Source code for deerlab.model

# - DeerLab's modeling interface
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see 
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import block_diag
from scipy.optimize import fminbound
from deerlab.classes import UQResult
from deerlab.bootstrap_analysis import bootstrap_analysis
from deerlab.utils import formatted_table, parse_multidatasets
import inspect 
from copy import copy,deepcopy
from functools import partial
import difflib
[docs] class Parameter(): r""" Represents a model parameter or a single parameter vector. Attributes ---------- name : string Name of the parameter description : string Description of the parameter unit : string Physical unit of the parameter par0 : float or array_like Value at which to initialize the parameter at the start of a fit routine. Must be specified in the model or latest upon fitting. lb : float or array_like Lower bound of the parameter. If not specified it is assumed to unbounded. ub : float or array_like Upper bound of the parameter. If not specified it is assumed to unbounded. linear : boolean Describes whether the model behaves linearly with respect to the parameter. frozen : boolean Describes whether the parameter will be frozen at a specific value during a fit. value : float Value at which the parameter will be frozen during a fit. """ #======================================================================================= # Constructor #======================================================================================= #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, idx=None, description=None, par0=None, frozen=False, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf,value=None, unit=None, linear=False): """ Construct a new parameter object. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the parameter. parent : object, optional Reference to the parent object that contains the parameter. idx : int or list of int, optional Indices of the parameter in the parent object. description : str, optional Description of the parameter. par0 : float or array_like, optional Value at which to initialize the parameter at the start of a fit routine. Must be specified in the model or latest upon fitting. frozen : bool, optional Whether the parameter will be frozen at a specific value during a fit. Default is False. lb : float or array_like, optional Lower bound of the parameter. If not specified, it is assumed to be unbounded. Default is -inf. ub : float or array_like, optional Upper bound of the parameter. If not specified, it is assumed to be unbounded. Default is inf. value : float, optional Value at which the parameter will be frozen during a fit. unit : str, optional Physical unit of the parameter. linear : bool, optional Whether the model behaves linearly with respect to the parameter. Default is False. """ # Attributes = name # Name of parameter self._parent = parent # Parent self.idx = idx # Index of parameter self.description = description # Description self.unit = unit # Unit self.par0 = par0 # Start values = lb # Lower bounds self.ub = ub # Upper bounds self.frozen = frozen # Frozen self.value = value # Value at which it is frozen self.linear = linear # Linearity
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #======================================================================================= # Methods #======================================================================================= #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set(self,**attributes): """ Set one or multiple attributes for a parameter. See list of attributes for a reference list. This method allows users to set the value of one or more attributes for a ``Parameter`` object. The list of attributes that can be set are the same as the attributes of the ``Parameter`` class, namely: ``name``, ``description``, ``unit``, ``par0``, ``lb``, ``ub``, ``linear``, ``frozen``, and ``value``. Parameters ---------- attributes : keyword/values pairs Pairs of keywords defining the parameter attribute and the value to be assigned. Examples -------- Setting a parameter's start value :: parameter.set(par0=0.5) Setting both the lower bound and upper bound values :: parameter.set(lb=0, ub=1) """ for key in attributes: if not hasattr(self,key): raise AttributeError(f"'{key}' is not a valid parameter attribute.") setattr(self,key,attributes[key]) return
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setas(self,parameter): """ Copy all attributes from an input parameter to the current parameter. This method allows the user to copy all attributes from an input parameter object to the current parameter object. This can be useful when initializing multiple parameters with the same values. Parameters ---------- parameter : ``Parameter`` object Model parameters from which to extract the attributes. """ self.set(**_importparameter(parameter))
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def freeze(self,value): """ Freeze a parameter during a fit/optimization to a given value. This method allows the user to freeze a parameter during optimization to a specific value. The parameter will remain fixed at this value during the optimization process, and will not be updated. This method does not affect model evaluation. Parameters ---------- value : float or array_like Value at which to freeze the parameter during optimization. This value must be within the lower and upper bounds of the parameter. """ if np.any(value>self.ub) or np.any(value< if len(np.atleast_1d(value))>1: raise ValueError(f"Frozen values are outside of the bounds.") else: raise ValueError(f"Frozen value {value} is outside of the bounds {} and {self.ub}.") N = len(np.atleast_1d(self.frozen)) if N>1: self.frozen = np.full(N,True) self.value = np.full(N,value) else: self.frozen = True self.value = value
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def unfreeze(self): """ Release a frozen parameter's value during a fit/optimization. This method allows the user to release a previously frozen parameter during optimization. The parameter will no longer be fixed at a specific value and will be updated according to the optimization algorithm. This method does not affect model evaluation. """ N = len(np.atleast_1d(self.frozen)) if N>1: self.frozen = np.full(N,False) self.value = np.full(N,None) else: self.frozen = False self.value = None
