Source code for deerlab.noiselevel

# - Noise level estimator
# -----------------------------------------------
# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.

from numpy import isreal, std, mean, shape, atleast_1d
from deerlab.utils import movmean, der_snr
from deerlab.correctphase import correctphase
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
import warnings

[docs] def noiselevel(V,mode='der',*args): r""" Estimate the noise level in a dataset. Returns the standard deviation estimation of the noise in a given signal using different methods: * ``sigma = noiselevel(V,'der')``: Employs the DER_SNR [1] method for estimating the noise standard deviation. * ``sigma = noiselevel(V,'scans')``: If ``V`` is a 2D-dataset of different scans, the noise standard deviation is estimated from the deviations between scans. The second dimension of ``V2D`` must contain the different scans. The function returns the standard deviation of the averaged signal not of the individual scans. * ``sigma = noiselevel(V,'movmean',winsize)``: The noise level is estimated via filtering of the signal with a moving mean filter. The size ``winsize`` of the moving mean window must be specified as well. * ``sigma = noiselevel(V,'movmean',winsize,order)``: The noise level is estimated via filtering of the signal with a Savitzky-Golay filter. The window size ``winsize`` and polynomial order ``order`` must be specified as well. * ``sigma = noiselevel(V,'reference',Vref)``: If a reference model signal ``Vref`` is given, the noise level is estimated from the difference between both signals. * ``sigma = noiselevel(V,'complex')``: If the input signal ``V`` contains an imaginary component, the noise level is estimated form the imaginary component after phase optimization. Parameters ---------- V : array_like Input signal. Must be a real-valued 2D-matrix for the ``'scans'`` method. Otherwise it must be a real-valued 1D-array. method : string * ``'der'`` - Estimation via the DER_SNR method [1]. * ``'scans'`` - Estimation from deviations between scans. * ``'movmean'`` - Estimation from a moving mean filtered signal. * ``'savgol'`` - Estimation from a Savitzky-Golay filtered signal. * ``'reference'`` - Estimation from comparison with a reference signal. * ``'complex'`` - Estimation from phase-corrected imaginary part of a complex signal. The default is ``'der'``. winsize : scalar integer Filter window size order : scalar integer Savitzky-Golay polynomial order. Vref : array_like Reference dipolar signal. Vco : array_like Complex-valued dipolar signal. Returns ------- sigma : scalar Estimated noise standard deviation References ---------- .. [1] S. Czesla, T. Molle and J. H. M. M. Schmitt A posteriori noise estimation in variable data sets - With applications to spectra and light curves, A&A, 609 (2018) A39 """ V = atleast_1d(V) if mode == 'scans': if args: raise KeyError("For the 'der' method, no additional inputs are required.") if V.ndim!=2: raise KeyError("For the 'scans' method, the input signal must be a 2D-matrix.") # Estimate standard deviations for all time point, and average over scans if shape(V)[1] < 10: raise Warning('Only a few scans are given. Noise standard deviation estimate will be inaccurate.') sigma = std(V,1) sigma = mean(sigma) elif mode == 'movmean': # Filter the noise in the signal if args: if len(args)!=1: raise KeyError("For the 'movmean' method, only the windows size can be specified.") winsize = args else: raise KeyError("For the 'movmean' method, the windows size must be specified.") Vfilt = movmean(V,winsize) sigma = std(V - Vfilt) elif mode == 'savgol': # Filter the noise in the signal if args: if len(args)!=2: raise KeyError("For the 'savgol' method, only the size and order can be specified.") winsize,order = args else: raise KeyError("For the 'savgol' method, the size and order must be specified.") with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') Vfilt = savgol_filter(V,winsize,order) sigma = std(V - Vfilt) elif mode == 'complex': if all(isreal(V)): raise TypeError("For the 'complex' method, the input signal must be complex-valued.") # Optimize the phase of the signal _,Vim,_ = correctphase(V,full_output=True) # And estimate the noiselevel from the imaginary part sigma = std(Vim) elif mode == 'reference': if args: Vref = args[0] else: raise KeyError("For the 'reference' method, a reference signal must be provided.") if len(V) != len(Vref): raise TypeError('The input and reference signal must have the same number of elements.') sigma = std(V - Vref) elif mode == 'der': if args: raise KeyError("For the 'der' method, no additional inputs are required.") sigma = der_snr(V) return sigma