Source code for deerlab.profile_analysis

# - Likelihood/Objective function
# --------------------------------------------------
# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2 
from deerlab import fit
from deerlab import noiselevel,UQResult
import warnings 
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] def profile_analysis(model,y, *args, parameters='all', grids=None, samples=50, noiselvl=None, verbose=False,**kargs): r""" Profile likelihood analysis for uncertainty quantification This function performs a profile likelihood analysis to estimate the uncertainty of non-linear model parameters. The profile likelihood is defined as the maximum likelihood of a model given a fixed value of the parameter of interest. This function allows to specify the model parameters to profile, the number of samples to use to estimate the profile function, and the noise level of the datasets. Parameters ---------- model : :ref:`Model` Model object describing the data. All non-linear model parameters are profiled by default. y : array_like or list of array_like Experimental dataset(s). args : positional arguments Any other positional arguments to be passed to the ``fit`` function. See the documentation of the ``fit`` function for further details. parameters : string or list thereof Model parameters to profile. If set to ``'all'`` all non-linear parameters in the model are analyzed. samples : integer scalar Number of points to take to estimate the profile function. Ignored if ``grids`` is specified. grids : dict of array_like Grids of values on which to evaluate the profile for each parameter. Must be a dictionary of grids with keys corresponding to the names of the model parameters to be profiled. Overrides the ``samples`` argument. noiselvl : float, optional Noise level(s) of the datasets. If set to ``None`` it is determined automatically. verbose : boolean, optional Specifies whether to print the progress of the bootstrap analysis on the command window, the default is false. kargs : keyword-argument pairs Any other keyword-argument pairs to be passed to the ``fit`` function. See the documentation of the ``fit`` function for further details. Returns ------- profuq : dict of :ref:`UQResult` Dictionary containing the profile uncertainty quantification for each profiled non-linear model parameter. The respective parameter's results can be accessed via the model parameter name. """ if noiselvl is None: noiselvl = noiselevel(y) # Optimize the whole model to fit the data if verbose: print(f'Profile analysis routine started.') print(f'Performing full model fit...') fitresult = fit(model, y, *args, **kargs) # Prepare the statistical threshold function threshold = lambda coverage: noiselvl**2*chi2.ppf(coverage, df=1)/len(fitresult.residuals) + fitresult.cost if parameters=='all': parameters = model._parameter_list() elif not isinstance(parameters,list): parameters = [parameters] # Loop over all parameters in the model uqresults = {} for parameter in parameters: if np.any(getattr(model,parameter).linear): if verbose: print(f"Skipping linear parameter '{parameter}'.") uqresults[parameter] = None continue if getattr(model, parameter).frozen: if verbose: print(f"Skipping frozen parameter '{parameter}'.") uqresults[parameter] = None continue # Construct the values of the model parameter to profile if grids is None: start = np.maximum(getattr(model, parameter).lb, getattr(fitresult,parameter)-10*getattr(fitresult,f'{parameter}Uncert').std) stop = np.minimum(getattr(model, parameter).ub, getattr(fitresult,parameter)+10*getattr(fitresult,f'{parameter}Uncert').std) grid = np.linspace(start,stop,samples) else: grid = grids[parameter] if verbose: tqdm.write(f"Profiling model parameter '{parameter}':",end='') # Calculate the profile objective function for the parameter profile = np.zeros(len(grid)) for n,value in enumerate(tqdm(grid, disable=not verbose)): # Freeze the model parameter at current value getattr(model, parameter).freeze(value) # Optimize the rest with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") fitresult_ = fit(model, y, *args, **kargs) # Extract the objective function value profile[n] = fitresult_.cost # Unfreeze the parameter getattr(model, parameter).unfreeze() profile = {'x':np.squeeze(grid),'y':profile} uqresults[parameter] = UQResult('profile', data=getattr(fitresult,parameter), profiles=profile, threshold=threshold, noiselvl=noiselvl) uqresults[parameter].profile = uqresults[parameter].profile[0] return uqresults