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[docs] class Model(): #=================================================================================== r""" Represents a model. The ``Model`` class provides a way to create a new model object from a non-linear function. The ``Model`` class also provides access to the model parameters and allows them to be modified. Attributes ---------- <parameter_name> : :ref:`Parameter` Model parameter. One :ref:`Parameter` instance is assigned for each parameter (with name ``<parameter_name>``) in the model. description : string Description of the model. signature : string Call signature (keyword arguments in order) of the model. nonlinmodel : callable Function of the non-linear part of the model. Nnonlin : int scalar Number of non-linear parameters in the model. Nlin : int scalar Number of linear parameters in the model. Nparam : int scalar Number of parameters in the model. """ #======================================================================================= # Constructor #======================================================================================= # Use a wrapper function to facilitate internal arguments manipulation #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _model_with_constants(self,nonlinfcn,constantsInfo,*inputargs): """ Evaluate a non-linear model with constant arguments. This internal method is used to evaluate a non-linear model with constant arguments. The method takes the non-linear function, a list of constant arguments, and the input arguments and returns the output of the non-linear model with the constant arguments inserted at the appropriate positions. Parameters ---------- nonlinfcn : callable Non-linear function to be evaluated. constantsInfo : list List of dictionaries containing information about the constant arguments to be used with the non-linear function. Each dictionary must contain two keys: "argkey" and "argidx". "argkey" must be the name of the argument, and "argidx" must be the index of the argument in the function signature. inputargs : variable length argument list Input arguments to be passed to the non-linear function. Returns ------- output : variable type Output of the non-linear function with the constant arguments inserted at the appropriate positions. """ # Get the number of constants Nconstants = len(constantsInfo) # Separate the constants from the other arguments constants = inputargs[:Nconstants] θ = inputargs[Nconstants:] # Create a list of arguments for the nonlinear function args = list(θ) # If there are constants, insert them into the list of arguments at the appropriate positions if constantsInfo is not None: for info,constant in zip(constantsInfo,constants): args.insert(info['argidx'],constant) # Call the nonlinear function with the arguments and return the result return nonlinfcn(*args) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self,nonlinfcn,constants=None,signature=None): """ Construct a new model from a non-linear function. Parameters ---------- nonlinfcn : callable Function that takes a set of non-linear parameters and returns either the full model response or the design matrix of the model response. A parameter will be added to the new model for each input argument defined in the function signature. constants : string or list thereof, optional Names of the arguments taken by the ``nonlinfcn`` function to be defined as constants. These will not be added as parameters to the new model. signature : list of strings, optional Signature of the ``nonlinfcn`` function to manually specify the names of the input arguments. For internal use (mostly). Returns ------- model : ``Model`` object Model object instance that takes the parameters defined for ``nonlinfcn`` and returns the output of ``nonlinfcn``. """ # Check if nonlinfcn is callable and create a wrapper function if it's not if not callable(nonlinfcn): Amatrix = nonlinfcn.copy() nonlinfcn = lambda *_: Amatrix self.nonlinmodel = nonlinfcn self.description = None self._constantsInfo = [] self.parents = None # Check if signature is specified, and if not use the function's signature if signature is None: signature = inspect.getfullargspec(nonlinfcn).args # Create a copy of the signature for future reference self._nonlinsignature = signature.copy() parameters = signature.copy() self.signature = signature # Check if constants are specified and remove them from the parameters list if constants is not None: if not isinstance(constants,list): constants = [constants] for argname in constants: for n,par in enumerate(parameters): if par==argname: self._constantsInfo.append({"argkey":argname,'argidx':n}) for argname in constants: for n,par in enumerate(parameters): if par==argname: parameters.remove(argname) # Construct the callable non-linear part of the model self.nonlinmodel = partial(self._model_with_constants,nonlinfcn,self._constantsInfo) # Update the number of parameters in the model self.Nparam = len(parameters) self.Nnonlin = len(parameters) self.Nlin = 0 # Construct the parameters and add them to the model for n,param in enumerate(parameters): newparam = Parameter(parent=self, idx=n, name=param) setattr(self,param,newparam)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gets called when an attribute is accessed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getattribute__(self, attr): """ This method is called when an attribute of this class instance is accessed. It first tries to access the attribute using the ``super()`` method, which will go up the inheritance chain to look for the attribute. If the attribute is not found, it checks for similar attributes that exist in the class instance, and suggests those as potential matches in the error message. If no matches are found, it raises an ``AttributeError`` with a custom message indicating that the requested attribute does not exist. Parameters ---------- attr : str The name of the attribute being accessed. Raises ------ AttributeError If the requested attribute does not exist in the class instance. """ # First try to access the attribute as usual try: return super(Model, self).__getattribute__(attr) # If an AttributeError is raised, handle it by printing a custom error message except AttributeError: # Create the error message with the name of the attribute that was accessed errstr = f"The model has no attribute '{attr}'." # Get a list of all the attributes in the model attributes = [key for key in self.__dict__] # Use difflib to get a list of similar attributes to the one that was accessed proposal = difflib.get_close_matches(attr, attributes) # If there are any similar attributes, add a suggestion to the error message if len(proposal)>0: errstr += f' \n Did you mean: {proposal} ?' # Raise the AttributeError with the custom error message raise AttributeError(errstr) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parameter_list(self, order='alphabetical'): """ (Private method) Get the list of parameters defined in the model sorted alphabetically or by vector definition. Parameters ---------- order : str, optional Specifies how the parameters should be sorted. Can be either ``'alphabetical'`` or ``'vector'``. Default is ``'alphabetical'``. Returns ------- keylist : list List of the parameters in the model sorted according to the ``order`` parameter. """ keylist = [param for param in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self,param),Parameter)] # Sort the list alphabetically if specified if order=='alphabetical': pass # Sort the list by vector definition if specified elif order=='vector': # If there are any parameters in vector form... n = 0 for key in keylist: if isinstance(getattr(self,key).idx,np.ndarray): # ...insert the key string for the same number of linear parameters in that vector keylist = np.insert(keylist,n*np.ones(len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,key).idx))-1,dtype=int),key) n += len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,key).idx)) keylist = self._vecsort(keylist) else: raise KeyError("The 'order' argument muse be either 'alphabetical' or 'vector'.") # Remove any duplicates keylist = list(dict.fromkeys(keylist)) return keylist #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _vecsort(self, paramlist): """ (Private method) Sort vectorized parameters attributes from alphabetical ordering to vector indexing. This internal method sorts the list of parameters defined in the model according to their index in the parameter vector. Parameters ---------- paramlist : list rameter names to be sorted. Returns ------- orderedlist : ndarray List of parameter names sorted according to