.full_like(yset,sigma) for sigma,yset in zip(noiselvl,ysplit)])
if model.Nlin==0 and model.Nnonlin==0:
raise AssertionError(f'The model has no parameters to fit.')
# Get parameter indices in the order spitted out by the solver
param_idx = [[] for _ in model._parameter_list('vector')]
idxprev = 0
for islinear in [False,True]:
for n,param in enumerate(model._parameter_list('vector')):
if np.all(getattr(model,param).linear == islinear):
N = len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,param).idx))
param_idx[n] = np.arange(idxprev,idxprev + N)
idxprev += N
# If there are penalties in the model
if penalties is not None:
if not hasattr(penalties, '__iter__'):
penalties = [penalties]
# Get the parameter names of the model
modelparam = model._parameter_list('vector')
penaltyfcns = []
for penalty in penalties:
# Determine the indices of the subset of parameters the model depends on
subsets = [getattr(model,modelparam[np.where(np.asarray(modelparam)==param)[0][0]]).idx for param in penalty.signature]
# Adapt the signature of penaltyfcn for snlls
penaltyfcns.append(lambda pnonlin,plin,weight: penalty.penaltyfcn(weight,*[np.concatenate([pnonlin,plin])[subset] for subset in subsets]))
# Prepare the penalties to input to snlls
extrapenalties = lambda weights: [lambda nonlin,lin: penaltyfcn(nonlin,lin,weight) for penaltyfcn,weight in zip(penaltyfcns,weights)]
# If there are no penalties in the model
penalties = []
extrapenalties = lambda *_: None
# Prepare the separable non-linear least-squares solver
Amodel_fcn = lambda param: model.nonlinmodel(*constants,*param)
fitfcn = lambda y,penweights: snlls(y, Amodel_fcn, par0, lb=lb, ub=ub, lbl=lbl, ubl=ubl, mask=mask, weights=weights,
subsets=ysubsets, lin_frozen=linfrozen, nonlin_frozen=nonlinfrozen,
regparam=regparam, reg=reg, regparamrange=regparamrange, noiselvl=noiselvl,
extrapenalty=extrapenalties(penweights), **kwargs)
# Prepare outer optimization of the penalty weights, if necessary
fitfcn = _outerOptimization(fitfcn,penalties,sigmas)
# Run the fitting algorithm
fitresults = fitfcn(y)
penweights = [penalty._weight_value for penalty in penalties]
# If requested, perform a bootstrap analysis
if bootstrap>0:
def bootstrap_fcn(ysim):
fit = fitfcn(np.concatenate(ysim))
if not isinstance(fit.model,list): fit.model = [fit.model]
return (fit.param,*fit.model)
# Bootstrapped uncertainty quantification
if not ('verbose' in kwargs): # Only show boostrap progress bar when verbose is set in kwargs.
bootstrap_verbose = True
bootstrap_verbose = False
param_uq = bootstrap_analysis(bootstrap_fcn,ysplit,fitresults.model,samples=bootstrap,noiselvl=noiselvl,cores=bootcores, verbose=bootstrap_verbose)
# Include information on the boundaries for better uncertainty estimates
paramlb = model._vecsort(model._getvector('lb'))[np.concatenate(param_idx)]
paramub = model._vecsort(model._getvector('ub'))[np.concatenate(param_idx)]
fitresults.paramUncert = UQResult('bootstrap',data=param_uq[0].samples,lb=paramlb,ub=paramub)
fitresults.param = fitresults.paramUncert.median
# Get the uncertainty estimates for the model response
fitresults.model = [param_uq[n].median for n in range(1,len(param_uq))]
if len(fitresults.model)==1:
fitresults.model = fitresults.model[0]
# Get some basic information on the parameter vector
keys = model._parameter_list(order='vector')
# Dictionary of parameter names and fitted values
FitResult_param = {key : fitvalue if len(fitvalue)>1 else fitvalue[0] for key,fitvalue in zip(keys,[fitresults.param[idx] for idx in param_idx])}
# Dictionary of parameter names and fit uncertainties
FitResult_paramuq = {f'{key}Uncert': model._getparamuq(fitresults.paramUncert,idx) for key,idx in zip(keys,param_idx)}
# Dictionary of other fit quantities of interest
FitResult_dict = {key: getattr(fitresults,key) for key in ['y','mask','param','paramUncert','model','cost','plot','residuals','stats','regparam','regparam_stats','__plot_inputs']}
_paramlist = model._parameter_list('vector')
param_idx = [[] for _ in _paramlist]
idxprev = 0
for islinear in [False,True]:
for n,param in enumerate(_paramlist):
if np.all(getattr(model,param).linear == islinear):
N = len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,param).idx))
param_idx[n] = np.arange(idxprev,idxprev + N)
idxprev += N
# Enforce normalization of the linear parameters (if needed) for the final output
FitResult_param_,FitResult_paramuq_ = FitResult_param.copy(),FitResult_paramuq.copy()
if normalization:
for key in keys:
param = getattr(model,key)
if key in normfactor_keys:
if np.all(param.linear):
if param.normalization is not None:
def _scale(x):
x = x + np.finfo(float).eps
return np.mean(x/param.normalization(x))
FitResult_param_[f'{key}_scale'] = _scale(FitResult_param_[key]) # Normalization factor
FitResult_param_[key] = param.normalization(FitResult_param_[key]) # Normalized value
FitResult_paramuq_[f'{key}_scaleUncert'] = FitResult_paramuq_[f'{key}Uncert'].propagate(_scale)
FitResult_paramuq_[f'{key}Uncert'] = FitResult_paramuq_[f'{key}Uncert'].propagate(lambda x: x/FitResult_param_[f'{key}_scale'], lb=param.lb, ub=param.ub) # Normalization of the uncertainty
if len(noiselvl)==1:
noiselvl = noiselvl[0]
# Generate FitResult object from all the dictionaries
fitresult = FitResult({**FitResult_param_,**FitResult_paramuq_, **FitResult_dict,'penweights':penweights,'noiselvl':noiselvl,'paramlist':_paramlist, '_param_idx':param_idx})
fitresult._summary = _print_fitresults(fitresult,model)
return fitresult