import numpy as np
from deerlab.dd_models import dd_gauss
import inspect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import difflib
class FitResult(dict):
# ========================================================================
r""" Represents the results of either the :ref:`fit` or :ref:`snlls` functions.
Depending on which function is used, the attributes and methods of the FitResult will be different.
model : ndarray
The fitted model response.
modelUncert :
Uncertainty quantification of the fitted model response.
param : ndarray
Fitted parameter vector ordered according to the model parameter indices.
paramUncert : :ref:`UQResult`
Uncertainty quantification of the parameter vector ordered according to the model parameter indices.
regparam : float scalar
Regularization parameter used in the fit.
noiselvl: ndarray
Estimated noise level of the data or user-provided noise level.
success : bool
Whether or not the optimizer exited successfully.
cost : float
Value of the cost function at the solution.
residuals : ndarray
Vector of residuals at the solution.
stats : dict
Goodness of fit statistical estimators:
* ``stats['chi2red']`` - Reduced \chi^2 test
* ``stats['r2']`` - R^2 test
* ``stats['rmsd']`` - Root-mean squared deviation (RMSD)
* ``stats['aic']`` - Akaike information criterion
* ``stats['aicc']`` - Corrected Akaike information criterion
* ``stats['bic']`` - Bayesian information criterion
* ``stats['autocorr']`` - Autocorrelation based on Durbin–Watson statistic
nonlin : ndarray
Fitted non-linear parameters. [:ref:`snlls` specific attribute]
nonlinUncert : :ref:`UQResult`
Uncertainty quantification of the non-linear parameter set. [:ref:`snlls` specific attribute]
lin : ndarray
Fitted linear parameters. [:ref:`snlls` specific attribute]
linUncert : :ref:`UQResult`
Uncertainty quantification of the linear parameter set. [:ref:`snlls` specific attribute]
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self[attr]
except KeyError:
errstr = f"The results object has no attribute '{attr}'."
attributes = [key for key in self.keys()]
proposal = difflib.get_close_matches(attr, attributes)
if len(proposal)>0:
errstr += f' \n Did you mean: {proposal} ?'
raise AttributeError(errstr)
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
def __str__(self):
return self._summary
def __repr__(self):
if self.keys():
m = max(map(len, list(self.keys()))) + 1
return '\n'.join([k.rjust(m) + ': ' + repr(v)
for k, v in sorted(self.items())])
return self.__class__.__name__ + "()"
def __dir__(self):
return list(self.keys())
def _extarct_params_from_model(self, model):
if callable(model):
modelparam = model._parameter_list('vector')
except AttributeError:
modelparam = inspect.getfullargspec(model).args
if not hasattr(self,'param'):
raise ValueError('The fit object does not contain any fitted parameters.')
# # Enforce model normalization
# normfactor_keys = []
# for key in modelparam:
# param = getattr(model,key)
# if np.all(param.linear):
# if param.normalization is not None:
# normfactor_key = f'{key}_scale'
# normfactor_keys.append(normfactor_key)
# try:
# model.addnonlinear(normfactor_key,lb=-np.inf,ub=np.inf,par0=1,description=f'Normalization factor of {key}')
# getattr(model,normfactor_key).freeze(1)
# except KeyError:
# pass
# # Get some basic information on the parameter vector
# modelparam = model._parameter_list(order='vector')
# param_idx = [[] for _ in model._parameter_list('vector')]
# idxprev = 0
# for islinear in [False,True]:
# for n,param in enumerate(model._parameter_list('vector')):
# if np.all(getattr(model,param).linear == islinear):
# N = len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,param).idx))
# param_idx[n] = np.arange(idxprev,idxprev + N)
# idxprev += N
fitparams = {key : fitvalue if len(fitvalue)>1 else fitvalue[0] for key, fitvalue in zip(self.paramlist,[self.param[idx] for idx in self._param_idx])}
# Check that all parameters are in the fit object
for param in modelparam:
if not param in fitparams:
raise KeyError(f'The fit object does not contain the {param} parameter.')
params = {param : fitparams[param] for param in modelparam}
params_idx = [self._param_idx[self.paramlist.index(param)] for param in modelparam]
return modelparam, params, params_idx
def _extract_params_from_function(self,function):
Extracts the fitted parameters from a callable function.
Assumes that all parameters are length 1.
# Get the parameter names from the function definition
modelparam = inspect.getfullargspec(function).args
fitparam_idx = self._param_idx
# Get the parameter values from the fit object
fitparams = {key : fitvalue if len(fitvalue)>1 else fitvalue[0] for key, fitvalue in zip(self.paramlist,[self.param[idx] for idx in fitparam_idx])}
params = {param : fitparams[param] for param in modelparam}
params_idx = [fitparam_idx[self.paramlist.index(param)] for param in modelparam]
return modelparam, params, params_idx
def evaluate(self, model, *constants):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Evaluate a model at the fitted parameter values.
Takes a model object or callable function model to be evaluated. All the
parameters in the model or in the callable definition must match their
corresponding parameter names in the FitResult object. Any model
constants present required by the model must be specified as a second
argument constants. It returns the model's response at the fitted
parameter values as an ndarray.
model : :ref:`Model` or callable
Model object or callable function to be evaluated. All the parameters in the model or in the callable definition
must match their corresponding parameter names in the ``FitResult`` object.
constants : array_like
Any model constants present required by the model.
response : array_like
Model response at the fitted parameter values.
modelparam = model._parameter_list('vector')
modelparam, fitparams, fitparam_idx = self._extarct_params_from_model(model)
except AttributeError:
modelparam, fitparams, fitparam_idx = self._extract_params_from_function(model)
parameters = {param: fitparams[param] for param in modelparam}
# Evaluate the input model
response = model(*constants,**parameters)
return response
def propagate(self, model, *constants, lb=None, ub=None):
Propagate the uncertainty in the fit results to a model's response.