their index in the parameter vector. """ # Convert the input list to a numpy array and squeeze any singleton dimensions paramlist = np.squeeze(np.atleast_1d(paramlist)) # Get a list of indices for all parameters in the model indices = np.concatenate([np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,param).idx) for param in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self,param),Parameter)]) # Create a copy of the input list and sort it according to the indices orderedlist = np.atleast_1d(paramlist.copy()) orderedlist[indices] = paramlist return orderedlist #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _split_linear(self,variable): """ (Private method) Split a vector into non-linear and linear parameter subsets. This method is used to split a vector of model parameters into two subsets: the subset of non-linear parameters and the subset of linear parameters. Parameters ---------- variable : ndarray Vector of model parameters to split into non-linear and linear subsets. Returns ------- variable_lin : ndarray Subset of `variable` that contains only the linear parameters. variable_nonlin : ndarray Subset of `variable` that contains only the non-linear parameters. """ # Convert `variable` to a numpy array with at least one dimension variable = np.atleast_1d(variable) # Get a list of all model parameters that are linear linear = np.concatenate([np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,param).linear) for param in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self,param),Parameter)]) # Sort the list of linear parameters linear = self._vecsort(linear) # Split `variable` into a non-linear subset and a linear subset variable_nonlin = variable[~linear] variable_lin = variable[linear] return variable_lin, variable_nonlin #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _merge_linear(self,variable_nonlin,variable_lin): """ (Private method) Merge a vector's non-linear and linear parameter subset vectors. Parameters ---------- variable_nonlin : array-like Non-linear part of the variable vector. variable_lin : array-like Linear part of the variable vector. Returns ------- variable : ndarray Merged variable vector. """ variable = np.zeros(len(variable_nonlin)+len(variable_lin)) # Get the list of linear parameters in the model linear = np.concatenate([np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,param).linear) for param in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self,param),Parameter)]) # Sort the list of linear parameters in the model linear = self._vecsort(linear) # Merge the non-linear and linear parts of the variable vector variable[~linear] = variable_nonlin variable[linear] = variable_lin return variable #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _getvector(self,attribute): """ (Private method) Get a vector of the given attribute for all parameters defined in the model. Parameters ---------- attribute : string Attribute to get for each parameter in the model. Returns ------- vector : ndarray Vector of the specified attribute for all parameters in the model. """ return np.concatenate([np.atleast_1d(getattr(getattr(self,param),attribute)) for param in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self,param),Parameter)]) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _getparamuq(self,uq_full,paramidx): """ (Private method) Get the uncertainty quantification of an individual parameter. Parameters ---------- paramidx : int Index of the parameter to get the uncertainty quantification for. uq_full : UQResult Result of a full uncertainty quantification on the model. Returns ------- param_uq : UQResult Result of the uncertainty quantification for the selected parameter. """ # Create a subset model that only includes the selected parameter subset_model = lambda x: x[paramidx] # Get the bounds and freezing of the selected parameter param_lb = self._vecsort(self._getvector('lb'))[paramidx] param_ub = self._vecsort(self._getvector('ub'))[paramidx] frozen = self._vecsort(self._getvector('frozen'))[paramidx] # If the parameter is frozen, return a void UQResult if np.all(frozen): param_uq = UQResult('void') else: # Propagate the full UQ through the subset model if uq_full.type=='moment': param_uq = uq_full.propagate(subset_model,lb=param_lb, ub=param_ub) elif uq_full.type=='bootstrap': param_uq = UQResult('bootstrap',data=uq_full.samples[:,paramidx],lb=param_lb, ub=param_ub) else: param_uq = UQResult('void') return param_uq #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _error_if_already_exists(self, key): """ (Private method) Check if the model has a parameter with a given name. If a parameter with the given name exists in the model, raise a KeyError. Parameters ---------- key : str Name of the parameter to check for. Raises ------ KeyError If a parameter with the given name exists in the model. """ if hasattr(self, key): raise KeyError(f'The model already has a "{key}" parameter.') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #======================================================================================= # Methods #======================================================================================= #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addnonlinear(self, key, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf, par0=None, name=None, unit=None, description=None): """ Add a new non-linear parameter (:ref:`Parameter` object) to the model. Parameters ---------- key : string Identifier of the parameter. This name will be used to refer to the parameter in the model. lb : float or array_like, optional Lower bound of the parameter. If not specified, it is set to ``-np.inf``. ub : float or array_like, optional Lower bound of the parameter. If not specified, it is set to ``+np.inf``. description : string, optional Description of the parameter. unit : string, optional Physical unit of the parameter. """ # Check that the parameter does not exist self._error_if_already_exists(key) # Update number of parameters idx = self.Nparam self.Nparam += 1 self.Nnonlin += 1 # Construct the new parameter object and added to the model newparam = Parameter(name=key, linear=False, parent=self, idx=idx, par0=par0, lb=lb, ub=ub, unit=unit, description=description) setattr(self,key,newparam) Nconstants = len(self._constantsInfo) Amodel = self.nonlinmodel topop = self.Nnonlin-1 # Define a new model function with added non-linear parameter #------------------------------------------------ def model_with_constants_and_added_nonlin(*inputargs): """ A helper function that takes in a set of input arguments, extracts constants and non-linear parameters from the input arguments and returns the model response. """ # Extract constants from the input arguments constants = inputargs[:Nconstants] # Extract non-linear parameters from the input arguments θ = inputargs[Nconstants:] # Create a list of all arguments args = list(θ) args.pop(topop) # If there are any constant parameters if self._constantsInfo is not None: # Insert the constant parameters into the list of arguments at the specified indexes for info,constant in zip(self._constantsInfo,constants): args.insert(info['argidx'],constant) # Evaluate and return the model response return Amodel(*args) #------------------------------------------------ # Update the model function self.nonlinmodel = model_with_constants_and_added_nonlin self.signature.append(key)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rename_parameter(self, old, new): """ Rename a