Source code for deerlab.regoperator

# - Regularization Operators
# --------------------------------------------------
# This file is a part of DeerLab. License is MIT (see
# Copyright(c) 2019-2023: Luis Fabregas, Stefan Stoll and other contributors.

import numpy as np

[docs] def regoperator(r,d=2,includeedges=False): r""" Computes the discrete approximation to the derivative operators used as regularization operators. Parameters ---------- r : array_like with shape(n,) An array of distances, in nanometers d : int scalar, optional Derivative order, the default is 2. includeedges : boolean, optional Determines whether the first and last point of the distance range are included in the derivative. The default is False. Returns ------- L : ndarray with shape(n-2,n) Regularization operator (or finite-difference derivative operator). Notes ----- All finite-difference matrix elements are computed via Fornberg's method [1]_. Therefore, the resulting operator is agnostic with respect to the increments in the distance vector, allowing uniformly as well as non-uniformly spaced distance vectors. References ---------- .. [1] B. Fornberg, "Calculation of weights in finite difference formulas", SIAM Review 40 (1998), pp. 685-691. """ r = np.atleast_1d(r) # Length of axis n = len(r) # Construct finite difference matrix L = np.zeros((n-d,n)) # Compute non-zero finite forward difference coefficients via Fornberg's method for i in range(n-d): cols = np.arange(i,i+d+1,1) L[i,cols] = _fdcoeffF(d,r[i],r[cols]) # Introduce missing rows to account for edges of axis if includeedges: for __ in range(int(np.ceil(d/2))): L = np.concatenate([np.atleast_2d(np.append(L[0,1:],0)), L]) for __ in range(int(np.floor(d/2))): L = np.concatenate([L, np.atleast_2d(np.insert(L[-1,:-1],0,0))]) return L
def _fdcoeffF(k,xbar,x): """ Compute coefficients for finite difference approximation for the derivative of order k at xbar based on grid values at points in x. This function returns a row vector c oAf dimension 1 by n, where n=length(x), containing coefficients to approximate u^{(k)}(xbar), the k'th derivative of u evaluated at xbar, based on n values of u at x(1), x(2), ... x(n). If U is a column vector containing u(x) at these n points, then c*U will give the approximation to u^{(k)}(xbar). Note for k=0 this can be used to evaluate the interpolating polynomial itself. Requires length(x) > k. Usually the elements x(i) are monotonically increasing and x(1) <= xbar <= x(n), but neither condition is required. The x values need not be equally spaced but must be distinct. This program should give the same results as fdcoeffV.m, but for large values of n is much more stable numerically. Based on the program "weights" in B. Fornberg, "Calculation of weights in finite difference formulas", SIAM Review 40 (1998), pp. 685-691. Note: Forberg's algorithm can be used to simultaneously compute the coefficients for derivatives of order 0, 1, ..., m where m <= n-1. This gives a coefficient matrix C(1:n,1:m) whose k'th column gives the coefficients for the k'th derivative. In this version we set m=k and only compute the coefficients for derivatives of order up to order k, and then return only the k'th column of the resulting C matrix (converted to a row vector). This routine is then compatible with fdcoeffV. It can be easily modified to return the whole array if desired. From (2007) """ n = len(x) if k >= n: raise TypeError('Numer of elements in x must be larger than k') m = k c1 = 1 c4 = x[0] - xbar C = np.zeros((n,m+1)) C[0,0] = 1 for i in range(n-1): i1 = i+1 mn = min(i,m) c2 = 1 c5 = c4 c4 = x[i1] - xbar for j in range(i+1): j1 = j c3 = x[i1] - x[j1] c2 = c2*c3 if j==i: for s in range(mn+1,0,-1): s1 = s C[i1,s1] = c1*(s*C[i1-1,s1-1] - c5*C[i1-1,s1])/c2 C[i1,0] = -c1*c5*C[i1-1,0]/c2 for s in range(mn+1,0,-1): s1 = s C[j1,s1] = (c4*C[j1,s1] - s*C[j1,s1-1])/c3 C[j1,0] = c4*C[j1,0]/c3 c1 = c2 # Last column of c gives desired row vector c = C[:,-1] return c