Takes a model object or callable function model to be
evaluated. All the parameters in the model or in the callable definition
must match their corresponding parameter names in the FitResult object.
Any model constants present required by the model must be specified as
a second argument constants. The lower bounds lb and upper bounds ub of
the model's response can be specified as a third and fourth argument
respectively. It returns the model's response uncertainty
quantification as a UQResult object.
model : :ref:`Model` or callable
Model object or callable function to be evaluated. All the parameters in the model or in the callable definition
must match their corresponding parameter names in the ``FitResult`` object.
constants : array_like
Model constants.
lb : array_like, optional
Lower bounds of the model response.
ub : array_like, optional
Upper bounds of the model response.
responseUncert : :ref:`UQResult`
Uncertainty quantification of the model's response.
modelparam = model._parameter_list('vector')
modelparam, fitparams, fitparam_idx = self._extarct_params_from_model(model)
except AttributeError:
modelparam, fitparams, fitparam_idx = self._extract_params_from_function(model)
# Propagate the uncertainty from that subset to the model
modeluq = self.paramUncert.propagate(lambda param: model(*constants,*[param[s] for s in fitparam_idx]),lb,ub)
return modeluq
def plot(self,axis=None,xlabel=None,gof=False,fontsize=13):
Function to display the results.
This can also plot goodness-of-fit tests if requested.
* Plot of residuals along with the estimated noise level and mean value
* Histogram of the residuals weighted by the noise level, compared to the standard normal distribution
* Autocorrelogram of the residuals, along the confidence region for a white noise vector
axis : array_like, optional
Vector for the x-axis. If not specified, the default is the array indices.
xlabel : str, optional
Label for the x-axis. If not specified, the default is 'Array elements'.
gof : bool, optional
If set to True, the goodness-of-fit plots will be displayed, the default is False.
fontsize : int, optional
Fontsize of the figure labels, the default is 13.
fig : matplotlib.Figure
Figure object containing the plot.
ys, yfits, yuqs, noiselvl, masks = getattr(self,'__plot_inputs')
# Check which datasets are complex-valued
complexy = [np.iscomplex(y).any() for y in ys]
# Determine the distribution of the subplots in the figure
nrows = len(ys) + np.sum(complexy)
if gof:
ncols = 4
fig,axs = plt.subplots(nrows,ncols,figsize=[4*ncols,4*nrows], constrained_layout=True)
ncols = 1
fig,axs = plt.subplots(nrows,ncols,figsize=[7*ncols,4*nrows])
axs = np.atleast_1d(axs)
axs = axs.flatten()
n = 0 # Index for subplots
# If abscissa of the datasets are not specified, resort to default
if axis is None:
axis = [np.arange(len(y)) for y in ys]
if not isinstance(axis,list):
axis = [axis]
axis = [np.real(ax) for ax in axis]
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = 'Array elements'
# Go through every dataset
for i,(y,yfit,yuq,noiselvl,mask) in enumerate(zip(ys,yfits,yuqs,noiselvl,masks)):
axis_masked = axis[i][mask]
y_masked = y[mask]
y_hidden = y[~mask]
# If dataset is complex-valued, plot the real and imaginary parts separately
if complexy[i]:
components = [np.real,np.imag]
componentstrs = [' (real)',' (imag)']
components = [np.real]
componentstrs = ['']
for component,componentstr in zip(components,componentstrs):
# Plot the experimental signal and fit
if y_hidden.size>0:
axs[n].plot(axis[i][~mask],component(y_hidden),'.',color='grey',alpha=0.4, label='Masked data'+componentstr)
axs[n].plot(axis[i],component(yfit),color='#4550e6',label='Model fit')
if yuq.type!='void':
axs[i].fill_between(axis[i],component([:,0]),component([:,1]),alpha=0.4,linewidth=0,color='#4550e6',label='95%-confidence interval')
axs[n].set_ylabel(f'Dataset #{i+1}'+componentstr,size=fontsize)
plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=True)
n += 1
# Plot the visual guides to assess the goodness-of-fit (if requested)
if gof:
# Get the residual
residuals = component(yfit[mask] - y[mask])
# Plot the residual values along the estimated noise level and mean value
axs[n].hlines(np.mean(residuals)+noiselvl,axis_masked[0],axis_masked[-1],color='#4550e6',linestyle='dashed',label='Estimated noise level')
axs[n].set_ylabel(f'Residual #{i+1}'+componentstr,size=fontsize)
n += 1
# Plot the histogram of the residuals weighted by the noise level, compared to the standard normal distribution
bins = np.linspace(-4,4,20)
axs[n].hist(residuals/noiselvl,bins,density=True,color='b',alpha=0.6, label='Residuals')
bins = np.linspace(-4,4,300)
N0 = dd_gauss(bins,0,1)
axs[n].fill(bins,N0,'k',alpha=0.4, label='$\mathcal{N}(0,1)$')
axs[n].set_xlabel('Normalized residuals',size=fontsize)
n += 1
# Plot the autocorrelogram of the residuals, along the confidence region for a white noise vector
maxLag = len(residuals)-1
axs[n].acorr(residuals, usevlines=True, normed=True, maxlags=maxLag, lw=2,color='#4550e6',label='Residual autocorrelation')
threshold = 1.96/np.sqrt(len(residuals))
axs[n].fill_between(np.linspace(0,maxLag),-threshold,threshold,color='k',alpha=0.3,linewidth=0,label='White noise confidence region')
axs[n].set_xbound(lower=-0.5, upper=maxLag)
n += 1
# Adjust fontsize
for ax in axs:
for label in (ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()):
return fig
# ===========================================================================================