parameter in the model. This method renames a parameter in the model. If the old parameter name does not exist, a ``KeyError`` is raised. Parameters ---------- old : string Old parameter name. new : string New parameter name. """ # Check if the old parameter exists in the model if not hasattr(self,old): raise KeyError(f'The model does not have a "{old}" parameter.') # Rename the parameter setattr(self, new, getattr(self, old)) # Delete the old parameter delattr(self, old)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addlinear(self, name, vec=1, normalization=None, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf, par0=None, unit=None, description=None): """ Add a new linear parameter (:ref:`Parameter` object) to the model. Parameters ---------- name : string Identifier of the parameter. This name will be used to refer to the parameter in the model. vec : int scalar, optional Number of elements in the parameter. If ``vec>1`` then the parameter will represent a vector of linear parameters of length ``vec``. By default, a scalar parameter is defined. normalization : callable, optional Normalization function of the parameter. If specified, upon fitting the parameter will be normalized and an the normalization factor will be reported separately. Does not add an additional normalization factor parameter. Must be function taking the parameter and returning the normalized parameter. lb : float or array_like, optional Lower bound of the parameter. For vectorized parameters, must be a vector with ``vec`` elements. If not specified, it is set to ``-np.inf``. ub : float or array_like, optional Lower bound of the parameter. For vectorized parameters, must be a vector with ``vec`` elements. If not specified, it is set to ``+np.inf``. description : string, optional Description of the parameter. unit : string, optional Physical unit of the parameter. """ # Check if the parameter already exists self._error_if_already_exists(name) # Check if the parameter is a vector if vec>1: idx = np.arange(self.Nparam,self.Nparam+vec) self.Nparam += vec self.Nlin += vec newparam = Parameter(name=name, linear=np.full(vec,True), parent=self, idx=idx, par0=np.full(vec,par0), lb=np.full(vec,lb), ub=np.full(vec,ub), value=np.full(vec,None),frozen=np.full(vec,False), unit=unit, description=description) else: idx = self.Nparam self.Nparam += 1 self.Nlin += 1 newparam = Parameter(name=name, linear=True, parent=self, idx=idx, par0=par0, lb=lb, ub=ub, unit=unit, description=description) # Check if the normalization function is valid newparam.normalization = normalization if newparam.normalization is not None: if not callable(normalization): raise TypeError('The normalization function must be a callable function.') newparam.description = str(newparam.description) + ' (normalized)' # Add linear parameter to the model setattr(self,name,newparam) self.signature.append(name)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __call__(self,*args,**kargs): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Evaluate the model for a given set of parameters. Takes the constant variables and (non-linear and linear) parameter variables as positional or keyword arguments and evaluates the model. Parameters ---------- args : Positional arguments representing the constant and parameter variables in the model. kargs : Keyword arguments representing the constant and parameter variables in the model. Returns ------- y : ndarray The output of the model for the given set of parameters. """ # Check that the correct number of arguments have been specified paramlist = self._parameter_list(order='vector') constlist = [info['argkey'] for info in self._constantsInfo] Nrequired = len(paramlist) Nrequired += len(constlist) if (len(args)+len(kargs))!=Nrequired: raise SyntaxError(f'The model requires {Nrequired} arguments, but {len(args)+len(kargs)} have been specified.') # Extract positional arguments args_constants= [np.atleast_1d(args[info['argidx']]) for info in self._constantsInfo if info['argidx']<len(args)] args_list = [np.atleast_1d(arg) for idx,arg in enumerate(args) if idx not in [info['argidx'] for info in self._constantsInfo]] # Check keyword arguments paramlist_ = paramlist[len(args_list):] karg_keys = kargs.keys() for key in karg_keys: if key in paramlist and key not in paramlist_: raise SyntaxError(f'The parameter "{key}" has been specified twice.') if key not in paramlist and not key in constlist: errstr = f'The argument \"{key}\" is not part of the model signature.' proposal = difflib.get_close_matches(key, paramlist) print(paramlist,proposal) if len(proposal)>0: errstr += f' \n\t\tDid you mean: {proposal}?' raise AttributeError(errstr) for param in paramlist_: if param not in karg_keys: raise KeyError(f'The parameter "{param}" has not been specified.') # Extract keywords arguments kargs_constants = [np.atleast_1d(kargs[info['argkey']]) for info in self._constantsInfo if info['argkey'] in kargs] kargs_list = [np.atleast_1d(kargs[param]) for param in paramlist_] constants = args_constants + kargs_constants param_list = args_list + kargs_list # Concatente all parameter into a single vector θ = np.concatenate(param_list) # Check that all parameters have been passed if len(θ)!=self.Nparam: raise SyntaxError(f'The model requires {self.Nparam} parameters, but {len(args_list)} were specified.') # Determine which parameters are linear and which nonlinear θlin, θnonlin = self._split_linear(θ) # Calculate the design matrix (possibly dependent on non-linear parameters) A = self.nonlinmodel(*constants, *θnonlin) A = np.atleast_2d(A) # Ensure adequate linear-parameter vector shape θlin = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(θlin)) if len(θlin)==0: θlin = np.array([1]) if A.shape[1]!=len(θlin): A = A.T # Full model evaluation y = A@θlin # Evaluate whether the response has if hasattr(self,'_posteval_fcn'): y = self._posteval_fcn(y,*constants,*θ) return y #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getmetadata(self): """ Utility function to quickly request all metadata attributes of the model in vector form. All elements are sorted according to the model function signature. Returns ------- metadata : dict Dictionary containing all the model's metadata in ordered vectors. The model keys correspond to the model attributes, e.g. ``metadata['lb']`` corresponds to the model's parameters lower boundaries. """ # Return a dictionary of metadata vectors, with keys corresponding to the metadata attributes return { 'names': self._parameter_list(order='vector'), 'ub' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('ub')), 'lb' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('lb')), 'par0' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('par0')), 'frozen' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('frozen')), 'linear' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('linear')), 'values' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('value')), 'units' : self._vecsort(self._getvector('unit')), }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parameter_table(self): """ (Private method) Construct a parameter table for the model that describes each of the model's parameters. Returns ------- table : str Formatted string representation of the model's parameter table. """ # Get the description and signature of the model string = inspect.cleandoc(f""" Description: {self.description} Signature: ({', '.join(self.signature)}) Constants: [{', '.join([entry['argkey'] for entry in self._constantsInfo])}] Parameter Table: """) string += '\n' table = [] # Add the table header to the list table.append(['Name','Lower','Start','Upper','Type','Frozen','Unit','Description']) # Alignment for the table columns alignment = ['<','^','^','^','^','^','^','<'] # Get a list of the model's parameters, in vector order for paramname in self._parameter_list(order='vector'): # Build strings with the parameter's metadata param_str = paramname lb_str = f'{np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,paramname).lb)[0]:5.3g}' ub_str = f'{np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,paramname).ub)[0]:5.3g}' par0_str = f'{np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,paramname).par0)[0]:5.3g}' if np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,paramname).par0)[0] is not None else "-" linear_str = "linear" if np.all(getattr(self,paramname).linear) else "nonlin" frozen_str = f'{np.atleast_1d(getattr(self,paramname).value)[0]:5.3g}' if np.all(getattr(self,paramname).frozen) else "No" unit_str = str(getattr(self,paramname).unit) desc_str = str(getattr(self,paramname).description) # Add the parameter's information to the table table.append([param_str,lb_str,par0_str,ub_str,linear_str,frozen_str,unit_str,desc_str]) # Convert the table list to a formatted string string += formatted_table(table,alignment) return string #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the model's parameters and their values. """ return self._parameter_table()
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #=================================================================================== #==============================================================================
[docs] class Penalty(): r"""Represents a penalty term of the objective function. Attributes ---------- weight : ``Parameter`` instance Penalty weight parameter (a ``Parameter`` object instance without the ``linear`` and ``par0`` attributes). description : string Description of the penalty. selection : string Name of the selection functional for the penalty weight optimization. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self,penaltyfcn,selection,description=None,signature=None): r""" Construct a new penalty object. Parameters ---------- penaltyfcn : callable Function that takes a set of parameters and returns a vector that will internally be squared and appended to the least-squares residual vector. The names of the arguments defined in the function signature must match the names of the parameter in the model used along the penalty. selection : string Selection functional for the outer optimization of the penalty weight. - ``'aic'`` - Akaike information criterion - ``'bic'`` - Bayesian information criterion - ``'aicc'`` - COrrected Akaike information criterion - ``'icc'`` - Informational complexity criterion description : string, optional Description of the penalty. signature : list of strings Signature of the ``penaltyfcn`` function to manually specify the names of the input arguments. For internal use (mostly). """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def selectionfunctional(fitfcn,y,sigma,log10weight): """ (Private function) Calculate the selection functional used to find the optimal penalty weight. Parameters ---------- fitfcn : callable Function that performs the fit to the data. y : array_like Data to fit the model to. sigma : array_like Standard deviation of the data. log10weight : float Penalty weight in logarithmic scale. Returns ------- selection_functional : float Value of the selection functional calculated using the data, the standard deviation, the fit function and the penalty weight. """ # Penalty weight: linear-scale -> log-scale weight = 10**log10weight self._weight_value = weight # Run the fit fitresult = fitfcn(weight) if selection=='icc': yfit = fitresult.model if isinstance(yfit,list): # Get the fitted model yfit = np.concatenate(yfit) # Get non-linear parameters covariance submatrix fitpars = fitresult.nonlin + np.finfo(float).eps covmat = fitresult.nonlinUncert.covmat + np.finfo(float).eps covmat = covmat/(fitpars[np.newaxis,:]*fitpars[:,np.newaxis]) # Informational complexity criterion (ICC) if not np.all(covmat==0): icc = np.sum((y - yfit)**2/sigma**2) + np.sum(np.log(np.diag(covmat))) + np.linalg.slogdet(covmat)[1] else: icc = np.sum((y - yfit)**2/sigma**2) return icc elif selection=='aic': aic = fitresult.stats['aic'] return aic elif selection=='aicc': aicc = fitresult.stats['aicc'] return aicc elif selection=='bic': bic = fitresult.stats['bic'] return bic #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the weighted penalty function self.penaltyfcn = lambda weight,*args: weight*penaltyfcn(*args) # Set the selection functional self.selectionfcn = selectionfunctional self.selection = selection # Prepare empty attributes self.description = description # Get the penalty signature if signature is None: self.signature = inspect.getfullargspec(penaltyfcn).args else: self.signature = signature # Create parameter object for the penalty weight newparam = Parameter(parent=self, idx=0, name='weight') # Add to the penalty object setattr(self,'weight',newparam) = np.finfo(float).eps # Remove useless attributes delattr(self.weight,'par0') delattr(self.weight,'linear')
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def optimize(self,fitfcn,y,sigma): r""" Optimize the penalty weight. Parameters ---------- fitfcn : callable Fit function taking a penalty weight value. Must return a :ref:`FitResult` object. y : array_like Dataset being fitted sigma : scalar Estimated noise level (standard deviation). Returns ------- fit : :ref:`FitResult` Fit at the optimized penalty weight. weightopt : scalar Optimized penalty weight. """ if not self.weight.frozen: # Extract optimization range from model penalty searchrange = np.array([np.log10(, np.log10(self.weight.ub)]) searchrange[np.isinf(searchrange)] = 20 # Construct the selection functional selectionFunctional = lambda log10weight: self.selectionfcn(fitfcn,y,sigma,log10weight) # Minimization of the selection functional log10optweight = fminbound(selectionFunctional,*searchrange, xtol=0.1) # Logscale -> linear-scale optweight = 10**log10optweight else: optweight = self.weight.value self._weight_value = optweight # Update optimized value to object self.optweight = optweight # Get the fit result fitresult = fitfcn(optweight) return fitresult,optweight
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #============================================================================== # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _importparameter(parameter): """ (Private function) Import relevant information from a parameter object. This method extracts the lower and upper bounds (``lb``, ``ub``), initial value (``par0``), description, unit, frozen state, and current value of the input parameter object, and returns them as a dictionary. Parameters ---------- parameter : ``Parameter`` object The parameter object whose information is to be extracted. Returns ------- parameter_info : dict A dictionary containing the extracted information of the input parameter object. """ # Extract the relevant information from the parameter object parameter_info = { 'lb':, 'ub': parameter.ub, 'par0': parameter.par0, 'description': parameter.description, 'unit': parameter.unit, 'frozen': parameter.frozen, 'value': parameter.value, } return parameter_info # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _aresame(obj1,obj2): """ (Private function) Compare two objects and return True if they have the same attribute values, excluding the parent attribute and the index attribute. Parameters ---------- obj1 : object First object to compare. obj2 : object Second object to compare. Returns ------- bool True if the objects have the same attribute values, False otherwise. """ # Get the attribute dictionaries for both objects, excluding the parent and index attributes a = obj1.__dict__ a = {key:val for key, val in a.items() if key not in ['_parent','idx']} b = obj2.__dict__ b = {key:val for key, val in b.items() if key not in ['_parent','idx']} # Compare the dictionaries and return True if they are equal, False otherwise try: np.testing.assert_equal(a,b) return True except Exception: return False # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _linked_model_with_constants(nonlinfcn,mapping,constantsInfo,linear_reduce_idx,*inputargs): """ (Private function) Wrapper function that redistributes the input parameter vector and returns the mapped model response. Parameters ---------- nonlinfcn : callable Function that takes a set of non-linear parameters and returns the model response. mapping : ndarray Mapping vector specifying how the input parameter vector should be redistributed. constantsInfo : list List of dictionaries with information on the constants in the function. linear_reduce_idx : list List of arrays with the indices of the model response to be summed together. Returns ------- A : ndarray Model response with the input parameter vector redistributed according to the mapping vector. """ # Get the number of constant parameters Nconstants = len(constantsInfo) # separate the constants and model in the input arguments constants = inputargs[:Nconstants] θ = inputargs[Nconstants:] # Rearrange the model parameters according to the mapping vector θ = np.atleast_1d(θ)[mapping] # Create a list of input arguments to the model's non-linear function args = list(θ) # Insert the constant parameters into their specified positions in the argument list if constantsInfo is not None: for info,constant in zip(constantsInfo,constants): args.insert(info['argidx'],constant) # Evaluate the model's non-linear function with the updated argument list A = nonlinfcn(*args) # Return the output of the non-linear function if it is a tuple (for internal use, undocumented) if isinstance(A,tuple): return A # Make a matrix if model function returns a vector if len(A.shape)<2: A = np.expand_dims(A,1) # Sum the output matrix along the columns specified in the linear_reduce_idx array Amapped = np.vstack([np.sum(np.atleast_2d(A[:,idx]),axis=1) for idx in linear_reduce_idx]).T return Amapped # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ============================================================================== #============================================================================================== # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _unique_ordered(vec): """ (Private function) Returns a list of the unique elements in vec, ordered as they appear in vec. Parameters ---------- vec : list List of elements to be processed. Returns ------- uniques : list List of the unique elements in vec, ordered as they appear in vec. """ # Create a list to store the unique elements uniques = [] # Loop through the elements of vec for v in vec: # If the element is not already in uniques, add it if v not in uniques: uniques.append(v) # Return the list of unique elements return uniques # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def _combined_nonlinmodel(mode,nonlinfcns,Nlins,Nconst,arelinear,const_subsets,subsets_nonlin,*inputargs): """ (Private function) Combine the output of multiple non-linear models. This function is used to combine the output of multiple non-linear models into a single design matrix or model response. The combination mode can be either 'merge' (merge the output of each model into a single block- diagonal matrix) or 'lincombine' (concatenate the output of each model horizontally). Parameters ---------- mode : str Either 'merge' or 'lincombine', depending on the desired combination mode. nonlinfcns : list of callables List of non-linear functions to combine. Nlins : list of ints List of the number of linear parameters in each non-linear function. Nconst : int Number of constants for each non-linear function. arelinear : list of bools List of bools indicating whether each non-linear function has only linear parameters. const_subsets : list of lists List of constant subsets for each non-linear function. subsets_nonlin : list of lists List of non-linear parameter subsets for each non-linear function. *inputargs : list of arrays List of input arguments to the non-linear functions, consisting of constants followed by parameters. Returns ------- Anonlin_full : ndarray Array with the combined output of the non-linear functions. """ # Unpack the input arguments into constants and parameters constants = inputargs[:Nconst] param = inputargs[Nconst:] # Make sure that constants and parameters are arrays param = np.atleast_1d(param) constants = np.atleast_2d(constants) # Loop over the submodels in the model Amatrices = [] for n,nonlinfcn in enumerate(nonlinfcns): # Evaluate the submodel Amatrix = np.atleast_2d(nonlinfcn(*constants[const_subsets[n],:],*param[subsets_nonlin[n]])) # Transpose the output matrix if necessary if np.shape(Amatrix)[1]!=Nlins[n]: Amatrix = Amatrix.T Amatrices.append(Amatrix) # Merge or concatenate the output of the submodels if mode=='merge': Anonlin_full = block_diag(Amatrices).toarray() # If all submodels are non-linear, sum the output matrices if not any(arelinear): Anonlin_full = np.sum(Anonlin_full,1) elif mode=='lincombine': Anonlin_full = np.hstack(Amatrices) # Return the combined output return Anonlin_full #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def _split_output(nonlinfcns,Nlins,Nconst,const_subsets,subsets_nonlin,y,*inputargs): """ (Private function) Split the output of a model into the outputs of its submodels. This method is used to evaluate the outputs of each of the submodels that make up a composite model. It is called internally by the ``Model`` class. Parameters ---------- nonlinfcns : list of callables List of functions representing the submodels that make up the composite model. Nlins : list of int List of the number of linear parameters in each of the submodels. Nconst : int Total number of constant arguments for all submodels. const_subsets : list of array_like List of indices specifying which constant arguments each submodel uses. subsets_nonlin : list of array_like List of indices specifying which non-linear parameters each submodel uses. y : array_like Output of the full model. *inputargs List of constant arguments followed by the non-linear parameters of the full model. Returns ------- output : list of array_like List of the outputs of each submodel. """ # Split the input arguments into constants and parameters constants = inputargs[:Nconst] param = inputargs[Nconst:] # Ensure that variables are arrays param = np.atleast_1d(param) constants = np.atleast_2d(constants) # Loop over the submodels in the model ysizes = [] for n,nonlinfcn in enumerate(nonlinfcns): # Evaluate the submodel Amatrix = np.atleast_2d(nonlinfcn(*constants[const_subsets[n],:],*param[subsets_nonlin[n]])) # Transpose the matrix if necessary if np.shape(Amatrix)[1]!=Nlins[n]: Amatrix = Amatrix.T # Store the size of the output from this submodel ysizes.append(Amatrix.shape[0]) # Create subsets of y for each submodel output nprev = 0 ysubsets = [] for x in ysizes: ysubsets.append(np.arange(nprev,nprev+x)) nprev = nprev+x # Return the subsets of y return [y[ysubsets[n]] for n in range(len(ysizes))] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def _combinemodels(mode,*inputmodels,addweights=False): """ (Private function) Combine multiple ``Model`` objects into a single model. This helper function is used by the ``merge`` and ``lincombine`` functions. Parameters ---------- mode : str The mode of combination, which can be ``'parallel'`` or ``'sequential'``. In parallel mode, each model is assumed to be independent of each other and the combined model returns the sum of the output of the individual models. In sequential mode, the output of each model is passed on to the next model as input. inputmodels : ``Model`` objects Any number of models to be combined. addweights : bool, optional If ``True``, add weighting factors to the combined model. These weighting factors can be used to adjust the contribution of each individual model to the combined model. The default is ``False``. Returns ------- combmodel : Model object The combined model. """ # Initialize empty containers subsets_nonlin,arguments,arelinear,lin_normalizations = [],[],[],[] nprev = 0 if len(inputmodels)==1: return inputmodels[0] # Make deep-copies of the models to avoid modifying them models = [deepcopy(model) for model in inputmodels] if addweights: for n,(model,nonlinfcn) in enumerate(zip(models,[model.nonlinmodel for model in models])): constants = [constant['argkey'] for constant in model._constantsInfo] signature = [] for param in model.signature: if param in constants: signature.append(param) else: if not np.any(getattr(model,param).linear): signature.append(param) signature.append('weight') def make_weighted_comb(nonlinfcn): def weighted_comb(*inputargs): weight = inputargs[-1] param = inputargs[:-1] return weight*nonlinfcn(*param) return weighted_comb constants = [entry['argkey'] for entry in model._constantsInfo] weightedModel = Model(make_weighted_comb(nonlinfcn),constants=constants,signature=signature) for name in model._parameter_list(order='vector'): if np.any(getattr(model,name).linear): weightedModel.addlinear(name,vec=len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,name).idx))) getattr(weightedModel,name).set(**_importparameter(getattr(model,name))) getattr(weightedModel,'weight').set(lb=0,par0=1,description='Weighting factor') models[n] = deepcopy(weightedModel) # Loop over all models to be combined for n,model in enumerate(models): # If one of the models has linear parameters, but not the others # add a dummy unity linear parameter if model.Nlin==0: model.addlinear('scale',par0=1,lb=0, description='Scaling factor') # Determine the subset of parameters for the current model subset = np.arange(nprev,nprev+model.Nnonlin,1) nprev += model.Nnonlin # From that subset, determine the non-linear subset subset_nonlin = subset[np.arange(model.Nnonlin)] subsets_nonlin.append(subset_nonlin) # Determine which parameters are linear arelinear = np.concatenate([arelinear,model._vecsort(model._getvector('linear'))]) lin_normalizations += [getattr(model,param).normalization for param in model._parameter_list() if hasattr(getattr(model,param),'normalization') ] newarguments = model._parameter_list(order='vector') # If there is more than one model, append a string to identify the origin if len(models)>1: newarguments = [arg+f'_{n+1}' for arg in newarguments] oldargs = models[n]._parameter_list(order='vector') i = 0 for oldkey,newkey in zip(oldargs,newarguments): if isinstance(getattr(model,oldkey).idx,np.ndarray): newarguments = np.insert(newarguments,i*np.ones(len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,oldkey).idx))-1,dtype=int),newkey).tolist() i += len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,oldkey).idx)) # Add the submodel arguments to the combined model signature arguments += newarguments # Preparation of the combined model signature arelinear = np.asarray(arelinear).astype(bool) arguments = np.array(arguments) lin_params = arguments[arelinear] nonlin_params = arguments[~arelinear] # Account for the constant arguments constants = [] const_subsets = [] for n,model in enumerate(models): subset = [] for info in model._constantsInfo: constants.append(f"{info['argkey']}_{n+1}") subset.append(len(constants)-1) const_subsets.append(subset) signature = np.insert(nonlin_params,0,constants).tolist() Nconst = len(constants) nonlinfcns = [model.nonlinmodel for model in models] Nlins = [model.Nlin for model in models] # Create the model object combinedModel = Model(partial(_combined_nonlinmodel,mode,nonlinfcns,Nlins,Nconst,arelinear,const_subsets,subsets_nonlin),constants=constants,signature=signature) # Add parent models combinedModel.parents = models if mode=='merge': # Add post-evalution function for splitting of the call outputs setattr(combinedModel,'_posteval_fcn',partial(_split_output,nonlinfcns,Nlins,Nconst,const_subsets,subsets_nonlin)) # Add the linear parameters from the subset models lin_param_set = [] for param, lin_normalization in zip(_unique_ordered(lin_params),lin_normalizations): lin_param_set.append({'name':param, 'vec':np.sum(lin_params==param), 'normalization':lin_normalization}) for lparam in lin_param_set: combinedModel.addlinear(lparam['name'], vec=lparam['vec'], normalization=lparam['normalization']) parameters = np.concatenate([arguments,lin_params]) # Import all parameter information from the subset models for name,param in zip(combinedModel._parameter_list(order='vector'),parameters): if '_' in name: param = name.rsplit('_',1)[0] n = name.rsplit('_',1)[-1] n = int(n)-1 else: param,n = name,0 getattr(combinedModel,name).set(**_importparameter(getattr(models[n],param))) # Return the new combined model object return combinedModel #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #==============================================================================================
[docs] def merge(*inputmodels,addweights=False): """ Create a multi-response model from multiple individual models. Parameters ---------- inputmodels : :ref:`Model` objects Model objects to be combined. If one of the models has no linear parameters, a linear scaling factor parameters will be added. The names of the ``N``-th input model parameter will be changed by a suffix ``_N`` in the new model. Example:: newmodel = merge(model1,model2) newmodel.parA_1 # Originally parA from model1 newmodel.parA_2 # Originally parA from model2 addweights : boolean, optional If true, the function will add a non-linear weight parameter for each model response even if the individual models have linear parameters. Returns ------- newmodel : :ref:`Model` New model object taking the combined parameter set and returning a list of model reponses correponding to each of the input models. """ return _combinemodels('merge',*inputmodels,addweights=addweights)
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[docs] def lincombine(*inputmodels,addweights=False): """ Create model whose response is a linear combination of multiple individual model responses. Parameters ---------- inputmodels : :ref:`Model` objects Model objects whose linear responses are to be linearly combined. If one of the models has no linear parameters, a linear scaling factor parameters will be added. The names of the ``N``-th input model parameter will be changed by a suffix ``_N`` in the new model. Example:: newmodel = lincombine(model1,model2) newmodel.parA_1 # Originally parA from model1 newmodel.parA_2 # Originally parA from model2 addweights : boolean, optional If true, the function will add a non-linear weight parameter for each model response even if the individual models have linear parameters. Returns ------- newmodel : :ref:`Model` New model object taking the combined parameter set and returning a response that is a linear combination of the input models. """ return _combinemodels('lincombine',*inputmodels,addweights=addweights)
#============================================================================================== # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _dependency_model_with_constants(function,nonlinfcn,constantsInfo,arguments_idx,dependent_idx,*inputargs): """ (Private function) A helper function that maps the input arguments of a model and calls the nonlinear function with the mapped arguments. This function is used to evaluate models that have dependencies between their parameters, where one parameter is defined in terms of another. Parameters ---------- function : callable The function defining the dependency between parameters. nonlinfcn : callable The nonlinear model function to be called with the mapped input arguments. constantsInfo : list A list of dictionaries containing information about the constants in the model. arguments_idx : ndarray An array of indices specifying which arguments of the nonlinear model function are arguments of the dependency function. dependent_idx : int The index of the dependent parameter in the input argument vector. *inputargs The input arguments of the model. Returns ------- A : array The model (design) matrix output of the nonlinear function with the mapped input arguments. """ # Redistribute the input parameter vector according to the mapping vector Nconstants = len(constantsInfo) constants = inputargs[:Nconstants] θ = np.atleast_1d(inputargs[Nconstants:]).astype(float) # Insert the output of the dependency function at the correct index θ = np.insert(θ,dependent_idx,function(*θ[arguments_idx])) # Build the list of arguments to be passed to the nonlinear function args = list(θ) if constantsInfo is not None: for info,constant in zip(constantsInfo,constants): args.insert(info['argidx'],constant) # Call the nonlinear function with the mapped arguments A = nonlinfcn(*args) return A # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #==============================================================================================
[docs] def relate(model,**functions): """ Create functional relationships between model parameters. Parameters ---------- model : :ref:`Model` Model object. functions : keyword-callable pairs Functions describing the relationship between parameters. The keyword represents the parameter which will be funtionalized. The keyword argument must be a callable function taking a number of model parameters (names must match any of the model parameter names) as input and returning the value to be assigned to the functionalized parameter. For example:: newmodel = relate(model, parA = lambda parB: 2*parB) will create a new model ``newmodel`` based on ``model`` where the parameter ``parA`` is now given by twice the value of parameter ``parB``. The model ``newmodel`` will no longer have ``parA`` as a model parameter and will have a parameter less than ``model``. Multiple parameters can be functionalized by specifying multiple keyword-callable pairs. Returns ------- newmodel : :ref:`Model` New model object without the functionalized parameters. """ def _relate(model,function,dependent_name): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get a list of parameter names in the model model_parameters =np.array(model._parameter_list(order='vector')) # Get the index of the parameter which will be made dependent dependent_idx = np.where(model_parameters==dependent_name) # Get the names and indices of the parameters taken by the dependent's function arguments_names = inspect.getfullargspec(function).args if dependent_name not in model_parameters: raise KeyError(f"The assigned parameter '{dependent_name}' is not a parameter of the input model.") if np.all(getattr(model,dependent_name).linear): raise TypeError(f"Linear parameters cannot be used.") for arg in arguments_names: if arg not in model_parameters: raise KeyError(f"The function argument '{arg}' is not a parameter of the input model.") if np.all(getattr(model,arg).linear): raise TypeError(f"Linear parameters cannot be used.") param_idx = 0 # Loop over all parameters in the model for param in model_parameters: Nidx = len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,param).idx)) # Update the index of the parameter in the new vector if not np.all(getattr(model,param).linear): getattr(model,param).idx = np.array(param_idx) else: getattr(model,param).idx = np.arange(param_idx,param_idx+Nidx) if param != dependent_name: param_idx += Nidx # If the parameter is to be linked... Nremove = len(np.atleast_1d(getattr(model,dependent_name).idx)) # Update the number of parameters in the model model.Nparam -= Nremove if np.all(getattr(model,dependent_name).linear): model.Nlin -= Nremove else: model.Nnonlin -= Nremove # Delete the linked parameter from the model delattr(model,dependent_name) # Monkey-patch the evaluation function nonlinfcn = model.nonlinmodel nonlinparams = np.array([param for param in model._parameter_list('vector') if not np.all(getattr(model,param).linear)]) arguments_idx = np.concatenate([np.where(nonlinparams==name)[0] for name in arguments_names]) dependent_idx = dependent_idx[0] # Redefine the non-linear part of the model function model.nonlinmodel = partial(_dependency_model_with_constants,function,nonlinfcn,model._constantsInfo,arguments_idx,dependent_idx) # Return the updated model with the linked parameters return model # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if not isinstance(model,Model): raise TypeError('The first argument must be a deerlab.Model object.') newmodel = deepcopy(model) # Get the dependent's names and their function arguments dependents = [dependent for dependent in functions] arguments = [inspect.getfullargspec(functions[dependent]).args for dependent in dependents] # Update the new model signature for arg in [item for sublist in arguments for item in sublist]: if arg in newmodel.signature: newmodel.signature.remove(arg) # Check and correct the order to of functionalization maxtrials = 2*len(dependents) # Run for a maximum number of trials for _ in range(maxtrials): # Loop over all dependent variables... for n,dependent in enumerate(dependents): # ...and check wheter there is a conflict with the other arguments for m in range(n,len(arguments)): # If a dependent is to be used as an argument later, there is a conflict conflict = dependent in arguments[m] if conflict: break if conflict: break else: # If there are no conflicts, proceed with the functionalization break # If there is a conflict, swap the order of the dependents and check again dependents[n],dependents[m] = dependents[m],dependents[n] arguments[n],arguments[m] = arguments[m],arguments[n] else: # If no solution could be found (due to cyclic relations), raise an error raise RuntimeError('There are cyclic relationships in the parameter definitions that could not be resolved.') # Loop over all parameter functionalizations... for dependent in dependents: # ...and functionalize them one by one newmodel = _relate(newmodel,functions[dependent],dependent) return newmodel